
Millennial Generation Conception about Islamophobic, De-radicalization and Communication Process Based on Multicultural Education: A Phenomenography Study

Priyowidodo, Gatut (2019) Millennial Generation Conception about Islamophobic, De-radicalization and Communication Process Based on Multicultural Education: A Phenomenography Study. Journal of Goverment & Politics - Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan, 10 (3). pp. 208-222. ISSN 1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220

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          Abstract: Islamphobic is a mind-set of fear about everything about Islam. The countenance of Islam as rahmatan lil alamin (bringing peace to all people), is affected by acts of violence and terror that are often displayed by a group of radical Muslims. The purpose of this research is to find out how the description of the understanding of Islamophobic among Christians, especially the millennial generation in Indonesia. It is related to the countenance of violence that is often done by some Muslims who in fact do not reflect the overall attitude of Islamic Teachings in Indonesia. Through phenomenography study the data was collected from all interviewees, related to certain conceptions or conceptions expressed by each individual. Data collection was carried out by structured interviews with 21 selected research subjects. The characteristics of the informants are those who are a generation of Christian millennial who have easy access to information. The findings of this study propose that Islamphobic is conceptualized as a form of fear. It is because of the countenance of Islam which is portrayed as full of violence, radical acts, discriminatory, hatred and raises fear among non-Islamic Followers. The attempt to de-radicalize was conceived successfully by the government because it was considered the right way to reduce feelings of fear and anxiety among non-Muslims. In addition, through the process of communication and multicultural education, it is expected to bridging the meeting of different views and is very relevant for diversity in Indonesia. Abstrak: Islamphobia adalah sikap ketakutan tentang segala sesuatu tentang Islam. Wajah Islam yang ‘rahmatan lil alamin’ (membawa damai bagi semua orang), terciderai dengan aksi kekerasan dan terror yang sering ditampilkan oleh sekelompok orang Islam yang beraliran radikal. Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran pemahaman Islamphobia di kalangan umat Kristiani khususnya generasi milenial di Indonesia terkait wajah kekerasan yang sering ditampilkan oleh sebagian umat Islam yang sejatinya tidak mencerminkan sikap secara keseluruhan umat Islam di Indonesia. Melalui metode studi phenomenography dimana fokus penelitian adalah berbagai konsepsi yang dikumpulkan dari semua yang diwawancarai, terkait konsepsi tertentu atau konsepsi yang diungkapkan oleh setiap individu.. koleksi data dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur kepada 21 subyek penelitian terpilih. Karakteristik informan, adalah mereka generasi mileneal Kristen yang secara pengetahuan mudah memperoleh akses informasi. Temuan penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa islamphobia dikonsepsi sebagai bentuk ketakutan karena wajah islam ditampilkan penuh kekerasan, tindakan radikal, diskriminatif, kebencian serta memunculkan ketakutan di kalangan mereka yang tidak sepaham. Upaya deradikalisasi dikonsepsikan berhasil dilakukan pemerintah karena dianggap cara yang tepat untuk mereduksi perasaan takut dan cemas di kalangan non muslim. Selain itu melalui proses komunikasi dan pendidikan multikultur, dianggap mampu menjembatani perjumpaan pandangan yang berbeda dan sangat relevan untuk Indonesia yang plural.

          Item Type: Article
          Additional Information: Publikasi hasil riset
          Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: konsepsi islamphobia, deradikalisasi, multikultur, phenomenograph, generasi milenial; Keywords: Conception of Islamphobic, De-radicalization, Multicultural, Phenomenography, Millennial Generation
          Subjects: H Social Sciences
          Divisions: Faculty of Communication Science > Communication Science Department
          Depositing User: Admin
          Date Deposited: 19 Nov 2019 21:34
          Last Modified: 14 Feb 2025 17:19
          URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/18499

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