Mintorogo, Danny Santoso and Mohammad, Hamdan Ahmad (2010) Sustainable Flat Roof Pond System in Tropical Climate of Surabaya. In: The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Technology Development, 7-8 October 2010, Udayana University.
In the era of sustainable concepts and environmental friendly concerns, flat bare concrete deck on shop-houses may be unsustainable to handle the excessive solar heat radiation impacted on the horizontal bare roof concrete surfaces without putting any insulation. An alternative and appropriate roofing system to cope with excessive heat solar radiation is needed that the roof system will lead to sustainable factors likes energy savings, less energy body used on the roofing materials, and less damaging environmental roofing materials. This paper discusses a roof pond that is a flat concrete with certain depth of water levels to minimize the cooling loads during the daytime, and performances nocturnal radiant cooling throughout the night-time. Such interactive and passive cooling systems to deal with solar heat irradiation impacted on flat roof as cooling loads, the concrete roof acting as thermal mass will absorb internal sensible and latent heat loads for the period of hours of daylight, and obstructs irradiation with insulation panels at daytime. The shallow water pond at flat concrete roof performances as heat sink, and will release the heat from water pond to nocturnal cool night with opened insulation panels.
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