
Pembuatan Aplikasi Kompresi Image dengan Metode Fast Discrete Cosine Transform

Liliana, and BINTORO, ANDY FEBRICO and Sandjaja, Iwan Njoto (2012) Pembuatan Aplikasi Kompresi Image dengan Metode Fast Discrete Cosine Transform. In: Seminar Nasional Komputer dan Elektro 2012, 10-03-2012 - 10-03-2012, Surakarta - Indonesia.

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    The development of digital imaging on a fast digital cameras require greater storage utilization for a given image. The resulting quality is better, but also create new problems which the amount of storage required. With greater storage, data exchange is also increasingly difficult. The facilities provided were usually limit the storage to exchange data, even without the restriction would be quite troublesome in the exchange of data. It required a compression method which can minimize the use of storage but also still maintain image resolution and quality image. Compression is a way to overcome this problem. Image compression is generally divided into two kinds, lossless compression and lossy compression. The method is usually used in standard JPEG is a lossy compression that is by eliminating some image information and exploit weaknesses in the tolerance of the human eye to color. Programs that are created using lossy image compression and after the test successfully met the standard JPEG, fast in terms of computation and produces good output. This program uses computational algorithms and optimization fDCT other so that the computing speed is faster than usual. Tests conducted by IJG and the results made programs more quickly in terms of computation, while the resulting quality of compression is inversely proportional to the desired data.

    Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
    Uncontrolled Keywords: Compression, Image Processing, DCT, fDCT, YUV, Discrete Cosine Transform, Quantization, Digital Camera.
    Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
    Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Informatics Engineering Department
    Depositing User: Admin
    Date Deposited: 05 Nov 2012 17:41
    Last Modified: 05 Nov 2012 17:41
    URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/15816

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