
Implications Of Locally Managed SNSS On E-Government Implementation and Community Building: A Case Study Of Surabaya

Indrayani, Inri Inggrit (2023) Implications Of Locally Managed SNSS On E-Government Implementation and Community Building: A Case Study Of Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED]

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      The local government of Surabaya builds Social Network Sites (SNSs) in in- teracting with citizens. In addition, at the sub-local level, social communica- tion institutions located in each urban village manage SNSs as well. This re- search aims to find the implications of the use of locally managed SNSs in each urban village in Surabaya. The research used a qualitative approach and case study. The data was collected by interviewing 15 informants and observing digital artifacts on local SNSs in several urban villages. This re- search found that the use of locally managed SNSs in urban villages has implications for strengthening e-government implementation, firstly, to pro- vide a variety of services and public information about the potential and strengths of each urban village; secondly, to activate and increase public capacity in each urban villages in the digitalization. Another implication is on community building by maintaining stakeholder engagement and building �we feeling� in the public of each urban village. This research provides insight into the management and use of SNSs in sub-local contexts both for the reinforce- ment of e-government implementation and the maintenance of social capital in a developing country that seeks to maintain democratization stability.

      Item Type: UNSPECIFIED
      Uncontrolled Keywords: e-government; community building; social network sites (SNSs); urban village; Surabaya
      Subjects: H Social Sciences
      Divisions: Faculty of Communication Science > Communication Science Department
      Depositing User: Admin
      Date Deposited: 15 Dec 2023 22:28
      Last Modified: 20 Dec 2023 17:58
      URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/20671

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