Mediastika, Christina Eviutami and Nurdiah, Esti Asih and Julistiono, Eunike Kristi (2014) Enhancing Private Open Spaces in Indonesian Cities: Preparing Children as Future Change Agents. Proceeding of Second Urban International Conference on Cities, People, and Places, 2 (na). pp. 1-378. ISSN ISBN 2345-9530
House expansion in many Indonesian housing has triggered lack of private open space and thus lack of rainwater absorption space. This causes inundation and flood during rainy season. Earlier research showed that housing expansion was driven by increasing of family member which supported by increasing of family income. House owners’ awareness of private OS was sufficient, but their knowledge was limited. Awareness alone is not enough to fix the problem. In addition, directly repair OS deficiency that has happened today is not practical. Thus, assigning the younger generation to become an agent in fixing this problem is an ideal concept. A program using fun-learning methods, such as creating mockups is planned. Approximately 770 students participated in this program and this study concluded that children absorb the knowledge well and expected to be excellent future change agents in improving the quality of their places and cities. This is demonstrated by the very alive discussion and the mockups that fulfilled what has been taught. Seventy percent was designed in well condition (ie. OS availability, vegetation, and windows for air circulation and natural lighting) and 20% was designed in excellence with creative and unique OS and building's facade.
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