
The Effects of the white blindness in Jose Saramago's blindness

, Andreas (2009) The Effects of the white blindness in Jose Saramago's blindness. Bachelor thesis, Petra Christian University.

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This study aims at discussing and finding the effects of the white blindness towards the characters in Saramago?s Blindness. To discover the effects of the white blindness, I will use literary approach by means of conflicts and characterization. The characters that will be analyzed deemed to be affected by the white blindness are the doctor, the doctor?s wife, the girl with dark glasses, the wife of the first blind man, the leader of hoodlums, and the old man with the black eye patch. As a result, there will be four effects of the white blindness; they are status and role disruptions, resisting women, marriage betrayal, and stealing and banditry.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: white blindness, effects, resisting women, betrayal, stealing, banditry, disruptions
Depositing User: Admin
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2011 18:48
Last Modified: 31 Mar 2011 21:27
URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/2822

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