

Natadjaja, Listia and Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine (2019) ENHANCING THE LEARNING OF PACKAGING DESIGN THROUGH SERVICE-LEARNING PROGRAMS. Michigan Journal of Community Service learning, 25 (2). pp. 133-151. ISSN 1944-0219

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      Learning packaging design requires knowledge of the design theory and practice of packaging making that can then be applied in the community. Our packaging design class was frst implemented as a regular program for fve years and has been a service-learning (S-L) program for 13 years. We observed that the quality of packaging design learning improved after implementing the S-L program. In order to iden- tify an efective program, we examined packaging design learning by comparing classes that use a regu- lar program to classes that implement the S-L program. We collected the data from students’ refections and interviews with them. The study outcomes provide important discussions about S-L programs and how students enhance their learning by moving from passive through active learning to solve real design prob- lems. Through the experiences of dealing with real clients and problems, students develop their sense of civic responsibility and citizenship.Moreover, students have contributed their packaging design to the welfare of urban and rural people in need. Regarding character development, students become more concerned with their attitudes. In addition to the positive outcomes from a S-L program, we also evaluate some challenges related to economic, cultural, and social aspects of S-L. The S-L program helps us to solve real problems in packaging design

      Item Type: Article
      Uncontrolled Keywords: Packaging Design, Learning, Regular Program, Service-Learning Program
      Subjects: H Social Sciences
      Divisions: Faculty of Art and Design > Visual Communication Design Department
      Depositing User: Admin
      Date Deposited: 05 Dec 2019 00:53
      Last Modified: 17 Sep 2020 16:14
      URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/20099

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