
Brain Computer Interface for Controlling RC-Car Using Emotiv Epoc+

SETIONO, THOMAS and Handojo, Andreas and Intan, Rolly and SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Lim, Resmana (2018) Brain Computer Interface for Controlling RC-Car Using Emotiv Epoc+. [UNSPECIFIED]

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    The research presents a control of a mobile robot/RC (Remote Control) car using EEG brain signals. Hardware composed of Emotiv Epoc+ EEG headset, computer, Wi-Fi router, and ESP8266 Wemos D1 microcontroller. The project is used for remote commands to navigate mobile robots into the specified position. In this research, the Steady State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) with stimuli frequencies of 12, 15, and 20 Hz is used to control the direction of the RC-car (i.e. forward, right, and left). Two volunteers have participated in the experiment. They sit in a chair looking at the monitor screen with 3 flashing picture boxes with frequency of 12 Hz (goforward), 15 Hz (turn right), and 20 Hz (turn left). This project uses SVM pattern recognition methods to differentiate brain pattern. Recognition rate accuracy achieved 88% for turn-left command, 91% for turn-right command, and 90% for goforward command.

    Item Type: UNSPECIFIED
    Uncontrolled Keywords: BCI; CSP; Emotiv EPOC; Mobile Robot; SSVEP; SVM;
    Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA76 Computer software
    Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Electrical Engineering Department
    Depositing User: Admin
    Date Deposited: 04 Jul 2018 00:23
    Last Modified: 10 Jul 2018 21:47
    URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/17851

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