ILONA, GABRIELA and Anastasia, Njo (2018) Determinan Perilaku Keuangan Sehari-hari Masyarakat Indonesia. In: Seminar Nasional Manajemen 3, 04-10-2018 - 04-10-2018, Surabaya - Indonesia.
Humans are homo economicus who must manage their own finances in various ways. Each individual is a unique person and has different socio-demographic profile. Those differences cause each individual to have different tendency in his/her daily financial behavior. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the socio-demographic variables, namely age, gender, education and income affect the determinants of daily financial behavior of people in Indonesia. Determinants of daily financial behavior are anxiety, interest in financial issues, intuitive decisions, need for precautionary saving and free-spending. Respondents from the study amounted to 168 people from several major cities in Indonesia. The results of the study show that anxiety, interest in financial issues and free-spending are the daily financial behavior of people in Indonesia. The OLS test results show that socio-demographic variables, namely age, gender, education and income affect the determinants of daily financial behavior.
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