Anastasia, Njo and WIRATAMA, IRVAN and Narsa, I Made (2018) The Family Life Cycle Difference in Dual Motive Property Decision. In: 2018 Asian Real Estate Society Annual International Conference , 11-07-2018 - 11-07-2018, Incheon - Korea.
The purpose of this research is to determine the difference between rational factors and irrational factors underlying dual motives in property decision based on a family life-cycle. The independent variables used in this study are rational factors and irrational factor. The variables used to measure rational factors are physical, location, environment, and financial. Correspondingly, the irrational factors are psychology, emotion, intuition and socialisation variables. The dependent used in this study is dual motives, hence consumption and investment motives. The two data samples studied are younger couple and midlife household. The method of analysis used is a non-parametric test, which compares the differences between the two independent groups. As a result, this research bears three findings: the first implies that physical, environment, intuition, and socialisation significantly differentiate dual motives based on family life-cycle. Second, the study suggests that physical and socialisation significantly separate dual motives by younger couple. The last finding implies that no factors significantly distinguish dual motives in midlife household.
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