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, Tutus Setiawan and Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan and Muhaidhori, Mohamad Ali (2019) Peningkatan Rancangan Wayfinding (Menemukan Jalan) untuk Sekolah Penyandang Disabilitas Visual di Surabaya dan Peluang Pengembangannya untuk Bangunan Publik Lainnya. Atrium, Jurnal Arsitektur, 5 (1). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2684-6918


ANGGRAENI, CYNTHIA and Santoso, Petrus and Lim, Resmana (2016) Sistem Menu dan Layanan Restoran Memanfaatkan Aplikasi Android. Jurnal Teknik Elektro, 9 (1). pp. 27-34. ISSN 1411-870X

Alimin, Roche and Pasila, Felix (2018) 3D Platform Simulator Design Using Discrete Multi-Piston Actuators. [UNSPECIFIED]

Alimin, Roche and Pasila, Felix (2015) Design of Two-Serial Hexapod of Discrete Manipulator. In: Seventh International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, 29-07-2015 - 29-07-2015, Kuantan - Malaysia.


BING, ALBERT RICHARDO and Rohi, Daniel and Setiadji, Julius Sentosa (2018) Studi Pengembangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro Daya 27 kW di Desa Karangsuko, Malang. In: Seminar Nasional Fortei VII-1, 10-07-2018 - 10-07-2018, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Budiharto, Widodo and Kanigoro, Bayu and Nugraheni, Cecilia and Lim, Resmana and Wicaksono, Hendi and Ohyver, Margaretha and Shodiq, Muhsin (2014) Obstacles Avoidance for Intelligent Telepresence Robot Using Interval Type-2 FLC. ICIC Express Letters, 8 (3). pp. 821-827. ISSN 1881-803X

Budiharto, Widodo and Kanigoro, Bayu and Nugraheni, Cecilia and Wicaksono, Hendi and Lim, Resmana and Ohyver, Margaretha and Shodiq, Muhsin (2013) Obstacles Avoidance for Intelligent Telepresence Robot Using Interval Type-2 FLC. In: ICIC International, 05-10-2013 - , - .


DWIPUTRA, ALBERTUS EGA and Khoswanto, Handry and SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Lim, Resmana (2018) IoT-Based Cars Parking Monitoring System. [UNSPECIFIED]


Petra Christian University (2023) Kemasan Tottebag. .

Ferdinando, Hany and Pasila, Felix and Kuswanto , Henry (2010) Enhanced Neuro-Fuzzy Architecture for Electrical Load Forecasting. Telkomnika. ISSN 1693-6930

Ferdinando, Hany and Alasaarela, Esko (2018) Enhancement of Emotion Recogniton using Feature Fusion and the Neighborhood Components Analysis. In: The International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 18-01-2018 - 18-01-2018, Funchal - Portugal.

Ferdinando, Hany and Khoswanto, Handry and EKAPUTRA, DANIEL (2012) Design and Implementation of Nine-segment Wheel-less Snake Robot for Planar Terrain. In: Industrial Electronics Seminar 2012, 24-10-2012 - , Surabaya - Indonesia.

Ferdinando, Hany and Khoswanto, Handry and Purwanto, Djoko (2012) Embedded Kalman Filter For Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) on the Atmega8535. In: INISTA 2012, 02-07-2012 - 04-07-2012, Trabzon - Turki.

Ferdinando, Hany and Khoswanto, Handry and Purwanto, Djoko (2013) Performance Evaluation of MMA7260QT and ADXL345 on Self Balancing Robot. TELKOMNIKA, 11 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1693-6930

Ferdinando, Hany and Seppänen, Tapio and Alasaarela, Esko (2017) Bivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition for ECG-based Biometric Identification with Emotional Data. In: 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 15-07-2017 - 15-07-2017, Seogwipo - Korea Selatan.

Ferdinando, Hany and Seppänen, Tapio and Alasaarela, Esko (2018) Emotion Recognition Using Neighborhood Components Analysis and ECG/HRV-Based Features. [UNSPECIFIED]

Ferdinando, Hany and Ye, Liang and Han, Tian and Zhang, Zhu and Sun, Guobing and Huuki, Tuija and Seppänen, Tapio and Alasaarela, Esko (2017) Violence Detection from ECG Signals: A Preliminary Study. [UNSPECIFIED]

Ferdinando, Hany and Ye, Liang and Seppänen, Tapio and Alasaarela, Esko (2014) Emotion Recognition by Heart Rate Variability. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 8 (14). pp. 50-55. ISSN 1991-8178


HALIM, JASON and Wicaksono, Handy (2022) A Deep Learning Approach for Basic Human Activity Recognition with YOLOv4-tiny. In: ICITESEE 2022, 14-12-2022 - 14-12-2022, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Hatane, Saarce Elsye and Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Gorjian, Maliheh Developing a Web-Based Information System for Publishing and Printing Enterprise. International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management.

Hutomo, Ivan Suryo and Wicaksono, Handy (2022) A smart door prototype with a face recognition capability. IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA), 11 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2722-2586


ISTIONO, YOGA and Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Hosea, Emmy (2016) Analisis Harmonisa Akibat Penggunaan Lampu LED. Jurnal Teknik & Ilmu Komputer, 05 (20). pp. 355-361. ISSN 2089-3647


KANTONNO, EDBERT RYAN and Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Hosea, Emmy (2023) Evaluasi Perencanaan Sistem Kelistrikan Rumah Sakit �X� Berdasarkan PUIL 2011 Dan Aplikasi Ecodial. Jurnal Teknik Elektro, 16 (2). pp. 41-46. ISSN p-ISSN 1411-870X and e-ISSN 2656-3304

Khoswanto, Handry and Santoso, Petrus and Lim, Resmana (2016) Odometry Algorithm with Obstacle Avoidance on Mobile Robot Navigation. [UNSPECIFIED]


LIMANTO, JAMES and Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Hosea, Emmy (2024) PERENCANAAN GAMBAR LISTRIK UNTUK RENOVASI KELISTRIKAN GEREJA “X” DI SURABAYA. Jurnal Teknik Elektro, 17 (1). pp. 11-15. ISSN 2656-3304


Lim, Resmana and Sutjiadi, Raymond and Wibowo, Adi (2013) Web and Android Application for Harvester of Indonesian Scientific Paper Citation. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 2 (7). pp. 53-60. ISSN 2277-9302


MEHANG, TIRTA SAMUEL and Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto (2016) Potential of Small Size Hybrid Diesel-Photovoltaic to Improve Sub-District Supply Duration in East Sumba, Indonesia. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 6 (3). pp. 964-969. ISSN 1309-0127

Mehang, Tirta Samuel and Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto (2016) Potential of Small Size Hybrid Diesel-Photovoltaic to Improve Sub-District Supply Duration in East Sumba, Indonesia. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 6 (3). pp. 964-969. ISSN 1309-0127


PUTRO, STEPHANUS RYANDITYO TEGUH WIBOWO and Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Hosea, Emmy (2024) Analisa Keandalan Suplai Listrik Dampak Pemasangan Gardu Hubung dan Pecah Beban pada Jaringan Distribusi PLN UP3 Semarang Guna Meningkatkan Keandalan Sistem Kelistrikan. [UNSPECIFIED]

Pasila, Felix and Alimin, Roche (2016) Applications of Artificial Intelligence Control for Parallel Discrete-Manipulators. [UNSPECIFIED]

Pasila, Felix and Alimin, Roche (2016) Coordinates Modelling of the Discrete Hexapod Manipulator via Artificial Intelligence. [UNSPECIFIED]

Pasila, Felix and Alimin, Roche (2013) Designing the 6-DOF Massive Parallel Arrays with Artificial Intelligence Control. In: ICORAS 2013.

Pasila, Felix and Alimin, Roche Designing the 6-DOF Massive Parallel Arrays with Artificial Intelligence Control. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences . ISSN 1991-8178

Pasila, Felix and Alimin, Roche (2013) Designing the 6-DOF Massive Parallel Arrays with Artificial Intelligence Control. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (4). pp. 340-344. ISSN 1991 - 8178

Pasila, Felix and Alimin, Roche and Natalius, Hans (2015) DESIGN OF 16 ACTUATORS FOR 3D MASSIVE PARALLEL ROBOTS (3D-MPRs). In: 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics 2015, 20-08-2015 - 20-08-2015, Palembang - Indonesia.

Pasila, Felix and Alimin, Roche and Tanoto, Yusak (2016) Simulation of the 6-DOF model of Discrete State Manipulators (DSMs) Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Architecture. In: The International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications (ICITDA), 08-11-2016 - 08-11-2016, Yogjakarta - .

Pasila, Felix and Andy Prayoga, Antonio and David Tanputrawan M, James and Novian Franciska, Danielle and Khoswanto, Handry PERANGKAT STERILISASI UDARA SEBAGAI TAMBAHAN PENGKONDISI UDARA RUANGAN TIPE SISTEM TERPISAH. Universitas Kristen Petra.

Pasila, Felix and Castelli, Vincenzo Parenti and Vertacky, Rocco and Berselli, Geovani (2012) Inverse Static Analysis of Massive Parallel Arrays of Three- State Actuators via Artificial Intelligence. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences , Volume (2013). pp 43-50 . ISSN 978-3-7091-1379-0

Pasila, Felix and Lim, Resmana and Santoso, Murtiyanto Multivariate Inputs on a MIMO Neuro-Fuzzy structure with LMA training. A study case: Indonesian Banking Stock Market. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on International Conference on Robotic Automation System (ICORAS 2013), Bali.

Pasila, Felix and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Lim, Resmana (2013) Multivariate Inputs on a MIMO Neuro-Fuzzy structure with LMA training. A study case: Indonesian Banking Stock Market. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (4). pp. 476-481. ISSN 1991-8178

Pasila, Felix and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Lim, Resmana (2014) Multivariate Inputs on a MIMO Neuro-Fuzzy structure with LMA training. A studycase: Indonesian Banking Stock Market. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (4). pp. 476-481. ISSN 1991-8178

Pasila, Felix and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Sutantra, Andreas and JUWIANTHO, HANS (2015) COCKPIT VIEW VEHICLE GAME SIMULATORS FOR MASSIVE PARALLEL ARRAYS PLATFORM BASED ON NEURAL-FUZZY SYSTEMS. JEAS ARPN, 9 (12). pp. 2916-2922. ISSN 1819-6608

Pasila, Felix and Tanujaya, Edward and Nando, Phe and Kusuma Aliwarga, Harry KASUR SEJUK. Universitas Kristen Petra.

Pasila, Felix and Vertechy, Rocco and Berselli, Geovani and Castelli, Vincenzo Parenti (2013) Inverse Static Analysis of Massive Parallel Arrays of Three-State Actuators via Artificial Intelligence. In: Romansy 19 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, 544 . Springer Vienna, Udinese, Italy, pp. 43-50. ISBN 978-3-7091-1378-3 (Print) 978-3-7091-1379-0 (Online)

Pasila, Felix and Vertechy, Rocco and Berselli, Giovanni and Castelli, Vincenzo Parenti (2012) Inverse Static Analysis of Massive Parallel Arrays of Three-State Actuators via Artificial Intelligence. In: ROMANSY 2012, 12-06-2012 - 15-06-2012, Paris - France.

Pasila, Felix and Vertecky, Rocco and Benselli, Geovani and Cestelli, Vincenzo parenti (2012) Inverse Static Analysis of Massive Parallel Arrays of Three-State Actuators via Artificial Intelligence. In: ROMANSY, 01-03-2012 - 04-06-2012, - .

Pasila, Felix (2012) An Efficient Procedure For Activating Bi-State Actuator Arrays Using Neuro-Fuzzy Network. In: Industrial Electronics Seminar IES, 24-10-2012 - , Surabaya - .

Pasila, Felix and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Lim, Resmana (2013) Multivariate Inputs on a MIMO Neuro-Fuzzy structure with LMA training. A study case: Indonesian Banking Stock Market. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (4). pp. 476-481. ISSN 1991-8178

Pasila, Felix and Tanoto, Yusak and Lim, Resmana and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Pah, Daniel Nemuel (2016) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering vol. 365. Springer. ISBN 978-981-287-986-8


Rohi, Daniel and Bisri, M. and Soemarno, and Lomi, A. (2015) The Impact of Sedimentation in Reservoirs on Performance Operation of Hydropower: A Case Study Sutami Hydropower Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) , Volume (Issue ). pp. 2784-2788. ISSN ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Rohi, Daniel and Limantara, Limboto and Tanoto, Yusak and Lim, Resmana and Ananda, Stephanus A. and Wailanduw, David (2012) The Use of Digital Signal Prosessing Card In Active Power Filter Design To Mitigate Harmonic Distortion. Renewable Energy Power Quality Journal (REPQJ), REPQJ- (No.10,). ISSN ISSN 2172-038X

Rohi, Daniel and Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2018) Modeling of Energy Production of Sengguruh Hydropower Plant Using Neuro Fuzzy Network. [UNSPECIFIED]

Rohi, Daniel and Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2017) Modeling of Energy Production of Sengguruh Hydropower Plant Using Neuro Fuzzy Network. In: 3rd International Conference on Electrical Systems, Technology and Information (ICESTI 2017), 29-09-2017 - 29-09-2017, Denpasar - Indonesia.

Rohi, Daniel and Utomo, Dion Dwipayana and Penangsang, Ontoseno (2013) Prediction of Harmonic Distortion in a Distribution System Caused by Housing Loads. International J ournal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS), 5 (6). pp. 578-581. ISSN ISSN (Print): 2279-0047, ISSN (Online): 2279-0055

Rohi, Daniel and Tanoto, Yusak (2016) Sizing and Costs Implications of Long-Term Electricity Planning: A Case of Kupang City, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED]


Sanjaya Loeminto, Erwin and Adhi, Nugraha Pratama and Pasila, Felix ALAT JEPIT PENGERAS SUARA PADA MASKER. Universitas Kristen Petra.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Lim, Resmana and SULISTIO, RONY (2012) Aplikasi Spectrum Analyser untuk Menganalisa Loudspeaker. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Informatika, 10-03-2012 - 10-03-2012, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Santoso, Murtiyanto and Thiang, and Tanuwijaya, Kharis (2011) Increasing the output of Solar Cell Using Double Reflectors (Domestic Manufacturing: Experience, Challenge, Opportunities). In: DAAD Regional Alumni Workshop, 25-10-2011 - 26-10-2011, Jakarta - Indonesia.

Santoso, Murtiyanto (2011) Solar Passive and Energy Efficient Building (Experience from Petra Christian University). In: International Seminar. Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development of Indonesia and Germany (RESDIG, 31-10-2011 - 04-11-2011, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Santoso, Petrus and Khoswanto, Handry (2015) Open protocol framework for telepresence robot. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9 (12). pp. 2437-2440. ISSN 1819-6608

Santoso, Petrus and Khoswanto, Handry (2016) Situation Awareness Assessment Mechanism for a Telepresence Robot. [UNSPECIFIED]

Santoso, Petrus and Khoswanto, Handry and Sandjaja, Iwan Njoto (2018) Web-Based Robotics Laboratory. [UNSPECIFIED]

Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Hosea, Emmy and KURNIAWAN, IRVAN INDRA and Penangsang, Ontoseno (2013) Analisa Keandalan Sistem Transmisi Dengan Metode FTA (Fault Tree Analysis). Amplifier, 3 (2). pp. 6-11. ISSN 2089-2020

Setiadji, Julius Sentosa (2023) Antisipasi Kebakaran di Musim Kemarau. Antisipasi Kebakaran di Musim Kemarau.

Setiadji, Julius Sentosa (2016) Dampak Penggunaan Kapasitor Pada Sistem Distribusi Yang Terkontaminasi harmonisa. Jurnal Teknik & Ilmu Komputer, 05 (19). 227 - 236. ISSN 2089 - 3647

Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Ariyanto, Yanuar (2012) Perubahan Tegangan Pada Kawat Saluran Udara Tegangan Menengah 20 kV Akibat Sambaran Petir. Amplifier, 2 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2089-2020

Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and BUDIHARGONO, KEVIN and Santoso, Petrus (2016) Android Application for Distribution Switchboard Design. [UNSPECIFIED]

Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Hosea, Emmy and Penangsang, Ontoseno and KOSASI, HARY KURNIAWAN (2015) Analisa Keandalan Peningkatan Kapasitas Gardu Induk (GI) Dengan Menggunakan Pembangkit Listrik Tersebar (PLT) Pada Jaringan Distribusi 20 kV. Jurnal Teknik & Ilmu Komputer, 04 (15). 233 - 244. ISSN 2089 - 3647

Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Rohi, Daniel and MOZES, YOANNE FLANTINE (2018) Investigation on Voltage Quality Problems on the Process of Cement Industry Production in Indonesia: A Case Study of Cement Kupang Factory - Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED]

Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Rohi, Daniel and MOZES, YOANNE FLANTINE (2017) Investigation on Voltage Quality Problems on the Process of Cement Industry Production in Indonesia: A Case Study of Cement Kupang Factory - Indonesia. In: 3rd International Conference on Electrical System Technology & Information (ICESTI2017), 29-09-2017 - 29-09-2017, Kuta, Bali - Indonesia.

Setiawan, Alexander and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Tjung, Eriek APLIKASI BIBLE PADA MOBILE PHONE DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN JAVA MICRO EDITION (JAVA ME). Jurnal Informatika.

Sugiarto, Indar and Conradt, Jorg (2017) A model-based approach to robot kinematics and control using discrete factor graphs with belief propagation. [UNSPECIFIED]

Sutjiadi, Raymond and Setyati, Endang and Lim, Resmana (2015) Adaptive Background Extraction for Video Based Traffic Counter Application Using Gaussian Mixture Models Algorithm. Telkomnika, 13 (3). pp. 1006-1013. ISSN 1693-6930


TENG, JONATHAN and Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Lim, Resmana (2019) Sistem Pembacaan Data Power Meter Dengan Komunikasi Modbus Secara Terpusat. In: Seminar nasional Fortei 7-2 2019, 27-07-2019 - 27-07-2019, Malang - Indonesia.

Tanoto, Yusak Analisa Optimasi Modular Distributed Generation Untuk Beban Listrik Terisolasi. In: Seminar Nasional TEKNOIN 2010, 11 Desember 2010, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta.

Tanoto, Yusak Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) dan Kaitannya Bagi Pengelolaan Energi dan Lingkungan Hidup Dalam Konteks Perubahan Iklim di Indonesia. In: Seminar Nasional dan Call For Papers Energi dan Lingkungan Hidup 2010, 29 Mei 2010, Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya.

Tanoto, Yusak Optimization Assessment of Off-Grid Hybrid Distributed Generation System for Remote Sub-Village-Sized. In: The 12th Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application, 25 Mei 2011, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya.

Tanoto, Yusak Optimum Configuration of Stand-alone Hybrid Distributed Generation: A Case of Eastern Indonesia. In: 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 17-19 Juli 2011, ITB, Bandung.

Tanoto, Yusak Potential of feed-in tariff implementation for residential integrated photovoltaics-grid connected in Indonesia's residential sector. In: Emerging Issues in the natural and applied sciences. Progress, Baku, Azerbaijan. ISBN 978-9952-4-1

Tanoto, Yusak (2013) Visualisasi Sistem Tenaga Listrik Menggunakan PowerWorld Simulator. Graha Ilmu. ISBN 9786022620556

Tanoto, Yusak and Budhi, Gregorius Satia and MINGARDI, SEAN FREDERICK (2024) Clustering-based assessment of solar irradiation and temperature attributes for PV power generation site selection: A case of Indonesia�s Java-Bali region. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and Haghdadi, Navid and Bruce, Anna and MacGill, Iain (2021) Reliability-cost trade-offs for electricity industry planning with high variable renewable energy penetrations in emerging economies: A case study of Indonesia�s Java-Bali grid. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2015) Renewable Energy Potential for Sustainable Long-Term Electricity Energy Planning: A Bottom-up Model Application. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 5 (3). pp. 219-925. ISSN 1309-0127

Tanoto, Yusak and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2015) Renewable Energy Potential for Sustainable Long-Term Electricity Energy Planning: A Bottom-up Model Application. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 5 (3). pp. 919-925. ISSN 1309-0127

Tanoto, Yusak and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2014) SUSTAINABLE LONG-TERM ELECTRICITY SUPPLY-DEMAND: BOTTOM-UP MODELS REVIEW AND OVERVIEW OF THE PROPOSED FRAMEWORK. ARPN-Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9 (9).

Tanoto, Yusak and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Sutjiadi, Raymond (2015) Accounting Framework Based-Electricity Energy Planning Software Involving Renewable Energy. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Sutjiadi, Raymond (2016) Long-Term Electricity Supply-Demand Planning Simulation Using TEEP Model. In: 7th International CIMSim 2015, 29-09-2016 - 29-09-2016, Kuantan - Malaysia.

Tanoto, Yusak and Hosea, Emmy Lighting Retrofitting Web Application: Modul Interaktif Pembentukan Profil Pembebanan Lampu. In: Conference on Smart-Green Technology in Electrical and Information Systems, 14-15 November 2013, Bali .

Tanoto, Yusak and M., Santoso and C., Massay (2013) Off-Grid Fully Renewable Energy with Free Capacity Shortage for Remote Electrification. In: 2013 IEEE 7th PEOCO, 3-4 June 2013, Langkawi Malaysia.

Tanoto, Yusak and Ongsakul, Weerakorn and Marpaung, Charles O.P. Long-term Peak Load Forecasting Using LMFeedforward Neural Network for Java-Madura-Bali Interconnection, Indonesia. In: PEA-AIT International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies (ESD 2010), 2-4 June 2010, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Tanoto, Yusak and Praptiningsih, Maria (2013) Factors Decomposition of Indonesias Household Electricity Consumption. Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0125-8281

Tanoto, Yusak and Rohi, Daniel (2015) Energy and Environment Implications of Long-Term Power Development Involving Renewable Energy: a Case of Timor Island, Indonesia. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 815. pp. 444-448. ISSN 1662-7482

Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Hosea, Emmy (2013) Demand Side Management of Household’s Lighting Considering Energy Use and Customer Preference: a Preliminary Study. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (3). pp. 3134-3141. ISSN 0975-4024

Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Hosea, Emmy (2013) Mixed Life Cycle-Cost Benefit Web Based-Decision Tool for Lighting Load Retrofitting and Management. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8 (12). pp. 988-992. ISSN 1819-6608

Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Hosea, Emmy (2013) Multi-Dimensional Assessment for Residential Lighting Demand Side Management: A Proposed Framework. Applied Mechanics and Materials , 284-28. pp. 3612-3616. ISSN 1660-9336

Tanoto, Yusak (2023) Cost-reliability trade-offs for grid-connected rooftop PV in emerging economies: A case of Indonesia’s urban residential households. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak (2012) Electricity Energy Saving Assessment for Induction Motors towards Sustainable Energy Practice in Indonesian Small and Medium Industry. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 229-23.

Tanoto, Yusak (2012) Learning Energy Management Practices in Small and Medium Hotel Using ENVIROTEL. In: SENTIA 2012, 26-04-2012 - , Malang - Indonesia.

Tanoto, Yusak (2011) Load Management Effect on Optimum Sizing of Stand-alone Hybrid Distributed Generation. In: Konferensi Nasional “Inovasi dalam Desain dan Teknologi” ‐ IDeaTech 2011, 12-11-2011 - , Surabaya - Indonesia.

Tanoto, Yusak (2011) Multi Criteria Evaluation Based Motor Energy Saving Strategy for Small and Medium Scale Industry. In: International Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (3rd APTECS), 06-12-2011 - , Surabaya - Indonesia.

Tanoto, Yusak (2023) Pengelolaan energi berkelanjutan di hotel. Zahir publishing. ISBN 978-623-466-304-4

Tanoto, Yusak (2012) Supply-Demand Strategy for System Optimization and CO2 Emission Reduction of Stand-alone Hybrid-Renewable Distributed Generation. In: Annual Engineering Seminar 2012, 16-02-2012 - , Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Tanoto, Yusak (2024) The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Advancing Sustainable Energy Transition in Developing Countries: Progress, Opportunities and Challenges. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak (2014) Visualisasi Sistem Tenaga Listrik Menggunakan PowerWorld Simulator. Technical Report. Graha Ilmu.

Tanoto, Yusak and Budhi, Gregorius Satia (2023) Framework and Clustering Dashboard for Analysing Temporal-Based Parameters of Solar PV Output Model. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and Budhi, Gregorius Satia (2023) Framework and Clustering Dashboard for Analysing Temporal-Based Parameters of Solar PV Output Model. In: 2023 11th International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies (ICSGCE), 15-10-2023 - 15-10-2023, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia.

Tanoto, Yusak and Budhi, Gregorius Satia and WIDJAYA, JIMLEE CHRISTANTO (2023) Time Series Forecasting for Daily to Monthly Temporal Hourly-based Solar PV Output Power. In: 2023 6th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI, 12-12-2023 - 12-12-2023, Batam - Indonesia.

Tanoto, Yusak and Budhi, Gregorius Satia and WIDJAYA, JIMLEE CHRISTANTO (2024) Time Series Forecasting for Daily to Monthly Temporal Hourly-based Solar PV Output Power. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and Haghdadi, Navid and Bruce, Anna and MacGill, Iain (2020) Clustering based assessment of cost, security and environmental tradeoffs with possible future electricity generation portfolios. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2014) Demand Side Management Scenario for District Long-term Electricity Planning. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 9 (21).

Tanoto, Yusak and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Sutjiadi, Raymond (2015) Accounting Framework Based Electricity Energy Planning Software Involving Renewable Energy. In: ICCEREC 2015, 27-08-2015 - 27-08-2015, - .

Tanoto, Yusak and Khoswanto, Handry and Willyanto, and ANGGUNG, KATLYN MACLAIN and SETIAWAN, VINCENTIA EVANGELINE (2023) Pemanfaatan teknologi digital marketing untuk menunjang operasional mini-hidroponik berbasis energi terbarukan dan internet of things. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and MARVEL, CHRISTOPHER and Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2024) KawanSurya: an Android-based mobile app for assessing the techno-economic potential of rooftop photovoltaic. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and MacGill, Iain and Bruce, Anna and Haghdadi, Navid (2019) Impact of High Variable Renewable Penetrations on Dynamic Operating Reserves in Future Indonesian Electricity Industry Scenarios. In: 19th EEEIC International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 14-06-2019 - 14-06-2019, Genoa - Italy.

Tanoto, Yusak and MacGill, Iain and Bruce, Anna and Haghdadi, Navid (2021) Impact of high solar and wind penetrations and different reliability targets on dynamic operating reserves in electricity generation expansion planning. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and Ongsakul, Weerakorn and Marpaung, Charles O.P. (2011) Levenberg-Marquardt Recurrent Networks for Long- Term Electricity Peak Load Forecasting. TELKOMNIKA, 9 (2). pp. 257-266. ISSN 1693-6930

Tanoto, Yusak and Pasila, Felix (2016) Energy Decomposition Model Using Takagi-Sugeno Neuro Fuzzy. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tanoto, Yusak and Praptiningsih, Maria (2011) Macro Indicators Impact Towards Residential Electricity Consumption In Indonesia. LPPM UK Petra.

Tanoto, Yusak and Rohi, Daniel (2015) Energy and Environment Implications of Long-Term Power Development Involving Renewable Energy: a Case of Timor Island, Indonesia. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 815 (815). pp. 444-448. ISSN 1662-7482

Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Hosea, Emmy (2012) BASELINE ENERGY USE BASED RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING LOAD CURVE ESTIMATION: A CASE OF SURABAYA. In: SNTE 2012, 06-12-2012 - , - .

Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Hosea, Emmy (2013) Demand Side Management of Households Lighting Considering Energy Use and Customer Preference: a Preliminary Study. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (3). p. 31343141. ISSN 0975-4024

Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Hosea, Emmy (2013) Multi-Dimensional Assessment for Residential Lighting Demand Side Management: A Proposed Framework. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 284-28. pp. 3612-3616.

Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto and Hosea, Emmy (2012) Penentuan Pola Pembebanan pada Aktifitas Lighting-Demand Side Management di Sektor Rumah Tangga Menggunakan Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process. In: Seminar Nasional FORTEI 2012, 22-09-2012 - , - .


Tanoto, Yusak and Santoso, Murtiyanto and MASSAY, CHREISMA (2013) Off-Grid Fully Renewable Energy with Free Capacity Shortage for Remote Electrification. In: 2013 IEEE 7th PEOCO, 03-06-2013 - , - .

Tanoto, Yusak and Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi (2017) Development of autonomous demand response system for electric load management. In: Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation Electrification (ACEPT), 16-01-2017 - 16-01-2017, - Singapura.

Tanoto, Yusak and Wijaya, Ery (2011) Economic and Environmental Emission Analysis in Indonesian Electricity Expansion Planning: Low-rank Coal and Geothermal Energy Utilization Scenarios. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 1 (2). pp. 61-66. ISSN 2180-4931

Tanoto, Yusak and Wijaya, Ery (2012) Nuclear Power Plant Development in Java-Madura-Bali Area: The Indonesian Long-term Electricity Planning Perspective. International Journal of Energy Engineering, 2 (2). pp. 32-35. ISSN 2225-6563

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2018) Dasar Elektronika Daya. Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-06-1

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana Dokumen Hibah Penelitian. Universitas Kristen Petra.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana Dokumen Review Jurnal. Universitas Kristen Petra.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2017) Integrasi Filter Daya Aktif dan Transfer Energi Surya dengan Menggunakan Inverter. Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-03-0

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana KP,Pembimbing Akademik TA/skripsi Hanny Tumbelaka. Universitas Kristen Petra. (Unpublished)

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2021) Mitigation of supply voltage disturbances with a load voltage-controlled inverter. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2018) OPTIMALISASI PEMBELAJARAN ELEKTRONIKA DAYA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SIMULASI KOMPUTER. Jurnal Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, 7 (27). pp. 249-258. ISSN 2089-3647

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2007) Power Flow in A Load-Current Sensorless Shunt Active Power Filter. Jurnal Teknik Elektro, 7 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1411-870X

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2021) A Simple Sinusoidal Buck Converter Working as A Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2014) A Simple Three-phase Three-wire Voltage Disturbance Compensator. In: ICITACEE, 08-11-2014 - 09-11-2014, Semarang - Indonesia.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2016) A Single-Phase Twin-Buck Inverter. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Borle, Lawrence J. (2010) Harmonic Mitigation Using a Polarized Ramp-time Current-Controlled Inverter. Telkomnika, 8 (3). pp. 235-244. ISSN 1693-6930

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Borle, Lawrence J. and Nayar, Chem V. (2005) Analysis of a series inductance implementation on a three-phase shunt active power filter for various types of non-linear loads. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Borle, Lawrence J. and Nayar, Chem V. (2004) A NEW APPROACH TO STABILITY LIMIT ANALYSIS OF A SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER WITH MIXED NON-LINEAR LOADS. In: AUPEC 2004, 29-09-2004 - 29-09-2004, Brisbane - Australia.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Borle, Lawrence J. and Nayar, Chem V. and Lee, Seong Ryong (2009) A Grid Current-Controlling Shunt Active Power Filter. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Miyatake, Masafumi (2010) Simple Integration of Three-phase Shunt Active Power Filter and Photovoltaic Generation System with Fibonacci-Search-Based MPPT. In: 2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Apptications, 05-10-2010 - 05-10-2010, Penang - Malaysia.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Muljadi, Eduard and Gao, Wenzhong (2018) The Impact of Transformer Winding Connections of a Grid-Connected PV on Voltage Quality Improvement. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Muljadi, Eduard and Gao, Wenzhong (2017) Power Quality Improvement Utilizing Photovoltaic Generation Connected to a Weak Grid. In: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE) 2017, 05-10-2017 - 05-10-2017, Ohio - USA.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Nayar, Chem V. and Tan, Kelvin and Borle, Lawrence J. (2003) ACTIVE FILTERING APPLIED TO A LINE-COMMUTATED INVERTER FED PERMANENT MAGNET WIND GENERATOR. In: The Sixth International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2003), 29-11-2003 - 29-11-2003, Singapore - Singapore.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Rohi, Daniel and Stephani, Ribka (2012) MEREDUKSI HARMONISA ARUS PADA SISTEM KELISTRIKAN DENGAN TRANSFORMER MULTI-WINDING. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri, Waluyo Jatmiko, 03-07-2012 - 03-07-2012, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Thiang, (2012) Aplikasi Fuzzy Logic Controller untuk Active Power Filter Tiga Fasa Tipe Shunt. In: 13th SITIA 2012, 23-05-2012 - 23-05-2012, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Thiang, and Sorati, (2009) Aplikasi Jaringan Saraf Tiruan pada Shunt Active Power Filter Tiga Fasa. In: INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SEMINAR 2009, 22-10-2009 - 22-10-2009, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Warpindyasmoro, Heri Saptono and Dannaezar, Dannaezar Sistem Pembangkit Energi Listrik Piko Hidro dalam Rumah Tangga secara Paralel. UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN PETRA.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Khoswanto, Handry (2023) Sistem Kendali Jarak Jauh untuk Pemutusan dan Penyambungan kWh Meter dengan Ponsel. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Khoswanto, Handry and Ananda, Stephanus A. and Thiang, (2024) On-Grid Photovoltaic System Using A Solid-State Transformer. In: Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology, 19-01-2024 - 19-01-2024, Miri Serawak - Malaysia.

Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Khoswanto, Handry and Thiang, and Ananda, Stephanus A. (2024) Power Flow Analysis of On-Grid Photovoltaic Generation Using A Solid-State Transformer. [UNSPECIFIED]



Petra Christian University (2023) Meja Lipat Bundar. .

WINARDI, EKA and Setiadji, Julius Sentosa and Prasetyo, Johan (2023) Implementasi Smart Farming 4.0 dengan PLTS Off Grid di Kebun Hidroponik Perpusda Jatim. Jurnal Dimensi Insinyur Profesional, 1 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN E-ISSN XXXX-XXXX

Warpindyasmoro, Heri Saptono and Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana Alat Pembangkit Energi Listrik dari Gelombang Laut dengan Menggunakan Benda Apung. UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN PETRA.

Petra Christian University (2023) Gantungan Metal Musim Panas. .

Petra Christian University (2022) GANTUNGAN AYAM KECIL. .

Wicaksono, Handy (2011) SCADA Software dengan Wonderware InTouch - Dasar - Dasar Pemrograman. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta.

Wicaksono, Handy and Alimin, Roche and Khoswanto, Handry and Wijaya, Jonathan Aditya and Wibisono, Wendy (2021) Industrial Internet of Things for Condition-based Maintenance of an Induction Motor. In: International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development -4th ICET4SD 2021, 13-12-2021 - 13-12-2021, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Wicaksono, Handy and Khoswanto, Handry and Kuswadi, Son (2012) Teleautonomous Control on Rescue Robot Prototype. Telkomnika, 10 (4). pp. 621-628. ISSN 1693-6930

Wicaksono, Handy and Khoswanto, Handry and Kuswadi, Son (2011) Behaviors Coordination and Learning on Autonomous Navigation of Physical Robot. Telkomnika, 9 (3). pp. 473-482. ISSN 1693-6930

Wicaksono, Handy and Khoswanto, Handry and Kuswadi, Son (2012) Teleautonomous Control on Rescue Robot Prototype. Telkomnika, 10 (4). pp. 621-628. ISSN 1693-6930

Wicaksono, Handy and Khoswanto, Handry and Kuswadi, Son (2011) Behaviors Coordination and Learning on Autonomous Navigation of Physical Robot. Jurnal Telkomnika, Vol. 9 (No. 3). pp. 473-482. ISSN 1693-6930

Wicaksono, Handy (2011) Behavior Coordination Methods on Autonomous Navigation of Physical Robot. In: Industrial Electronic Seminar 2011, 26-10-2011 - , Surabaya - Indonesia.

Wicaksono, Handy (2011) Q Learning Behavior on Autonomous Navigation of Physical Robot. In: The 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2011), 23-11-2011 - 26-11-2011, Incheon - Korea Selatan.

Wicaksono, Handy and Alimin, Roche and Khoswanto, Handry and WIJAYA, JONATHAN ADITYA and WIBISONO, WENDY (2024) Industrial Internet of Things for Condition-based Maintenance of an Induction Motor. [UNSPECIFIED]

Wicaksono, Handy and Anam, Khairul and Prihastono, and Sulistijono, Indra Adjie and Kuswadi, Son (2010) COMPACT FUZZY Q LEARNING FOR AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOT NAVIGATION. In: IASTED International Conference Robotics (IASTED - Roby, 26-11-2010 - 26-11-2010, Bangkok - Thailand.

Wicaksono, Handy and Khoswanto, Handry (2012) Penerapan Mekanisme Suspensi dan Kontrol Teleoperasi pada Prototipe Rescue Robot. In: Industrial Electronics Seminar, 24-10-2012 - , Surabaya - Indonesia.

Wicaksono, Handy and Santoso, Petrus and Putro, Iwan Handoyo and HUTOMO, IVAN SURYA and ALVINA, PRICILLIA (2020) Towards Integration of Heterogeneous Controllers in an IOT-based Automation System. [UNSPECIFIED]

Wicaksono, Handy and Santoso, Petrus and Sugiarto, Indar and Dwipanjung, Florenzo (2023) Voice-Controlled Smart Home Prototype to Assist an Elder in Home Care. [UNSPECIFIED]

Wicaksono, Handy and Sugiarto, Indar and Santoso, Petrus (2022) Towards Autonomous Robot Application and Human Pose Detection for Elders Monitoring. In: ICITESEE 2022, 14-12-2022 - 14-12-2022, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.


YUMANA, REINARD MIKA and Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana and Tanoto, Yusak (2024) Analisa Daya pada Pemanfaatan Panel Surya Menggunakan Inverter Limiter. [UNSPECIFIED]

Ye, Liang and Ferdinando, Hany and Wang, Peng and Wang, Le and Seppänen, Tapio and ALASAARELA, ESKO (2018) A Combined Motion-Audio School Bullying Detection Algorithm. [UNSPECIFIED]

Ye, Liang and Ferdinando, Hany and Alasaarela, Esko (2014) Techniques in Pattern Recognition for School Bullying Prevention: Review and Outlook. Journal of Pattern Recognition Research, 9 (1). pp. 50-63. ISSN 1558-884X

Ye, Liang and Ferdinando, Hany and Seppänen, Tapio and Alasaarela, Esko (2014) Physical Violence Detection for Preventing School Bullying. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2014 (2014). pp. 1-9. ISSN update

This list was generated on Wed Mar 5 00:18:07 2025 WIT.