
Spiritual values in Kahlil Gibran's several poems, "On Eating and Drinking", "On Houses", "On Clothes"

Jaya, Micka Surya (2008) Spiritual values in Kahlil Gibran's several poems, "On Eating and Drinking", "On Houses", "On Clothes". Bachelor thesis, Petra Christian University.

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The Prophet is a book from Kahlil Gibran which gives a lot of explanation of spiritual values inside human problem. It is interesting to do a research on that because spiritual values; therefore, the thesis writer would like to know the description of spiritual values in several poems in The Prophet. The thesis writer uses literary approach namely figure of speech as well as definition of spiritual values in the supporting theory. The thesis writer uses three poems, which give descriptions of spiritual values Kahlil Gibran?s The Prophet. In the first poem "On Eating and Drinking", the thesis writer finds out that for Kahlil Gibran eating and drinking are an act of worship to the higher power. The spiritual value in the next poem, "On Houses", is that people shall imagine that their houses are places where they shall keep peace, nice memory and inner beauty rather than material values, which trap them in emptiness. Then, the spiritual value in the last poem, "On Clothes", is that clothes only cover human body; therefore, people shall wear purity and modesty in their life rather than prosperity, which leads them to fear.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: worship, sacrifice, nature, spiritual, values
Depositing User: Admin
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2011 18:48
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2011 12:44
URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/13443

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