
The study of the consonants produced by a three - year - old hearing - impaired child

Santoso, Natalia (2002) The study of the consonants produced by a three - year - old hearing - impaired child. Bachelor thesis, Petra Christian University.

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This study tries to find out how a hearing-impaired child (the Subject) acquires the sounds of his language (more specifically the consonants): What consonants he can produce in all positions (initial, medial, and final) and what consonants he cannot. This study is conducted on the basis of Anton moeliono?s work (Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia) and Wolfram and Johnson (phonological Analysis).In his book, he mentions that phonological process is the result of using speech sound incorrectly. Hearing-impaired children have difficulty in producing sounds, like consonants and vowels. Bahasa Indonesia has twenty-three consonants and six vowels. Hearing-impaired children have more difficulty in producing consonants than vowels, so the writer only analyzes the twenty-three consonants. This is a descriptive study, aimed at finding out what Indonesian consonants can and cannot be produced by the subject in all positions, i.e. initially, medially, and finally. Other related studies, which deal in supra-segmental phonemes in Indonesian, phonological process and language acquisition are also referred in analyzing the data. The data are collected by recording the subject?s spontaneous speech. Finally, this study finds that there are three categories of consonants. First of all, the consonants that are found in all positions, i.e. initially, medially, and finally. Secondly, the consonants occur in one or two positions only. Finally, the consonants that are not found. A hearing-impaired speaker sometimes drops a consonant in a certain position or uses another consonant in the place of the intended one. There are seven consonants, that cannot be produced by the subject or not found because the apparently the sounds are not yet in his repertoire. The inability of the subject to produce a certain sound at a certain position may be the result of either the age of the subject, three-year-old or the hearing problem.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: children, phonology, language, consonants
Depositing User: Admin
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2011 18:48
Last Modified: 29 Mar 2011 21:03
URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/8331

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