Items where Subject is "H Social Sciences"
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,, GREGORIOS RONALD and Semuel, Hatane (2022) Effects of Profitability towards Enterprise Value with Corporate Social Responsibility Performance and Brand Value as Mediating Variables. [UNSPECIFIED] AALODIA, ISSABELLA and Atmadja, Adwin Surja (2018) The effect of firm-characteristics and corporate governance on corporate social responsibility and future firm performance. In: The 1st International Conference on Economics, Business, Accounting and Management (ICEBAM), 18-12-2018 - 18-12-2018, Sidoarjo - Indonesia. AVRILIA, STEFANIE and Yusuf, Vanessa (2023) MEDIA AND PROMOTION STRATEGY FOR JALIN GENIS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN DIGITAL ERA. In: International Conference On Media And Communications (ICMC) In Southeast Asia 2023, 08-03-2023 - 08-03-2023, Surabaya - Indonesia. Adiasih, Priskila and Hatane, Saarce Elsye (2017) PENGARUH CUSTOMER’S PERCEIVED VALUE TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KINERJA PERUSAHAAN. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, 10 (1). pp. 35-42. ISSN ISSN 1907-235X Agustin, Dyan and Anggriani, Niniek and Yong, Sherly De and M.Ds, ARDIAN JAYA PRASETYA, S.T., and MT, Dr. Farida Pulansari, ST. (2022) Changes in the Intensity of Flat Communal Spaces in the New Normal Era of Pandemic COVID-19 (Case Study of Penjaringan Sari Surabaya Flats). [UNSPECIFIED] Anastasia, Njo and Linawati, Nanik (2024) Storytelling untuk Pembelajaran Keuangan Sejak Usia Dini. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and GUNARDI, ALBERTUS RAYMOND and ELIM, MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER (2021) Pengaruh Service Recovery terhadap Customer Satisfaction Penumpang Maskapai Penerbangan Internasional di Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and RISTANTO, FEBRY (2019) THE ANALYSIS OF THE MODERATING EFFECTS OF TOURISM ATTRACTION ON THE CORRELATION OF TRAVEL CONSTRAINTS AND REVISIT INTENTION Case Study: Tourist of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research ; Proceedings of the 1st International Conference One Belt, One Road, One Tourism (ICOBOROT 2018), volume (NA). pp. 50-54. ISSN 978-94-6252-879-6 Andilas, Devi Destiani and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and MM, Dr. (Cand) Rismawati br Sitepu and , Ali Raza (2020) The Correlation between Community Engagement and Capability Building Through Outbound Activities of Karang Taruna Members at Bencireng Kebontunggul, Mojokerto, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and Wijaya, Serli and Setiawan, Rudy and Juniwati, Anik (2020) PEMETAAN POTENSI WISATA DAN PERENCANAAN PENGEMBANGAN DESA JARAK KEC. WONOSALAM, KAB. JOMBANG. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and Juniwati, Anik and Wijaya, Serli and Setiawan, Rudy (2021) PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN PAKET WISATA SEBAGAI UPAYA PEMBERDAYAAN MASYRARAKAT GUNA PENGEMBANGAN WISATA DESA JARAK. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and Juniwati, Anik and Wijaya, Serli and Setiawan, Rudy (2020) Pelatihan Pembuatan Paket Wisata Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyrarakat Guna Pengembangan Wisata Desa Jarak. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and RISTANTO, FEBRY (2018) THE ANALYSIS OF THE MODERATING EFFECTS OF TOURISM ATTRACTION ON THE CORRELATION OF TRAVEL CONSTRAINTS AND REVISIT INTENTION Case Study: Tourist of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. In: One Belt One Road One Tourism, 24-11-2018 - 24-11-2018, Palembang - Indonesia. Ardianti, R.R. Retno and Atmadja, Adwin Surja (2021) Nevertheless, she persisted! Entrepreneurial career outcomes of women who switch to self-employment during the crises. In: the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 03-08-2021 - 03-08-2021, New York - USA. Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2019) The Beginner Voters in The Thick of Attack on Political Advertising. In: Internatioal Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities 2019, 27-06-2019 - 27-06-2019, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2018) GAYA RETORIKA PASANGAN KANDIDAT CAGUB & CAWAGUB DKI DALAM ACARA DEBAT POLITIK. [UNSPECIFIED] Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2016) Iklan Politik Sebagai Media Komunikasi Kandidat Dalam Kontestasi Politik Lokal ( Studi Analisis Isi Terhadap Iklan Politik Para Kandidat Calon Bupati & Wakil Bupati Sidoarjo Dalam Pilkada Serentak 2015). In: International Conference Of Communication, Industry, and Community . Bali 3-4 Maret 2016, 04-08-2016 - 04-08-2016, Bali - Indonesia. Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2020) Opini Pemilih Pemula Surabaya Terhadap Iklan Politik Para Kandidat di Pilkada. [UNSPECIFIED] Aritonang, Agusly Irawan and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit (2014) POTRET PESAN KAMPANYE DALAM PEMBERITAAN MEDIA (Studi Analisis Isi Surat Kabar Harian Jawa Pos, Surya dan Koran Sindo tentang pesan kampanye Pilkada Cagub/Cawagub Jatim 2013 ). In: Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi 2014, 11-03-2014 - 13-03-2014, Batam - Indonesia. Aritonang, Agusly Irawan and Yoanita, Desi and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander (2018) Citizen Journalism Based On Website for Digital Literacy. In: International Conference on Educational Science and Training 2018, 14-08-2018 - 14-08-2018, Padang - Indonesia. Aritonang, Agusly Irawan and Yoanita, Desi and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander (2019) Content Analysis of Journalistic Photo about Election Day in [UNSPECIFIED] Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2013) Bijak Berkomunikasi di Situs Jejaring Sosial: Tinjauan Etika dan Kebijakan Komunikasi. InterAct, 2 (2). pp. 47-56. ISSN 22524630 Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2018) Emak Emak Yang Turun Gelanggang. Emak Emak Yang Turun Gelanggang. Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2023) Media Sosial sebagai Medium Aktivisme Digital (Studi terhadap Akun Instagram @GejayanMemanggil sebagai Medium Aktivisme Digital). Kontekstual : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi , 2 (2). pp. 103-114. ISSN 2962-4169 Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2024) Metaverse dan NFT sebagai Budaya Digital: Persepsi, Interaksi, dan Adopsi Metaverse dan NFT di antara Generasi Milenial. Kontekstual, 3 (2). pp. 61-71. ISSN 2962-4169 Aritonang, Agusly Irawan and Luhukay, Marsefio Sevyone (2012) REPRESENTATION OF LIVING VALUES IN BATAK TRADITIONAL SONGS. In: International Communication and Cultural Conference, 21-11-2012 - 22-11-2012, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Aritonang, Agusly Irawan and Yoanita, Desi and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander (2019) Content Analysis of Journalistic Photo about Election Day in In: International Conference On Multidisciplinary Innovations and Research : ICMIR 2019 Research , 23-11-2019 - 23-11-2019, Kuala Lumpur - MAlaysia. Atmadja, Adwin Surja and Sharma, Parmendra and Su, Jen Je (2019) Does microcredit empower micro-entrepreneurs? Empirical evidence from Indonesia. Social Business, 9 (2). pp. 157-182. ISSN 2044-9860 Atmadja, Adwin Surja and Sharma, Parmendra and Su, Jen Je (2018) Microfinance and microenterprise performance in Indonesia: an extended and updated survey. [UNSPECIFIED] Atmadja, Adwin Surja and Su, Jen Je and Sharma, Parmendra (2016) Examining the impact of microfinance on microenterprise performance (implications for women-owned microenterprises in Indonesia). International Journal of Social Economics, 43 (10). pp. 962-981. ISSN 0306-8293 Atmadja, Adwin Surja and Su, Jen Je and Sharma, Parmendra (2018) Micro-entrepreneurs� Subjective Wellbeing: Does loan enhance happiness? In: 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, 12-01-2018 - 12-01-2018, Bangkok - Thailand. Azaria, Sally (2022) Christian Youth Preferences in Interfaith Marriage: A Study Case in Surabaya, Indonesia. In: The 4th International Conference on Law, Social Sciences and Education (ICLSSE) 2022, 28-10-2022 - 28-10-2022, Singaraja - Indonesia. Azaria, Sally (2022) Constructing national identity and ethnic identity to children: A study case of Chinese Indonesian parents in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Azaria, Sally (2022) Cyberbullying for Chinese Indonesian Youth: The Impacts and The Coping Strategies. In: The Third International Conference on Social Science, Humanity and Public Health, 06-11-2022 - 06-11-2022, Banyuwangi - Indonesia. Azaria, Sally (2023) Cyberbullying for Chinese Indonesian Youth: The Impacts and The Coping Strategies. [UNSPECIFIED] Azaria, Sally (2022) Chinese Indonesian Youth National Identity: Description and Construction. In: International Conference on Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia Studies, 27-11-2022 - 27-11-2022, Bandung - Indonesia. Azaria, Sally (2022) Chinese Indonesian Youth National Identity: Description and Construction. In: International Conference on Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia Studies, 27-11-2022 - 27-11-2022, Bandung - Indonesia. Azaria, Sally (2022) Chinese Indonesian Youth National Identity: Description and Construction. In: International Conference on Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia Studies, 27-11-2022 - 27-11-2022, Bandung - Indonesia. Azaria, Sally (2022) Chinese Indonesian Youth National Identity: Description and Construction. In: International Conference on Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia Studies, 27-11-2022 - 27-11-2022, Bandung - Indonesia. Azaria, Sally (2023) Christian Youth Preferences in Interfaith Marriage: A Study Case in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] BBARAMULI, SAVERO MARCELLO and Remiasa, Marcus (2022) PENGARUH FOOD QUALITY DAN SERVICE QUALITY TERHADAP CUSTOMER SATISFACTION DAN DAMPAKNYA PADA CUSTOMER LOYALTY RESTORAN ALL YOU CAN EAT (STUDI PADA RESTORAN KAKKOII SURABAYA). In: Call For Paper FMI 2022 Bali, 27-10-2022 - 27-10-2022, BALI - Indonesia. BENITA, ELVIRA and TEGUH, GERALDY PRATAMA and Proboyo, Adelina (2023) The Moderation Role of Subjective Norm on Apple iPhone Purchase Intention: A Study on Generation Z Consumers in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] BURNAMA, GLANDY and Krisdinanto, Nanang and Yoanita, Desi (2014) Stereotyping Risma: Pembingkaian Sosok Tri Rismaharini di Majalah Detik dan Tempo. Scriptura, 4 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1978-385X Basuki, Ribut and Limanta, Liem Satya and Setiawan, Dwi and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) The effects of the roles of actors to audience satisfaction through technology acceptance model (TAM) in social media during pandemic era. [UNSPECIFIED] Basuki, Ribut and Setiawan, Dwi and Riyanto, Theophilus Joko and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2020) The Effect of Time Management in Shadow Puppet Performance on the Audience Satisfaction. [UNSPECIFIED] Basuki, Ribut and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Siagian, Hotlan and Limanta, Liem Satya and Setiawan, Dwi and , Jenny Mochtar (2022) The effects of perceived ease of use, usefulness, enjoyment and intention to use online platforms on behavioral intention in online movie watching during the pandemic era. [UNSPECIFIED] Brahmana, Rayenda Khresna and Kopong, Simon and Brahmana, Ritzky Karina M.R. (2015) OPTIMISM AND CONSUMPTION: PSYCHOLOGICAL COSTS OF MALAYSIA-SULU DISPUTE. ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY, Vol. 8 (No 4). pp. 225-240. ISSN ISSN 2306-3459 Online, ISSN 2071-789X Print Brahmana, Ritzky Karina M.R. and Brahmana, Rayenda Khresna (2016) Psychological factors of impulsive savings traits: survey carried out in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. International Journal of Happiness and Development, 3 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2049-2804 Brahmana, Rayenda Khresna and Brahmana, Ritzky Karina M.R. (2017) THE FINANCIAL PLANNING AND FINANCIAL LITERACY OF EX-MALAYSIA INDONESIAN MIGRANT WORKERS. ACTA OECONOMICA PRAGENSIA ČESKY ENGLISH Scientific journal of the University of Economics, Prague, 24 (5). pp. 47-59. ISSN 0572-3043 Brahmana, Ritzky Karina M.R. (2017) When Storytelling Attracts Love, Mood and Perceived Enjoyment that Triggered Purchase Intention for Products in Korean Drama. In: The 1st UNICEB (Unimed International Conference on Economics and Bussiness), 12-12-2017 - 12-12-2017, Medan - Indonesia. Budiana, Daniel and Wahjudianata, Megawati (2017) Pesan Moral Dalam Film Anak Indonesia Terlaris 2007-2015. Scriptura, 6 (2). pp. 82-87. ISSN 1978-385X Budiana, Daniel (2019) A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF WOMAN AND VIOLENCE IN INDONESIA MODERN CINEMA. In: The 5th World Conference on Media and Mass Communication , 07-04-2019 - 07-04-2019, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia. CCITRANINGSIH, ANGELIA and , Bernadette Dian Arini Mear, SS.N and Natadjaja, Listia (2021) DiBISAlitas: Prestasi Tanpa Batas. 1 . Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-52-8 Christianna, Aniendya (2020) JAVANESE WOMEN HIBRIDITY: POSTCOLONIAL STUDY OF NYONYA MULUK IN DAMAR KURUNG PAINTINGS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL CREATIVE AND ARTS STUDIES, 7 (1). pp. 33-48. ISSN p-ISSN 2339-191X e-ISSN 2406-9760 Christianna, Aniendya (2017) MENEBAR BENIH KEBENCIAN MELALUI VISUALISASI ‘BANCI’ KARTUN BENNY DAN MICE. LAKON JURNAL KAJIAN SASTRA DAN BUDAYA, 1 (1). p. 1. ISSN 2527-4899 Christianna, Aniendya (2023) Masmundari dalam Penindasan Berlapis: Seniman Perempuan, Lansia, Kriya dan Seni Rakyat. Masmundari dalam Penindasan Berlapis: Seniman Perempuan, Lansia, Kriya dan Seni Rakyat. Christianna, Aniendya (2018) PERCERAIAN AHOK DALAM PERSPEKTIF GENDER. PERCERAIAN AHOK DALAM PERSPEKTIF GENDER. Christianna, Aniendya (2021) SIMBOL SIMBOL NIRSADAR SRI ASIH. SIMBOL SIMBOL NIRSADAR SRI ASIH. Christianna, Aniendya (2018) THE AESTHETIC OF DAMAR KURUNG PAINTING. In: ARTESH-INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ART FOR TECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES , 02-12-2018 - 02-12-2018, Bandung - Indonesia. Christianna, Aniendya (2017) Textual Analysis of Indonesia’s Identity in Instagram. SAINTEK, 14 (1). p. 28. ISSN 1693-8917 Christianna, Aniendya (2018) The Representation Of Javanese Women In Damar Kurung Painting – Gresik. MUDRA JURNAL SENI BUDAYA, 33 (3). pp. 295-301. ISSN P-ISSN : 0854-3461 E-ISSN : 2541-0407 Christianna, Aniendya and Saidi, Acep Iwan and M.Sn., Dr. Riama Maslan Sihombing, and Art., Dr. Nuning Yanti Damayanti, Dipl. (2024) Coastal Settlements and Javanese Vernacular Art: A Historical and Cultural Analysis of Damar Kurung Gresik in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Christianna, Aniendya and Salamoon, Daniel Kurniawan (2015) Masculinity Representation In Anime (Semiotic Analysis About The Representation Of Masculinity In Tiger And Bunny Anime). In: The 3rd International Conference on Creative Industry, 11-08-2015 - 11-08-2015, Surabaya - Indonesia. Christianna, Aniendya and Wibowo, Mariana and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna (2020) Empowering Women through Batik Training in Dollys Ex-Localization Area. [UNSPECIFIED] Christianna, Aniendya and Wibowo, Mariana and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna (2020) Representation of the Social Dynamics of Ex-Localization Communities in Dolly Batik, Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Christianna, Aniendya and Wulandari, Dian (2015) PEMBERDAYAAN PUSTAKAWAN TAMAN BACA MASYARAKAT DALAM MEWUJUDKAN SURABAYA KOTA LITERASI BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL PERAN STRATEGIS SENI DAN BUDAYA DALAM MEMBANGUN KOTA KREATIF, 29-10-2015 - 29-10-2015, MALANG - INDONESIA. DDamajanti, Maria Nala (2014) LESBIAN DALAM PERGULATAN GENDER DAN SEXUALITAS DI SUDUT PASAR KARTIKA NIAGA, SURABAYA. LAKON, Volume (Nomer ). pp. 17-27. ISSN ISSN 9772252-895000 Damayanti, Rully and Kossak, Florian and Nurdiah, Esti Asih (2020) Spatial reading of kampungs by using Gordon Cullen�s theory: A contemporary perspective. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully and Tampubolon, Angela Christysonia and Kusumo, Camelia (2020) The evaluation of city landmarks through the study of place attachment in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully (2021) Keputran Dulu, Kini, dan Nanti. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully and Kossak, Florian and Nurdiah, Esti Asih (2019) Spatial reading of kampungs by using Gordon Cullen�s theory: A contemporary perspective. In: ICEA 2019, 27-04-2019 - 27-04-2019, Surabaya - Indonesia. Damayanti, Rully and Tampubolon, Angela Christysonia and Kusumo, Camelia (2019) The evaluation of city landmarks through the study of place attachment in Surabaya, Indonesia. In: ICEA 2019, 27-04-2019 - 27-04-2019, Surabaya - Indonesia. EErsi, Dzikiryati Yuni and Semuel, Hatane (2015) ANALYSIS CRM, KEPUASAN PELANGGAN DAN LOYALITAS PRODUK UKM BERBASIS BAHAN BAKU TERIGU DI JAWA TIMUR. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, Vol. 8 (No. 1,). pp. 1-8. ISSN ISSN 1907-235X FFAKONIKO, KEZIA CHRISTYFANI and , Bernadette Dian Arini Mear, SS.N and Natadjaja, Listia (2021) Bersinergi Menjadi Pahlawan di Tengah Pandemi. 1 . Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-71-9 FANDRAYANI, AMELIA and Tanudjaja, Bing Bedjo and Salamoon, Daniel Kurniawan (2021) Perancangan Model Website Interaktif Untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Kesadaran Terhadap Impostor Syndrome. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL PSIKOLOGI DAN ILMU HUMANIORA (SENAPIH), 24-05-2021 - 24-05-2021, Malang - Indonesia. Fun, Liem Pei and SANTOSO, KEVIN BUDI and MOGIE, IMMANUEL GARRY BILLY (2015) The Effect of Changes in Tick Price and Lot Size on Stock Liquidity: Evidence from Indonesia Stock Market. In: International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Business and Social Science, 14-08-2015 - 14-08-2015, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. GGABRIEL, FELYCIA and Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine and Yusuf, Vanessa (2023) THE BRANDING STRATEGY OF MAKING PAPER CLAY PRODUCTS AS AN UTILIZATION OF PAPER WASTE. In: International Conference On Media And Communications (ICMC) In Southeast Asia 2023, 08-03-2023 - 08-03-2023, Surabaya - Indonesia. GOSALI, CINDY and PRATOMO, POH, VITO APRILLIO and Remiasa, Marcus (2024) PENGARUH PENGALAMAN MAGANG DAN KEPRIBADIAN ENTERPRISING TERHADAP KESIAPAN KERJA DENGAN MINAT KARIR SEBAGAI VARIABEL MEDIASI. [UNSPECIFIED] GUNAWAN, DINDA LILIANTY NANDA and Yusuf, Vanessa (2023) PACKAGING DESIGN FOR BERAS KENCUR CAP OBOR FROM TULUNGAGUNG. In: International Conference On Media And Communications (ICMC) In Southeast Asia 2023, 08-03-2023 - 08-03-2023, Surabaya - Indonesia. GUNAWAN, JESSICCA ASTRIE and Yong, Sherly De and RAKHMAWATI, ANIEK (2020) KAJIAN SENSORY/PANCA INDRA PADA INTERIOR BANGUNAN HERITAGE KAFE DI SURABAYA. Jurnal Desain Interior, 5 (1 (Jun). pp. 11-22. ISSN 2549-2985 Goenawan, Felicia (2023) Buying Travel Behaviour Of Nihiwatu Sumba Resort As Communication Strategy. In: Grounding Communications for Sustainable Development Towards the Digital 5.0 Era, 31-08-2023 - 31-08-2023, Pekanbaru - Indonesia. Goenawan, Felicia (2008) NILAI DAN GAYA HIDUP MASYARAKAT DI DALAM MEDIA. [UNSPECIFIED] Goenawan, Felicia and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Ph.D., Amelia Sidik, (2022) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Journalistic Content in Building Brand Image for Innovation Products. In: Mercu Buana International Conference on Communication Science, 03-11-2022 - 03-11-2022, Bali - Indonesia. Goenawan, Felicia and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Ph.D., Amelia Sidik, (2023) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Journalistic Content in Building Brand Image for Innovation Products. [UNSPECIFIED] Goenawan, Felicia and Monica, Vita (2021) PERILAKU KONSUMEN MASYARAKAT SURABAYA DALAM PEMBELIAN PAKAIAN. [UNSPECIFIED] Gunawan, Samuel (2016) A Comparison of Obama‟s 2007 and Hillary Clinton‟s 2015 Bids for Presidency Speeches. K@ta, Volume (Number). pp. 56-62. ISSN ISSN 1411-2639 (Print) ISSN 2302-6294 (Online) Gunawan, Samuel (2017) Hillary Clintons Presidential Campaign Rhetoric: Making America Whole Again. [UNSPECIFIED] Gunawan, Samuel (2016) Style of Obama’s Bid for the Second Term of the U.S. Presidential Office. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 7 ((1) S1). pp. 213-221. ISSN 2039-9340 HHANDRI, MAURA MILLENIA and Yong, Sherly De and Frans, Stephanie Melinda (2022) Penerapan Healing Environment Pada Interior Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Ferina Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Hadi, Ido Prijana (2017) Akurasi Berita di Media Sosial Menurut Pengguna (Studi Fenomenologi Pengguna Media Sosial). In: Komunikasi Dalam Membangun Kebersamaan Dan Kemajemukan Bangsa. Konferensi Nasional ASPIKOM 2017, 05-10-2017 - 05-10-2017, Salatiga - Indonesia. Hadi, Ido Prijana (2017) Gatekeeper dan Partisipasi Publik. In: The 1st Qualitative Research for Civilization Conference (QRCC) dan Konggres IQRA dan Seminar , 15-07-2017 - 15-07-2017, Surabaya - Indonesia . Hadi, Ido Prijana (2015) IMPLIKASI PENYIARAN INTERAKTIF TERHADAP PENGELOLAAN PRODUKSI KONTEN. In: 2nd Conference on Communication, Culture, and Media Studies , 12-08-2015 - 12-08-2015, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Hadi, Ido Prijana (2012) Local Media and Media Convergence a Case Study of Suara Surabaya Radio as an Interactive Media. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3, Iss (Issue ). pp. 54-74. ISSN 1986-3497 Hadi, Ido Prijana (2018) Meaning Of Social Media Applications In Interaction With Fellow Users. In: International Conference on Emerging Media, and Social Science December 7-8, 2018 Banyuwangi. , 08-12-2018 - 08-12-2018, Banyuwangi - Indonesia. Hadi, Ido Prijana (2020) Penelitian Media Kualitatif (Filosofi Filosofi Penelitian, Paradigma, Rentang Teori, Langkah-langkah Penelitian Media: Metode Reception Studies, Etnografi Media/Netnografi, Fenomenologi, Studi Kasus, Analisis Tematik). Teks . PT. RajaGrafindo Persada: Rajawali Pers. ISBN 978-623-231-459-7 Hadi, Ido Prijana (2011) Pengguna Media Interaktif Sebagai Kenyataan Maya: Studi Resepsi Khalayak Sebagai Media Interaktif (TERLAMBAT). JURNAL KOMUNIKASI ASPIKOM, 1 (3). pp. 231-244. ISSN P 2087-0442/ E-2548-8309 Hadi, Ido Prijana (2014) Penyiaran Interaktif dan Kepentingan Publik. In: Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi Masa Depan Komunikasi, Masa Depan Indonesia, 18-11-2014 - 20-11-2014, Lombok - Indonesia . Hadi, Ido Prijana (2020) Radio Siaran Interaktif dan Layanan Publik. Teks . CV. Penerbit Qiara Media . ISBN 978-623-7925-35-4 Hadi, Ido Prijana and , Nurudin and Roosinda, Rr. Fitria Widiyanti and Winarno, Sugeng and Surokim, and Suprihatin, (2020) Pandemi Covid 19 dan Tantangan Penelitian Kualitatif. [UNSPECIFIED] Hadi, Ido Prijana and Nurudin, (2015) Information and Communication Technology (ICT), dan Literasi Media Digital. Teks . ASPIKOM, UWM, UKP dan UMM. ISBN 978-602-6751-07-2 Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander and Yoanita, Desi and Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2018) Citizen Journalism Practice: Contributor as Spy Agent. In: Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018) , 10-09-2018 - 10-09-2018, Banjarmasin - Indonesia. Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander and Yoanita, Desi and Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2019) The Meaning of Sharing Information in Citizen Journalism. In: The 4th Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science International Conference 2019, 13-12-2019 - 13-12-2019, Bangkok - Thailand. Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander and Yoanita, Desi and Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2020) The Meaning of Sharing Information in Citizen Journalism. [UNSPECIFIED] Hadi, Ido Prijana and YUNITA, TIFFANY VALENTINA and SUGIANTO, FELICIA (2020) Culture of Communication in The Space of Co-Working Newsrooom of Online Media. In: International Conference on Social Science and Humanity (ICSSH), 24-09-2020 - 24-09-2020, Malang - Indonesia. Hadi, Ido Prijana (2022) Social Media and Product Branding for MSMEs Actors. In: The 7 ICOSAPS 2022-International Conference on Social and Political Sciences, 04-08-2022 - 04-08-2022, Surakarta - Indonesia. Hadi, Ido Prijana and Wahjudianata, Megawati and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit (2020) KOMUNIKASI MASSA. BUKU AJAR . CV. Penerbit Qiara Media . 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Journal of Government and Politics, 5 (2). pp. 198-208. ISSN 2337-8220 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit and Gunawan, Samuel and Sari, Yustisia Ditya (2018) Pemgambilan Keputusan dan Strategi Pemasaran Politik. Buku Referensi Nasional . RAJAWALI PERS, JAKARTA. ISBN 9786024256654 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit and Setyawati, Ni Kadek Defvin (2019) POLA KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI PDI PERJUANGAN DALAM PROSES KADERISASI DI DPC KABUPATEN SIDOARJO. Scriptura, 8 (1). pp. 30-40. ISSN 26554968 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Luik, Jandy Edipson (2013) Communicating Disaster Mitigation Literacy to Coastal Communities in Pacitan Indonesia. American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 5 (2). pp. 245-248. ISSN ISSN (Print): 2328-3734, ISSN (Online): 2328-3696, ISSN (CD-ROM): 2328-3688 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Rahman, Nik Adzrieman Abd and Luik, Jandy Edipson and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit (2024) Political Influencers on Social Media: Language Used and Content of Communication Strategy of Indonesian Politicians� Twitter Accounts. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut and Sari, Yustisia Ditya (2017) Model Komunikasi dan Strategi Kebijakan Kesadaran Anti Korupsi. Komunikasi . ANDI Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-979-29-6152-2 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Swestin, Grace and Vidyarini, Titi Nur (2014) The Faces of Conflict in a Political Organization: The case of the Indonesia Democracy Party of Struggle (Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan PDI-P). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5 (19). pp. 608-618. ISSN 20399340 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Swestin, Grace and Vidyarini, Titi Nur (2015) Komunikasi Politik dan Resolusi Konflik Pada Organisasi Politik. Buku Teks . ANDI. ISBN 978-979-29-5439-5 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Tyagita, Rxyzcha P.V and Sugiarti, (2019) KOMUNIKASI PELAYANAN Bertumbuh dan Saling Melengkapi Dalam Spirit Kebersamaan. Komunikasi . Pustakapedia Indonesia. ISBN 786020780177 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Wijayanti, Chory Angela (2024) Public opinion on Indonesias capital relocation policy: a netnographic analysis. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut and Wijayanti, Chory Angela and Vidyarini, Titi Nur (2021) THE COMMUNICATION STRATEGY OF DIGITAL-BASED MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut (2015) "Prostitusi, Petaka Moral dan Tanggungjawab Media". "Prostitusi, Petaka Moral dan Tanggungjawab Media". Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) Aksi Teror dan Kehadiran Negara. Aksi Teror dan Kehadiran Negara. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2016) Bela Negara, Bela Bangsa dan Bela Agama. Bela Negara, Bela Bangsa dan Bela Agama. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2016) Berpikir dan Bertindak Seperti Yesus. Berpikir dan Bertindak Seperti Yesus. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) Budaya, Sportifitas dan Keberagamaan. Budaya, Sportifitas dan Keberagamaan. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2019) Citra Manusia Merdeka. Citra Manusia Merdeka. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2014) Dilema Peran Profetis dan Politik PGI. Dilema Peran Profetis dan Politik PGI. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2020) E-Learning dan Solusi Ampuh Belajar di Era Pandemik. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut (2020) ETNOGRAFI KOMUNIKASI : Testimoni Empirik Spirit Keragaman Pada Komunitas Akar Rumput. Komunikasi . Rajawali Pers JAKARTA. ISBN 9786232312913 Priyowidodo, Gatut (2024) EXPLORING ORANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION THROUGH PHENOMENOGRAPHY APPROACH. Referensi . Rajawali Pers. ISBN 9786230812682 Priyowidodo, Gatut (2022) GENERASI MILENIAL DAN PARADOX DEMOKRASI (Dari Perisakan Digital, Neo Nasionalisme Hingga Industri Hoaks). Demokrasi . PT Rajawali Pers. ISBN 9786233725873 Priyowidodo, Gatut (2017) Generasi Kristen Milineal dan Pentas Politik. Generasi Kristen Milineal dan Pentas Politik. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2015) Gereja dan Literasi Media. Gereja dan Literasi Media. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2015) Gereja dan Pesan Simbolik Hukuman Mati. Gereja dan Pesan Simbolik Hukuman Mati. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2016) Gereja, Ruang Publik dan Rasa Aman. Gereja, Ruang Publik dan Rasa Aman. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2014) Hakekat Kemerdekaan. Hakekat Kemerdekaan. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2020) INFODEMIK versus Pandemik Covid-19. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut (2017) KELUARGA, DERADIKALISASI DAN PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTUR. KELUARGA, DERADIKALISASI DAN PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTUR. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2016) Kekidmatan Ibadat dan Media Luar Ruang. Kekidmatan Ibadat dan Media Luar Ruang. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) Kepemimpinan dan Generasi Milineal. Kepemimpinan dan Generasi Milineal. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2019) Ketahanan Iman dan Serangan Siber. Ketahanan Iman dan Serangan Siber. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2019) Lawan Tangguh Pemimpin Baru. Lawan Tangguh Pemimpin Baru. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) Likuifaksi Kebenaran. Likuifaksi Kebenaran. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2024) Literasi Digital Komunitas Sekolah Melalui Animasi 3 D Tour Untuk Menciptakan Model Komunikasi Pembelajaran Yang Interaktif. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut (2014) Media Kristen Pada Era New Media: Tantangan dan Peluang. Media Kristen Pada Era New Media: Tantangan dan Peluang. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2008) Memahami Sistem Politik Indonesia. Buku Teks . HSCS Surabaya. ISBN 979-97427-3-0 Priyowidodo, Gatut (2016) Menatap Tahun Baru, Tantangan dan Harapan. Menatap Tahun Baru, Tantangan dan Harapan. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2017) Mencegah Bangsa Yang Terkoyak. Mencegah Bangsa Yang Terkoyak. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2016) Mengelola Konflik Pelayanan Gereja. Mengelola Konflik Pelayanan Gereja. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) Menggelantungnya Awan Politik. Menggelantungnya Awan Politik. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2019) Menolak Perubahan. Menolak Perubahan. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2016) Merajut Keindonesia-an. Merajut Keindonesia-an. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2017) Merawat Integritas Pemimpin. Merawat Integritas Pemimpin. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2017) Mewaspadai Regulasi Terorisme. Mewaspadai Regulasi Terorisme. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) Misi Gereja di Era Disruption. Misi Gereja di Era Disruption. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2014) Neo Nasionalisme di Era Digital. Neo Nasionalisme di Era Digital. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2019) Net-evanjelisasi dan Fenomena Christian Prince. Net-evanjelisasi dan Fenomena Christian Prince. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2020) Netnographi Komunikasi. Riset Komunikasi . Rajawali Pers Jakarta. ISBN 978-623-231-413-9 Priyowidodo, Gatut (2020) Optimisme Menatap 2020. Optimisme Menatap 2020. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) PASKAH DAN STRATEGI RESTORASI. PASKAH DAN STRATEGI RESTORASI. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) PILKADA 2018 DAN GENERASI NOW. PILKADA 2018 DAN GENERASI NOW. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2015) Palsu. Palsu. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2019) Papua dan Perisakan. Papua dan Perisakan. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2017) Pemerintah dan Ormas Radikal. Pemerintah dan Ormas Radikal. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) Perlukah, Lembaga Gereja Diakreditasi? Perlukah, Lembaga Gereja Diakreditasi?. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2017) Perppu No 2/2017 dan Kebebasan Berserikat. Perppu No 2/2017 dan Kebebasan Berserikat. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2015) Quo Vadis 2015? Quo Vadis 2015?. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2014) Refleksi Akhir Tahun : Menanti Islah, Partai Pecah Kongsi. Refleksi Akhir Tahun : Menanti Islah, Partai Pecah Kongsi. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2023) SERVICE LEARNING DAN PENGALAMAN PEMBERDAYAAN KOMUNITAS MARGINA. Ilmiah . PT RajaGrafindo Persada- Rajawali Pers. ISBN 978-623-372-837-9 Priyowidodo, Gatut (2014) Semiotika Natal dan Etos Kerja. Semiotika Natal dan Etos Kerja. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2020) Sensasi, Agitasi dan Provokasi. Sensasi, Agitasi dan Provokasi. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2018) Spiritualime Simbolik Mudik dan Budaya Digital. Spiritualime Simbolik Mudik dan Budaya Digital. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2019) Tafsir Baru Pahlawan. Tafsir Baru Pahlawan. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2015) Tanggungjawab Pembasmian Korupsi. Tanggungjawab Pembasmian Korupsi. Priyowidodo, Gatut and Aritonang, Agusly Irawan and Yoanita, Desi (2022) Komunikasi Kebijakan di Era Pandemi. Technical Report. RajaGrafindo Persada Rajawali Pers. Priyowidodo, Gatut and Bakar, Hassan Abu and , Che Su bt Mustaffa (2011) Communication Pattern and Decision Making in Parti Keadilan Rakyat (the People’s Justce Party) Malaysia: Phenomenography Approach. In: PSU-USM International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 2011, 03-10-2011 - 04-10-2011, Hatyai-Songkhla - Thailand. Priyowidodo, Gatut and Hadi, Ido Prijana (2023) Resilence Iman: Pergulatan Religiusitas, Spiritualitas dan Pola interaksi Baru di Era Pandemik. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit (2024) Strategic Communication and Political Candidate�s Image in Digital Campaigns. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit and Sari, Yustisia Ditya and Gunawan, Samuel (2019) Digital Media Technology as an Instrument for Promotion and Political Marketing in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. In: ICEMT 2019 the 3rd International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2019). , 25-07-2019 - 25-07-2019, Nagoya - Jepang. Priyowidodo, Gatut and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit and Sari, Yustisia Ditya and Gunawan, Samuel (2019) Digital Media Technology as an Instrument for Promotion and Political Marketing in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. In: ICEMT 2019, 23-12-2019 - 23-12-2019, Nagoya - Jepang. Priyowidodo, Gatut and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit and Sari, Yustisia Ditya and Gunawan, Samuel (2020) LOCALITY VALUES WITHIN DETERMINATION OF REGIONAL HEAD SELECTION IN INDONESIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF STRUGGLE. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit and Yogatama, Astri (2024) Smart Government-Based Governance through Digital Transformation of Public Services: Experience of Surabaya City Government, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut and Luik, Jandy Edipson (2013) LITERASI MITIGASI BENCANA TSUNAMI UNTUK MASYARAKAT PESISIR DI KABUPATEN PACITAN JAWA TIMUR. EKOTRANS, 13 (1). pp. 47-61. ISSN 1411-4615 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Sari, Yustisia Ditya (2016) Model Komunikasi dan strategi kebijakan kesadaran Anti Korupsi Melalui Pendekatan Character Building Berbasis Literasi Media. In: Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi 2016, 13-10-2016 - 13-10-2016, Makassar - Indonesia. Priyowidodo, Gatut and Sari, Yustisia Ditya (2018) POLA KOMUNIKASI DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI VIRTUAL. Komunikasi . PT Rajawali Pers DEPOK-JAKARTA. ISBN 978-602-425-644-9 Priyowidodo, Gatut and Sari, Yustisia Ditya (2017) Pendekatan Netnographi Terhadap Pola-Pola Komunikasi Sebagai Penentu Identifikasi Organisasi dan Budaya Organisasi Pada Organisasi Virtual di Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut and Swestin, Grace and Vidyarini, Titi Nur (2014) The Faces of Conflict in a Political Organization: The case of the Indonesian Democracy Party of Struggle (Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan/ PDI-P). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences , 5 (19). pp. 608-618. ISSN ISSN: 2039-2117 (Online), ISSN: 2039-9340 (Print) Proboyo, Adelina and KUSUMA, BRAM IMANTAKA (2019) The Impact of Product Attributes, Price, Place, Advertising, and Sales Promotion: A Case of Kids Shampoo in Indonesia. International Journal of Business Studies, 2 (2). pp. 59-70. ISSN 2621-6426 Putrihadi, Mega Ekklesia (2024) TITIP, JANGAN LUPA! [UNSPECIFIED] RR, Widhi Ariestianti and Semuel, Hatane (2017) PENGARUH LEADERSHIP STYLE TERHADAP MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM DENGAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, Vol. 1 (No.2). pp. 61-68. ISSN ISSN 1907-235X Rini, Julia Eka (2019) The Value of Listening and Affective Factors in Managing People in 4.o. In: International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities , 05-10-2019 - 05-10-2019, Surabaya - Indonesia. SSANTOSA, TEGUH WIBISONO and Semuel, Hatane and Devie, (2018) The Effect of Marketing Capability on Financial Performance with the mediating role of Perceived Sevice Quality and the moderating role of Competitive Intensity. An empirical study on the Banking Sector in Indonesia. IJBS , Vol. 1 (No. 2). pp. 80-88. ISSN e-ISSN 2621-6426 SUTANTO, ANGELA AUDREY and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit and Yogatama, Astri (2024) Emotional Expression of Public Communication Post COVID-19 Era In Educational Context. 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ISSN 1978-385x Sari, Yustisia Ditya and Vidyarini, Titi Nur and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit (2013) PERSEPSI IBU MENYUSUI MENGENAI KAMPANYE ASI EKSKLUSIF DI PUSKEMAS JAGIR SURABAYA. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL PASCASARJANA UMB 2014 YOGYAKARTA, 28-29 AGUSTUS 2014, 02-12-2013 - 02-06-2014, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Semuel, Hatane and CHANDRA, SHARON SAGITA (2015) TheAnalysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation Effects towards Price Fairness, Trust and Purchase Intention at Oriflame Cosmetics Product in Surabaya. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 155 (2014). pp. 42-47. ISSN 1877-0428 Semuel, Hatane and HERLINA, LINDAH (2017) Leadership, Employee Empowerment, Organizational Commitment, and Employee Performance in Senior High School. Journal of Research in Social Sciences , Vol. 4 (No. 2). pp. 309-318. ISSN 2395-6283 Semuel, Hatane and Nurina, Stephanie (2014) ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF INFLATION, INTEREST RATES, AND EXCHANGE RATES ON GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) IN INDONESIA. 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