
The Use of Borax in Deterring Flash Setting of High Calcium Fly Ash Based Geopolymer

Antoni, and WIJAYA, STEPHEN WIBIATMA and SATRIA, JUAN and SUGIARTO, AGUNG and Hardjito, Djwantoro (2016) The Use of Borax in Deterring Flash Setting of High Calcium Fly Ash Based Geopolymer. Materials Science Forum, 857 (2016). pp. 416-420. ISSN 1662-9752

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        Geopolymer that was made with high CaO content fly ash was found to have higher compressive strength than the low CaO fly ash, using the same mixture composition. This effect could be due to the physico-chemical properties of the fly ash, in respect to its particle size or the chemical composition. Although it was not widely published, the occurrence of flash setting of geopolymer was known to occur when using high CaO content fly ash as the precursor. Geopolymer paste may solidify within minutes after the addition of alkali activators, making it very difficult to cast in big volume. This paper investigate the effect of borax addition to the high calcium fly ash-based geopolymer mixture to reduce the occurrence of flash setting. It was found that the setting time can be extended significantly, with the addition of 5% borax, by mass, of fly ash. The addition of borax also have positive effect on increasing the compressive strength of geopolymer.

        Item Type: Article
        Additional Information: sudah terindex scopus
        Uncontrolled Keywords: flash setting, borax, geopolymer, high calcium, fly ash, admixture
        Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
        Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Civil Engineering Department
        Depositing User: Admin
        Date Deposited: 23 May 2016 05:38
        Last Modified: 05 Jul 2020 23:58
        URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/17735

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