Items where Subject is "H Social Sciences > HA Statistics"
Group by: Creators | Item Type Number of items at this level: 55.
BBisono, Indriati Njoto (2018) On Estimation and Prediction of Simple Model and Spatial Hierarchical Model for Temperature Extremes. [UNSPECIFIED] Bisono, Indriati Njoto and Robinson, Andrew P. (2014) Spatial Bayesian Model for Maximum Temperature. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 53 (6). pp. 137-144. ISSN 0973-7545 CCHRISTIAN, DAVID and Halim, Siana (2016) Peramalan Multivariat untuk Menentukan Harga Emas Global. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 18 (2). pp. 137-144. ISSN ISSN 1411-2485 print / ISSN 2087-7439 online DDA, ZEBE and Halim, Siana (2024) Prediction of bullish and bearish candlestick signals movement on forex using random forest and multilayer perceptron. [UNSPECIFIED] Dewi, Melisa Kartika and Halim, Siana (2014) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesuksesan Proses Belajar Mengajar di Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Kristen Petra. Proceeding Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri UK. Petra. ISSN 978-602-71225-1-2 HHALIM, KARINA KUSUMA and Halim, Siana and Felecia, (2020) Business Intelligence for Designing Restaurant Marketing Strategy: A Case Study. [UNSPECIFIED] HALIM, KARINA KUSUMA and Halim, Siana and Felecia, (2019) Business Intelligence for Designing Restaurant Marketing Strategy: A Case Study. In: The 5th Information Systems International Conference(ISICO), 24-07-2019 - 24-07-2019, Surabaya - Indonesia. Hakimah, Yusro and Ratar, Merry and Ardan, M. and Setiawan, Alexander (2024) Analisis Data Statistik : Panduan Komprehensif Untuk Interpretasi Data. PT Media Penerbit Indonesia. ISBN 978-623-09-9600-9 Halim, Siana (2015) Defect Detection on Texture using Statistical Approach. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 17 (2). pp. 89-96. ISSN 1411-2485 Halim, Siana (2015) Pattern Fabric Defect Detection using Nonparametric Regression. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 53 (6). pp. 223-229. ISSN 0973-1377 (Printed), 0973-7545 (Online) Halim, Siana (2010) Statistical analysis on the intellectual capital statement. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 11 (1). pp. 61-73. ISSN 1469-1930 Halim, Siana and Anastasia, Njo and EVALINA, AGNES and TOBING, AIDA FITRIANI (2008) PENENTUAN HARGA JUAL HUNIAN PADA APARTEMEN DI SURABAYA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE REGRESI SPASIAL. Jurnal Teknik Industri UK. Petra, 10 (2). pp. 151-157. ISSN 1411-2485 Halim, Siana and Bisono, Indriati Njoto (2008) Stochastic Judgments in the AHP: Confidence Interval Construction Using Score Statistics. In: 9th APIEMS, 3-5 December 2008, Bali. Halim, Siana and Felecia, (2012) Deteksi keausan alat pada proses pengeboran sumber alam. Jurnal Teknik Industri UK Petra. Halim, Siana and Felecia, and Octavia, Tanti (2020) Statistical Learning for Predicting Dengue Fever Rate in Surabaya. Jurnal Teknik Industri , 22 (1). pp. 37-46. ISSN 2087-7439 Halim, Siana and Felecia, and Wulandari, Dian and Susanti, Fransisca Lucy (2016) Group Decision Using Analytical Hierarchical Process: Surabaya’s Universities Library in Digital Natives Perspective. In: IEEE-IEEM, 05-12-2016 - 05-12-2016, Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia. Halim, Siana and Felecia, Felecia and Inggrid, Inggrid and Wulandari, Dian (2015) Digital Natives: Its Characteristics and Challenge to the Library Service Quality. In: ICESTI 2015, 9-12 September 2015, Balim. Halim, Siana and Felecia, Felecia and Wulandari, Dian and Susanti, Fransisca Lucy (2016) Group Decision Using Analytical Hierarchical Process: Surabaya's Universities Library in Digital Natives Perspective. In: IEEE-IEEM 2016, 4-7 December 2016, Bali. Halim, Siana and HUMIRA, YULIANA VINA (2014) Credit Scoring Modeling. Jurnal Teknik Industri, Vol. 1 (N0. 1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 1411-2485 Halim, Siana and Handojo, Andreas and WIDODO, IVAN ENRICO and Felecia, and Octavia, Tanti (2020) Spatial Multi-Layer Perceptron Model for Predicting Dengue Fever Outbreaks in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Halim, Siana and Inggrid, and Bisono, Indriati Njoto (2015) Examining Spatial Effects of Regional Income Convergence in Sumatra Island. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 53 (6). pp. 152-157. ISSN 0973-1377 (Printed), 0973-7545 (Online) Halim, Siana and Inggrid, and Ottemoesoe, Ridhotama Shanti Darsih (2013) THE SYNTHETIC REGRESSION METHOD: HOW THE INDIAN OCEAN TSUNAMI AFFECTS GROWTH TRAJECTORIES. In: International Conference on Applied Statistics, 16-09-2013 - 18-09-2013, Bandung - Indonesia. Halim, Siana and Inggrid, Inggrid and Bisono, Indriati Njoto (2014) EVALUASI DAMPAK BENCANA TSUNAMI 2004 TERHADAP KINERJA PEREKONOMIAN PROVINSI ACEH: APLIKASI SYNTHETIC CONTROL METHODS. Project Report. LPPM UK. Petra, Perpustakaan UK. Petra. (Unpublished) Halim, Siana and Inggrid, Inggrid and Ottemoesoe, R Shanti D (2014) Evaluasi Dampak Bencana Tsunami 2004 Terhadap Kinerja Perekonimian Provinsi Aceh : Aplikasi Synthetic Control Method. LPPM UK. Petra. (Unpublished) Halim, Siana and Intan, Rolly and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2020) Fuzzy Linear Regression for Tuberculosis Case Notification Rate Prediction in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Halim, Siana and Jiang, Heming (2013) The Effect of Operation 24 Hours on Reducing Collision in the City of Edmonton. Accident Analysis Prevention, 58. pp. 106-114. Halim, Siana and Jiang, Heming (2013) The effect of Operation 24 Hours on reducing collision in the Cityof Edmonton. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013. pp. 106-114. Halim, Siana and Wulandari, Dian and Felecia, Felecia and Inggrid, Inggrid (2015) Library for the Digital Natives Generation: What to do. Halim, Siana and Wulandari, Dian and S., DEMMY KASIH FAURITHA and Felecia, and Inggrid, (2015) Library for the Digital Natives Generation: What to do. In: International Conference on Record and Library, 10-10-2015 - 10-10-2015, Surabaya - Indonesia. Halim, Siana and Wulandari, Dian and SOPACUA, DEMMY KASIH FAURITHA and Felecia, and Inggrid, (2016) Versi Jurnal: LIBRARY FOR THE DIGITAL NATIVES GENERATION: WHAT TO DO. Record and Library Journal, 2 (1). pp. 58-63. ISSN 2442-5168 Halim, Siana and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and HARTANTO, STEFANIE and Rio, Yinsi (2011) Geostatistics for Mapping Public Health in Surabaya. In: 2011 Indonesian-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, 9-11 July 2011, Bogor. Halim, Siana (2012) Defect Detection using Nonparametric Regression. In: 8th World Congress in Probability in Statistics, 07-07-2012 - , Istanbul - Turki. Halim, Siana (2014) Hill Estimator untuk Mendeksi Cacat Sederhana pada Texture. In: Konferensi Nasional Matematika XVII, 11-06-2014 - 14-06-2014, Surabaya - Indonesia. Halim, Siana and Felecia, and Inggrid, and Wulandari, Dian and SOPACUA, DEMMY KASIH FAURITHA (2016) Digital Natives: Its Characteristics and Challenge to the Library Service Quality. [UNSPECIFIED] Halim, Siana and Intan, Rolly and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2019) Fuzzy Linear Regression for Tuberculosis Case Notification Rate Prediction in Surabaya. In: International Conference on Advanced Information Science and System (AISS19), 17-11-2019 - 17-11-2019, Singapore - Singapore. Halim, Siana and ROVANELLI, ARMANDO and Widyadana, I Gede Agus (2023) Designing Performance Dashboard for Monitoring Post-harvest Loss in Transportation. In: ICE-SMARTECH, 18-07-2023 - 18-07-2023, Bandung - Indonesia. Halim, Siana and ROVANELLI, ARMANDO and Widyadana, I Gede Agus (2024) Proceeding of 2023 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Technology (ICE-SMARTec). [UNSPECIFIED] IInggrid, and Halim, Siana and Bisono, Indriati Njoto (2014) Assessing the Impact of the Indian Ocean Tsunami on the Economy: Evidence from Indonesia and Thailand. In: The 5th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies, 17-11-2014 - 18-11-2014, Banda Aceh - Indonesia. Inggrid, Inggrid and Halim, Siana and Bisono, Indriati (2014) Assessing the Impact of the Indian Ocean Tsunami on the Economy: Evidence from Indonesia and Thailand. In: The 5th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies, 17-18 November 2014, Aceh. Inggrid, (2015) Does the Rabbits Foot Actually Work? The Causal Effect of Foreign Ownership on Firm Productivity in Three ASEAN Countries. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 17 (1). pp. 27-34. ISSN ISSN 1411-2485 print / ISSN 2087-7439 online JJAYA, ALDO SETYAWAN and Halim, Siana and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho (2024) Evaluation of Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness in handling theCovid-19 pandemic in the city of Surabaya with a dynamicsystem simulation approach using vensim PLE. [UNSPECIFIED] KKunto, Yohanes Sondang (2012) Statistika. McGraw-Hill Education (Asia). ISBN 978-1-259-01150-4 Kunto, Yohanes Sondang and Mandemakers, Jornt J. (2016) The effect of prenatal Ramadan exposure on child health in Indonesia: a longitudinal perspective. In: European Population Conference 2016, 02-09-2016 - 02-09-2016, Mainz - Germany. OOctavia, Tanti and Halim, Siana and Lukmanto, Stephanus and Sutopo, Harvey (2010) Supply Chain Improvement with Design Structure Matrix Method and Clustering Analysis (A Case Study). In: 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing,Intelligent System and Information Technology, 01-02 July 2010, Bali. PPUTRI, KRISTINA SANJAYA and Halim, Siana (2020) Currency movement forecasting using time series analysis and long short-term memory. International Journal of Industrial Optimization, 1 (2). pp. 71-80. ISSN 2723-3022 SS, ANGELIN TABITA PUTERI and Halim, Siana (2015) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Siswa SMA dalam Memilih Perguruan Tinggi. In: SNTI-UK. Petra 2014, - 08-11-2014, Surabaya - Indonesia. SUTRISNO, HENDRI and Halim, Siana (2017) Credit Scoring Refinement using Optimized Logistic Regression. In: ICSIIT 2017, 29-09-2017 - 29-09-2017, Denpasar - Indonesia. Sutapa, I Nyoman and Halim, Siana and Felecia, (2025) Listening to the Voice of Customers: Assessing the PetraVerse Learning Management System. [UNSPECIFIED] TTANJUNG, SEAN YONATHAN and Yahya, Kresnayana and Halim, Siana (2021) Predicting the Readiness of Indonesia Manufacturing Companies toward Industry 4.0: A Machine Learning Approach. [UNSPECIFIED] TJOEA, FELIX JULIO and PAZYA, ANGELINA VANNI and FERDIANTI, SHEA AMANDA and SUSILA, VITOVERN JOEY and Halim, Siana (2023) Optimizing Shipping Operations through Real-Time Monitoring and Control: A Decision Support System for Container Stripping Processes. [UNSPECIFIED] Tabita, Angelin and Halim, Siana (2014) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Siswa SMA dalam Memilih Perguruan Tinggi. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri UK. Petra 2014, 8 November 2014, Surabaya. Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2009) CAN SHARING KNOWLEDGE as an ORGANIZATION CULTURE ACCELERATE ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION. In: Proceeding, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management, December 10th-11th, 2009, Bali. WWIJAYANTO, EMMANUEL JASON and Halim, Siana and Widyadana, I Gede Agus (2024) Post-harvest Soybean Meal Loss in Transportation: A Data Mining Case Study. [UNSPECIFIED] WIJAYANTO, EMMANUEL JASON and Halim, Siana and Widyadana, I Gede Agus (2023) Post-harvest Soybean Meal Loss in Transportation: A Data Mining Case Study. In: The 6th Intelligent Computing and Optimization (ICO 2023), 28-04-2023 - 28-04-2023, Hua-Hin - Thailand. Wahjudi, Didik and Singgih, Moses L. and Suwignyo, Patdono and Baihaqi, Imam (2016) The relationship between organisational culture and firm performance: an empirical study on Indonesian manufacturing firms. Int. J. Productivity and Quality Management, 18 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1746-6482 |