Hardjito, Djwantoro and Why, Sin Wing (2011) On the Use of Quarry Dust and Bottom Ash as Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM). In: Concrete2011 Building a Sustainable Future, 12-14 October 2011, Perth, Australia.
This paper presents the study of Controlled Low Strengh Materials (CLSM) utilizing bottom ash (BA) from coal-fired power plant located in Kuching, Malaysia, and quarry dust (QD) as its fine aggregates and filler sources. The CLSM specimens were prepared by using cement, quarry dust, bottom ash and water only. The plastic properties (flowability, bleeding, segregation and setting time) and in-service properties (density and compressive strength) were measured to monitor the properties of specimens. Furthermore, the optimum ratio of bottom ash to quarry dust was also determined. The results reveals that the optimum water content required to achieve the desired flowability occurred when the ratio (by mass) of BA:QD in the range from 40:60 to 25:75. Mixture with higher bottom ash content content shows longer initial setting time. Bleeding is directly proportional to the bottom ash content while inversely proportional to the cement content. Maximum bleeding percentage of 5.22% is sited. Results also show that higher quarry dust content generates larger strength. The CLSM specimen is in best condition for BA:QD ratio ranges within 40:60 to 25:75.
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