
The Value of Listening and Affective Factors in Managing People in 4.o

Rini, Julia Eka (2019) The Value of Listening and Affective Factors in Managing People in 4.o. In: International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities , 05-10-2019 - 05-10-2019, Surabaya - Indonesia.

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      In an era where people are bombarded with continuous streams of information, it is now difficult to differentiate which news is true and which one is a hoax, which actually manipulates affective factors to manage people to believe it. This situation brings about two points that are worth paying attention to in dealing with people. First, with the quick spread of abundant information, it is as if people are forced to listen to anything these days and, therefore, lack of being listened to. Second, if affective factors are so easily manipulated for negative purposes, they can surely be cultivated for good purposes also. Therefore, listening and paying attention to affective factors in managing people could be the usual strategy to achieve an unusual result. This paper would give examples of what a teacher can do in a classroom or a manager in a company.

      Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
      Additional Information: Cek Plagiat ada di bagian bawah makalah yang ditulis merah. Cek plagiat dilakukan oleh editor web of conference, karena itu file paper dan cek plagiat sama.
      Uncontrolled Keywords: good purpose, maximum result, people-oriented, positive, process
      Subjects: H Social Sciences
      Divisions: Faculty of Letter > English Department
      Depositing User: Admin
      Date Deposited: 02 May 2020 14:24
      Last Modified: 10 Jul 2020 18:14
      URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/18817

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