
The Benefits and Constraints of Service Learning on Typography Class: Street Vendors’ Banner Design Project

Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine and Damajanti, Maria Nala (2019) The Benefits and Constraints of Service Learning on Typography Class: Street Vendors’ Banner Design Project. [UNSPECIFIED]

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      Typography subject focuses on exploring typefaces using typical software and applying it to an artwork, such as a poster, advertisement, etc. In 2016, Typography 2 applied service-learning for the first time. Students were divided into several groups to make banners for street vendors in Surabaya city. This paper aims to determine the benefits obtained by participants of Typography 2 with the service-learning. In addition, to know the constraints faced as an evaluation of service-learning implementation. This study used qualitative methods, by collecting data from students reflection on Typography 2 service learning project. The students reflection consists of the learning they get and the obstacles or constraints. The results from service-learning implementation show many benefits are obtained, both in terms of academic and non-academic. It seems that non-academic benefits reveal more than academic benefits. Obstacles and constraints also faced during the implementation can be a meaningful input for service-learning implementation in the future. Implementation of service-learning in Typography class provides the different type and enriches case study in design subject. It also provides an assertion that service-learning as a method of learning is very good and can be applied in courses or other subject areas.

      Item Type: UNSPECIFIED
      Additional Information: Indexing oleh Web of Science (WoS) berbayar. Untuk itu kami lampirkan screen shot dalam website WoS (clarivate analytics) pada bagian file pendukung.
      Uncontrolled Keywords: Banner design / Service-learning / Street vendor / Typography
      Subjects: H Social Sciences
      Divisions: Faculty of Art and Design > Visual Communication Design Department
      Depositing User: Admin
      Date Deposited: 31 Aug 2019 02:08
      Last Modified: 27 Jul 2020 18:01
      URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/19128

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