
Managing the display strategy: as part of promotion strategy at a multinational electronics company

Rosalin, Helen and Fadjarto, Robert (2004) Managing the display strategy: as part of promotion strategy at a multinational electronics company. Bachelor thesis, Petra Christian University.

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Most of the fashion and food industries understand and believe that the display strategy is very important for their business. Now, the electronics industries are starting to find out whether the display strategy is also applicable in the electronics industry or not. There is big confusion about the definition of display strategy, the importance of having display strategy in their promotion strategy. Even now, the implementations of display strategy in multinational electronics industry still blur. The Authors use descriptive research as the research method, supported with the primary and secondary data from the observation, interview, and questionnaire. In the research process, the Authors find out that price and technology / features are the main consideration from the customers in buying electronics products. Besides that, see and try the product first are very important in buying decision of customers. The display strategy, especially the effective display strategy can increase the exposure of the products, thus increase the attractiveness and willingness of the customers to see and to buy the products. The implementation of display strategy will increase the sales performance of the company and at the same time the display strategy will strengthen the promotion activities of the company. The company should implement the effective display strategy. Since the implementation of the display strategy in the multinational electronics company can be nationally or globally, thus, the company needs to make standardized guidelines about the implementation of the display strategy.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: multinational electronic company, display strategy, promotion strategy, the company
Depositing User: Admin
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2011 18:48
Last Modified: 30 Mar 2011 11:48
URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/7336

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