Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Gunadi, Kartika and WIBOWO, DENNY ALEXANDER (2015) Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling Courses. In: 4th ICSIIT 2015, 11-03-2015 - 14-03-2015, Denpasar - Indonesia.
In the university, college students must be register for their classes, and there still many college student that was confused on how to make a good classes schedule for themselves. Mainly because of many variables and consid-erations to be made, for examples, they have to consider how hard the classes they are going to take, and also, they still have to consider their exam schedules and also their availability time as well. Genetic Algorithm is one of many meth-ods that can be used to create a schedule. This method determines the best sched-ule using fitness cost calculation which can compare the quality of one schedule against the other. Then, using crossover, mutation, and elitism selections, we can determine better schedules. Based on the result of the survey held before, 70% of the respondents gave point 4 and 30% of the respondents gave point 5 out of 5 for the quality of the schedule made using this applications.
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