Mintorogo, Danny Santoso and Arifin, Lilianny Sigit and Canadarma, Wanda Widigdo and Juniwati, Anik (2015) Historical Old �Kampung� Toward Sustainable Green and Clean Habitat. In: The International Joint Conference SENVAR-iNTA-AVAN 2015 �Wisdom of the Tropics: Past, Present and F, 24-11-2015 - 24-11-2015, Johor - Malaysia.
The rapid develoment of modern city was not totally achieved by hundreds of old dwellings within it. Old settlements and residences, which are settled side-by-side, consisting of small-sized houses called �Kampung�, keep making a better living environment and socio-economical condition, even accomplishing creative remarkable programs toward green and clean sustainable habitats. These programs come from the Aga Khan Award for Architecture called �Kampung Improvement Programme [KIP] on 1968-1993, C-KIP (1995-2003) and Surabaya�s Government Green and Clean competition creativity agenda from 2005 to now. This paper explores the objective and the spectacular programs on old kampungs. Each kampung participated in achieving the highest award by introducing many programs such as planting greenaries and fruits, recycling dry and wet wastes, producing greenary gas and eco-friendly fertilizer, filtering and reusing grey water, and planting medical plants as well as conducting waste bank in order to increase the sosio-economic activity in the kampung by stimulating people to collect and separate daily wastes
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