
The Benefit of Wind Distribution Analysis for Coastal Construction Design in East Java Province

Hermawan, Surya and Purnomo, Joko and Tjandra, Daniel (2018) The Benefit of Wind Distribution Analysis for Coastal Construction Design in East Java Province. In: ESTIC 2018, 29-08-2018 - 29-08-2018, Padang - Indonesia.

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    To create a safe and durable coastal structures design, a comprehensive data including minimum, maximum, and significant sea wave’s height are needed. Normally, to obtain such massive data, engineers need to elaborate specialized consultant to carry out direct measurement on site, which typically consumes enormous financial resources and involves exceptionally rare experts. In such case, engineers can use a set of 10 to 20 years wind data as a substitution. The suggested duration is expected to ensure that the set of data has sufficient information, which includes extreme wind speed and its fluctuation along the respective years. Therefore, it is common to adopt available data at the nearest wind stations, such as airports and harbors, to estimate the wind features on site. This paper presents a normative wind speed distribution model based on 16 years’ wind data at a location obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric U.S. Department of Commerce (NOAA). The outcomes of the research show that the maximum sea wave height prediction in Sidoarjo Regency East Java with respect to analytical and graphical method are 0,465 m and 0,840 m, respectively. The results are considered satisfactorily reliable to be used as primary data to design coastal structures.

    Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
    Uncontrolled Keywords: wind distribution analysis, coastal construction design, East Java, Indonesia
    Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
    Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Civil Engineering Department
    Depositing User: Admin
    Date Deposited: 19 Nov 2018 22:30
    Last Modified: 12 Feb 2019 14:28
    URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/18114

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