Primasanti, Kartika Bayu (2009) MANAJEMEN TELEVISI LOKAL: KEGAMANGAN YANG WAJAR. Scriptura, 3 (2). pp. 161-172.
This paper reports on observation of how local television industries manage their aspects, such as conceptual aspect, human resources aspect, and technical aspect. This paper highlights the uncertainty of local television industry mana¬gement on those aspects as something common related to economic and politic context. From ‘market perspective’, this paper concludes some important strategies which aim to help the survival of local television industries. Instead of competing with Jakartas television, local television should prepare for understanding and creating qualified local content, maintaining good internship program to solve human resource problems, and improving production of qualified program within limited technical equipments. A good management of local television industries in those aspects helps them to be a strategic tool in disseminating democratization within broadcasting media.
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