
The Representation of National Identity in the Film Tanah Surga Katanya...

Limanta, Liem Satya and Kurnia, Lilawati (2016) The Representation of National Identity in the Film Tanah Surga Katanya... In: The 1st Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Universitas Indonesia Conference, 09-11-2016 - 09-11-2016, Depok - Indonesia.

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          Identity is central in people’s life to steer their life. However, it is not something that is fixed and solid. As Hall said it was more of a process than a product or a fixed entity. National identity is a more sophisticated construction that involves a positioning. It becomes more complicated if it concerns those who live on the border area. Drawing on the concepts from Anderson, Hall, Kolakowski, Smith, and Edensor on identity, national idenity, and representation, this paper will analyze how national identity is represented in the film Tanah Surga Katanya... From the analysis it can be concluded that the representation of national identity in the film, which is carried out through the usage of symbols (flag and currency), memory and rituals, the film Tanah Surga Katanya... has been successful in showing that people who live on the borderland may have multiple and competing national identities and that national identity is a construction that cannot be solidified into a single meaning.

          Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
          Additional Information: Prosiding sedang dalam proses penerbitan internasional oleh Taylor & Francis Group yang akan terbit tanggal 30 September 2017. Afiliasi penulis UKP dicantumkan di halaman Authors Bionote di akhir paper. Untuk cek plagiasi dihasilkan dari Quetext karena dari sim yang disediakan oleh Petra memakan waktu 1-2 hari sedangkan batas akhir pengisian IKP2M sampai tanggal 8 September 2017.
          Uncontrolled Keywords: national identity, representation, construction, contestation of meaning
          Subjects: H Social Sciences
          P Language and Literature
          Divisions: Faculty of Letter > English Department
          Depositing User: Admin
          Date Deposited: 07 Sep 2017 17:37
          Last Modified: 26 Oct 2022 08:44
          URI: https://repository.petra.ac.id/id/eprint/19298

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