
The Source and Message Appeal in Perceiving Family Planning Topics

Vidyarini, Titi Nur and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Yoanita, Desi (2021) The Source and Message Appeal in Perceiving Family Planning Topics. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social and Humanities, 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia.

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      The family planning is important issue in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has continuous effort to establish Indonesian healthy families through numerous strategies and tactics over more than 40 years. Fertile-age woman or couple with unmet need become an issue to be tackled with the program. In the rise of information and communication technology and borderless medium, the epicenter of family planning rest on the implementation of multi-mediated and direct communication. Strategic communication is used in determining specific targeted public, and the messages being conveyed. Advertising, digital media, community socialization, and local community centers have been used, by BKKBN (National Family Planning Coordinating Agency), to endorse the ideas of healthier family. Each communication tool is used as a different way of communicating, in this instance different source and messages to appeal the reader. This article used a qualitative thematic analysis, to understand how source of the message and the message appeal contributed on how the recipient perceived family planning topics. The findings conclude three things, 1) the importance of understanding targeted individuals� belief of a health issue, 2) the persuasive message exposure, and 3) the suitable modes of communication in delivering the intended message.

      Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
      Uncontrolled Keywords: family planning, health communication, strategic communication, digital media, unmet need
      Subjects: H Social Sciences
      Divisions: Faculty of Communication Science > Communication Science Department
      Depositing User: Admin
      Date Deposited: 17 Sep 2021 18:24
      Last Modified: 17 Oct 2021 16:48
      URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/19299

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