
Darl Bundren's questioning his existence in Faulkner's As I Lay Dying

Dewi, Rica Sandra (2008) Darl Bundren's questioning his existence in Faulkner's As I Lay Dying. Bachelor thesis, Petra Christian University.

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As I Lay Dying as work of William Faulkner tells in fifty nine individual sections, the narration of the story shifts from one to another character, while most sections are narrated by members of the Bundren family named Darl. The main discussion of this thesis attempts to focus on the main character named Darl, who questions his existence. It is as seen in the novel As I Lay Dying by Faulkner, which build my curiosity to know about the problem of the major character that lead to the questioning of his own existence. I am curious to know the causes and the way Darl questions his existence. My purpose in this study is to find out the causes of Darl?s questioning his existence. I will conduct library research to find sources and data for the theory to support the evidences. I also use psychological approach to get a deeper analysis in the study. I use Abraham Maslow, Hierarchy of Needs to analyze the causes of Darl bundren questioning his existence. The causes why Darl questions his own existence are, he is unable to gratify his needs including safety need, belongingness and love need, self-esteem and also self-actualization although the first need, physiology needs has been gratified, it does not mean that Darl is able to gratify the higher needs. Moreover, because he is unable to gratify his needs, Darl questions his own existence

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: questioning existence, human needs, rejection
Depositing User: Admin
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2011 18:48
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2011 12:46
URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/13436

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