
Customer dissatisfaction in XYZ Company domestic division

Pantouw, Minggo Sentosa and Chandra, Budiono (2004) Customer dissatisfaction in XYZ Company domestic division. Bachelor thesis, Petra Christian University.

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The writer decided to take his internship in a forwarding company. It turns out that there is a problem in the XYZ Company. After the writer did some survey, observation, and interview with the research subject, the writer finds a problem which is happened in XYZ Company. The problem is about dissatisfaction of customers. Through this report the writer wants to answer the question why the customers? dissatisfaction happens in XYZ Company especially in its domestic division. After the writer discussed about the reason why dissatisfaction happens then the writer will give solution for the company to solve the problem. But to give solution for this problem the writer presents some theories like customer satisfaction, consumer behavior, globalization, and there are many others to back up his own solution which already suited with the condition in the working place.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: forwarding company, dissatisfaction customer, globalization
Depositing User: Admin
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2011 18:48
Last Modified: 30 Mar 2011 11:54
URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/7273

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