Items where Subject is "T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery"
Group by: Creators | Item Type Number of items at this level: 261.
UNSPECIFIEDANGGASTA, GIOVANNI and Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Aysia, Debora Anne Yang (2022) A wicking measurement approach to evaluate the protection of non-medical face mask fabrics. [UNSPECIFIED] AYUB, CHANDRA and Anggono, Juliana (2022) Pengaruh Variasi Tekanan Hot Press pada Kekuatan Biokomposit Biji Salak - Polipropilena. [UNSPECIFIED] Alimin, Roche and Khoswanto, Handry (2020) Perancangan Reaction Wheel Inverted Pendulum Sebagai Alat Peraga Sistem Kontrol Berbasis Sistem Kontrol PID. [UNSPECIFIED] Alimin, Roche and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and SAPUTRA, ANDRE (2021) Pemodelan Torque Vectoring Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Stabilitas Pengendalian Mobil Listrik. [UNSPECIFIED] Amelia, and Anastasia, Njo and Rahardjo, Jani (2023) PEMANFAATAN MESIN PENGAYAK UNTUK PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS PEMBUATAN PUPUK KOMPOS DI DESA MOJOTRISNO. [UNSPECIFIED] Amelia, and CEDRIC, and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto (2022) Perbaikan Kesetimbangan Robot Arm Balancing untuk Proses Loading-Unloading Lembaran Plat dengan Metode Kaizen. [UNSPECIFIED] Amelia, and Sutrisno, and Willyanto, and Anne, Olga (2019) Effect of Frequency on Droplet Characteristics in Ultrasonic Atomization Process. [UNSPECIFIED] BUDIMAN, WESLEY and Anggono, Juliana and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf (2017) PENGARUH ORIENTAS OBYEK HASIL FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING PADA WAKTU PROSES. [UNSPECIFIED] Dewanto, Joni and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2024) Two-Phase Scrubber Design as Test Separator for Gas Wells. [UNSPECIFIED] Dewanto, Joni and Sutrisno, and WARDANA, NICOLAS GIOVANNI WISNU (2023) KAJIAN EKSPERIMEN PENGARUH DIAMETER PLUNGER POMPA INJEKSI BAHAN BAKAR PADA PERFORMA DAN GAS BUANG MESIN DAIHATSU TAFT DIESEL DL62. [UNSPECIFIED] Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Jonoadji, Ninuk and ARIFIN, FRANSISKUS XAVERIUS YULIO (2021) Investigation of briquette derived from Pterocarpus indicus leaves and rejected pineapples as inedible sources of renewable energy. [UNSPECIFIED] HAN, KENNETH GENESIUS and Anggono, Juliana and Jonathan, Peter (2021) The Reinforcing Effect of Sugar Palm Fiber on PP. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2018) The impact of Service Learning at Kebontunggul Village for The Students of Heat Transfer Class. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Bisono, Indriati Njoto and M.Sc., Peter Jonathan, S.T., and VALENTIO, DIO (2020) Effect of Fresnel lens as cover in a passive solar water heater with some air gap between cover and absorber plate. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Hazman, Antonio (2018) Optimization of Wire Drawing Die�s Cooling System. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and SLAMET, ANDRIONO (2019) Experimental Analysis on Solid Desiccant Used in An Air Conditioning. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and SUYANTO, CHRISTIAN IVAN and Sutrisno, (2022) Experimental Study on Effect of Nano ZnO on the Cooling Performance of Motorcycle Radiator. [UNSPECIFIED] Hernando, Ivan Christian (2023) Analisa Gerakan Rolling, Pitching, dan Vertikal Truk 3 Axle dengan Penggerak Motor Listrik IWM pada Saat Melewati Polisi Tidur. [UNSPECIFIED] Hernando, Ivan Christian and Wasiwitono, Unggul (2024) Dynamic analysis of four-wheel electric vehicle: Effect of torque vectoring. [UNSPECIFIED] Hernando, Ivan Christian and Alimin, Roche and CHRISTIAN, YOGI and SUSILO, EDI WIDIANTO (2024) Perancangan Mesin Pembuat Filamen untuk Mesin Cetak 3D Fused Deposition Modeling Berbahan Dasar Botol Plastik Polyethylene Terephthalate Bekas. [UNSPECIFIED] Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and Yilmaz, E. and Hamada, Kohei and Hara, Taiga and Willyanto, and Suzuki, Takashi (2023) Experimental Investigation of the In-Cylinder Flow of a Compression Ignition Optical Engine for Different Tangential Port Opening Areas. [UNSPECIFIED] Jonoadji, Ninuk and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and KURNIAWAN, ALDO (2023) Pemanfaatan Mesin Vacuum Casting Semi Otomatis untuk Kebutuhan Pembuatan Produk Perhiasan. [UNSPECIFIED] Jonoadji, Ninuk and Sutrisno, and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Simanjuntak, Melvin Emil and Sitorus, Melvin Bismark Hamongan and SURYAJAYA, MICHAEL (2021) Dimensional optimization of clutch disc with simulation of stress analysis. [UNSPECIFIED] Jonoadji, Ninuk and WIDJAJA, DYLAN JAMES (2022) Perancangan dan Pembuatan Mesin Penyemprot Desinfektan Otomatis. [UNSPECIFIED] Jonoadji, Ninuk and WIDJAJA, DYLAN JAMES (2022) Perancangan dan Pembuatan Mesin PenyemprotDesinfektanOtomatis. [UNSPECIFIED] Kirby, Matt and Lewis, Benjamin and Peterson, Benjamin and Anggono, Juliana and Bradley, Walter (2019) The Effect of Coconut Shell Powder as Functional Filler in Polypropylene during Compounding and Subsequent Molding. [UNSPECIFIED] Pratomo, Hariyo Priambudi Setyo and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Sutrisno, (2019) Hybrid Turbulence Models: Recent Progresses and Further Researches. [UNSPECIFIED] Pratomo, Hariyo Priambudi Setyo and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2019) Preliminary Study on Mesh Stiffness Models for Fluid-structure Interaction Problems. [UNSPECIFIED] Pratomo, Hariyo Priambudi Setyo (2019) Scale resolving simulations of coherent unsteadiness over a benchmark configuration at a subcritical Reynolds number. [UNSPECIFIED] Risonarta, Victor Yasuardi and Anggono, Juliana and Nugrowibowo, Setyo and KRISTOFORUS, ALEXANDER (2021) The influence of flux type and scrap size on recycling yield of Al drink cans. [UNSPECIFIED] Risonarta, Victor Yasuardi and Anggono, Juliana and Nugrowibowo, Setyo and WIBOWO, ALBERT and FENDY, UTOMO, (2021) Modified down sprue and sprue well to improve die casting quality of Sn-Pb alloy. [UNSPECIFIED] SARUMAHA, YONATAN KRISTIAN ADECHANDRA and Amelia, (2021) Optimasi Penempatan Exhaust Fan dalam Rumah dengan CFD. [UNSPECIFIED] SUDIASA, I PUTU KEVIN SAADI and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2022) Analisa dan Optimalisasi Mesin Produksi Air dari Udara Atmosfer dengan Sistem Kompresi Uap. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim (2021) Temperature and indenter radius effects on mechanical properties of copper during nanoindentation: a molecular dynamic simulation study. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Alexiadis, Alessio and Adams, Michael J. (2019) Effects of Moisture on the Mechanical Properties of Microcrystalline Cellulose and the Mobility of the Water Molecules as Studied by the Hybrid Molecular Mechanics-Molecular Dynamics Simulation Method. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Alexiadis, Alessio and Adams, Michael J. (2018) Temperature and configurational effects on the Youngs modulus of poly (methyl methacrylate): a molecular dynamics study comparing the DREIDING, AMBER and OPLS force fields. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Alexiadis, Alessio and Adams, Michael J. (2018) Temperature dependence of the Youngs modulus of polymers calculated using a hybrid molecular mechanics-molecular dynamics method. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Chakrabarty, Aurab and Restrepo, Oscar and Bouhali, Othmane and Mousseau, Normand and Becquart, Charlotte S. and El-Mellouhi, Fedwa (2016) Carbon adsorption on and diffusion through the Fe(110) surface and in bulk: Developing a new strategy for the use of empirical potentials in complex material set-ups. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Echtermeyer, Andreas T. (2014) Creep-Fatigue Relationship in Polymer: Molecular Dynamics Simulations Approach. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Echtermeyer, Andreas T. (2013) Effects of temperature and strain rate on the deformation of amorphous polyethylene: a comparison between molecular dynamics simulations and experimental results. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Echtermeyer, Andreas T. (2014) Molecular dynamics simulations of strain-controlled fatigue behaviour of amorphous polyethylene. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Echtermeyer, Andreas T. (2021) The effects of the van der Waals potential energy on the Young’s modulus of a polymer: comparison between molecular dynamics simulation and experiment. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Amelia, (2024) The Use of the C-70 Electric Motorcycle and Its Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and IRAWAN, ROMARIO RULANDO PUTRA and Alimin, Roche (2022) Aplikasi Android Smartkey 3 in 1 sebagai Sistem Monitoring dan Kendali serta Safety pada Sepeda Motor. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2022) Pemanfaatan Roller dan Belt Conveyor pada Pembuatan Prototipe Mesin untuk Proses Sortasi Telur. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2023) Pemanfaatan Rumah Kompos sebagai Sarana Upgrading Keterampilan Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2023) Transformasi Mesin Pengelolaan Sampah Organik Di Desa Mojotrisno Untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk and Amelia, (2023) PkM Melalui Pemanfaatan Mesin Kompos Organik di Kampung Herbal untuk Optimalisasi Kinerja Hasil Proses Perajangan Bahan Sampah Organik. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk and ROY, VICTORIUS and Lourentius, Suratno (2024) PKM Pembuatan Mesin Pengolah Sampah Organik Untuk Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos Dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and PHILBERT, KRESNA VINCENT and Sutrisno, and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2021) Pemanfaatan Sensor Suara sebagai Fitur On/Off Switch pada Engine Starter dan Power Tailgate Kendaraan. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and PRAWIRA, GEDE YUDHA and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2022) Automatic Footstep Design and The use of LDR Sensors in Vehicles. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and RUMIKI, EXELSIUS BILLYARTA and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2024) PROTOTIPE FERRIS WHEEL MOTORCYCLE PARKING SYSTEM SEBAGAI SOLUSI KEBARUAN INOVASI EFISIENSI LAHAN. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and SHIDI, DANANG BAGASTUTI K. and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2025) DESAIN DAN IMPLEMENTASI CONVEYOR UNTUK EFISIENSI PENURUNAN MATERIAL PADA MOBIL PICK-UP. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Soegihardjo, Oegik (2021) Sustainability design of press machine for waste plastic bottle with electric motor. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and WIBOWO, ANDREAS SASTRO (2021) PEMANFAATAN KICK FOOT SENSOR UNTUK MEKANISME BUKA TUTUP BAGASI KENDARAAN. [UNSPECIFIED] Simanjuntak, Melvin Emil and Sutrisno, (2019) Experimental and numerical study of coal swirl fluidized bed drying on 100 angle of guide vane. [UNSPECIFIED] Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and GUNAWAN, DANIEL WILLIAM (2019) The Effect of Biodiesel Blends Made from Carica papaya L. Seeds on the Performance of Diesel Engine. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutrisno, and Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and SANTOSA, COKRO DANIEL and SURYAJAYA, MICHAEL and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY (2019) Experimental Investigation of Avocado Seed Oil Utilization in Diesel Engine Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutrisno, and FALITO, MUHAMMAD ROBBY and Willyanto, and Simanjuntak, Melvin Emil (2021) Bioethanol Limbah Kulit Jeruk Manis (Citrus Sinensis L. Osbeck) Sebagai Peningkatan Nilai Oktan. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutrisno, and PURNOMO, PRADITYO PUTRA (2022) Studi Pengaruh Waktu Injeksi, Tekanan Bahan Bakar, dan Tekanan Turbo Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Mesin Diesel 2GD-FTV. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutrisno, and Willyanto, and LAY, KURNIAWAN and Simanjuntak, Melvin Emil (2021) OPTIMASI PARAMETER PROSES PEMBUATAN BIOETANOL SORGUM DAN PENGARUH TERHADAPUNJUK KERJA MOTOR BENSIN. [UNSPECIFIED] TAN, WILSON SUTANTO and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Jonoadji, Ninuk and Christian, Albertus Andrie (2021) The Effect of Cooling and Temperature in 3D Printing Process with Fused Deposition Modelling Technology on the Mechanical Properties with Polylactic Acid Recycled Material. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and Budiman , Wesley (2017) PROCESSING AND MATERIALS EFFICIENCY IN FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING: A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PARTS MAKING USING ABS AND PLA POLYMERS. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and FEFE, (2021) Optimization of fused deposition modeling parameters for hips flexural strength with Taguchi method. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Budiman, Wesley (2017) The effect of orientation difference in fused deposition modeling of ABS polymer on the processing time, dimension accuracy, and strength. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and San, Gan Shu and Wahjudi, Didik and Anggono, Juliana (2018) A Preliminary Study of Technical Feasibility for Mobile Phone Remanufacturing in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and San, Gan Shu and Wahjudi, Didik and PONTJONOTO, NIKO ADRISENNA and Suryajaya, Michael (2019) Process Planning Review for Mobile Phone Remanufacturing in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and YOHANES, and Rahardjo, Cedric and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2024) The effects of printing orientation on the fused deposition modeling process of the robot gripper object-moving force. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and FEBRIAN, RONALDO and FILBERT, VINCENSIUS and SUGIARTO, NICHOLAS ADRIEL (2022) OPTIMASI MULTIRESPON PADA PROSES 3D PRINTING MATERIAL PLA DENGAN METODE TAGUCHI GREY. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and FILBERT, VINCENSIUS and FEBRIAN, RONALDO and SUGIARTO, NICHOLAS ADRIEL (2022) Optimasi Multirespon pada Proses 3D Printing Material ABS dengan Metode Taguchi-PCR Topsis. [UNSPECIFIED] Ting, Yung and Amelia, (2020) Design of a Single and Dual Hybrid Piezoelectric Motors. [UNSPECIFIED] Ting, Yung and Amelia, and Yu, Chih-Hsuan and Yang, Yun-Jui and Lee, Yen-Lung (2021) Effect and Evaluation of an Ultrasonic Atomizer With Large Vibration Amplitude. [UNSPECIFIED] WANGSAWIJAYA, KEVIN and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Wahjudi, Didik and San, Gan Shu and Herlianto, Jonathan (2024) A Preliminary Study of Remanufacturing on FDM Machine. [UNSPECIFIED] WASISDI, YUSUF HILARIO and Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Tanoto, Yusak and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and CHRISTENSEN, ALEXANDER BILLY and Willyanto, (2022) Sustainable product development of biomass briquette from Samanea saman leaf waste with rejected papaya as the binding agent in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] WIJAYA, PATRIK PERMANA PUTRA and Anggono, Juliana (2020) Evaluasi Pembuatan Prototype Package Tray Biokomposit Serat Tebu- Polypropylene untuk Kebutuhan Interior Mobil. [UNSPECIFIED] Wahjudi, Didik and San, Gan Shu and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and WINATA, JERRY (2019) Drivers and Barriers of Mobile Phone Remanufacturing Business in Indonesia: Perspectives of Retailers. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and FEBRIAN, RONALDO and Hernando, Ivan Christian and Sutrisno, (2023) Pengaruh Flowrate dan Diameter Exit Nozzle terhadap Kemampuan Vacuum Pada Ejector Pump. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and FEBRIAN, RONALDO and STEVEN, and JERICO, and WAHONO, KORNELIUS VIENO ZICO and COZZA, STEVANUS YUKE DE and Hernando, Ivan Christian (2024) ALAT BANTU PEIUASANG KLIP PISTON DENGAN MEKANISME PENDORONG GESER. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and PRONK, CHRISTIAN EDWIN and Hernando, Ivan Christian and Sutrisno, (2023) Characteristics of biomass briquettes from coffee husk as sustainable fuel. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Hayakawa, A and Okafor, Ekenechukwu C. and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY and WONGSO, STEVAN (2020) Laminar Burning Velocity and Markstein Length of CH4/CO2/Air Premixed Flames at Various Equivalence Ratios and CO2 Concentrations Under Elevated Pressure. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Hernando, Ivan Christian and Soegihardjo, Oegik and WASKITO, CHANDRA and RONALDO, FERDINAND (2024) Effects of Ammonia (NH3) on Flame Characteristics of Methane (CH4) External Premixed Combustion. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and TANUWIJAYA, DION VALENTINO and DANU, JOVAN DANIEL and Yilmaz, E. and Chen, Haoyu and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY and Suzuki, Takashi (2020) EFFECT OF BOOST PRESSURE AND INJECTION STRATEGY TO THE IN-CYLINDER PRESSURE AND HEAT RELEASE RATE OF DIRECT INJECTION DIESEL ENGINE. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and saito, Reina and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and CORNELIUS, CHRIS and PERKASA, RYERA KRESHNA INGGARDHANA and Suzuki, Takashi (2021) Airflow Characteristics Investigation of a Diesel Engine for Different Helical Port Openings and Engine Speeds. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and LAKSANA, GARINCHA BINTANG and Soegihardjo, Oegik and WASKITO, CHANDRA and Sutrisno, and ARISTO, NICHOLAS and Hernando, Ivan Christian and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy (2024) EFFECTS OF AMMONIA ON THE FLAME CHARACTERISTICS OF LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS EXTERNAL PREMIXED COMBUSTION. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Lim, Resmana and Sutrisno, and Hernando, Ivan Christian and CHRISTENSEN, ALEXANDER BILLY (2024) Briquette Combustion Characteristics of Cerbera Manghas Leaves with Rejected Pineapple as Binding Agent as a Sustainable Fuel. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Noor, M. M. and Liao, Shiyong and SANKA, KEVIN and Gotama, Gabriel J and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2022) EFFECTS OF EXTRACTION METHODS ON THE FUEL CHARACTERISTICS AND DIESEL ENGINE PERFORMANCES OF JATROPHA CURCAS BIODIESEL. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Noor, M. M. and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and LESMANA, LOUIS AGASSI and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY and Setiyawan, A. (2018) Effect of Cerbera Manghas Biodiesel on Diesel Engine Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and STANLEY, SOEN, PETER and RONALDO, FERDINAND and Gotama, Gabriel J and Guo, Bin and Yilmaz, E. and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and Suzuki, Takashi (2021) Engine Performances of Lean Iso-Octane Mixtures in a Glow Plug Heated Sub-Chamber SI Engine. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY and Sutrisno, and EVANDER, JOVIAN (2018) Combustion characteristics behavior of Pterocarpus indicus leaves waste briquette at various particle size and pressure. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Sutrisno, and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY and EVANDER, JOVIAN and KASRUN, ANDREAS WIJAYA (2018) INVESTIGATION ON BIOMASS BRIQUETTE FROM Cerbera manghas WASTE TWIGS AS RENEWABLEENERGY SOURCE. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and ARIFIN, FRANSISKUS XAVERIUS YULIO and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY (2020) Combustion Performance of Pterocarpus indicus Leaves Wastes Briquette with Rejected Papaya as Binding Agent. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and EVANDER, JOVIAN (2017) Biomass Briquette Investigation from Pterocarpus Indicus Leaves Waste as an Alternative Renewable Energy. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and EVANDER, JOVIAN and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY (2018) Biomass Briquette Investigation from Pterocarpus Indicus Twigs Waste as an Alternative Renewable Energy. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Setiyo, Muji and WIBISONO, RENDY and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY (2019) Experimental investigation of the effect of Nephelium Lappaceum seed biodiesel to the automotive diesel engine performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and saito, Reina and Sawamura, Y and Ndizeye, G and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and Suzuki, Takashi (2021) EFFECTS OF INTAKE FLOW ON IN-CYLINDER SWIRL FLOW UNDER MOTORING AND FIRING CONDITIONS FOR CI ENGINES USING PIV MEASUREMENTS. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Gotama, Gabriel J and SUMARTA, KEVIN JONATHAN and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Sutrisno, (2024) Fuel Properties and Diesel Engine Performances of Biodiesel Blends derived from Salacca zalacca Seed Oil. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Hayakawa, A and Okafor, Ekenechukwu C. and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY (2019) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Laminar Burning Velocities of Artificial Biogas Under Various Pressure and CO2 Concentration. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Ikoma, Wataru and Chen, Haoyu and Liu, Zhiyuan and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and Suzuki, Takashi (2019) Effect of Various Supercharger Boost Pressure to in-Cylinder Pressure and Heat Release Rate Characteristics of Direct Injection Diesel Engine at Various Engine Rotation. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Ikoma, Wataru and Chen, Haoyu and Liu, Zhiyuan and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and Suzuki, Takashi and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY (2019) Investigation of intake pressure and fuel injection timing effect on performance characteristics of diesel engine. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Soegihardjo, Oegik and Tanoto, Yusak and LAKSANA, GARINCHA BINTANG and WASKITO, CHANDRA and JERICO, and CHANDRA, ARDIAN (2024) Pintu geser dispenser galon bawah dengan pengunci sidik jari. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Hernando, Ivan Christian (2024) Pengembangan Perajangan Sampah Organik di Rumah Kompos Untuk Menjaga Lingkungan Secara Berkelanjutan. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Tanoto, Yusak and Hernando, Ivan Christian and WASKITO, CHANDRA and LAKSANA, GARINCHA BINTANG (2023) Pemanfaatan Energi Biogas dan Pupuk Organik Berbahan Kotoran Sapi Oleh Peternak Sapi Aditoya Sebagai Energi Alternatif dan Subsitusi Kebutuhan Pupuk Pertanian Masyarakat. [UNSPECIFIED] Yilmaz, E. and Suzuki, Takashi and Ito, Kenji and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and Willyanto, and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa (2021) Analysis of the Spray Characteristics of Water and Water/Glycerin Mixtures using an Interferometric Laser Imaging for Droplet Sizing Technique. [UNSPECIFIED] ArticleAnggono, Willyanto and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Sutrisno, Teng and kasrun, andreas (2016) Investigation on Biomass Briquette as Energy Source from Waste Leaf Cerbera Manghas. Investigation on Biomass Briquette as Energy Source from Waste Leaf Cerbera Manghas, 1 (1). pp. 11-14. ISSN 2407-7259 Anggono, Willyanto and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Wijaya, Tubagus P. and Tanoto, Michael S.C. (2014) Behavior of Flame Propagation in Biogas Spark Ignited Premix Combustion with Carbon Dioxide Inhibitor. Advanced Materials Research, 1044-1 (2014). pp. 251-254. ISSN 1022-6680 Anggono, Willyanto and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Wijaya, Tubagus P. and Tanoto, Michael S.C. (2014) Behavior of Flame Propagation in Biogas Spark Ignited Premix Combustion with Carbon Dioxide Inhibitor. Advanced Materials Research, 1044-1 (2014). pp. 251-254. ISSN 1022-6680 Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ (2013) Effect of Inhibitors on Biogas Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Limits in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (6). pp. 4980-4987. ISSN 0975-4024 Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ (2013) Effect of Inhibitors on Biogas Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Limits in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (6). Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ and Wahyudi, S and Hamidi, N (2012) Laminar Burning Characteristics Of Biogas-Air Mixtures In Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. Journal of Applied Sciences Research. ISSN 1819-544X Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ and Wahyudi, Slamet and Hamidi, N (2013) Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Characteristics of Biogas in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion at Reduced Pressure. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 376. pp. 79-85. ISSN 1662-7482 Anggono, Willyanto and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ and Wahyudi, Slamet and Hamidi, Nurkholis and Hayakawa, Akihiro (2013) Biogas Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Characteristics in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. Journal ofPhysics:ConferenceSeries 423 (2013) 012015, 423. ISSN ISSN 1742-6596 Dewanto, Joni and Soegihardjo, Oegik and Wijaya, Agustinus N. Rolando (2018) New Active Cooling System to Prevent an Overheating on the Vehicle Disc Brake. JIRAE, 3 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN e-ISSN 2407-7259 Dewanto, Joni and EFENDI, DICKY (2013) Pengauruh Sudut Camber Roda Depan pada kemampuan Belok Mobil Model 4 dan 2 Roda penggerak (4WD dan RWD). Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 14 (2). pp. 71-75. ISSN 1410-9867 Dewanto, Joni and Soegihardjo, Oegik (2021) Performance of Mechanical Energy Harvesting Unit for Generating Electricity for Portal Gate System. Journal of ICT, Design, Engineering and Technological Science, 4 (1). pp. 6-11. ISSN 2604 - 2673 Dewanto, Joni and TANUWIJAYA, FELIX (2020) Sistem Pengaman Sepeda Motor Anti Begal. Jurnal Teknik Mesin , 17 (01). 1=28. ISSN ISSN 1410-9867 print / ISSN 2656-3290 online Handoyo, Ekadewi A. and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, Prabowo (2013) The optimal tilt angle of a solar collector. Energy Procedia, 32 (iii-iv). pp. 166-175. ISSN 1876-6102 Handoyo, Ekadewi A. and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, Prabowo and Sutardi, Sutardi (2013) Studi Numerik Dari Penambahan Obstacle Terhadap Kinerja Kolektor Surya Pemanas Udara dengan Plat Penyerap Jenis V-Corrugated. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 14 (1). pp. 14-21. ISSN 1410-9867 Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and , Djatmiko Ichsani and Prabowo, and Sutardi, (2013) Studi Numerik Penambahan Obstacle Terhadap Kinerja Kolektor Surya Pemanas Udara dengan Plat Penyerap Jenis V-Corrugated. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 14 (1). pp. 14-21. ISSN 2656-3290 Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Amelia, and Pratomo, Hariyo Priambudi Setyo and JUNIKO, and DWITAMA, STEVEN and NUGROHO, RUDERICUS VALERIAN SETYO (2023) Best Practice of Striving Energy Sustainability in A Hot Press Machine for Clutch Facing Manufacture). Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 30 (2). pp. 60-74. ISSN 2289-7879 Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, (2013) The optimal tilt angle of a solar collector. Energy Procedia , 32 (C). pp. 166-175. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, and Sutardi, (2016) Numerical Studies on the Effect of Delta-Shaped Obstacles� Spacing on the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in V-Corrugated Channel of Solar Air Heater. Solar Energy, 131 (131). pp. 47-60. ISSN 0038-092X Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and PUSPASARI, LITA (2019) Design of heat exchanger for cooling fluid used on magnetic induction welder. Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia, 14 (1). pp. 19-23. ISSN 1907-350X Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Prabowo, and , Djatmiko Ichsani (2010) Unjuk Kerja Kolektor Surya dengan Absorber Bentuk V yang Dilengkapi Honeycomb dengan Beberapa Aspek Rasio. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 12 (2). pp. 83-88. ISSN 2656-3290 Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and TANDRAYUANA, MINTARKO (2006) VALIDASI METODE STATIC REGAIN DALAM PERANCANGAN SALURAN. POROS, 9 (2). pp. 104-112. ISSN 1410-6841 Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and Willyanto, and Dzieminska, Edyta and Suzuki, Takashi (2018) Experimental Study of Combustion Fluctuation Reduction Using In-Cylinder Pressure Estimation in Gasoline Engine. International Journal of Industrial Research and Applied Engineering, 3 (2). pp. 51-60. ISSN 2407-7259 JONATHAN, PETER and Sutrisno, Teng and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2012) PERANCANGAN PROPELER TURBIN ANGIN PADA GEDUNG HEMAT ENERGI. Mechanova. Jonoadji, Ninuk and Sutrisno, and Willyanto, and Amelia, and SEPTHIAN, EZRA and Simanjuntak, Melvin Emil (2020) Pengaruh Penambahan Minyak Kulit Pisang Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Mesin Diesel. Jurnal Teknik Mesin , 17 (1). pp. 17-22. ISSN ISSN 1410-9867 print / ISSN 2656-3290 online Marlina, Ena and Basjir, Mochammad and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and Suzuki, Takashi and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and Willyanto, (2020) The Role of Eucalyptus Oil in Crude Palm Oil As Biodiesel Fuel. Automotive Experiences, 3 (1). pp. 33-38. ISSN 2615-6636 Mirmanto, Heru and Sutrisno, and Sasongko, Herman and D.Z., Noor (2013) Reduction of Energy Losses in the End Wall Junction Area through the Addition of Forward Facing Step Turbulent Generator. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 4 (256). pp. 256-261. PANGRALDI, CHRISTIAN and Sutrisno, Teng and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2012) OPTIMASI ANGLE OF ATTACK UNTUK PENINGKATAN KOEFISIEN LIFT PADA AIRFOIL TURBIN ANGIN SUMBU HORISONTAL. Mechanova, 1/2013 (1). p. 1. Pratomo, Hariyo P. S. and Bremhort, Klaus (2012) Experimental Study on the Propagation of a Pulsed Jet. Procedia Engineering, 50 (1). pp. 174-187. ISSN 1877-7058 Pratomo, Hariyo P. S. and Bremhort, Klaus (2014) Radial profile of moments of instantaneous axial velocity of a fully pulsed axisymmetric jet. Journal of Physics: Conference series, 495. pp. 1-10. ISSN 17426588 Pratomo, Hariyo P. S. and Bremhort, Klaus (2014) Velocity Statistics of a Fully Pulsed Round Jet in Streamwise Direction. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 534. pp. 117-123. ISSN 1662-7482 Risonarta, Victor Yasuardi and Anggono, Juliana and ADITYA, GERALDI RAKA (2020) The Influence of Iron Concentration on the Mechanical Properties of A356 Al Alloy for Car Rims Application. Rekayasa Mesin, 11 (1). pp. 61-68. ISSN 2338-1663 Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Alexiadis, Alessio and Adams, Michael J. (2020) A Coarse Grained Model for Viscoelastic Solids in Discrete Multiphysics Simulations. ChemEngineering, 4 (2). NA. ISSN 2305-7084 Setiyo, Muji and Waluyo, Budi and Willyanto, and Husni, M (2016) PERFORMANCE OF GASOLINE/LPG BI-FUEL ENGINE OF MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE SENSOR (MAPS) VARIATIONS FEEDBACK. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (7). pp. 4707-4712. ISSN 1819-6608 Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and OSMOND, TIMOTHY and Alimin, Roche (2020) Perancangan Mekanisme Spoiler Dinamis. Jurnal Teknik Mesin,, Vol 17 (No. 1). pp. 1-5. ISSN ISSN 1410-9867 print / ISSN 2656-3290 online Soegihardjo, Oegik and Suhardjono, Suhardjono (2013) SIMULASI UNTUK MEMPREDIKSI PENGARUH STIFFENER TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KEKAKUAN BENDA KERJA. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 14 (1). pp. 40-46. ISSN 1410-9867 Soegihardjo, Oegik and Suhardjono, Suhardjono and Pramujati, Bambang and Pramono, Agus Sigit (2014) Modal and Harmonic Response Analysis: Linear-Approach Simulation to Predict the Influence of Granular Stiffeners on Dynamic Stiffness of Box-Shaped Workpiece for Increasing Stability Limit against Chatter. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 493. pp. 501-506. ISSN 1662-7482 Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Willyanto, and T., MICHAEL SURYA CHANDRA (2016) Effect of Carbon Dioxide on Flame Characteristics in Biogas External Premix Combustion. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11 (4). pp. 2240-2243. ISSN 0973-4562 Sutrisno, and Mirmanto, Heru and Sasongko, Herman (2015) Studi of the secondary flow structures caused the addition forward facing step turbulence generated. Advance and applications in fluid mechanics, 18 (1). pp. 129-144. ISSN 0973-4686 Sutrisno, and Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and KASRUN, ANDREAS WIJAYA and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto (2017) the effects of particle size and pressure on the combustioan characteristics of carbera mangas leaf briquettes. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (4). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1819-6608 Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and BUDIMAN, WESLEY and PHILBERT, KRESNA VINCENT (2020) STRENGTH AND DIMENSION ACCURACY IN FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING : A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PARTS MAKING USING ABS AND PLA POLYMERS. Rekayasa Mesin, 11 (1). pp. 69-76. ISSN 2477-6041 Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Wahjudi, Didik and NJO, RICKY KURNIAWAN (2020) Proses Remanufaktur pada Komponen Otomotif. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 17 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 1410-9867 print / 2656-3290 online Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Soepangkat, Bobby O and Wahyudi, Arif (2014) Optimasi Multi Respon pada Proses Gurdi dengan Menggunakan Metode Taguchi–Grey. Jurnal Teknik Mesin , 15 (No. 1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 1410-9867 Ting, Yung and Gunawan, Hariyanto and Amelia, and CHIU, CHUN-WEI (2013) A New Approach of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Poling Method for Higher Electric Response. Ferroelectrics, 446 (1). 28–38. ISSN 0015-0193 UTOMO, BENNY PUTRA and Anggono, Juliana and Shin, Dong Youn (2022) Study on Screen Printable Color Paste Formulation for Color Silicon Solar Modules. Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 42 (4). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1598-6411 Willyanto, (2017) Behaviour of Biogas Containing Nitrogen on Flammability Limits and Laminar Burning Velocities. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 7 (1). pp. 304-310. ISSN 1309-0127 Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and HARTANTO, TAN, IVAN and PURNOMO, KENNY and WIJAYA, TUBAGUS PUTRA (2015) The effect of nitrogen on biogas flame propagation characteristic in premix combustion. American Institute of Physics, 1718 (100001). 100001_1-100001_5. ISSN 978-0-7354-1364-1 Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and PURNOMO, KENNY and HARTANTO, TAN, IVAN and WIJAYA, TUBAGUS PUTRA (2016) The Effect of Nitrogen on Flame Characteristics in Biogas External Premixed Combustion. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 836 (265). pp. 265-270. ISSN 1662-7482 Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Sutrisno, and KASRUN, ANDREAS WIJAYA (2016) Investigation on Biomass Briquette as Energy Source from Waste Leaf Cerbera Manghas. International Journal of Industrial Research and Applied Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 11-14. ISSN 2407-7259 Willyanto, and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ and Wahyudi, Slamet and Hamidi, N and Hayakawa, A (2015) The influence of CO2 in biogas flammability limit and laminar burning velocity in spark ignited premix combustion at various pressures. American Institute of Physics, 1717 (030001). 030001-1#65533030001-7. ISSN 0094-243X Willyanto, and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ and Wahyudi, Slamet and Hamidi, Nurkholis (2013) Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Characteristics of Biogas in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion at Reduced Pressure. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 376 (1). pp. 79-85. ISSN 1662-7482 Willyanto, and Wardana, ING and Lawes, M and Hughes, KJ and Wahyudi, Slamet and Nurkholis , Hamidi (2012) Laminar Burning Characteristics Of Biogas-Air Mixtures In Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8 (8). pp. 4126-4132. ISSN 1819-544X BookTedjasaputra, Philip Kristanto (2012) Ekologi Industri. edisi kedua . Andi Offset . ISBN 978-979-29-3425-0 Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and Hernando, Ivan Christian (2022) KARAKTERISTIK PEMBAKARAN BAHAN BAKAR TERBARUKAN DENGAN RANTAI KARBON RENDAH. PT Raja Grafindo Perkasa. ISBN 978-623-372-325-1 Book SectionPasila, Felix and Vertechy, Rocco and Berselli, Geovani and Castelli, Vincenzo Parenti (2013) Inverse Static Analysis of Massive Parallel Arrays of Three-State Actuators via Artificial Intelligence. In: Romansy 19 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, 544 . Springer Vienna, Udinese, Italy, pp. 43-50. ISBN 978-3-7091-1378-3 (Print) 978-3-7091-1379-0 (Online) Conference or Workshop Item, Sutrisno and Jonathan, peter and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2013) STUDI NUMERIK OPTIMASI KINERJA HORISONTAL AXIS WIND TURBINE (HAWT) PADA POTENSI ANGIN TROPIS. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNIK MESIN 8 UK PETRA, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, SURABAYA - INDONESIA. Alimin, Roche and Wahjudi, Didik and Gunawan, Hariyanto and POERNOMO, PRAYOGO PUTRA (2018) Regression Equations to Determine the Stages of Electric Current in Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) According to the Level of Desired Surface Roughness with Shortest Processing Time. In: The 1st International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering (IC-AMME), 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Denpasar - Indonesia. Alimin, Roche (2013) Integrasi Math dan Cad Tool untuk Merancang Kinematika Manipulator Seri Robot Industri. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Amelia, and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and HENJAYA, GUNTAR (2021) The Novel Design for Cooling System of Greenhouse. In: 12th International Conference on Thermofluid 2021, 11-11-2021 - 11-11-2021, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Amelia, and Nakajima, Madoka and Ting, Yung and Leorna, Mark (2015) A Comparison Droplet Formation for the Flexural Curvature Vibration and Flat Surface Vibration by Numerical Simulation. In: ICLASS 2015, 23-08-2015 - 23-08-2015, Tainan - Taiwan. Anggono, Willyanto and Gafaruddin, La Ode M. (2013) SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FOR SHIP DESIGN USING FINITE ELEMENT APLICATION AND PUGH’S CONCEPT SELECTION METHOD Case study: Deciding the Optimum Ship Bow Design. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - , Surabaya - Indonesia. Anggono, Willyanto and Jonoadji, Ninuk and Subiyanto, Ricky and Tanoto, Michael S.C. (2014) APLIKASI SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT DALAM OPTIMASI JUMLAH BAUT PADA SAMBUNGAN RESERVOIR TEKAN PIPA HYDRANT DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN FINITE ELEMENT APPLICATION. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 9, 14-08-2014 - 14-08-2014, Surabaya - Indonesia. Anggono, Willyanto and Jonoadji, Ninuk and Nurhalim, Andrianto (2009) SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MESIN SHRINK TUNNEL BOTOL POLYETHELIN THERETALATE DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN VIRTUAL REALITY. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 4, 30-06-2009 - 30-06-2009, - Indonesia. Anggono, Willyanto and Ongkodjojo, Stefanus and Wijaya, Sonny (2009) PENINGKATAN UNJUK KERJA TABLE TOP CHAIN CONVEYOR DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PRESSLESS COMBINER CONVEYOR. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 4, 30-06-2009 - 30-06-2009, Surabaya - Indonesia. Anggono, Willyanto and Pratikto, Ivano and Suryato, Heru and Susilo, Sugeng Hadi and Suprihanto, (2013) DECIDING THE OPTIMUM SPOKE ANGLE OF MOTORCYCLE CAST WHEEL USING FINITE ELEMENT APLICATION AND PUGH’S CONCEPT SELECTION METHOD Case study: Sustainable Product Development for Motorcycle Cast Wheel. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - , Surabaya - Indonesia. Anggono, Willyanto and SANJAYA, ADI and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Wijaya, Tubagus Putra (2014) OPTIMASI JUMLAH COMPARTMENT TANGKI TRUK BAHAN BAKAR MINYAK DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN FINITE ELEMENT APPLICATION. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 9, 14-08-2014 - 14-08-2014, Surabaya - . Anggono, Willyanto and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Kurniawan, Nandasetya Kharisma (2009) Sustainable Product Development Alat Pengangkut Sampah dengan Sistem Terpisah dan Kompatibel dengan Semua Jenis Motor. In: Teknosim 2009, 12-11-2009 - 12-11-2009, - Indonesia. Anggono, Juliana and Purwaningsih, Hariyati and Sugondo, Suwandi and HENRICO, STEVEN and SEWUCIPTO, SANJAYA (2016) Modification in surface properties of sugarcane bagasse: a comparative study from the pretreatment using sodium and calcium hydroxide. In: 3rd international conference on bio-based polymers and composites , 01-09-2016 - 01-09-2016, Szeged - Hungaria. Anggono, Juliana and Sugondo, Suwandi and JOLANDA, RASSY ALIM and Purwaningsih, Hariyati and Wibawa, Aria (2017) Performance and Evaluation of Low Cost Sugarcane Bagasse – Polypropylene Biocomposites as Candidate Material for Automotive Parcel Tray. In: 2017 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Composite Materials (ICFCM2017), 17-11-2017 - 17-11-2017, Melbourne - Australia. Anggono, Juliana and Sugondo, Suwandi and SEWUCIPTO, SANJAYA and Purwaningsih, Hariyati and HENRICO, STEVEN (2016) The Use of Sugarcane Bagasse in PP Matrix Composites: A Comparative Study of Bagasse Treatment Using Calcium Hydroxide and Sodium Hydroxide on Composite Strength. In: International conference on engineering, science, and nanotechnology 2016, 05-08-2016 - 05-08-2016, Solo - Indonesia. Dewanto, Joni (2013) SIMULASI RANCANGAN SISTEM MEKANIK PEMANFAATAN BOBOT KENDARAAN SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI PEMBUKA PALANG PINTU PORTAL. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNIK MESIN - 8, 11-02-2013 - 02-04-2013, SURABAYA - INDONESIA. Dewanto, Joni (2017) Sistem Penyelamat Penumpang Terhadap Keracunan Gas Carbon Mono Oksida di Dalam Kabin Kendaraan(CO). In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 12, 10-08-2017 - 10-08-2017, Surabaya - Indonesia. Dewanto, Joni and Soegihardjo, Oegik (2018) Modeling of mechanical energy harvesting system by utilizing the weight of vehicle as a source of electrical energy for the portal gate system. In: The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology, 06-12-2018 - 06-12-2018, Surabya - Indonesia. Dewanto, Joni and Soegihardjo, Oegik (2020) Performance of Mechanical Energy Harvesting Unit for Generating Electricity for Portal Gate System. In: International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer and Applied Science (ECBA) 2020, 22-01-2020 - 22-01-2020, Denpasar, Bali - Indonesia. Dewanto, Joni and TANICKA, FERRYANDO (2014) Sistem Pengaman Sepeda Motor dengan Standar Tengah Hidrolik dan Penerapannya pada Sepeda Motor Matic Yamaha Mio Sporty. In: SEminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 9, 14-08-2014 - 14-08-2014, Surabaya - Indonesia. GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY and Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Jonoadji, Ninuk and ARIFIN, FRANSISKUS XAVERIUS YULIO (2020) Investigation of briquette derived from Pterocarpus indicus leaves and rejected pineapples as inedible sources of renewable energy. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application (iCOMERA), 08-10-2020 - 08-10-2020, Malang - Indonesia. Gan, Shu San and Tjitro, Soejono and Santoso, Daniel A.P. (2010) APLIKASI METODE DESAIN FAKTORIAL UNTUK MENGOPTIMALKAN PROSES PEMBUATAN EMBER PLASTIK. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 5, Agustur 2010, UK Petra, Surabaya. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2007) The Interesting of Learning Thermodynamics Through Daily Life. In: Maranatha Teaching & Learning International Conference 2007, 29-11-2007 - 29-11-2007, Bandung - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and , Djatmiko Ichsani and MEYTHESA, GLADIUS (2010) PERANCANGAN DAN PENGUJIAN MESIN PENGERING TEPUNG TELUR. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 5, 25-08-2010 - 25-08-2010, Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Amelia, and Sugondo, Suwandi and Tanoto, Yusak (2016) Studi Performa sistem pendingin kompresi uap dengan R22/R404A/R134A dengan menggunakan software EES. In: Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin XV, 05-10-2016 - 05-10-2016, Bandung - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and INDRATA, GIDEON (2014) PENGARUH BENTUK DAN UKURAN GELOMBANG PLAT PENYERAP TERHADAP EFISIENSI KOLEKTOR SURYA. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 9, 14-08-2014 - 14-08-2014, Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, and Sutardi, (2014) Experimental Studies on a Solar Air Heater Having V-Corrugated Absorber Plate with Obstacles Bent Vertically. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 08-01-2014 - , Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Prabowo, and Sutardi, (2013) STUDI NUMERIK DARI PENAMBAHAN OBSTACLE TERHADAP KINERJA KOLEKTOR SURYA PEMANAS UDARA DENGAN PLAT PENYERAP JENIS V-CORRUGATED. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and JONATHAN, WAHYUDI (2007) Audit Energi Listrik Pada Empat Mesin Injeksi Utama di PT MMM. In: Seminar Nasional XIII - FTI, 07-03-2007 - 07-03-2007, Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and KRISTIANTO, ADE (2009) THE EFFECT OF TUBE ARRANGEMENT ON A FLAT PLATE SOLAR WATER HEATER PERFORMANCE. In: The IASTED International Conference on Solar Energy SOE 2009, 18-03-2009 - 18-03-2009, Phuket - Thailand . Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2009) Rancang Bangun Modifikasi Dispenser Air Minum. In: Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin (SNTTM) VIII, 11-08-2009 - 11-08-2009, Semarang - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Pariyanto, Jexfry (2015) Modifikasi Ruang Panggang Oven. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 10, 13-08-2015 - 13-08-2015, Surabaya - . Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and SELRIANUS, (2008) PENGGUNAAN SERABUT KELAPA SEBAGAI BANTALAN PADA EVAPORATIVE COOLER. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 3, 30-04-2008 - 30-04-2008, Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Ichsani, Djatmiko and Sutardi, and Prabowo, (2013) Perbandingan Hasil Simulasi Numerik dengan Hasil Eksperimen untuk Aliran Udara di dalam Saluran dengan Penampang Segitiga dari Suatu Kolektor Surya. In: Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin XII (SNTTM XII), 23-10-2013 - 24-10-2013, Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Widodo, Wawan Aries and , Djatmiko Ichsani (2011) Simulasi Numerik untuk Perpindahan Panas Konveksi Aliran Udara di Sekitar Obstacle Berbentuk Persegi Panjang. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin VI, 16-06-2011 - 16-06-2011, Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2017) Service Learning of Heat Transfer Class in Kebontunggul village. In: 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning, 01-06-2017 - 01-06-2017, Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Bisono, Indriati Njoto and M.Sc., Peter Jonathan, S.T., and VALENTIO, DIO (2019) Effect of Fresnel lens as cover in a passive solar water heater with some air gap between cover and absorber plate. In: 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Electrical and Material Application (MEMA 2019), 27-10-2019 - 27-10-2019, Xian - China. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and MARIANTO, FERY and Tandio, Joshua Hutama (2021) Study and Analysis of an Industrial Compressor Facing Overheat Problem. In: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering, 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and SLAMET, ANDRIONO (2018) Experimental analysis on solid desiccant used in an air conditioning. In: e International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering (IC-AMME), 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Badung - Bali - Indonesia. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and SUYANTO, CHRISTIAN IVAN and Sutrisno, (2022) Experimental Study on the Motorcycle Radiator Cooling Performance with the Effect of Nano ZnO. In: 2nd International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICSET 2022), 07-07-2022 - 07-07-2022, Malacca (namun jadinya online) - Malaysia. Jonoadji, Ninuk and Sutrisno, and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Simanjuntak, Melvin Emil and Sitorus, Melvin Bismark Hamongan and SURYAJAYA, MICHAEL (2020) Dimensional Optimization of Clutch disc with Simulation of Stress Analysis. In: The 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application, 09-10-2020 - 09-10-2020, Malang - Indonesia. Mirmanto, Heru and Sutrisno, and Sasongko, Herman (2012) studi numerik reduksi separasi aliran 3D melalui penambahan BRT. In: Seimnar Nasional Fisika Terapan III (SNAFT III), 15-09-2012 - 15-09-2012, Surabaya - Indonesia. Pratomo, Hariyo Priambudi Setyo (2020) Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation of a Benchmark Configuration With a Stress Blended-Eddy Simulation Model. In: ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 19-11-2020 - 19-11-2020, Portland (Virtual, online) - Amerika Serikat. Risonarta, Victor Yasuardi and Anggono, Juliana and Nugrowibowo, Setyo and KRISTOFORUS, ALEXANDER (2020) The influence of flux type and scrap size on recycling yield of Al drink cans. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application (iCOMERA), 08-10-2020 - 08-10-2020, Malang - Indonesia. Risonarta, Victor Yasuardi and Anggono, Juliana and Nugrowibowo, Setyo and WIBOWO, ALBERT and FENDY, UTOMO, (2020) Modified down sprue and sprue well to improve die casting quality of Sn-Pb alloy. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application (iCOMERA), 08-10-2020 - 08-10-2020, Malang - Indonesia. SANTOSO, TIMOTIUS KEVIN RONALD and Amelia, (2021) Design and Analysis of a Double Lead Screw Household Trash Compactor Using a Static Simulation. In: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering and The 4t, 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. SIHOMBING, TULUS SETIAWAN and Sutrisno, (2015) Studi numerik karakteristik axial turbine akibat penambahan tip blade. In: SNTM10, 13-08-2015 - 13-08-2015, Surabaya - Indonesia. San, Gan Shu and Pujawan, I Nyoman and Suparno, (2012) Closed-loop Supply Chain with Remanufacturing: A Literature Review. In: The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing Logistics Systems, 18-02-2012 - 22-02-2012, Ubon Ratchathani - Thailand. Sasongko, Herman and Mirmanto, Heru and Sutrisno, (2012) studi numerik penambahan momentum ailran melalui penggunaan BRT di depan leading edge. In: SNTTMXI, 16-10-2012 - 17-10-2012, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Hermawan, Ervin Edi (2013) A NUMBER OF VENTING HOLES DISC BRAKE IMPACT ON STATIONARY TEST. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNIK MESIN 8 UK PETRA, 21-06-2013 - 21-06-2013, SURABAYA - INDONESIA. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2013) ON BOARD DIAGNOSTIC FOR VEHICLE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNIK MESIN 8 UK PETRA, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, SURABAYA - INDONESIA. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Sinambela, Doddy H and Jonoadji, Ninuk and WIJAYA, ADI KUMALA (2016) CASE BY CASE DIAGNOSTIC & OUTPUT ERROR CODE PROBLEM PADA SCANNER ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT KENDARAAN. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 11, 04-08-2016 - 04-08-2016, Surabaya - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto (2012) CHANGED DIMENSION OF VENTILATING HOLES DIAMETER-DISC BRAKE BY STATIONER TEST. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNIK MESIN 7, 21-06-2012 - 21-06-2012, Surabaya - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2014) FLUIDSIM PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER MODULE UNTUK RANCANGAN MESIN PRESS HIDROLIK BOTOL PLASTIK. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 9, 14-08-2014 - 14-08-2014, Surabaya - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2013) ON BOARD DIAGNOSTIC FOR VEHICLE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNIK MESIN 8 UK PETRA, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, SURABAYA - INDONESIA. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2013) On Board Diagnostic for Vehicle Preventive Maintenance. In: SNTM-8, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and KUNCORO, ALBERTUS KENNY (2015) DESAIN PENGEMBANGAN PROTOTIPE SISTEM ELEKTROMAGNETIK REGENERATIVE SHOCK ABSORBER UNTUK MEMBANTU PROSES RECOVERY PADA BATERAI MOBIL. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 10, 13-08-2015 - 13-08-2015, Surabaya - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and PRAYOGO, DAVID SETIAWAN (2014) PROTOTYPE SISTEM HEADLAMP DENGAN PERGERAKAN ADAPTIVE STEERING. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 9, 14-08-2014 - 14-08-2014, Surabaya - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and SUGIANTO, ANTHONY (2017) ELECTRONIC WEDGE BRAKE (EWB) PADA KENDARAAN. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 12, 10-08-2017 - 10-08-2017, Surabaya - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Soegihardjo, Oegik (2020) Sustainability Design of Press Machine for Used Plastic Bottle with Electric Motor. In: The 2nd International Conference On Mechanical Engineering Research and Application, 08-10-2020 - 08-10-2020, Malang - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Soegihardjo, Oegik and Willyanto, (2016) POLA PERILAKU SISTEM PERAWATAN PREVENTIF PENGGUNA PADA AREA ONDERSTEL KENDARAAN. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 11, 04-08-2016 - 04-08-2016, Surabaya - Indonesia. Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and WIYONO, A.IAN (2015) MODIFIKASI DAN PEMBUATAN SERTA PENGUJIAN SISTEM HANDBRAKE SEMI OTOMATIS SEBAGAI PERANGKAT SAFETY PADA KENDARAAN. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 10, 13-08-2015 - 13-08-2015, Surabaya - . Soegihardjo, Oegik and Suhardjono, and Pramujati, Bambang and Pramono, Agus Sigit (2013) SIMULASI MODAL DAN HARMONIC RESPONSE ANALYSIS UNTUK MEMPREDIKSI PENGARUH STIFFENER TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KEKAKUAN BENDA KERJA. In: Seminar Nasional teknik Mesin 8, 08-04-2013 - 20-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2006) STUDY OF SPHERICAL TURBULENT FLAME USING A SINGLE-STEP CHEMICAL REACTION. In: Seminar nasional teknik mesin, Universitas Kristen Petra. Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2007) PENINGKATAN UNJUK KERJA PERALATAN AIR WASHER. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 2, Universitas Kristen Petra. Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Sutrisno, and JONATHAN, PETER (2013) PERANCANGAN PROPELER TURBIN ANGIN POROS HORISONTAL DENGAN METODA BLADE ELEMENT MOMENTUM. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Sutrisno, and Jonathan, Peter (2013) PERANCANGAN PROPELER TURBIN ANGIN POROS HORISONTAL DENGAN METODA BLADE ELEMENT MOMENTUM. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNIK MESIN 8 UK PETRA, 21-06-2013 - 21-06-2013, SURABAYA - INDONESIA. Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and WIDJAJA, FERRY (2017) STUDI FISIBILITAS PEMANFAATAN EVAPORATOR AC MOBIL UNTUK PENDINGIN INTERCOOLER PADA MESIN TURBO DIESEL. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 12, 10-08-2017 - 10-08-2017, Surabaya - Indonesia. Sutrisno, and JONATHAN, PETER and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra (2013) STUDI NUMERIK OPTIMASI KINERJA HORISONTAL AXIS WIND TURBINE (HAWT) PADA POTENSI ANGIN TROPIS. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 8, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Sutrisno, and Mirmanto, Heru and Sasongko, Herman (2014) Studi simulasi numerik struktur aliran sekunder akibat variasi posisi Forward Facing Step Turbulent Generator disekitar bidang tumpu pada bodi sismetris. In: Seminar Nasional Kelautan IX , 24-04-2014 - 24-04-2014, Surabaya - Indonesia. Sutrisno, and SULISTIONO, FEBIO NOVANTO (2015) Kajian Aerodinamika Profil Cap Truck HINO FL35JW. In: SNTM10, 13-08-2015 - 13-08-2015, Surabaya - Indonesia. Sutrisno, and Sasongko, Herman and Mirmanto, Heru (2012) Analisa Numerik Efek Ketebalan Bluff Rectangular Terhadap Karakteristik Aliran Di Dekat Dinding. In: Proceeding Annual Engineering Seminar 2012, 15-02-2012 - 15-02-2012, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Sutrisno, and Sasongko, Herman and Widodo, Wawan Aries (2012) Evaluation of The Uncertainty CFD for Flow Around a Bluff Rectangular. In: Proceeding Annual Engineering Seminar 2012, 15-02-2012 - 15-02-2012, Yogyakarta - . Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and FEFE, (2020) OPTIMIZATION OF FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING PARAMETERS FOR HIPS FLEXURAL STRENGTH WITH TAGUCHI METHOD. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application (iCOMERA), 08-10-2020 - 08-10-2020, Malang - Indonesia. Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and Yohanes, and Rahardjo, Cedric and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2021) THE EFFECTS OF PRINTING ORIENTATION ON THE FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING PROCESS OF THE ROBOT GRIPPER OBJECT-MOVING FORCE. In: nternational Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering (IC-AMME), 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and San, Gan Shu and Wahjudi, Didik and PONTJONOTO, NIKO ADRISENNA (2018) Process Planning for Mobile Phone Remanufacturing in Indonesia. In: International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering, 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Denpasar - Bali. Tedjasaputra, Philip Kristanto (2013) UJI KOMPARASI BIODISEL BERBASIS LIMBAH MINYAK GORENG DENGAN BIOSOLAR DAN SOLAR BERSUBSIDI PADA MOTOR DISEL SISTIM INJEKSI LANGSUNG. In: SNTM-8, 20-06-2013 - 20-06-2013, Surabaya - Indonesia. Ting, Yung and Gunawan, Hariyanto and Amelia, and , Kun-Lin Hsu (2010) Design of Direct and Indirect Wind Energy Harvest Systems. In: 201O 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering, 01-08-2010 - 03-08-2010, Kyoto - Japan. Ting, Yung and Gunawan, Hariyanto and Amelia, and , Kun-Lin Hsu and Teng, Jyh-Tong (2010) Analysis and Design of Roof Turbine Ventilator for Wind Energy Harvest. In: 201O 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2010) , 01-08-2010 - 03-08-2010, Kyoto - Japan. WASISDI, YUSUF HILARIO and Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Tanoto, Yusak and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and CHRISTENSEN, ALEXANDER BILLY and Willyanto, (2022) Sustainable product development of biomass briquette from Samanea saman leaf waste with rejected papaya as the binding agent in Indonesia. In: 2022 4th International Conference on Environment, Resources and Energy Engineering, 12-06-2022 - 12-06-2022, Bangkok - Thailand. WINARTO, WENDY and Sutrisno, and Tedjasaputra, Philip Kristanto (2016) STUDI IONISASI BAHAN BAKAR DENGAN ELEKTROMAGNETIK PADA MESIN DIESEL. In: SNTM 11, 04-08-2016 - 04-08-2016, Surabaya - Indonesia. Wahjudi, Didik (2012) Impact of Quality Management Practices on Business Performance: A Research Model Development. In: The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing Logistics Systems (IML 2012) , 18-02-2012 - 20-02-2012, Ubon Ratchathani - Thailand. Willyanto, (2012) EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION ON BIOGAS FLAME PROPAGATION CHARACTERISTIC IN SPARK IGNITION PREMIXED COMBUSTION. In: The 3rd International Coference on Engineering and ICT, 05-04-2012 - 06-04-2012, Melaka - Malaysia. Willyanto, (2009) OPTIMUM METHOD SOLUTION FOR DETERMINING BRAKE DISTANCE DESIGN. In: the 6th International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering, 16-05-2009 - 16-05-2009, - Indonesia. Willyanto, and BUDIMIHARDJO, FELIX and WIJAYA, TUBAGUS PUTRA (2015) OPTIMASI DESAIN TANGKI TRUCK BAHAN BAKAR MINYAK DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN FINITE ELEMENT APPLICATION. In: Seminar Nesional Teknik Mesin 10, 13-08-2015 - 13-08-2015, Surabaya - Indonesia. Willyanto, and HADI, MICHAEL KUSUMA (2015) Sustainable Product Development for Motorcycle Sidestand using Pugh's Concept Selection Method. In: Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin XIV (SNTTM XIV), 08-10-2015 - 08-10-2015, Banjarmasin - Indonesia. Willyanto, and PISA, BILLY FERNANDO and Susilo, Sugeng Hadi (2011) SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT DESIGN FOR MOTOR CYCLE CAST WHEEL USING FINITE ELEMENT APPLICATION AND PUGH’S CONCEPT SELECTION METHOD. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin 6, 16-06-2011 - 16-06-2011, Surabaya - Indonesia. Willyanto, and SANTOSO, ROBBY and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY (2018) THE EFFECTS OF MANGO BIODIESEL SEED OIL TO DIESEL ENGINE PERFORMANCE. In: Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin SNTTM XVII TAHUN 2018, 05-10-2018 - 05-10-2018, Kupang - Indonesia. Willyanto, and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Jonoadji, Ninuk and KUSWANTO, DODIK (2009) Sustainable Product Development Mesin Kantong Plastik dengan Aplikasi Tali Pengikat dengan Menggunakan 3D Modelling. In: Teknosim 2009, 12-11-2009 - 12-11-2009, - Indonesia. Willyanto, and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and N, RM MOCHAMAD TRAH ISWORO and BUDI, SATRIA ARIEF (2009) Sustainable Product Development for Car Lifting Equipment using Virtual Reality. In: the 6th International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering, 15-05-2009 - 15-05-2009, - Indonesia. Willyanto, and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and TIRTA, ANDREE KADARNA and BUDI, SATRIA ARIEF (2009) SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY FOR IMPROVING AUTOCLAVE PERFORMANCE USING FINITE ELEMENT APPLICATION. In: the 6th International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering, 16-05-2009 - 16-05-2009, - Indonesia. Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and SANTOSO, YASER MARTINUS (2015) Sustainable Product Development for Irrigation Water Pump using Biogas Fuel. In: Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin XIV (SNTTM XIV), 08-10-2015 - 08-10-2015, - . Willyanto, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and SANTOSO, YASER MARTINUS and RENERA, MICHAELLI (2015) SUSTAIBLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FOR ELECTRIC GENERATOR USING BIOGAS FUEL. In: Seminar Nesional Teknik Mesin 10, 13-08-2015 - 13-08-2015, Surabaya - Indonesia. Willyanto, and Lim, Resmana and Sutrisno, and Hernando, Ivan Christian and CHRISTENSEN, ALEXANDER BILLY (2023) Briquette Combustion Characteristics of Cerbera Manghas Leaves with Rejected Pineapple as Binding Agent as a Sustainable Fuel. In: 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 25-11-2023 - 25-11-2023, Qingdao - China. Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and ARIFIN, FRANSISKUS XAVERIUS YULIO and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY (2020) Combustion performance of Pterocarpus indicus leaves wastes briquette with rejected papaya as binding agent. In: 10th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy , 09-01-2020 - 09-01-2020, kyoto - japan. Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Setiyo, Muji and WIBISONO, RENDY and GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY (2019) Experimental investigation of the effect of Nephelium Lappaceum seed biodiesel to the automotive diesel engine performance. In: 9th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy, 11-01-2019 - 11-01-2019, Osaka - Japan. Willyanto, and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Anggono, Juliana and Lim, Resmana and Cahyono, Yohanes Budi and Wartono, Poedi Soenarjo (2018) Environmental Education in Action: Community-Higher Education Partnership to Tackle Waste Issue Case Study: Creating Green Waste Shredder Machine for Sustainable Environment at Local Community. In: Int. Conf. on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Applied Sci., Eng. Tech., Bioinformatics & Transport, 25-09-2018 - 25-09-2018, Denpasar, Bali - Indonesia. OtherAnggono, Juliana and Suwandi Sugondo, Ing and Hariyati, Purwaningsih and Rassy Alim, Jolanda Biokomposit serat tebu-polipropilena dan metode pembuatannya. Universitas Kristen Petra. Anggono, Willyanto and OSMOND, TIMOTHY and WONGSO, STEVAN and NJO, RICKY KURNIAWAN Meteran Air Dengan Lampu. UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN PETRA. Anggono, Willyanto and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Sutrisno, Teng and KASRUN, ANDREAS WIJAYA Bahan Bakar Padat. UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN PETRA. Anggono, Willyanto and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Soegihardjo, Oegik and WIRAWAN, WILIAM STEFANUS and WASISDI, YUSUF HILARIO and ARIFIN, FRANSISKUS XAVERIUS YULIO PENGANGKUT SEPEDA PADA BELAKANG MOBIL. UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN PETRA. Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and JONATHAN, PETER and Bisono, Indriati Njoto KOLEKTOR SURYA PEMANAS AIR DENGAN LENSA FRESNEL SEBAGAI PENUTUP. UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN PETRA. San, Gan Shu and Anggono, Juliana and Setiawan, Rudy and Tjiek, Liauw Toong and Purba, Kristo Radion Petra SIM OBE. Universitas Kristen Petra. PatentPetra Christian University (2023) Gantungan Metal Penguin Yang Menyenangkan. . |