Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2019) Cloud Technology: Opportunities for Cybercriminals and Security Challenges. In: Ubi-Media 2019, 09-08-2019 - 09-08-2019, Denpasar - Indonesia.
Nowadays, there is a growing of interest about cloud technology to many companies around the world. Thats why many companies trying and implementing cloud computing technologies in their business processes. This research will examine the security requirements that will apply for companies and organizations when they choose to move to a cloud service solution. The study is carried out because cloud services are very desirable in many industries today. Migrating to cloud services would often results in great benefits both financially and administratively. The concerns raised by the transition are how security should be handled. Many companies suffer from a lack of knowledge and it is seen as a big risk to make the transition. This leads to the question that the research strive to answer-which security demands will the transition to a cloud service implicate? In this paper we explain which security requirements are available both for local solutions and cloud solutions. We draw conclusions about what differences there are, what requirements are mutual, which ones are new and which ones are absent if a transition is made to cloud services. The result of this research is an evaluation that companies and organizations can use as a basis when they plan to implement this particular transition.
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