Aritonang, Agusly Irawan and Yoanita, Desi and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander (2018) Citizen Journalism Based On Website for Digital Literacy. In: International Conference on Educational Science and Training 2018, 14-08-2018 - 14-08-2018, Padang - Indonesia.
Abstract A practice of citizens journalism is an alternative form in a process of journalistic work to present information and news which are quick and accurate. Moreover, the advance in technology of communication and information seems to open up the very wide chance toward the practice of citizens journalism though the quality demand is also expected to be better. This things also cannot be separated from the demand that the citizens literacy in having media, especially the digital iteracy, can be better. In this case, Kompasiana as one of media for citizens journalism offers chance to Kompasianers to invlove. This meet poin of both two actors (citizens and media) can be a combination model which is profitable for tboth of them in order to present the practice of citizens journalisme with good quality as well as an effort to improve the literacy of citizens.
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