Items where Year is 2013
Number of items: 330.
, Sutrisno and Jonathan, peter and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2013) STUDI NUMERIK OPTIMASI KINERJA HORISONTAL AXIS WIND TURBINE (HAWT) PADA POTENSI ANGIN TROPIS. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNIK MESIN 8 UK PETRA, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, SURABAYA - INDONESIA. AAbdul Razak, Rafiza and Al Bakri, Mustafa and Kamarudin, H. and Khairul Nizar, I, and Hardjito, Djwantoro and Zarina, Y (2013) Reviews on the Properties of Aggregates made with or without Geopolymerisation Method. Advanced Materials Research, 626 (2013). pp. 892-895. Adipranata, Rudy and Satia Budhi, Gregorius and Setiahadi, Bambang (2013) Automatic Classification of Sunspot Groups for Space Weather Analysis. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 8 (3). pp. 41-54. ISSN 1975-0080 Adipranata, Rudy and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Setiahadi, Bambang (2013) Automatic Classification of Sunspot Groups for Space Weather Analysis. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 8 (3). pp. 41-54. ISSN 1975-0080 Adipranata, Rudy and Gunadi, Kartika and Halim, Novita (2013) Aplikasi Digital Matting Menggunakan Metode Bayesian Approach. In: Seminar Nasional Informatika 2013 (semnasIF 2013), 18-05-2013 - 18-05-2013, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Adipranata, Rudy and Rostianingsih, Silvia and Suryo, Njo Edwin (2013) Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi dengan Metode Process Costing Studi Kasus pada PT. XYZ. In: Seminar Nasional Workshop 2013, 28-09-2013 - 28-09-2013, Sidoarjo - Indonesia. Ahmad, Mohd. Hamdan and Mintorogo, Danny Santoso and LENG, Pau Chung and MOOD, Feryl Rezaee (2013) Making Sustainable Impact with Existing Buildings. In: SENVAR 14th International Conference, 07-11-2013 - 08-11-2013, Banda Aceh - Indonesia. Al Bakri, A. M. Mustafa and WATTIMENA, OSWYN KARSTEN and Hardjito, Djwantoro and Rafiza, A. R. (2013) Improving Surface Durability of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete with Application of Alkali Solution. Advanced Materials Research, 626 (2013). pp. 636-640. Alimin, Roche (2013) Integrasi Math dan Cad Tool untuk Merancang Kinematika Manipulator Seri Robot Industri. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Anastasia, Njo (2013) PETA PERSEPSI KONSUMEN TERHADAP ATRIBUT RUMAH TINGGAL DI SURABAYA. JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, 15 (2). pp. 141-152. ISSN 1411-1438 Anastasia, Njo (2013) The way to encourage Green Building in Indonesia. In: AsRES International Conference, 28-06-2013 - 01-07-2013, Kyoto - Japan. Anastasia, Njo and TANDONO, SAMANTHA CHRISTY (2013) PENILAIAN APARTEMEN DI SURABAYA. Jurnal Studi Manajemen Kompetensi, 8 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1907-4824 Andreani, Fransisca and Kristanti, Monika and Yapola, Adiguna (2013) Pengaruh Store Layout, Interior Display, Human Variable terhadap Customer Shopping Orientation di Restoran Dewa Ndaru Surabaya. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 15 (1). pp. 65-74. ISSN 1411-1438 Anggono, Willyanto and Gafaruddin, La Ode M. (2013) SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FOR SHIP DESIGN USING FINITE ELEMENT APLICATION AND PUGH’S CONCEPT SELECTION METHOD Case study: Deciding the Optimum Ship Bow Design. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - , Surabaya - Indonesia. Anggono, Willyanto and Pratikto, Ivano and Suryato, Heru and Susilo, Sugeng Hadi and Suprihanto, (2013) DECIDING THE OPTIMUM SPOKE ANGLE OF MOTORCYCLE CAST WHEEL USING FINITE ELEMENT APLICATION AND PUGH’S CONCEPT SELECTION METHOD Case study: Sustainable Product Development for Motorcycle Cast Wheel. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - , Surabaya - Indonesia. Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ (2013) Effect of Inhibitors on Biogas Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Limits in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (6). pp. 4980-4987. ISSN 0975-4024 Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ (2013) Effect of Inhibitors on Biogas Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Limits in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (6). Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ and Wahyudi, Slamet and Hamidi, N (2013) Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Characteristics of Biogas in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion at Reduced Pressure. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 376. pp. 79-85. ISSN 1662-7482 Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ and Wahyudi, Slamet and Hamidi, N and Hayakawa, Akihiro (2013) Biogas Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Characteristics in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. Journal of Physics: Conference series, 423 (012015). pp. 1-7. ISSN 17426588 Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ and Wahyudi, Slamet and Hamidi, Nurkholis and Hayakawa, Akihiro (2013) Biogas Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Characteristics in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. Journal ofPhysics:ConferenceSeries 423 (2013) 012015, 423. ISSN ISSN 1742-6596 Antoni, and GEMAN, RUDINI and TJONDRO, RIOVANDI TRESDIONO and Anggono, Juliana and Hardjito, Djwantoro (2013) Effects of Calcination Temperature of LUSI Mud on the Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Mortar. Advanced Materials Research, 2013. pp. 224-228. Antoni, Antoni and Wattimena, Oswyn and Hardjito, Djwantoro (2013) Improving Surface Durability of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete with Application of Alkali Solution. Advanced Materials Research, 626 (2013). pp. 636-640. Antoni, and Hardjito, Djwantoro and CHANDRA, LUCKY and WIDODO, TEGUH HERMAWAN (2013) On The Development of High Volume Volcanic Mud and Concrete. In: The Thirteenth East Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC13), 11-09-2013 - 13-09-2013, Sapporo - Japan. Ardianti, R.R. Retno (2013) Firms Obstacles and Survival: The Study of Firms Life Cycle and Obstacles in Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 12 (2). pp. 184-194. ISSN 1412-1700 Arifin, Lilianny Sigit and Palit, Herri Christian (2013) COP Handbook. Technical Report. UK Petra. Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2013) Bijak Berkomunikasi di Situs Jejaring Sosial: Tinjauan Etika dan Kebijakan Komunikasi. InterAct, 2 (2). pp. 47-56. ISSN 22524630 Aryani, Ni Putu and Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan (2013) SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN IN A TRADITIONAL BALINESE HOUSING IN ACCORDANCE TO THE CONCEPT OF TRI MANDALA. In: International Conference Green Concept in Architecture Environment, 01-08-2013 - 01-09-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Aysia , Debora Anne Yang (2013) Split Plot Design: Desain Eksperimen untuk Mengatasi Keterbatasan Randomisasi (Studi Kasus di Sebuah Perusahaan Logam). Indonesia Journal of Industrial Engineering, 3 (2). pp. 27-34. ISSN 2087-5118 Aysia , Debora Anne Yang and Wiharjo, Halim (2013) Penurunan Kerusakan Iron Chip pada Produk Speaker dengan Model DMAIC. In: Seminar Nasional Terpadu Keilmuan Teknik Industri, 16-03-2013 - 16-03-2013, Malang - Indonesia. Aysia, Debora Anne Yang and Panjaitan, Togar Wiliater S. and Wibowo, Christianto (2013) Choosing Bio Ethanol Fermentation Process Combination with Two Levels Full Factorial Design Method. In: The 3rd International Forum and Conference on LSCM 2013, 27-06-2013 - 29-06-2013, Kuta - Indonesia. Aysia, Debora Anne Yang and Wiharjo, Halim (2013) Penurunan Kerusakan Iron Chip pada Produk Speaker dengan Model DMAIC. In: Seminar Nasional Terpadu Keilmuan Teknik Industri 2013, 16-03-2013 - 16-03-2013, Malang - Indonesia. BBendatu, Liem Yenny and Rahardjo, Jani (2013) Decision Analysis on Choosing the Right Site Location of Learning Facility Using Analytic Hierarchy Process. In: The 3rd International Forum and Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management(LSCM) 2013 , 27-06-2013 - 29-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Budiharto, Widodo and Kanigoro, Bayu and Nugraheni, Cecilia and Wicaksono, Hendi and Lim, Resmana and Ohyver, Margaretha and Shodiq, Muhsin (2013) Obstacles Avoidance for Intelligent Telepresence Robot Using Interval Type-2 FLC. In: ICIC International, 05-10-2013 - , - . Bustan, Linda (2013) Pembelajaran Sadar Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (Gender Awareness) Melalui Pendidikan di Universitas. In: Temu Ilmiah Nasional Psikologi Klinis Kesehatan, 10-06-2013 - , Jakarta - . CChandra, Herry Pintardi and Nugraha, Paulus (2013) Perceptions of Contractors and Consultants Toward Application of Greenship Rating Tools on Apartment Buildings in Surabaya. In: International Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Art (4th APTECS 2013), 10 Desember 2013, ITS Surabaya. Christiana, Elisa (2013) Teaching Chinese Characters Using Cultural Background Understanding. In: An International Seminar on the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language: Curriculum Materials De, 05-04-2013 - 06-04-2013, Mataram, Lombok - Indonesia. Christianna, Aniendya (2013) PELATIHAN PERANCANGAN ALAT PERMAINAN EDUKATIF (APE) BERBASIS BAHAN BEKAS UNTUK PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI (PAUD) SE-SIWALANKERTO SURABAYA. SHARE, 1 (1). Christine, (2013) 50 Perguruan Tinggi Berlomba Kampung Nelayan. 50 Perguruan Tinggi Berlomba Kampung Nelayan. DDJAJADI, LEVINA and Limanta, Liem Satya (2013) The Absence of Love and Hopes of Shion Uzuki in The Xenosaga Trilogy. [UNSPECIFIED] Damajanti, Maria Nala (2013) You are special. Yayasan Advokasi Sadar Autisme Surabaya. Damajanti, Maria Nala and Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine (2013) Avatar, Identitas dalam Cyberspace. Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Nirmana, Vol 1 (No 1 (). pp. 13-18. ISSN 0215-0905 Damayanti, Rully and Kossak, Florian and Walker, Stephen (2013) Spatial Perception and Identity of Young Adults in Kampungs, Surabaya-Indonesia. In: The White Rose Social Science Doctoral Training Conference, 12-04-2013 - 12-04-2013, Leeds - United Kingdom. Damayanti, Rully and Kossak, Florian (2013) RETHINKING OF LYNCH�S: A STUDY OF YOUNG PEOPLE�S PERCEPTION OF SURABAYA CITY. DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 40 (1). pp. 27-32. ISSN 2338-7858 Dewanto, Joni (2013) SIMULASI RANCANGAN SISTEM MEKANIK PEMANFAATAN BOBOT KENDARAAN SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI PEMBUKA PALANG PINTU PORTAL. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNIK MESIN - 8, 11-02-2013 - 02-04-2013, SURABAYA - INDONESIA. Dewanto, Joni and EFENDI, DICKY (2013) Pengauruh Sudut Camber Roda Depan pada kemampuan Belok Mobil Model 4 dan 2 Roda penggerak (4WD dan RWD). Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 14 (2). pp. 71-75. ISSN 1410-9867 Dewi, Lily Puspa and Rahardjo, Arlinah Imam and Felicia, Inggrid (2013) APLIKASI PEMANTAUAN DISTRIBUSI KOLEKSI PADA PERPUSTAKAAN KOTA. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Informatika, 18-05-2013 - , Yogjakarta - . Dewi, Lily Puspa and Hari, Yulius and Indahyanti, Uce (2013) Integrasi proses bisnis pada perusahaan kapal PT XYZ Shipyard menggunakan OpenERP. Jurnal Informatika, 12 (2). Dewi, Lily Puspa and Suryani, Erma (2013) PEMODELAN PENINGKATAN KUNJUNGAN PENGGUNA PERPUSTAKAAN DENGAN SISTEM DINAMIK. Jurnal SISFO, 4 (4). Djundjung, Jenny Mochtar and Meilinda, (2013) The Representation of Women as Folk Devils in Indonesian Online Media: Mother Killers. In: TUICOSH Trunojoyo University International Conference on Social and Humanities, 20-11-2013 - 20-11-2013, - . Djundjung, Jenny Mochtar and Luhukay, Marsefio Sevyone (2013) Representasi Perempuan Sebagai Folk Devils Dalam Pemberitaan Media Online di Indonesia : Selebriti Perempuan Dengan Pria Lebih Muda Atau Beristri. In: KONFERENSI NASIONAL KOMUNIKASI 2013 “PENGGUNA MEDIA DAN LOKALITAS: TRANSFORMASI MASYARAKAT DALAM DUN, 13-11-2013 - 14-11-2013, Depok - . de Yong, Sherly and Rachmawati, Murni and Prijotomo, Josef (2013) The Meaning of Panopticism in Architecture Deterministic. International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Science 2013. ISSN 978-1-138-00121-3 de Yong, Sherly and Rachmawati, Murni and Prijotomo, Josef (2013) PANOPTICISM EXPLORATION IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Green Concept of Architecture and Environment conference. FFelecia, Veronica (2013) Fuzzy Logic Reliability Centered Maintenance. In: LSCM 2013, 27-06-2013 - 29-06-2013, Denpasar - Indonesia. Felix, Soesanto and Siana, Halim and Togar, Panjaitan (2013) Garbage Trucks' Routing in Surabaya. In: the 3rd International Forum and Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, LSCM 2013, 26-28 June 2013, Bali. Fellysia, and Tedjaatmadja, Herwindy Maria (2013) Pedagogical content knowledge in higher education in Indonesia. In: TEFLIN International Conference 2013, 27-08-2013 - 29-08-2013, Depok - Indonesia. Ferdinando, Hany and Khoswanto, Handry and Purwanto, Djoko (2013) Performance Evaluation of MMA7260QT and ADXL345 on Self Balancing Robot. TELKOMNIKA, 11 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1693-6930 Floris, Flora Debora (2013) Exploring Beliefs of Pre-Service Teachers toward English as an International Language. ThaiTESOL Journal , 1 (1). pp. 46-76. ISSN 2286-8909 Floris, Flora Debora (2013) Exploring Teachers� Beliefs on the Teaching of English in English Language Courses in Indonesia. Philippine ESL Journal, 11 (July). pp. 4-24. ISSN 1718 - 2298 Floris, Flora Debora (2013) Learning Content Subjects through English: Indonesian High School Students Voices. The New English Teacher, 7 (1). pp. 30-45. ISSN 19057725 Fransisca, Andreani and DIANA, WIJAYANTY (2013) The Influence of Service Performance on Customer Satisfaction of Bank Central Asia in Surabaya. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Vol.3 (Issue ). pp. 57-64. ISSN 2278-3369 GGUNAWAN, FELICIA and Rini, Julia Eka (2013) TRANSLATION ERRORS IN ENGLISH-INDONESIAN HUMOR TEXT PRODUCED BY STUDENTS OF BASIC TRANSLATION CLASS. katakita, 1 (1). pp. 154-165. Gerdiman, Michelle and Sutanto, Eddy Madiono (2013) A NOOR DAN KESUKSESAN DAGADU. AGORA Vol. 1, No. 1, (2013) , 1 (1). pp. 852-855. Gunadi, Kartika and Adipranata, Rudy and Amanda, (2013) Painterly Rendering dengan media Cat, Pensil, Krayon dan tinta. In: Konferensi Nasional sistem Informasi 2013, 14-02-2013 - 15-06-2013, Mataram - Indonesia. Gunadi, Kartika and Adipranata, Rudy and Amanda, (2013) Painterly Rendering Dengan Media Cat , Pensil, Krayon, dan Tinta. In: Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi 2013, 14-02-2013 - 16-02-2013, Mataram - Indonesia. Gunawan, Samuel (2013) Driving Home Persuasive Messages in Barack Obama’s Closing Argument: “One Weekâ€�. K@ta, 16 (1). ISSN ISSN 1411-2639 Gunawan, Samuel (2013) GRAMATIKA FUNGSIONAL-SISTEMIK. GRAMATIKA FUNGSIONAL-SISTEMIK. Gunawan, Samuel (2013) PEMBELAJARAN SASTRA. Perwira Media Nusantara, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-7508-76-7 Gunawan, Samuel (2013) Pembelajaran Sastra. 9786027508767 . Perwira Media Nusantara. ISBN 978-602-7508-76-7 Gunawan, Samuel (2013) Reviving Rhetoric in English Language Teaching. In: THE ENGLISH EDUCATION-UNS TEFL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 01-05-2013 - 19-05-2013, Surakarta - Indonesia. Gunawan, Samuel (2013) Reviving Rhetoric in English Language Teaching*. In: International Conference: "Current Belief in EFL", May 17-18, 2013, Universitas Negeri Surakarta. Gunawan, Samuel and Djundjung, Jenny Mochtar and Meilinda, (2013) BERMAIN DAN BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS BERBASIS PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER. SHARE (Journal of Service Learning), Vol. 1 (No. 1,). pp. 36-43. ISSN ISSN 1410-9530 Gunawan, Samuel and Djundjung, Jenny Mochtar and Meilinda, (2013) BERMAIN DAN BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS BERBASIS PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER. SHARE (Journal of Service Learning),, Vol. 1 (No. 1,). pp. 36-43. ISSN ISSN 1410-9530 Gunawan, Samuel and Limanta, Liem Satya and Slamet, Leniwati (2013) The style of political comunication of two incumbent presidential candidates in comparison. In: International Conference Contemporary Issues on Social and Culture, 30-09-2013 - 20-12-2013, Bangkalan - Indonesia. Gunawan, Ibnu and Dewi, Lily Puspa and ARIBAWA, MADE RENDY (2013) Perancangan dan Pembuatan E-commerce Spare Parts Motor Pada UD. New 234 Motor. In: Seminar Nasional Informatika 2013 , 18-05-2013 - 18-05-2013, - . Gunawan, Ibnu and Noertjahyana, Agustinus (2013) Desain Sistem Keamanan Pada Infrastruktur Berbasis Jaringan Komputer di Universitas Kristen Petra. In: CITACEE 2013, 16-11-2013 - , - . Gunawan, Samuel and Djundjung, Jenny Mochtar and Meilinda, (2013) KOMPETENSI KOMUNIKASI BAHASA INGGRIS BERBASIS PENGEMBANGAN KARAKTER PADA KELOMPOK BELAJAR ANAK DI KELURAHAN DR. SOETOMO, SURABAYA. KOMPETENSI KOMUNIKASI BAHASA INGGRIS BERBASIS PENGEMBANGAN KARAKTER PADA KELOMPOK BELAJAR ANAK DI KELURAHAN DR. SOETOMO, SURABAYA. HHalim, Siana and Inggrid, and Ottemoesoe, Ridhotama Shanti Darsih (2013) THE SYNTHETIC REGRESSION METHOD: HOW THE INDIAN OCEAN TSUNAMI AFFECTS GROWTH TRAJECTORIES. In: International Conference on Applied Statistics, 16-09-2013 - 18-09-2013, Bandung - Indonesia. Halim, Siana and Jiang, Heming (2013) The Effect of Operation 24 Hours on Reducing Collision in the City of Edmonton. Accident Analysis Prevention, 58. pp. 106-114. Halim, Siana and Jiang, Heming (2013) The effect of Operation 24 Hours on reducing collision in the Cityof Edmonton. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013. pp. 106-114. Handojo, Andreas and Wonodihardjo, Julius and Andjarwirawan, Justinus (2013) APLIKASI PRESENSI KELAS KULIAH DENGAN NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION (NFC) PADA ANDROID. In: CITACEE 2013, 16 November 2013, Diponegoro University, Semarang. Handojo, Andreas and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and WONODIHARDJO, JULIUS (2013) APLIKASI PRESENSI KELAS KULIAH DENGAN NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION (NFC) PADA ANDROID. In: Conference on Information Technology Computer and Electronic Engineering, 16-11-2013 - 16-11-2013, Semarang - Indonesia. Handojo, Andreas and LEIMAN, ALVIN ASSIANTO and Noertjahyana, Agustinus (2013) Aplikasi Online Test Berbasis Android Dan Website Untuk Proses Belajar Mengajar. In: Rekayasa Teknologi Industri dan Informasi (ReTII) 2013, 14-12-2013 - 14-12-2013, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Handojo, Andreas and Purnama, Christian and KRISTIAN, ELIEZER ELBERT (2013) APLIKASI PERHITUNGAN HARGA POKOK PRODUKSI PADA PETERNAKAN AYAM POTONG PANORAMA DENGAN METODE JOB ORDER COSTING. In: Seminar Nasional Informatika 2013 (semnasIF 2013), 18-05-2013 - 18-05-2013, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Handojo, Priska Febrinia (2013) Saturday Night Fever. Saturday Night Fever . Handoko, Cons. Tri and Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine and Yuwono, Adiel (2013) Representation of Beauty in Packaging Illustrations of Madurese Traditional Herbal Medicine for Beauty Care. In: The 5th International Conference on Indonesian Studies: Ethnicity and Globalization, 13-06-2013 - 14-06-2013, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi A. and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, Prabowo (2013) The optimal tilt angle of a solar collector. Energy Procedia, 32 (iii-iv). pp. 166-175. ISSN 1876-6102 Handoyo, Ekadewi A. and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, Prabowo and Sutardi, Sutardi (2013) Studi Numerik Dari Penambahan Obstacle Terhadap Kinerja Kolektor Surya Pemanas Udara dengan Plat Penyerap Jenis V-Corrugated. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 14 (1). pp. 14-21. ISSN 1410-9867 Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and , Djatmiko Ichsani and Prabowo, and Sutardi, (2013) Studi Numerik Penambahan Obstacle Terhadap Kinerja Kolektor Surya Pemanas Udara dengan Plat Penyerap Jenis V-Corrugated. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 14 (1). pp. 14-21. ISSN 2656-3290 Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, (2013) The optimal tilt angle of a solar collector. Energy Procedia , 32 (C). pp. 166-175. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, and Sutardi, (2013) STUDI NUMERIK DARI PENAMBAHAN OBSTACLE TERHADAP KINERJA KOLEKTOR SURYA PEMANAS UDARA DENGAN PLAT PENYERAP JENIS V-CORRUGATED. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Sutardi, and Prabowo, (2013) Perbandingan Hasil Simulasi Numerik dengan Hasil Eksperimen untuk Aliran Udara di dalam Saluran dengan Penampang Segitiga dari Suatu Kolektor Surya. In: Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin XII (SNTTM XII), 23-10-2013 - 24-10-2013, Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung - Indonesia. Hapsari, Lystia and Adiwijaya, Michael (2013) The influence of self congruity towards brand relationship quality and brand loyalty: Case for MANGO fashion product in Surabaya. In: 2013 MAG Scholar Global Business, Marketing, and Tourism Conference, 11-11-2013 - 14-11-2013, Dubai - Uni Emirat Arab. Hardjito, Djwantoro and Antoni, (2013) Innovations in Civil Engineering for Society and the Environment. Petra Press. ISBN 9789799976536 Hardjito, Djwantoro and Antoni, and BUNANTA, ISAAC VALENTINO and WICAKSONO, KURNIADI (2013) GEOPOLYMERISATION OF VOLCANIC MUD. In: The 4th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum, 25-06-2013 - 26-06-2013, Singapore - Singapore. Hardjito, Djwantoro and Antoni, and SURYAWANGI, ERWIN and TAKARENDEHANG, YOHANES (2013) Development of Volcanic Mud-Based Geopolymer Aggregate. In: The Sixth Civil Engineering Conference in Asia Region (CECAR6), 20-08-2013 - 22-08-2013, Jakarta - Indonesia. Hidayatun, Maria Immaculata and Prijotomo, Josef and Rachmawati, Murni (2013) Architectonic Pada Arsitektur Nusantara Sebagai Cerminan Regionalisme Arsitektur di Indonesia. In: Seminar Nasional Jelajah Arsitektur Tradisional ke V., 27-11-2013 - 27-11-2013, Medan - Indonesia. Hidayatun, Maria Immaculata and Prijotomo, Josef and Rachmawati, Murni (2013) Nilai-NIlai Kesetempatan danKesemestaan dalam Regionalisme di Indonesia. In: SCAN Stone, Steel and Straw #4 2013, 17-05-2013 - 17-05-2013, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Hidayatun, Maria Immaculata and Priyotomo, Josef and Rachmawati, Murni (2013) Materials As Part Of The Identity Of Indonesian Architecture. (Locality and universality value in Mangunwijaya and Eko Prawoto works). In: SB 13 Dubai, 08-12-2013 - 10-12-2013, Dubai - United Arab Emirates (UAE). Husaini, Abdurrahman El and Basuki, Ribut (2013) Penyair Indonesia: Puisi Menolak Korupsi. Forum Sastra Surakarta. IIndrayani, Inri Inggrit (2013) FPI AND IDEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC MEDIA IN INDONESIA. In: ICMCC, 7-8 November 2012, Yogyakarta. JJaparianto, Edwin (2013) ANALISA FAKTOR TYPE HEDONIC SHOPPING MOTIVATION DAN FAKTOR PEMBENTUK KEPUASAN TOURIST SHOPPER DI SURABAYA. JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, 12 (1). pp. 76-85. ISSN 1411-1438 Juniarti, (2013) Good Corporate Governance and Predicting Financial Distress Using Logistic and Probit Regression Model. [UNSPECIFIED] Juniarti, (2013) Respon Investor Terhadap Implementasi CSR: Teori Legitimasi Organisasional dan Decision Usefulness. In: The 6th Doctoral Colloquium and Conference , 27-11-2013 - 28-11-2013, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Juniwati, Anik and Kristanto, Luciana and Widigdo, Wanda (2013) PEMETAAN TEMPERATUR KAWASAN KAMPUS PUSAT UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN PETRA SURABAYA. [Experiment] (Unpublished) KKarsono, Ong Mia Farao (2013) Evolusion and Gender Bias Reflected in Chinese Characters. JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JLL), 4 (2). pp. 21-26. ISSN ISSN: 2078-0303 Karsono, Ong Mia Farao (2013) Evolusion and Gender Bias Reflected in Chinese Characters. Journal of language and leterature, Vol. 4 (No. 2). 21 - 26. ISSN 2078 - 0303 Karsono, Ong Mia Farao and Suprapto, Widjojo (2013) THE SUCCESSION PROCESS AND TIMING IN TRANSFERRING BUSINESS OWNERSHIP AMONG CHINESE IN SURABAYA IN THE GLOBALIZATION ERA. Part B. Social Sciences And Humanities. Journal of Academic research, 5 (5). 233 -237 . ISSN ISSN: 2075-4124. 97/2. DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2013/5-51 Karsono, Ong Mia Farao (2013) Aplikasi Teori Mimesis Dalam Novel Tarian Setan Karangan Saddam Hussein. In: Pemberdayaan Bahasa dan Sastra, 27-06-2013 - , Madura - Indonesia. 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