Mintorogo, Danny Santoso (2012) PAKIS-STEM BLOCKS AS THERMAL RESISTANCE ON FLAT CONCRETE ROOF IN WARM-HUMID TROPIC OF SURABAYA IN INDONESIA. In: Research Seminar, 27-03-2012 - 27-03-2012, Skudai, Johor bahru - Malaysia.
For decade many shop-stores and shop-houses have been built on the central business district areas of Surabaya to meet the rapid growth of business activities. The shop-stores and shop-houses even with some dwellings are built with flat bare concrete roofing systems. The concrete roof constructed is simple where most of the flat concrete roofs are built with concrete of 12.5 to 20 cm thick and plastered with Portland cement of 2 to 5 cm thickness. None of these flat roofs built are habitually equipped with external and internal insulations to prevent the impact of high solar irradiation on horizontal or tilted roof surfaces. The solar radiation intensity on horizontal surface in Surabaya with latitude 7o 17’-21’ South has an average of around 300 to 400 watt/m2 per hour total intensity radiation from 6 am to 6 pm is somewhat 3,000 to 5,000 watt-hour/m2 (Mintorogo 2007). The room thermal performance will be higher for cooling loads due to bare concrete roofing systems meanwhile most of shop-stores and shop-houses used air conditioning throughout days and nights. This phenomenon will lead to an un-sustainable domain.This research attempts to provide alternative by incorporating eco-friendly and sustainable material with Pakis-stem blocks on flat concrete roof for passive cooling strategy.
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