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Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Chiong, Raymond (2022) A Multi-type Classifier Ensemble for Detecting Fake Reviews Through Textualbased Feature Extraction. [UNSPECIFIED]

Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Chiong, Raymond and Wang, Zuli and Dhakal, Sandeep (2021) Using a hybrid content-based and behaviour-based featuring approach in a parallel environment to detect fake reviews. [UNSPECIFIED]

Cheng, Min-Yuan and Chiu, Yung-Fang and Chiu, Chien-Kuo and Prayogo, Doddy (2019) Risk-based maintenance strategy for deteriorating bridges using a hybrid computational intelligence technique: a case study. [UNSPECIFIED]

Cheng, Min-Yuan and Prayogo, Doddy (2016) Modeling the Permanent Deformation Behavior of Asphalt Mixtures Using a Novel Hybrid Computational Intelligence. [UNSPECIFIED]

Cheng, Min-Yuan and Prayogo, Doddy and Wu, Yu-Wei (2019) A self-tuning least squares support vector machine for estimating the pavement rutting behavior of asphalt mixtures. [UNSPECIFIED]

Cheng, Min-Yuan and Prayogo, Doddy and Wu, Yu-Wei (2014) Novel Genetic Algorithm-Based Evolutionary Support Vector Machine for Optimizing High-Performance Concrete Mixture. [UNSPECIFIED]

Cheng, Min-Yuan and Prayogo, Doddy and Wu, Yu-Wei (2019) Prediction of permanent deformation in asphalt pavements using a novel symbiotic organisms search-least squares support vector regression. [UNSPECIFIED]

Cheng, Min-Yuan and Wibowo, Dedy Kurniawan and Prayogo, Doddy and Roy, Andreas F.V. (2015) Predicting productivity loss caused by change orders using the evolutionary fuzzy support vector machine inference model. [UNSPECIFIED]

Ezugwu, Absalom E. and Prayogo, Doddy (2018) Symbiotic Organisms Search Algorithm: theory, recent advances and applications. [UNSPECIFIED]

Gunawan, Ibnu and Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Hermawan, Yongky (2016) Securing Client-Server Application Design for Information System Inventory. [UNSPECIFIED]

Halim, Siana and Intan, Rolly and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2019) Learning Curve as a Knowledge-based Dynamic Fuzzy Set: A Markov Process Model. [UNSPECIFIED]

Handojo, Andreas and Pujawan, I Nyoman and Singgih, Moses L. (2023) A multi layer recency frequency monetary method for customer priority segmentation in online transaction. [UNSPECIFIED]

Hardi, Richki and Pribadi, Agung Sakti and Mundzir, and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Rusdi, Jack Febrian (2022) Increasing the Importance of Digital Technology as a Technopreneurship Media in Higher Education. [UNSPECIFIED]

Intan, Rolly and Chan, Shueng-Han Gary (2019) Extended Generalization of Fuzzy Rough Sets. [UNSPECIFIED]

Intan, Rolly and Halim, Siana and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2018) Fuzzy Granularity in the Knowledge-based Dynamic Fuzzy Sets. [UNSPECIFIED]

Intan, Rolly and Halim, Siana and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2019) On the Knowledge-based Dynamic Fuzzy Sets. [UNSPECIFIED]

Juwiantho, Hans and Liliana, and BUDIONO, MICHAEL (2023) Procedural Content Generation pada Game Tower Defense menggunakan Perlin Noise dan Algoritma Floyd Warshall. [UNSPECIFIED]

Juwiantho, Hans and SIDARTA, ALYCIA JANE (2024) Enhancing Seventh-Grade Numeracy Skills in Data Presentation Through Interactive Gaming. [UNSPECIFIED]

Khoswanto, Handry and SUGIHARTO, KEVIN NATHANAEL and Sandjaja, Iwan Njoto and Thiang, (2018) Forward and Inverse Kinematic of a Manipulator Simulator Software Using Unity Engine. [UNSPECIFIED]

Lim, Resmana and Ruslan, Indra and Susatya, Hansin and Wibowo, Adi and Handojo, Andreas and Sutjiadi, Raymond (2016) Tracing Related Scientific Papers by a Given Seed Paper Using Parscit. [UNSPECIFIED]

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Palit, Henry Novianus and CHANDRA, REYNALDO and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2020) Comparative Analysis of NFS and iSCSI Protocol Performance on OpenStack Cinder Technology. [UNSPECIFIED]

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Palit, Henry Novianus and KUNTANI, DANIEL WILHENSON (2020) Optimization of Computer Resources Using OpenStack Private Cloud. [UNSPECIFIED]

PRASETYO, WILLIAM TANDY and Santoso, Petrus and Lim, Resmana (2016) Adaptive Cars Headlamps System with Image Processing and Lighting Angle Control. [UNSPECIFIED]

Palit, Henry Novianus (2016) Deploying an Ad-Hoc Computing Cluster Overlaid on Top of Public Desktops. [UNSPECIFIED]

Palit, Henry Novianus and Dewi, Lily Puspa and Handojo, Andreas and Basuki, Kenny and Mirabel, Mikiavonty Endrawati (2018) Exploratory Research on Developing Hadoop-based Data Analytics Tools. [UNSPECIFIED]

Palit, Henry Novianus and Sugiarto, Indar and Prayogo, Doddy and Pratomo, Alexander Thomas Kurniawan (2022) Performance Analysis of a Parallel Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study of the Traveling Salesman Problem. [UNSPECIFIED]

Pertiwi, Dewi and Puspitasari, Dani and Putrihadi, Mega Ekklesia and Subekti, Iman and , MICHELLE AMELIA and CHEN, KELLY and SHERAFIN, NATASYA and CHRYSTOFER, JEREMY (2023) Flashcard Kesehatan Tubuh. [UNSPECIFIED]

Praptiningsih, Maria and Tanoto, Sherly Rosalina and Nugraha, Purwakanthi Adiratna (2023) Waste Avengers: Timun Mas Eco Adventure. [UNSPECIFIED]

Prayogo, Doddy and Cheng, Min-Yuan and Wu, Yu-Wei and Tran, Duc-Hoc (2019) Combining machine learning models via adaptive ensemble weighting for prediction of shear capacity of reinforced‑concrete deep beams. [UNSPECIFIED]

Prayogo, Doddy and Tjong, Wong Foek and Tjandra, Daniel (2018) Prediction of High-Performance Concrete Strength Using a Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Approach. [UNSPECIFIED]

Purba, Kristo Radion (2016) Optimization of AI Tactic in Action-RPG Game. [UNSPECIFIED]


Sammut, Claude and Farid, Reza and Wicaksono, Handy and Wiley, Timothy (2022) Logic-based Robotics. [UNSPECIFIED]

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Lim, Resmana and TRISNAJAYA, KEVIN (2018) Smart Home System Using Internet of Things. [UNSPECIFIED]

Santoso, Murtiyanto and SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Lim, Resmana (2018) Indonesian Stock Prediction using Support Vector Machine (SVM). [UNSPECIFIED]

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and SANTOSO, MICHAEL and Sandjaja, Iwan Njoto and Tanoto, Yusak (2018) Prototype of Demand Response Controller for Demand Side Management on Home Electricity using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. [UNSPECIFIED]

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Santoso, Michael and Wibowo, Mariana (2024) Marketplace Based Application System to Improve Customer Satisfaction on Laundry Business. [UNSPECIFIED]

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Santoso, Michael and Wibowo, Mariana (2024) Marketplace Based Application System to Improve Customer Satisfaction on Laundry Business. [UNSPECIFIED]

Tejani, Ghanshyam G. and Pholdee, Nantiwat and Bureerat, Sujin and Prayogo, Doddy (2018) Multiobjective adaptive symbiotic organisms search for truss optimization problems. [UNSPECIFIED]

Wicaksono, Handy and Sammut, Claude (2020) A cognitive robot equipped with autonomous tool innovation expertise. [UNSPECIFIED]

Wicaksono, Handy and Sammut, Claude (2019) Tool Use Learning for a Real Robot. [UNSPECIFIED]

Wicaksono, Handy and Santoso, Petrus and Sugiarto, Indar and Kristyono, Dwi and Wijaya, Jonathan Aditya (2023) Application of smart home and smartwatch to assist elders in home care scenario. [UNSPECIFIED]

YASIN, TIMOTHIUS VICTORIO and Pasila, Felix and Lim, Resmana (2018) A Study of Mobile Robot Control using EEG Emotiv Epoc Sensor. [UNSPECIFIED]

Yulia, and Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2018) Integration Between ERP Software and Business Intelligence in Odoo ERP: Case Study A Distribution Company. [UNSPECIFIED]

Yulia, and Adipranata, Rudy and , Christopher Halim and Liliana, and Budhi, Gregorius Satia (2018) Jawa TTS. [UNSPECIFIED]

Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Chittayasothorn, Suphamit (2021) Transformation from Web Pages to Optimal Normal Form Database Schema Using a Conceptual Schema Approach. [UNSPECIFIED]


Adipranata, Rudy and Budhi, Gregorius S. and Setiahadi, Bambang and Anwar, Bachtiar (2010) Segmentasi Bintik Matahari Menggunakan Metode Watershed. Konferensi Nasional Sistem & Informatika.

Adipranata, Rudy and Satia Budhi, Gregorius and Setiahadi, Bambang (2013) Automatic Classification of Sunspot Groups for Space Weather Analysis. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 8 (3). pp. 41-54. ISSN 1975-0080

Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Angi, Devi C. (2016) Vulnerability Research and Mapping of Campus Network. International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 4 (3). pp. 204-208. ISSN 2315-4535

Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Gunawan, Ibnu and KUSUMO, EKO BAYU (2015) Varnish Web Cache Application Evaluation. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 516 (516). pp. 404-410. ISSN 1865-0929

Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Handojo, Andreas and SOENJAYA, ANGELA FELICIANA (2012) Aplikasi Contact Backup Management Pada Telepon Selular. Laporan penelitian, - (-).

Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Gunadi, Kartika (2024) Cybersecurity Threats through Phishing Attacks Targeting Internal Staff, Mitigation and Prevention. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, volume (10.156). pp. 1751-1757. ISSN 2278-8875

Ballangan, Cherry and Wang, Xiuying and Fulham, Michael and Eberl, Stefan and Yin, Yong and Feng, Dagan (2011) Automated Delineation of Lung Tumors in PET Images Based on Monotonicity and a Tumor-Customized Criterion. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 15 (5). pp. 691-702. ISSN 1089-7771

Budhi, Gregorius S. and Adipranata, Rudy and Hartono, Fransisco Jimmy (2010) The Use Of Gabor Filter And Back-Propagation Neural Network For The Automobile Types Recognition. 2nd International Conference SIIT 2010.

Budhi, Gregorius S. and Adipranata, Rudy and Sugiarto, Matthew and Anwar, Bachtiar and Setiahadi, Bambang (2011) Pengelompokan Sunspot Pada Citra Digital Mahatari Menggunakan Metode Clustering DbScan. Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2011.

Budhi, Gregorius S. and Handojo, Andreas and Soloment, Billy (2009) Pemanfaatan Compact Genetic Algorithm (cGA) Untuk Optimasi Penjadwalan Penggunaan Ruang Kuliah Di U.K. Petra. Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2009.

Budhi, Gregorius S. and Handojo, Andreas and Sutrisno, Stefano Gerry (2010) Book Loan Recommendation System for Petra Christian University Library using PrefixSpan and Generalized Sequential Pattern Algorithm. The 2nd Makassar International conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2010.

Budhi, Gregorius S. and Handojo, Andreas and Wirawan, Christine Oktavina (2009) Algoritma Generalized Sequential Pattern Untuk Menggali Data Sekuensial Sirkulasi Buku Pada Perpustakaan Uk Petra. Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2009.

Budhi, Gregorius S. and Rostianingsih, Silvia and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Kuncoro, Sunny (2009) Data Warehousing Disease Track Record Historical RSU Dr. Soetomo for Supporting Decision Making. International Industrial Informatics Seminar 2009.

Budhi, Gregorius S. and Yulia, Yulia and Abadi, Budiwati (2010) Model Rule: Multilevel And Multidimension Association Rule untuk Analisa Market Basket Pada PT. Maha Agung. Industrial Electronics Seminar 2010.

Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Setiawan, Alexander and Octaviano, Henry (2009) Prototipe Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendeteksi Penyakit Umum Menggunakan Gabungan Metode Fuzzy Dan Non-Fuzzy. Seminar Nasional Sistem & Teknologi Informasi 2009.

Budiharto, Widodo and Kanigoro, Bayu and Nugraheni, Cecilia and Lim, Resmana and Wicaksono, Hendi and Ohyver, Margaretha and Shodiq, Muhsin (2014) Obstacles Avoidance for Intelligent Telepresence Robot Using Interval Type-2 FLC. ICIC Express Letters, 8 (3). pp. 821-827. ISSN 1881-803X

Cheng, Min-Yuan and Prayogo, Doddy and Tran, Duc-Hoc (2016) Optimizing Multiple-Resources Leveling in Multiple Projects Using Discrete Symbiotic Organisms Search. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30 (3). 04015036. ISSN 08873801

Cheng, Min-Yuan and Prayogo, Doddy (2017) A novel fuzzy adaptive teaching–learning‑based optimization (FATLBO) for solving structural optimization problems. Engineering with Computers, 33 (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0177-0667

Cheng, Min-Yuan and Prayogo, Doddy and Ju, Yi-Hsu and Wu, Yu-Wei and Sutanto, Sylviana (2016) Optimizing mixture properties of biodiesel production using genetic algorithm-based evolutionary support vector machine. International Journal of Green Energy , 13 (15). pp. 1599-1607. ISSN 15435075

Ferdinando, Hany and Ye, Liang and Seppänen, Tapio and Alasaarela, Esko (2014) Emotion Recognition by Heart Rate Variability. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 8 (14). pp. 50-55. ISSN 1991-8178

HALIM, DION CHRISTIAN and Wibowo, Adi and Purbowo, Anita Nathania (2014) ANALISIS STRATEGI CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT DI PT. XYZ. Jurnal Informatika, 12 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1411-0105

HARTANTO, STEFANIE and Halim, Siana and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty (2012) Pemetaan Penderita Pneumonia di Surabaya dengan menggunakan Geostatistik. Pneumonia , 1 (123). p. 80.

Handojo, Andreas and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Hok, HIem (2010) Quantitative Performance Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Using Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) and Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV). International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology (ICSIIT 2010)..

Handojo, Andreas and Budhi, Gregorius S. and Dwiyono, Nadia Andreani (2010) A Decision Support System for “De Joglo” Restaurant Using Frequent Pattern Tree Data Mining. The 2nd Makassar International conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2010.


Handojo, Andreas and Intan, Rolly and W, Anthony (2010) Aplikasi Job Recruitment Networking Berbasis Similiarity Web Menggunakan Fuzzy , 24 Maret 2010. SNTI 2010.

Handojo, Andreas and Stefano , Dumichen and Andjarwirawan, Justinus (2010) BROADCAST LEARNING SYSTEM USING MULTICAST ADDRESS. 2nd International Conference on Education Techonology and Computer (ICETC 2010).


Intan, Rolly and Handojo, Andreas and Yenty Yuliana, Oviliani (2009) Mining Fuzzy Multidimensional Association Rules Using Fuzzy Decision Tree Induction Approach. International Journal of Computer and Network Security (IJCNS), 1 (2).

Intan, Rolly and Halim, Siana and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2020) Approximate Reasoning in the Knowledge-Based Dynamic Fuzzy Sets. Journal of Computers, 15 (2). pp. 59-72. ISSN 1796-203X

K, Yulia and Adipranata, Rudy and Darmadi, Herman (2011) COMPUTER AIDED LEARNING FOR DATA STRUCTURE PROGRAMMING SUBJECT. Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Aplikasinya (SENTIA 11), Malang, 28-29 April 2011. (Submitted)

Liliana, and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Erandaru, and Rostianingsih, Silvia (2014) Interactive Game Design for Learning of United Nusantara in the Majapahit Era. Asian Research Publishing Network Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9 (12). pp. 2411-2417. ISSN 1819-6608

Liliana, and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Wibisono, Anthony and Tanojo, Ricky (2012) Pengecekan Plagiarisme Pada Code Dalam Bahasa C++. Jurnal Informatika, 11 (1). pp. 70-78. ISSN 1411-0105

Liliana, Liliana and Budhi, Gregorius S. and Hendra, Hendra (2010) Segmentasi Plat Nomor Kendaraan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Run-Length Smearing Algorithm (RLSA). Industrial Electronics Seminar 2010.

Lim, Resmana and R, FRANS KRISTIAN and Santoso, Petrus (2015) Room Access Control System Using Facial Image Recognition. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 815 (1). pp. 398-402. ISSN 1662-7482

Lim, Resmana and WIJAYA, PIETER SINDU and Handojo, Andreas and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Intan, Rolly (2014) Web Services Extension for Accessing Quiz on Moodle Mobile Application. ARPN Jurnal of Engineering Applied Sciences, 19 (12). pp. 2912-2915. ISSN 1819-6608

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Budhi, Gregorius S. and Wibowo, Henny Kusumawati (2010) Mining Sequential Pattern on Sequential Data of Paint Sales Transaction Flow. 2nd International Conference SIIT 2010.

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Gunawan, Ibnu and Kusuma, David Lawrence (2014) INTERNET-BASED APPLICATIONS TO HELP DESIGN SECURITY SYSTEM IN THE ORGANIZATION. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 9 (NO. 12). pp. 2431-2436. ISSN 1819-6608

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and PRIATMOJO, DAVE HANDOKO and Zainal, M (2024) Analysis and Implementation of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks on the Website and Server. IJIRSET, 13 (7). pp. 13308-13316. ISSN 2319-8753

Prayogo, Doddy and Cheng, Min-Yuan and PRAYOGO, HANDY (2017) A Novel Implementation of Nature-inspired Optimization for Civil Engineering: A Comparative Study of Symbiotic Organisms Search. Civil Engineering Dimension, 19 (1). pp. 36-43. ISSN 1410-9530

Prayogo, Doddy and Tjong, Wong Foek and GUNAWAN, RICKY and ALI, STEFANO KUSUMA and SUGIANTO, STEVEN (2018) Optimasi Ukuran Penampang Rangka Batang Baja berdasarkan SNI 1729:2015 dengan Metode Metaheuristik Symbiotic Organisms Search. Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITB, 25 (1). pp. 41-52. ISSN 0853-2982

Prayogo, Doddy and KUSUMA, CHRISTIANTO TIRTA (2019) Optimization of Resource Leveling Problem under Multiple Objective Criteria Using a Symbiotic Organisms Search. Civil Engineering Dimension, 21 (1). pp. 43-49. ISSN 1410-9530

Prayogo, Doddy and SUTANTO, JESSICA CHANDRA and SURYO, HIERONIMUS ENRICO and ERIC, SAMUEL (2018) A Comparative Study on Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Layout Optimization of Construction Site Facilities. Civil Engineering Dimension, 20 (2). pp. 102-109. ISSN 1410-9530

Purba, Kristo Radion (2015) Optimization of Auto Equip Function in Role-Playing Game Based on Standard Deviation of Characters Stats using Genetic Algorithm. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 516 (516). pp. 64-75. ISSN 1865-0929

Purba, Kristo Radion and Liliana, and PRANATA, JOHAN (2016) Optimization of Units Movement in Turn-Based Strategy Game. International Journal of Industrial Research and Applied Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 33-37. ISSN 2407-7259

Rostianingsih, Silvia and Budhi, Gregorius S. and Theresia, Leonita Kumalasari (2011) Disease Track Record Analysis at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Using PrefixSpan Algorithm. 2011 International Conference on Engineering and Information Management.

Rostianingsih, Silvia and Kusuma, Yinsi Rio and Halim, Siana and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Budhi, Gregorius S. (2010) Pemetaan Penyebaran Penyakit dengan Metode Kriging. Konferensi Nasional Informatika 2010 Komputasi Sistem Berintelejensi.

Rostianingsih, Silvia and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Budhi, Gregorius S. and Irawan, Denny (2010) Data Warehouse Information Management System Rsu Dr. Soetomo For Supporting Decision Making. 2nd International Conference SIIT 2010.

SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Lim, Resmana and Wibowo, Adi and Handojo, Andreas (2015) Mobile Application for Accessing Paper Citation with Social Network Feature. Advanced Science Letters, 21 (7). pp. 2179-2182. ISSN 19366612

SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Pattiasina, Timothy John and Lim, Resmana (2018) SSVEP-based brain-computer interface for computer control application using SVM classifier. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (4). pp. 2722-2728. ISSN 2319-8613

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and GUNTARA, JONATHAN and Sandjaja, Iwan Njoto (2012) Penjadwalan Produksi dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Simulated Annealing. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer, 9 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1412-9523

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and SAPUTRA, JOHAN HADI and Setiawan, Alexander (2012) Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Prototipe Aplikasi E-Portfolio Mahasiswa. Jurnal Sistem Informasi, 7 (1). pp. 25-35. ISSN 1907-1221

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Setiawan, Alexander and GUNAWAN, SAMUEL BUDI (2012) Developing a Prototype of Mobile Dental Information System in Indonesia. Jurnal Buana Informatika, 3 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2087-2534

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Yulia, and WIDJANADI, IMELIA (2016) The Application of New Information Economics Method on Distribution Company to improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Performance. I. J. Engineering and Manufacturing, 6 (5). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2305-3631

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Yulia, and WIRAWAN, ALDY (2014) Kajian Investasi Sistem Informasi Berdasarkan Domain Bisnis Pada Universitas X. Jurnal Informatika, 12 (1). pp. 40-46. ISSN 1411-0105

Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2018) Teknologi Informasi dan Kekristenan. Teknologi Informasi dan Kekristenan.

Setiabudi, Djoni H. and Tjahyana, L. Joanne (2011) Mobile Phone as a Personal Digital Shopping Assistant to Help Customers Shop in Shopping Center. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 1 (2). pp. 126-131. ISSN 2010-3689

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Tjahyana, Lady Joanne (2014) INTERACTIVE MAP ROUTES FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN SURABAYA RUNNING ON SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 9 (No. 10). pp. 1811-1816. ISSN 1819-6608

Setiawan, Alexander and Budhi, Gregorius S. and Anthony, George (2011) Aplikasi Web Menggunakan Model XML Pada Content Website E-Commerce Studio Foto Upside. Seminar Nasional Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia (SNASTIA).

Setiawan, Alexander and Budhi, Gregorius S. and Gunawan, Adrianto (2011) Implementasi Web Sistem Pemasaran Dengan Teknologi Short Message Service Pada Agen Property Surabaya. Seminar Nasional Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia (SNASTIA).

Setiawan, Alexander and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and TJUNG, ERIEK (2011) APLIKASI BIBLE PADA MOBILE PHONE DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN JAVA MICRO EDITION (JAVA ME). Jurnal Informatika, 10 (2). pp. 107-114. ISSN 1411-0105

Setiawan, Alexander and Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and SIMON, YANUAR (2011) Linguistic Application Using Transitivity-Appraisal Analysis. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) , 1 (2). p. 171. ISSN 2088-8708

Sutjiadi, Raymond and Setyati, Endang and Lim, Resmana (2015) Adaptive Background Extraction for Video Based Traffic Counter Application Using Gaussian Mixture Models Algorithm. Telkomnika, 13 (3). pp. 1006-1013. ISSN 1693-6930

TIONO, KENNARDI DEWANTO and Santoso, Murtiyanto and SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Lim, Resmana (2019) SISTEM NOTIFIKASI SMS HASIL PREDIKSI SAHAM/FOREX MENGGUNAKAN RASPBERRY PI. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK) , 6 (2). pp. 113-122. ISSN 2355-7699

Wibowo, Adi and Gunadi, Kartika and Santoso, Benny Hartono (2016) Penerapan Web Services untuk Layanan Informasi Pekerjaan Online. Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (Teknosi), 2 (3). pp. 149-156. ISSN 2460-3465

Wibowo, Adi and Intan, Rolly and Valentina, Nydia (2017) Indonesian News Harvester and Recommender System. Jurnal Comtech (Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications), 8 (3). pp. 171-176. ISSN 2476-907X

Ye, Liang and Ferdinando, Hany and Alasaarela, Esko (2014) Techniques in Pattern Recognition for School Bullying Prevention: Review and Outlook. Journal of Pattern Recognition Research, 9 (1). pp. 50-63. ISSN 1558-884X

Ye, Liang and Ferdinando, Hany and Seppänen, Tapio and Alasaarela, Esko (2014) Physical Violence Detection for Preventing School Bullying. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2014 (2014). pp. 1-9. ISSN update

Yulia, and Octavia, Tanti (2009) APLIKASI PERENCANAAN PEMBELIAN BARANG PADA PERUSAHAAN MANGGALA MOTOR DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE ARIMA. jurnal teknik informatika, 10 (2). pp. 125-130. ISSN 2528-5823

Yulia, and Adipranata, Rudy (2011) APLIKASI TIGA DIMENSI VIRTUAL DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN 5DT DATA GLOVE 5 ULTRA. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi - JUTI, 7 (2). ISSN 1412-6389

Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho and Kmurawak, Remuz MB (2023) Contributions of Data Science Educational Paradigm in a Disadvantages Area of Indonesia: a case study. Asian Journal of Community Services, 2 (6). pp. 551-562. ISSN 2962-1496

gunawan, ibnu Optimization SQL Server 2005 Query Using Cost Model and Statistic. International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology.

handojo, andreas and Yohannes, Elsye and Noertjahyana, Agustinus (2010) APLIKASI CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT PADA HOTEL X DI MAKASAR. Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi 2010.


Adipranata, Rudy and Budiono, Aloysius Christianto and Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2012) SISTEM INFORMASI ADMINISTRASI PADA RESTORAN INNI PIZZA. LPPM UK Petra.

Handojo, Andreas and WIDJAJA, CHARISTIAN and Wibowo, Adi (2012) Pembuatan Aplikasi Pencarian Dokumen Berbasis Generalized Vector Space Model dan Semantic Relatedness. LPPM Universitas Kristen Petra.


Liliana, and Satiabudhi, Gregorius (2012) Pengembangan Aplikasi Untuk Memperhalus Penampilan Permukaan Obyek Mesh 3D pada Metode Rendering Ray Tracing. - . UKP. ISBN -


Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and SETIAWAN, IVAN LEONARD (2012) Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Berbasis Web untuk Penyakit Jantung. UK Petra.

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Budijanto, Ronald (2013) SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK : STUDI KASUS PADA SMP GRACIA. LPPM UK Petra.

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Suryana , Alex Chandra (2012) APLIKASI CARGO LOADING MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA RANDOMIZED HEURISTICS. LPPM UK Petra.



Conference or Workshop Item

Adipranata, Rudy and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Thedjakusuma, Rudy (2012) Java Characters Word Processing. In: 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology, 24-05-2012 - , Kuta, Bali - Indonesia.

Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Palit, Henry Novianus (2012) Linux PAM to LDAP Authentication Migration. In: ICSIIT, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Kuta, Bali - Indonesia.

Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Handojo, Andreas and DARMAWAN, BUDI (2011) WEATHER SENSOR DATA ACQUISITION USING DELAY TOLERANT NETWORKING. In: Bali International Seminar on Science and Technology, 22-07-2011 - , Denpasar - Indonesia.

Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Handojo, Andreas and SOENJAYA, ANGELA FELICIANA (2012) Contacts Backup Management on Cellular Phones. In: International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology, 24-05-2012 - , Surabaya - Indonesia.

Dewi, Lily Puspa and Indahyanti, Uce and Hari, Yulius (2012) DESIGN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE USING FOR RETAIL COMPANY. In: ICSIIT, 24-05-2012 - , - .

Dewi, Lily Puspa and Indahyanti, Uce and Hari, Yulius (2012) PEMODELAN PROSES BISNIS MENGGUNAKAN ACTIVITY DIAGRAM UML DAN BPMN (STUDI KASUS FRS ONLINE). In: Seminar Nasional Waluyo Jatmiko V, 02-07-2012 - 02-07-2012, - .


Gunadi, Kartika and Adipranata, Rudy and Widianto, Anthony (2012) The Design and Implementation of Digital Image Segmentation in HSV Color Space. In: 3rd International Conferences on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology 2012, 24-05-2012 - , Kuta, Bali - Indonesia.

Gunawan, Ibnu and Kendengis, Yulia and Stanley, Roy Philip (2011) THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE WEB-BASED INFORMATION SYSTEM WITH COGS CALCULATION. In: Bali International Seminar on Science and Technology, 22-07-2011 - 23-07-2011, - .

Gunawan, Ibnu and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Rusli, Hartanto (2014) Analysis And Implementation Of Operational Security Management On Computer Center At The University X. In: CCE 2014, 24-06-2014 - , - .

Gunawan, Ibnu and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Tjahjono , Deddie (2012) The Development of Web Security Scanner Based on XSS and SQL Injection Method. In: ICSIIT 2012, 23-05-2012 - 24-05-2012, Denpasar, Bali - Indonesia.

Gunawan, Ibnu and Rahardjo, Arlinah Imam and Edwin , Yohanes (2011) Design and Development of Website Validator using XHTML 1.0 Strict Standard. In: International Conference on Informatics for Development , 25-11-2011 - 26-11-2011, - .

Gunawan, Ibnu and Noertjahyana, Agustinus (2013) Desain Sistem Keamanan Pada Infrastruktur Berbasis Jaringan Komputer di Universitas Kristen Petra. In: CITACEE 2013, 16-11-2013 - , - .

Handojo, Andreas and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Soenjaya, Angela Feliciana (2012) Contacts Backup Management on Cellular Phones. In: ICSIIT 2012, 3-4 May 2012, Bali.

Handojo, Andreas and Lim, Resmana and Octavia, Tanti and Anggita, Jonathan Kurnia (2018) Museum Interactive Information Broadcasting Using Indoor Positioning System and Bluetooth Low Energy: a Pilot Project on Trowulan Museum Indonesia. In: The 3rd Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science International Conference (TIMES-iCO, 14-12-2018 - 14-12-2018, Bangkok - Thailand.

Handojo, Andreas and PURNAMA, CHRISTIAN and Magdalena, (2012) Aplikasi Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi Dengan Metode Process Costing Pada Peternakan Ayam Petelur Lawu Farm. In: Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi Terapan 2012, 23-06-2012 - 23-06-2012, Semarang - Indonesia.

Handojo, Andreas and Wibowo, Adi and SANTO, JEMMY LAY (2011) Clustering Search Engine At Petra Christian University Library Using Suffix Tree Clustering. In: Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering (URKE), 2011, 04-08-2011 - 07-08-2011, Bali - Indonesia.

Handojo, Andreas and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2011) DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM UNTUK PENILAIAN KINERJA KARYAWAN BERBASIS WEB PADA PT. MASAGUNG. In: Seminar Teknologi Informatika 2011, 23-07-2011 - 23-07-2011, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Handojo, Andreas and Intan, Rolly and GUNAWAN, DENNY (2012) Customer Satisfaction Control Application in Quality Assurance Departement at Petra Christian University using Fuzzy Aggregation. In: 3rd International Conference on soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Bali - Indonesia.

Handojo, Andreas and Pujawan, I Nyoman and Santosa, Budi and Singgih, Moses L. (2022) Job Assignment Problem on Online Transportation Order Using Hungarian Algorithm. In: International Conference of Science and Information Technology in Smart Administration (ICSINTESA), 12-11-2022 - 12-11-2022, Bali - Indonesia.

Handojo, Andreas and Purbowo, Anita Nathania and KARAENG, GITA BERLIANY and Octavia, Tanti (2022) Predicting Potential Blood Donors Who Can Attend Blood Donation Activities using a Support Vector Machine. In: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RESEARCH OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (ISRITI), 09-12-2022 - 09-12-2022, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Intan, Rolly and Halim, Siana and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2019) Approximate Reasoning in the Knowledge-based Dynamic Fuzzy Sets. In: 8th International Conference on Computer Technology and Science 2019, 09-12-2019 - 09-12-2019, Hong Kong - China.

Intan, Rolly and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty (2008) Mining Multidimensional Fuzzy Association Rules from a Normalized Database. In: International Conference on Convergence & Hybrid Information Technology 2008, 30-08-2008 - 30-08-2008, Daejeon - Korea.

Liliana, (2011) Spline Method Optimization of Bidimensional Functions. In: International Conference on Informatics Development 2011, 26-11-2011 - 26-11-2011, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Liliana, and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and ERWANTO, GILBERTO (2012) Interlace and De-interlace Application on Video. In: International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent system and Information Technology, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Kuta - Indonesia.

Liliana, and BINTORO, ANDY FEBRICO and Sandjaja, Iwan Njoto (2012) Pembuatan Aplikasi Kompresi Image dengan Metode Fast Discrete Cosine Transform. In: Seminar Nasional Komputer dan Elektro 2012, 10-03-2012 - 10-03-2012, Surakarta - Indonesia.

Liliana, and BUDI, NIKOLAUS CHRISTIANTO and BUDIONO, DANIEL and GUNAWAN, HERY PRASETYO and WIJAYA, ANTHONY (2012) Scoring for Intelligence Quotient Test from Scanned Answer Form. In: MASS 2012 (International Conference on Management and Service Science), 10-08-2012 - 12-08-2012, Shanghai - China.

Liliana, and Gunadi, Kartika and HUTAMA, DENNY PUJO (2012) PENDETEKSIAN TINGKAT KABUR PADA GAMBAR MENGGUNAKAN WAFELET TRANSFORM. In: Seminar Nasional Komputer dan Elektro 2012, 10-03-2012 - 10-03-2012, Surakarta - Indonesia.

Liliana, and KARTAHADIKUSUMA, JOHAN and Gunadi, Kartika (2013) APLIKASI INPAINTING DENGAN BICUBIC DAN RBF INTERPOLATION. In: KNSI 2013, 14-02-2013 - 15-02-2013, Mataram - Indonesia.

Liliana, and Lim, Resmana and KWAN, ELIZABETH (2011) Voice Conversion Application (VOCAL). In: 2011 International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, 04-08-2011 - 07-08-2011, Kuta - Indonesia.

Liliana, and Sandjaja, Iwan Njoto and H, STEFANUS GUNAWAN (2011) Efisiensi Sistem Inventarisasi Pada Unit Perbekalan Universitas Kristen Petra Dengan Penerapan Sistem Stok Opname Menggunakan Barcode Reader. In: Konferensi Nasional IdeaTech 2011, 12-11-2011 - 12-11-2011, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Lim, Resmana and Wibowo, Adi and Sutjiadi, Raymond and Oktian, Yustus Eko (2012) Indonesian Citation Based Harvester System. In: Makassar International Conference on Electrical Engineering Informatics (MICEEI 2012), 28-11-2012 - 01-12-2012, Makassar - .

Lim, Resmana and WIJAYA, PIETER SINDU and Handojo, Andreas and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Intan, Rolly (2014) Pengembangan Extensi Fitur Akses Quiz Pada Moodle Mobile berbasis Android. In: Rekayasa Teknologi Industri dan Informasi (ReTII) 2014, 13-12-2014 - 14-12-2014, Yogyakarta - .

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Darmawan, Kevin (2013) File Synchronization using API Google Drive on Android Operating System. In: ICCNIT 2013 - 2ND International Conference on Computer Networks and Information Technology, 27-12-2013 - 27-12-2013, Bangkok - Thailand.

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Tunggary , Haryanto (2012) VISUALISASI LALU LINTAS DATA PADA JARINGAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN LIBRARY SHARPPCAP. In: Seminar Nasional Komputer dan Elektro 2012 (Senaputro 2012), 10-03-2012 - 10-03-2012, Surakarta - Indonesia.

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Wijayanto, Ignatius Alex (2012) Development of Mobile Indoor Positioning System Application Using Android and Bluetooth Low Energy with Trilateration Method. In: ICSIIT, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Denpasar - Indonesia.

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Gunawan, Ibnu and Tjahjono, Deddie (2012) Website Application Security Scanner Using Local File Inclusion and Remote File Inclusion. In: ICSIIT, 23-05-2012 - 24-05-2012, Denpasar, Bali - Indonesia.

Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Rahardjo, Arlinah Imam and Montana, Felix (2011) DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PAYROLL INFORMATION SYSTEM IN PT. KARYA TAMA RIMBA CEMERLANG. In: BISSTECH 2011, 25-07-2011 - 26-07-2011, Denpasar - Indonesia.

Octavia, Tanti and Yulia, and Lydia, (2013) PERAMALAN STOK BARANG UNTUK MEMBANTU PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN BARANG PADA TOKO BANGUNAN XYZ DENGAN METODE ARIMA. In: Seminar Nasional Informatika 2013 (semnasIF 2013), 18-05-2013 - 18-05-2013, Jogjakarta - Indonesia.

Palit, Henry Novianus and Dewi, Lily Puspa and Handojo, Andreas and Basuki, Kenny and Mirabel, Mikiavonty Endrawati (2017) Exploratory Research on Developing Hadoop-based Data Analytics Tools. In: ICSIIT17, 29-09-2017 - 29-09-2017, Kuta, Bali - Indonesia.

Palit, Henry Novianus and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and WIDJAJA, CHRISTIAN ADI and HALIM, ALBERT (2017) Private Cloud Deployment on Shared Computer Labs. In: The 2nd International Conference on Culture Technology (ICCT), 10-12-2017 - 10-12-2017, Tokyo - Japan.

Palit, Henry Novianus and Sugiarto, Indar and Prayogo, Doddy and Pratomo, Alexander Thomas Kurniawan (2022) Performance Analysis of a Parallel Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study of the Traveling Salesman Problem. In: 1st International Conference on Information System and Information Technology (ICISIT) 2022, 27-07-2022 - 27-07-2022, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Pasila, Felix and Vertecky, Rocco and Benselli, Geovani and Cestelli, Vincenzo parenti (2012) Inverse Static Analysis of Massive Parallel Arrays of Three-State Actuators via Artificial Intelligence. In: ROMANSY, 01-03-2012 - 04-06-2012, - .

Prayogo, Doddy and ERIC, SAMUEL and SUTANTO, JESSICA CHANDRA and SURYO, HIERONIMUS ENRICO (2018) Optimasi Tata Letak Fasilitas Proyek Konstruksi dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Metaheurisitik. In: Seminar Nasional Ilmu Terapan 2018, 11-10-2018 - 11-10-2018, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Purba, Kristo Radion (2017) OPTIMIZATION OF TEST KEEPER SCHEDULING USING GENETIC ALGORITHM AT INFORMATICS DEPARTMENT PETRA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. In: 2017 International Conference on Research and Innovation in Computer Engineering and Computer Scienc, 17-08-2017 - 17-08-2017, Langkawi - Malaysia.

Rahardjo, Arlinah Imam and Handojo, Andreas and Karyadi, Jeremy Martinus (2012) Designing and Developing Petra Christian University Learning Management System. In: ICSIIT 2012, 3-4 May 2012, Bali.

Rahardjo, Arlinah Imam and Handojo, Andreas and KARYADI, JEREMY MARTINUS (2012) Designing and Developing Petra Christian University Learning Management System. In: ICSSIT, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Denpasar - Bali - Indonesia.

Renaningtyas, Luri and Dwitasari, Putri and Ramadhani, Nugrahardi (2022) Implementing The Use of AI for Analysis and Prediction in the Fashion Industry. In: Sustainability in Creative Industry, 11-11-2022 - 11-11-2022, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Rostianingsih, Silvia and Liliana, and Sugianto, Sendy Andrian (2014) Aplikasi Predictive Text Berbahasa Indonesia Dengan Metode n-Gram. In: Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri 2014, 04-06-2014 - 05-06-2014, Jakarta - Indonesia.

Rostianingsih, Silvia and Setiawan, Alexander (2013) Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Bidang Properti di Surabaya dengan Metode Hold#65533s Double Exponential Smoothing dan Trend Linear. In: Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Teknologi Industri dan Informasi , 14-12-2013 - 14-12-2013, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Rostianingsih, Silvia and KITU, ADIEL WILA and Gunawan, Ibnu (2012) Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Penyebaran Penyakit Malaria. In: Seminar Nasional Informatika 2012 , 30-06-2012 - , Yogyakarta - .

Rostianingsih, Silvia and Santoso, Leo Willyanto and SETIAWAN, ANDREW ALFONSO (2011) Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pada Perusahaan Ayam Petelur X. In: Seminar Teknik Informatika Universitas Ahamd Dahlan, 28-07-2011 - 28-07-2011, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Rostianingsih, Silvia and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and D, NI WAYAN YESSY (2011) Hybrid-Dimension Association Rules for Diseases Track Record Analysis at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital. In: 2011 International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, 24-08-2011 - , - .

Rostianingsih, Silvia and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and OLIMPIK, KESTIAN (2012) Developing An Educational Game for 10th Grade Physics Students. In: 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Kuta Bali - Indonesia.

Rostianingsih, Silvia and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and WIJAYA, HANS KRISTIAN (2013) GAME SIMULASI FINITE STATE MACHINE UNTUK PERTANIAN DAN PETERNAKAN. In: Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi, 14-02-2013 - 16-02-2013, Lombok - Indonesia.

SETIONO, THOMAS and Handojo, Andreas and Intan, Rolly and SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Lim, Resmana (2017) Brain Computer Interface for Controlling RC-Car Using Emotiv Epoc+. In: 3rd International Conference on Electrical Systems, Technology and Information (ICESTI 2017), 29-09-2017 - 29-09-2017, Kuta - Bali - Indonesia.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2011) Classifier Combination for Telegraphese Restoration. In: International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, 04-08-2011 - 07-08-2011, Denpasar - Indonesia.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2019) Cloud Technology: Opportunities for Cybercriminals and Security Challenges. In: Ubi-Media 2019, 09-08-2019 - 09-08-2019, Denpasar - Indonesia.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and HALIM, ARNOLD WIJAYA and Setiawan, Alexander (2012) A Framework of Multi-Criteria Decision Making For Candidate Short Listing System. In: International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2012), 10-08-2012 - 12-08-2012, Shanghai - China.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and HARYANTO, DEDDY and SETIAWAN, INDRO (2012) APLIKASI GAME ONLINE MULTI GENRE BERBASIS FLASH. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Informatika (SANTIKA), 10-03-2012 - 10-03-2012, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and KAIWAI, LUKAS FERDINAND and Setiawan, Alexander (2012) Application of Multicriteria Decision Making for an Online Awardees Short Listing System. In: International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Denpasar - Indonesia.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and KWARIAWAN, ANDREAS and Lim, Resmana (2017) IoT for Real Time Data Logger and pH Controller. In: 2nd ICCT (Inter. Conf. on Culture Technology), 10-12-2017 - 10-12-2017, Tokyo - Japan.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Yulia, (2014) Analisis Investasi Sistem Informasi dengan Menggunakan Domain Teknologi - Metode Information Economics. In: Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi, 27-02-2014 - 01-03-2014, Makassar - Indonesia.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Yulia, and WIDJANADI, IMELIA (2015) Economic Analysis of the Information System Investment Using Cost and Benefit Analysis (CBA) Method. In: The 2nd Management and Innovation Technology International Conference (MITiCON2015), 17-11-2015 - 17-11-2015, Bangkok - Thailand.

Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2018) Early Warning System for Academic using Data Mining. In: ICACCA — 2018 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication & Automation, 28-10-2018 - 28-10-2018, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia.

Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Yulia, and GUNAWAN, HERY PRASETYO (2013) CloSpan Sequential Pattern Mining for Books Recommendation System in Petra Christian University Library. In: International Conference on Computer Networks and Information Technology (ICCNIT- 2013), 29-06-2013 - 30-06-2013, Bangkok - Thailand.

Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Adipranata, Rudy and Anwar, Bachtiar and Setiahadi, Bambang and T, ALVIN NATHANIEL (2011) KOMBINASI SELF-ORGANIZING MAP NEURAL NETWORK DAN K-NEAREST NEIGHBOR UNTUK KLASIFIKASI OTOMATIS CITRA KELOMPOK BINTIK MATAHARI. In: Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informatika 2011, 12-11-2011 - 12-11-2011, Denpasar - Indonesia.

Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Adipranata, Rudy and SUGIARTO, MATTHEW and Anwar, Bachtiar and Setiahadi, Bambang (2011) PENGELOMPOKAN SUNSPOT PADA CITRA DIGITAL MAHATARI MENGGUNAKAN METODE CLUSTERING DBSCAN. In: Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi 2011, 17-06-2011 - 18-06-2011, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and SETIADI, RUBIA SARI (2012) Web Page Similarity Searching Based on Web Content. In: 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Kuta Bali - Indonesia.

Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Lim, Resmana and SIMANGUNSONG, DANAN (2013) Aplikasi Market Expert Advisor Pada Currency Market. In: Seminar Nasional Informatika 2013, 18-05-2013 - 18-05-2013, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and SUSILO, RISKY YUNIARTO (2012) Ekstraksi Kata Kunci Otomatis untuk Dokumen Berbahasa Indonesia menggunakan metode Genitor-plus-Extractor (GenEx). In: Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komputasi, 13-11-2012 - 14-11-2012, Bangkalan - Indonesia.

Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Rostianingsih, Silvia and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and SUTANTO, DARMAWAN (2011) Metode K-Nearest Neighbors Untuk Aplikasi System Informasi Geografis Track Record Penyakit Pada Rsu Dr. Soetomo. In: Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi 2011, 17-11-2011 - , Jakarta - .

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Budijanto, Ronald (2012) SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK YANG MENDUKUNG GREEN INFORMATION SYSTEM : STUDI KASUS PADA SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA GRACIA. In: Seminar Nasional Informatika Peran Geoinformatika dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia, 30-06-2012 - 30-06-2012, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Tjahyana, Lady Joanne and Halim, Rina Savista (2016) DESIGN OF HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR NATURAL DISASTER. In: International Joint Conference on Science and Technology, 13-10-2016 - 13-10-2016, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Noertjahyana, Agustinus (2011) Data Mining Market Basket Analysis’s Using Hybrid-Dimension Association Rules, Case Study in Minimarket X. In: International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, 04-08-2011 - 07-08-2011, Denpasar Bali - Indonesia.

Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and SURYANA, ALEX CHANDRA (2012) Randomized Heuristics Algorithm For Container Loading Problem : A Case Study. In: 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Kuta Bali - Indonesia.

Setiawan, Alexander and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and PURNOMO, ANDREW BRIAN (2011) DESIGNING AND DEVELOPING CAMELOT RESTAURANT INFORMATION SYSTEM IN ORDERING WITH WEB BASED MOBILE DEVICE. In: Bali International Seminar on Science and Technology 2011, 22-07-2011 - 23-07-2011, Bali - Indonesia.

Setiawan, Alexander and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and SAMSI, WILLY SAPUTRA (2011) IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PADA SUPPLIER FURNITURE MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PROMETHEE. In: Konferensi Nasional IdeaTech 2011, 12-11-2011 - 11-12-2011, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Setiawan, Alexander and Santoso, Leo Willyanto and JUAN, MARGARETHA (2012) Decision Support System For Supplier Selection by Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method. In: International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems and Information Technology (ICSIIT), 23-05-2012 - , Surabaya - Indonesia.

Sutter, Ben and Chiong, Raymond and Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Dhakal, Sandeep (2021) Predicting Psychological Distress from Ecological Factors: A Machine Learning Approach. In: IEA/AIE 2021, 29-07-2021 - 29-07-2021, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia.

WONGES, FREDERICK and Zijlmans, Jack and Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2017) The Alignment of IT and Business Strategy at ROC Leeuwenborgh. In: 5th International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems, and Information Technology, 29-09-2017 - 29-09-2017, Denpasar - Indonesia.

Wibowo, Adi (2012) Adaptive Information System Life Cycle: Case Study on Petra Christian University Library. In: International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology , 24-05-2012 - 25-07-2012, - .

Wibowo, Adi and Handojo, Andreas (2011) Application of topic based vector space model with wordnet. In: Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering (URKE), 2011, 04-08-2011 - 07-08-2011, Bali - Indonesia.

Wibowo, Adi and Satiabudhi, Gregorius and Pranata, Yulius (2013) Sistem Pencarian Forum Berbasis Ontologi Dan Label. In: Seminar Nasional Informatika 2013, 18-05-2013 - 18-05-2013, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Wibowo, Adi and Handojo, Andreas (2011) Application of Topic Based Vector Space Model with WordNet. In: 2011 International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, 04-08-2011 - , - .

Yulia, and Liliana, and Adipranata, Rudy and Satiabudhi, Gregorius (2017) Design of Javanese Text to Speech Application. In: 2017 International Conference on Research and Innovation in Computer Engineering&Computer Science, 17-08-2017 - 17-08-2017, Langkawi - Malaysia.

Yulia, and SETIAWAN, INDRO (2012) A Web-Based Logistics Information System for Freight Forwarder PT. Rajawali Imantaka Sempurna. In: ICSIIT, 24-05-2012 - 25-05-2012, Bali - Indonesia.

Yulia, and Setiabudi, Djoni Haryadi (2012) Perancangan dan Implementasi Material Requirement Planning Untuk Perusahan Sandal. In: EECCIS, 30-05-2012 - 31-05-2012, Malang - Indonesia.

Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Chittayasothorn, Suphamit (2009) Deriving Conceptual Schema from XML Databases. In: Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS), 03-04-2009 - 03-04-2009, Dong Hoi - Vietnam.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 15:47:04 2025 WIT.