Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan and WIDIANTONO , DR. Doni J. and RASYAD , Radiman and Sudarman , Agus (2012) Integrated & Smart Design for Urban Green Spaces. In: Arte-Polis 4 Intl Conference - Creative Connectivity and the Making of Place: Living Smart by Design .
Jakarta has been transformed to a mega-city covering Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Depok, Puncak and Cianjur in less than 3 centuries. And The Central Government has been seriously involved in coordinating the planning, design and development control in the area. Unfortunately it still faces less sustainable issues, such as: floods, reduction of green open space, environmental degradation. To improve the spatial quality of Greater Jakarta Metro Region, to increase the community awareness and participation and to provide employment and opportunities in the global economic crisis, a program named Sustainable Urban Spatial Improvement Program/ SUSIP (or Program Peningkatan Kualitas Tata Ruang/ P2KTR) was proposed and implemented with integrated approach in Urban Planning and Design in 8 locations incluiding Cirendeu Open Space Redesign. The Redesign of Cirendeu Open Space could be categorised as “Smart Design” due to professional approach of the consultants, excellent evaluation, active participation of the stakeholders, sustainable Local SUSIP Organisation, the economic sustainability approach of the Open Space design and management, the sizeable open space area for outdoor activities, and excellent construction and landscape implementation. Although facing challenges, the “Smart” Urban Planning and Design have been successfully implemented in Cirendeu. This approach should be replicated to other areas Indonesia to improve the Spatial Quality and Sustainability of all Urban Developments.
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