Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda and Lumantarna, Benjamin (2011) SEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF STRUCTURE WITH VERTICAL SET-BACK DESIGNED USING PARTIAL CAPACITY DESIGN. In: The 3rd International Conference of European Asian Civil Engineering Forum, 20-09-2011 - 22-09-2011, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.
A new design method named the Partial Capacity Design Method (PCDM) has been proposed by the Authors. In this method partial side sway mechanism is employed, in which for a certain seismic load level some columns are allowed to develop plastic hinges while some selected columns are to remain elastic except at the base of the structure. To ensure these selected columns remain elastic, these columns are designed to resist magnified internal forces. The internal forces due to the nominal earthquake load are multiplied by a certain magnification factor, f. Several efforts have been made to find the suitable magnification factor, f. In the latest development the determination of the magnification factor, f, is based on the natural period of the structure in plastic condition, “the plastic period�, Tpl. The plastic period, Tpl is predicted using a correlation between the elastic and plastic natural period developed from data of several structures previously observed. The performance of several symmetrical fully ductile concrete moment resisting frame designed in accordance with the latest Indonesian Seismic Code (SNI 03 1726-2002) using the proposed method has been presented elsewhere. In this paper some structures with vertical set-back are designed with PCDM and the seismic performances are evaluated using dynamic non-linear time history analysis. The results show that under the intended seismic load level, the selected columns remain elastic and the structures performed very well as suggested in the Asian Concrete Model Code (ACMC).
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