Muljati, Ima and Tanojo, Effendy and An, Ta and Arief, Yehezkiel (2011) Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem Ganda SRPMK dan SRBK yang Menggunakan Reduced Beam Section pada Kedua Arah Orthogonal Bangunan di Wilayah 2 Peta Gempa Indonesia. Technical Report. Civil Engineering Department, Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Several researches conducted after the 1994 Northridge Earthquake showing the failure of steel structures are caused by the failure of moment frame connection. Among the proposed solutions, reduced beam section (RBS) connection becomes the most prospective alternatives. In RBS, some of flanges section area of beams are reduced so that its nominal moment capacity decreasing. The effort leads to the movement of plastic hinges location from the face of beam-column connection to the section of RBS, resulting the more safe plastic collapse mechanism. The research on special moment frames (SMF) using RBS in one direction has been conducted and the result show that the structures experience safe mechanism although their drift are quite excessive. Furthermore, the use of RBS in two orthogonal direction of SMF resulting good structural performance, but inefficient in the columns’ section. Continuing the last research, this study is aimed to observe the structural performance of steel dual system, SMF and concentrically braced frame (CBF), using RBS. Structures are design based on Indonesian steel code, SNI 03-1729-2002 and AISC 358-05. Two office building structures in zone 2 of Indonesian map which are 6- and 10-story with symmetrical and typical plan are chosen as the case study. The structural performance is checked using nonliner static pushover analysis and nonlinear time history analysis. The results show that the design of the dual system could not meet the requirement of SNI 03-1729-2002. The SMF performed well and the mechanism of strong column weak beam could be met. Unfortunately, the CBF failed to fulfill the mechanism as expected leadings to brittle failure of structures. Keywords: special moment frame, concentrically braced frame, structural performance, reduced beam section.
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