Tanoto, Yusak and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2014) SUSTAINABLE LONG-TERM ELECTRICITY SUPPLY-DEMAND: BOTTOM-UP MODELS REVIEW AND OVERVIEW OF THE PROPOSED FRAMEWORK. ARPN-Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9 (9).
Long-term electricity supply-demand can be generally represented into bottom-up models in order to perform optimization with regard to available energy resources and demanded power. The main objective of such models is usually to minimize energy system cost as well as sectoral cost. The aim of this paper is to present a brief review of the commonly used bottom-up energy models and the overview of the proposed framework which describes a sustainable long-term electricity supply-demand. The framework is mainly developed using Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP). In the proposed framework, Demand Side Management is considered as one of system’s scenario in the demand side whereas utilization of locally available renewable energy resources is taken into account in the supply side.
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