Muljati, Ima and Lumantarna, Benjamin and Santoso, Andrew Christian Herwanto and Sutanto, Andy (2011) Perencanaan Pseudo Elastis: Evaluasi Kolom Elastis pada Bangunan Tidak Beraturan 6- dan 10-Lantai dengan Vertical Set-Back 50% di Wilayah 6 Peta Gempa Indonesia. Technical Report. Civil Engineering Department, Surabaya. (Unpublished)
As an alternative seismic design to the capacity design method, partial capacity design offers the more effective design procedure because columns and beams can be designed independently. Some columns are designed based on the ultimite load multiplied by a magnification factor to keep them remains in elastic codition, while the other columns are designed based on the ultimate load and are allowed to become plastic. Several researches show that partial capacity design applied well on regular structures. However, in the case of irregular structures partial capacity design failed to achieve the expected mechanism due to the occurence of some plastic hinges at the elastic columns. This study is aimed to compare and evaluate the performance of partial capacity design through two different design schemes. In the first scheme, the elastic columns are designed using the magnification factor as determined by the conventional partial capacity design. While in the second scheme, the elastic columns are designed based on the standard capacity design according to SNI 03-2847-2002. The observed structures are 6- and 10-story office buildings with 50% vertical set-back in zone 6 of Indonesian seismic map. The structural performances are checked using nonlinear time history analysis. The results show that the structural performance produced by the second scheme is beter than the first, leadings to the needs of improvement and further investigation on the partial capacity design procedure. Key words: partial capacity design, capacity design, structural performance, vertical set-back
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