Satia Budhi, Gregorius and Handojo, Andreas and Gerry S, Stefano (2010) Book Loan Recommendation System for Petra Christian University Library using PrefixSpan and Generalized Sequential Pattern Algorithm. The 2nd Makassar International conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2010.
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The library at Petra Christian University at this moment has the outstanding system of book searching. The library collection could be in Library and Digital Collection. To leveraging the services at the library, it is necessary to develop the automatic system which recommends the book or the correlation or the book which often being lend at the same time or sequentially by the students. It needs data processing using data mining to support this recommendation system. The recommendation system will mine sequential patterns between the collections using Prefix-Projected Sequential Pattern Mining (PrefixSpan) Algorithm or Generalized Sequential Patterns (GSP) Algorithm. Those two algorithms will be compared and chosen which one is the better one and fast enough to use for automatic recommendation system at the Library.
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- Book Loan Recommendation System for Petra Christian University Library using PrefixSpan and Generalized Sequential Pattern Algorithm. (deposited 11 Feb 2013 10:14)[Currently Displayed]
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