Items where Subject is "L Education > LB Theory and practice of education"
Group by: Creators | Item Type Number of items at this level: 46.
BBasuki, Ribut and Limanta, Liem Satya and Setiawan, Dwi and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) The effects of the roles of actors to audience satisfaction through technology acceptance model (TAM) in social media during pandemic era. [UNSPECIFIED] Boentolo, Franky (2023) TINJAUAN PRAKTIK DAN MAKNA PEMBELAJARAN REMEDIAL BERDASARKAN MATIUS 20:1-16. Aletheia Christian Educators Journal, 4 (2). pp. 66-76. ISSN 2776-3714 CCAHYANINGATI, LACTA WIDA RAYU and Yoedo, Yuli Christiana (2021) PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KRISTEN DAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN STAD DI KELAS MATEMATIKA DI SD KRISTEN “X” SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] FFloris, Flora Debora (2024) AI ethics 101: pedagogical. AI ethics 101: pedagogical. Floris, Flora Debora (2014) INTRODUCING ENGLISH AS AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE (EIL) TO PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS IN A WORLD ENGLISHES COURSE. PASAA, 47 (Jan - ). pp. 215-232. ISSN 2287-0024 Floris, Flora Debora (2024) Mutual Engagement in Virtual Spaces: Unveiling the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping Teaching Practices. Modern Journal of Studies in English Language Teaching and Literature, 5 (2). pp. 100-118. ISSN 2718-9708 Floris, Flora Debora (2024) Promoting Meaningful Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Promoting Meaningful Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Floris, Flora Debora (2022) Teacher, Your Voice... Exploring students perception on the use of audio feedabck. [UNSPECIFIED] Floris, Flora Debora and CHANDRA, CYNTHIA FELIA and DHARMAWAN, ERIC (2024) From folktales to digital books. From folktales to digital books. Floris, Flora Debora and Widiati, Utami and Renandya, Willy Ardian and Basthomi, Yazid (2024) Artificial Intelligence in English Language Teaching: Fostering Joint Enterprise in Online Communities. [UNSPECIFIED] GGinting, Daniel and Woods, Ross and Barella, Yusawinur and Limanta, Liem Satya and Madkur, Ahmad and How, Heng Ee (2024) The Effects of Digital Storytelling on the Retention and Transferability of Student Knowledge. [UNSPECIFIED] HHariyanto, (2020) Dengan Mengajar, Saya Belajar. [UNSPECIFIED] Petra Christian University (2023) Paten Granted Metode Prakiraan Tinggi Gelombang Laut. . JJuwiantho, Hans and SIDARTA, ALYCIA JANE (2024) Enhancing Seventh-Grade Numeracy Skills in Data Presentation Through Interactive Gaming. [UNSPECIFIED] KKRISDIANTI, BETHARIA and Yoedo, Yuli Christiana (2021) PENERAPAN DISIPLIN POSITIF OLEH GURU DENGAN INTEGRASI IMAN KRISTEN PADA KELAS I-A DI SEKOLAH DASAR X SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] Karsono, Ong Mia Farao (2013) Pemenfaatan Teknologi Media Program Praat dalam Pendidikan Bahasa #35486#35328#25945#23398#20013#24212#29992#39640#31185#25216#22810#23186#20307Praat #32434#39046#20043#25928#29992. In: Seminar nasional “Pemerolehan dan Pengajaran Bahasa Mandarin sebagai Bahasa Asing dan Pendidi, 31-08-2013 - , Surabaya - Indonesia. Kuntjara, Ester Harijanti (2013) Strategi Pengajaran BI untuk orang Asing. In: Seminar BIPA, 02-07-2013 - , Surabaya - . MMUNTU, DEBBY FRANSISCA and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2023) The Influence of Digital Literacy on Learning Effectiveness Through Classroom Management Moderating Effect of IT Infrastructure. [UNSPECIFIED] Meilinda, (2014) From Acting Class to Language Learning. In: Language in the Online and Offline World 4: The Latitude, 03-06-2014 - 04-06-2014, Surabaya - Indonesia. NNatadjaja, Listia (2011) Serve with Love Learn with Passion. In: Service-Learning Community Festival , 10 June 2011, Lingnan University, Hongkong. Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna and Sari, Sriti Mayang and Tedjokoesoemo, Purnama Esa Dora (2021) Implementation of Service Learning Method Approach in Commercial Space Interior Design Case Study: UMKM Tiara Handicraft in Surabaya, Indonesia. In: 12th Global Conference on Business and Social Science Series, 09-10-2021 - 09-10-2021, Penang - Kuala Lumpur. OOlivia, (2018) Bridging Ethnic Diversity through Service-Learning on Teaching Chinese Characters for Surabaya-Indonesia Toddler. [UNSPECIFIED] PPranayama, Aristarchus and Pak, Hongsik (2024) Evaluating Game-Based and Immersive Learning Design Principles for Authentic Cultural Heritage Experiences. In: The 7th International Conference on Culture Technology - ICCT 2024, 26-10-2024 - 26-10-2024, Daegu - South Korea. RRenandya, Willy and Floris, Flora Debora (2024) The Changing Landscape of ELT: Past Lessons, Future Visions. [UNSPECIFIED] Renaningtyas, Luri and , Asthararianty and Christianna, Aniendya (2011) Modul Pelatihan Fotografi dalam Pengembangan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Sumber Daya Manusia sebagai Upaya untuk Pengentasan Pengangguran dalam Rangka Mendukung Perekonomian Kreatif. LPPM Universitas Kristen Petra, LPPM Universitas Kristen Petra. (Submitted) SSUTADJI, TANIA GUNAWAN and Yoedo, Yuli Christiana (2021) PERAN GURU KRISTEN UNTUK MENOLONG MURID SD KORBAN PERUNDUNGAN MELALUI CERITA VIDEO ANIMASI. [UNSPECIFIED] Santoso, Evie and Puspitasari, Dani (2023) Analisis Pemikiran Abraham Kuyper dan Implementasinya pada Pendidikan Kristen Masa Kini. Aletheia Christian Educators Journal, 4 (2). pp. 41-46. ISSN 2776-3714 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2018) The effective pattern design for children education to raise godly children based on Biblical standard. [UNSPECIFIED] Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2018) The effective pattern design for children education to raise godly children based on Biblical standard (r). [UNSPECIFIED] Sari, Lily Eka (2020) THE CHALLENGES OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD INCLUSION. Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi, 3 (2). pp. 92-101. ISSN 2580-9806 Sari, Lily Eka (2018) Pembuatan dan Penggunaan Alat Peraga bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus. SHARE, 4 (1). pp. 13-18. ISSN 2338-7866 Sari, Lily Eka (2018) Literature Study on Building a Model Support for Children with Learning Disabilities in Indonesia. In: Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences 2018 (BICESS), 11-09-2018 - 11-09-2018, Banjarmasin - Indonesia. Sari, Lily Eka (2021) MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN TAKTIL IPA BERBASIS ALKITAB UNTUK SISWA TUNANETRA KELAS 5 SD. [UNSPECIFIED] Subekti, Iman and MENDROFA, VIVIN KRISTIANI and Hariyanto, (2024) Pengaruh Metode SQ3R Terhadap Keterampilan Membaca Pemahaman Siswa. [UNSPECIFIED] Subekti, Iman and SUTANTO, YOEL KURNIAWAN and Hariyanto, (2024) Pengaruh Keaktifan Siswa dalam Google Classroom terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa. Aletheia Christian Educators Journal, Vol. 5 (No. 1). pp. 25-23. ISSN 2776-3714 Swestin, Grace and Primasanti, Kartika Bayu (2011) Public Speaking: Teori dan Praktik (Studi Literatur mengenai Public Speaking dalam Konteks Pengajaran). Scriptura. ISSN 1978 - 385X (In Press) TTanuwidjaja, Gunawan and Purwanto, Eko and Rahmawati, Dwi and , Tutus Setiawan and Yunarto, Atung (2020) Dongeng Arsitektur Rumah yang Inklusif dan Sehat pada Siswa Disabilitas Netra. [UNSPECIFIED] Tedjokoesoemo, Purnama Esa Dora (2023) Bridging The Gap To Communicate Abstract Concept of Physics For Visual Learners. [UNSPECIFIED] Thamrin, Diana and Sitinjak, Ronald Hasudungan Irianto (2018) Transforming Field Data into Diagrammatic Indexes: An Artistic Technological Approach in Contemporary Interior Design Process. In: International Conference in Art for Education, Science, Technology and Humanities (ARTESH), 01-12-2018 - 01-12-2018, Bandung - Indonesia. VVidyarini, Titi Nur and Priyowidodo, Gatut (2015) ENDANGERED MEDIA BERBASIS MULTIMEDIA UNTUK PEMBERDAYAAN GURU-GURU SEKOLAH MINGGU (SUNDAY SCHOOL). SHARE, 2 (1). pp. 10-15. ISSN 2338-7866 WWidiawan, Kriswanto (2017) A Missing Link on Entrepreneurship Education Curricula. JIRAE, Vol. 2 (No. 1,). pp. 20-24. ISSN 2407-7259 Wonoseputro, Christine (2013) Building Partneship With The Society Through Siwalankerto Early Childhood Development Project Experience. In: 4th Asia Pacific International Conference of service Learning , 02-06-2013 - 06-06-2013, HongKong - HongKong , RRC Special teritorry. YYoedo, Yuli Christiana and Puspitasari, Dani (2023) HELPING THEM TO BE GOOD TEACHERS: HOW COMMUNITY SERVICE EQUIPS PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS TO TEACH ENGLISH. [UNSPECIFIED] Yoedo, Yuli Christiana and BATE`E, REMA JAYA (2023) Penggunaan Flashcard Guna Menciptakan Proses Interaktif. Aletheia Christian Educators Journal, 4 (2). pp. 61-65. ISSN eISSN: 2776-3714 Yoedo, Yuli Christiana and CLAUDIUS, JHOTNES ANTORA (2024) Keyakinan Guru Dalam pemberian Tugas Proyek. Aletheia Christian Educators Journal, 5 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2776-3714 Yoedo, Yuli Christiana and OCTAVIANI, ANITA and Puspitasari, Dani (2025) Mindmeister�s Influence on 4C Skills in Indonesian Subject Grade 6 Elementary School in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] |