Wijaya, Serli and King, Brian and Alison, Morrison and Thu, Huong Nguyen (2017) Destination Encounters With Local Food: The Experience of International Visitors in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED]
Increasing numbers of visitors are seeking out culinary experiences when travelling overseas. Food can enhance the destination experience, giving physiological sustenance and providing opportunities to learn about destination cultures through direct encounters with local cuisines. However, engaging with novel local food might arouse certain visitor expectations, particularly among those who have not visited previously. This study aimed to identify international visitor preconceptions of local Indonesian food and the underlying factors influencing expectations prior to their in-country experi- ence of dining on local food. A questionnaire-based survey that was administered to 349 interna- tional visitors identified seven factors underlying their expectations: staff quality, sensory attributes, food uniqueness, local servicescapes, food authenticity, food familiarity, and food variety. A number of significantly different dining expectations were also highlighted between first-time and repeat visitors.
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