Items where Year is 2018
Number of items: 375. ABADI, EILEEN FRANSISCA and Terziev, Aleksandar and Setiawan, Alexander (2018) THE ROLE OF SAP BUSINESS OBJECT TO SUPPORT A BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE PERFORMANCE. Jurnal Informatika, 14 (1). pp. 53-58. ISSN 1411-0105 ALODIA, ISSABELLA and Atmadja, Adwin Surja (2018) The effect of firm-characteristics and corporate governance on corporate social responsibility and future firm performance. In: The 1st International Conference on Economics, Business, Accounting and Management (ICEBAM), 18-12-2018 - 18-12-2018, Sidoarjo - Indonesia. ARIANTO, VANESSA JOCELYN and Christiawan, Yulius Jogi (2018) Pengaruh Kondisi Leverage terhadap Manajemen Laba: Pembuktian Teori Prospek. [UNSPECIFIED] ATHALIA, MAYA DAVITA and Atmadja, Adwin Surja (2018) CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND DIVIDEND STRATEGIES: THE CASE OF NON FINANCIAL FIRMS IN INDONESIA. In: The 3rd international Research Conference on Management and Business, 11-12-2018 - 11-12-2018, Banyuwangi - Indonesia. Adiasih, Priskila and BUDIARSO, AGNES CHARITY and SULANGI, CHRISTINE NATALIA and VALERIN, ERLITA (2018) Customers Income: Exploring Customer Willingness to Pay Towards Green-Rated Hotels. In: The 3rd International Conference on Economic, Education, Business and Accounting, 27-10-2018 - 27-10-2018, Bali - Indonesia. Adiasih, Priskila and EFFENDY, AVIOLETTA and YUWONO, CARISSA DEA and OCTAVIA, NADYA (2018) Do The Earnings Management, Governance, Media Exposure, and Ownership Structure Have Any Effect on ESG Disclosure? Journal of Economics and Business, 1 (4). pp. 564-576. ISSN 2615-3726 Adiasih, Priskila and Hatane, Saarce Elsye (2018) The Role of ERP in Improving Organization�s Intellectual Capital. In: International Conference on Logistic and Business Innovation, 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Bali - Indonesia. Adiasih, Priskila and LIANAWATI, VANIA (2018) Asymmetry and Governance of Corporate Social Responsible Disclosure in Indonesia. In: The 3rd International Conference on Economic, Education, Business and Accounting, 27-10-2018 - 27-10-2018, Bali - Indonesia. Adipranata, Rudy and Yulia, and Liliana, and Satiabudhi, Gregorius (2018) Implementation of Javanese Text to Speech using MaryTTS Engine. In: 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (CMECE 2018), 26-08-2018 - 26-08-2018, Singapore - Singapore. Alimin, Roche and Pasila, Felix (2018) 3D Platform Simulator Design Using Discrete Multi-Piston Actuators. [UNSPECIFIED] Alimin, Roche and Wahjudi, Didik and Gunawan, Hariyanto and POERNOMO, PRAYOGO PUTRA (2018) Regression Equations to Determine the Stages of Electric Current in Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) According to the Level of Desired Surface Roughness with Shortest Processing Time. In: The 1st International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering (IC-AMME), 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Denpasar - Indonesia. Anastasia, Njo and DIYANTO, FERRY (2018) The Relationship between Macroeconomy and Property Price on Housing Mortgage in Indonesia. In: The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and law (IConShel), 06-09-2018 - 06-09-2018, Padang - Indonesia. Anastasia, Njo and Kwanda, Timoticin and WIDJAJA, DICKY FREDY (2018) Pengaruh Perawatan Prasarana, Sarana, dan Utilitas terhadap Kepuasan Penghuni pada Kawasan Perumahan di Surabaya. Jurnal Tesa Arsitektur, 16 (1). na. ISSN ISSN cetak 1410-6094 | ISSN online 2460-6367 Anastasia, Njo and Narsa, I Made (2018) Dual Process Difference in Families Regarding Home Buying Decision. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10 (6). pp. 272-285. ISSN 2220-6140 Anastasia, Njo and Narsa, I Made and Irwanto, Andry (2018) Dual process of dual motives in real estate market Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Anastasia, Njo and WIRATAMA, IRVAN and Narsa, I Made (2018) The Family Life Cycle Difference in Dual Motive Property Decision. In: 2018 Asian Real Estate Society Annual International Conference , 11-07-2018 - 11-07-2018, Incheon - Korea. Andilas, Devi Destiani and TANZA, ANDRE and TALAHATU, YONES VALENCIA (2018) Faktor - Faktor Pemilihan Jasa Pelayaran di Surabaya. Jurnal Manajemen Transportasi & Logistik, Vol 5 (No 1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 2442-3149 Andilas, Devi Destiani and RISTANTO, FEBRY (2018) THE ANALYSIS OF THE MODERATING EFFECTS OF TOURISM ATTRACTION ON THE CORRELATION OF TRAVEL CONSTRAINTS AND REVISIT INTENTION Case Study: Tourist of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. In: One Belt One Road One Tourism, 24-11-2018 - 24-11-2018, Palembang - Indonesia. Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Palit, Henry Novianus and SALIM, JULIO CHRISTIAN (2018) Linux PAM to LDAP Authentication Migration. [UNSPECIFIED] Andreani, Fransisca and Suprapto, Widjojo and ARAMINTA, MORLA (2018) THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURIAL PERSONALITY TO THE INCOME OF JAVANESE ENTREPRENEURS IN SURABAYA, INDONESIA. In: 2nd i-CoME International Conference on Management & Entrepreneurship, 28-07-2018 - 28-07-2018, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Andreani, Fransisca and WINATA, GABRIELLA and HALIM, EUNIKE VANIA (2018) GAP ANALYSIS OF TRAVELOKA.COM: HOTEL CONSUMERS� EXPECTATIONS AND PERCEPTIONS OF THE WEBSITE. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 20 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online Anggono, Juliana and Farkas, Ágnes Elvira and Bartos, András and Móczó, János and Antoni, and , Hariyati Purwaningsih and Pukánszky, Béla (2018) Deformation and failure of sugarcane bagasse reinforced PP. [UNSPECIFIED] Anggono, Juliana and Lim, Resmana and Limbong, Frans and Palit, Herri Christian and Wartono, Poedi Soenarjo (2018) Diversity, Unity, and Global Citizenship Education: A Case Study in Community Outreach Program in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Anggono, Juliana and Sugondo, Suwandi and JOLANDA, RASSY ALIM and Purwaningsih, Hariyati and Wibawa, Aria (2018) Performance and Evaluation of Low Cost Sugarcane Bagasse – Polypropylene Biocomposites as Candidate Material for Automotive Parcel Tray. [UNSPECIFIED] Anggono, Juliana and Farkas, Ágnes Elvira and Bartos, András and Móczó, János and Antoni, and , Hariyati Purwaningsih and Pukánszky, Béla (2018) DEFORMATION AND FAILURE BEHAVIOUR OF SUGARCANE BAGASSE REINFORCED PP. In: 4th international conference on bio-based polymer and composites (BiPoCo) 2018, 06-09-2018 - 06-09-2018, Balatonfured - Hungaria. Anggono, Juliana and Purwaningsih, Hariyati and Sugondo, Suwandi and HENRICO, STEVEN and SEWUCIPTO, SANJAYA (2018) Structural Evaluation on Sugarcane Bagasse Treated Using Sodium and Calcium Hydroxide. In: International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering, 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Denpasar - Bali - Indonesia. Antoni, and WIBAWA, HENDRA SURYA and Hardjito, Djwantoro (2018) Influence of Particle Size Distribution of High Calcium Fly Ash on HVFA Mortar Properties. Civil Engineering Dimension, 20 (2). pp. 51-56. ISSN 1410-9530 Ardianti, R.R. Retno and Inggrid, (2018) Entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial leadership of entrepreneurs: evidence from the formal and informal economies. [UNSPECIFIED] Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2018) GAYA RETORIKA PASANGAN KANDIDAT CAGUB & CAWAGUB DKI DALAM ACARA DEBAT POLITIK. [UNSPECIFIED] Aritonang, Agusly Irawan and Yoanita, Desi and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander (2018) Citizen Journalism Based On Website for Digital Literacy. In: International Conference on Educational Science and Training 2018, 14-08-2018 - 14-08-2018, Padang - Indonesia. Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2018) Emak Emak Yang Turun Gelanggang. Emak Emak Yang Turun Gelanggang. Atmadja, Adwin Surja and Sharma, Parmendra and Su, Jen Je (2018) Microfinance and microenterprise performance in Indonesia: an extended and updated survey. [UNSPECIFIED] Atmadja, Adwin Surja and Su, Jen Je and Sharma, Parmendra (2018) Micro-entrepreneurs� Subjective Wellbeing: Does loan enhance happiness? In: 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, 12-01-2018 - 12-01-2018, Bangkok - Thailand. BEATRICE, THERESIA and Linawati, Nanik (2018) PENGARUH TRADISI, SPENDING BEHAVIOUR, FAKTOR DEMOGRAFI TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN TUNJANGAN HARI RAYA MASYARAKAT DI SURABAYA. In: Seminar Nasional Inovasi dan Aplikasi sumber Daya Lokal Dalam Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 02-11-2018 - 02-11-2018, Badung Bali - Indonesia. BING, ALBERT RICHARDO and Rohi, Daniel and Setiadji, Julius Sentosa (2018) Studi Pengembangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro Daya 27 kW di Desa Karangsuko, Malang. In: Seminar Nasional Fortei VII-1, 10-07-2018 - 10-07-2018, Surabaya - Indonesia. Basuki, Rebecca Milka Natalia (2018) Visual Study of Photographs Roles in Chinese Indonesians Rituals for The Deceased. In: Asia Future Conference , 04-09-2018 - 04-09-2018, Seoul - Korea Selatan. Bisono, Indriati Njoto (2018) On Estimation and Prediction of Simple Model and Spatial Hierarchical Model for Temperature Extremes. [UNSPECIFIED] Brahmana, Rayenda Khresna and Brahmana, Ritzky Karina M.R. and Ho, Theresa Char Fei (2018) Training and Development Policy, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Brahmana, Rayenda Khresna and Brahmana, Ritzky Karina M.R. and Memarista, Gesti (2018) PLANNED BEHAVIOUR IN PURCHASING HEALTH INSURANCE. The South East Asian Journal of Management (SEAM), 12 (1). pp. 53-64. ISSN e-ISSN 2355-6641 dan print ISSN 1978-1989 Brahmana, Rayenda Khresna and Memarista, Gesti (2018) Financial Planning Behaviour Among The Young: Evidence From Malaysian University Students. Global & Local Economic Review, 21 (21). pp. 29-54. ISSN ISSN (online): 1974-5125 dan ISSN (print): 1722-4241 Budhi, Gregorius Satia and INDRAYANA, HANS CHRISTIAN and Liliana, and Yulia, and Adipranata, Rudy (2018) Preservation of Hanacaraka Characters in Old Manuscripts Using Machine Learning Approach. In: 5th International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering, 19-07-2018 - 19-07-2018, Malacca - Malaysia. Budhiyanto, Aris (2018) THE EFFECT OF THE WINDOW-TO-WALL RATIO ON COOLING ENERGY USAGE AND COMFORT TEMPERATURE. DIMENSI - Journal of Architecture and Built Environment, 44 (2). pp. 189-194. ISSN 0126-219X Budhiyanto, Aris and Suryabrata, Jatmika Adi and Saragih, Soeleman (2018) STUDY OF SHADING DEVICE BUILDING-INTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAIC PERFORMANCE ON ENERGY SAVING. [UNSPECIFIED] Bustan, Linda (2018) KEBIJAKAN DAN PARTISIPASI PUBLIK DALAM MEMBANGUN KOTA INKLUSIF DAN TOLERAN. In: Workshop: Membangun Kota yang Inklusif dan Toleran, 09-08-2018 - 09-08-2018, Semarang - Indonesia. CHAN, FENNY DESTASIA and Handojo, Andreas and LISTYANI, HANNY TABITA and ALDINATA, IVAN and Felicia, (2018) Call for Paper Information Broadcast Based on Android Application. [UNSPECIFIED] CRISTIANI, DESCELLY and SANTOSO, MELINA ANDRIANI and Rahardjo, Jani (2018) PERBANDINGAN KUALITAS LAYANAN UBERX DAN GRABCAR DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE SERVICE QUALITY. In: Seminar Nasional Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi Bisnis VIII, 03-05-2018 - 03-05-2018, Jakarta - Indonesia. Chandra, Herry Pintardi and Kusumastuti, Cilcia (2018) Aplikasi Konsep Konservasi Air pada Hotel Bintang Tiga di Surabaya. In: Konferensi Nasional Teknik Sipil 12, 19-09-2018 - 19-09-2018, Batam - Indonesia. Chandra, Jimmy and Chanthabouala, Khatthanam and Teng, Susanto (2018) Truss Model for Shear Strength of Structural Concrete Walls. [UNSPECIFIED] Chanthabouala, Khatthanam and Teng, Susanto and Chandra, Jimmy and Hai, Tan Kang and Ostertag, Claudia (2018) Punching Tests of Double-Hooked-End Fiber Reinforced Concrete Slabs. [UNSPECIFIED] Christianna, Aniendya (2018) BATIK RUJAK (RISMA, KUPU, JARAK). UNSPECIFIED. Christianna, Aniendya (2018) PERCERAIAN AHOK DALAM PERSPEKTIF GENDER. PERCERAIAN AHOK DALAM PERSPEKTIF GENDER. Christianna, Aniendya (2018) THE AESTHETIC OF DAMAR KURUNG PAINTING. In: ARTESH-INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ART FOR TECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES , 02-12-2018 - 02-12-2018, Bandung - Indonesia. Christianna, Aniendya (2018) THE ROLE OF DAMAR KURUNG LANTERN AS A TIME SIGNAL OF GRESIK SOCIETY. JURNAL SOSIOTEKNOLOGI, 17 (1). pp. 65-73. ISSN 1858-3474 E-ISSN: 2443-258X Christianna, Aniendya (2018) The Representation Of Javanese Women In Damar Kurung Painting – Gresik. MUDRA JURNAL SENI BUDAYA, 33 (3). pp. 295-301. ISSN P-ISSN : 0854-3461 E-ISSN : 2541-0407 Christianna, Aniendya and Renaningtyas, Luri (2018) BATIK DAMAR KURUNG: EXPLORATION OF WOMEN PERFORMATIVITY IN JAVA CULTURE. In: THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CREATIVE MEDIA, DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY (REKA2018) , 25-09-2018 - 25-09-2018, SOLO - Indonesia. DEWI, SAVITRI KARTIKA and CHANDRA, ERLINA KURNIA and Yong, Sherly De (2018) Identifikasi Penerapan Design Thinking dalam Pembelajaran Perancangan Desain Interior Kantor. In: Seminar Nasional Seni dan Desain 2018 , 25-10-2018 - 25-10-2018, Surabaya - Indonesia. DWIPUTRA, ALBERTUS EGA and Khoswanto, Handry and SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Lim, Resmana (2018) IoT-Based Cars Parking Monitoring System. [UNSPECIFIED] Damajanti, Maria Nala and Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine (2018) Between Negotiation and Identity. A typography study at Dolly. In: 3 rd International Conference on Creative Media, Design & Technology (REKA 2918), 25-09-2018 - 25-09-2018, Surakarta - Indonesia. Damajanti, Maria Nala and Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine (2018) The implemantation of service-learning in typography class to design the cover of street vendor stalls in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Dewanto, Joni and Soegihardjo, Oegik and Wijaya, Agustinus N. Rolando (2018) New Active Cooling System to Prevent an Overheating on the Vehicle Disc Brake. JIRAE, 3 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN e-ISSN 2407-7259 Dewanto, Joni and Soegihardjo, Oegik (2018) Modeling of mechanical energy harvesting system by utilizing the weight of vehicle as a source of electrical energy for the portal gate system. In: The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology, 06-12-2018 - 06-12-2018, Surabya - Indonesia. Dewi, Lily Puspa and Andjarwirawan, Justinus and Wardojo, Robin Putra (2018) Android Application for Monitoring Soil Moisture using Raspberry Pi. [UNSPECIFIED] Dewi, Lily Puspa and Wibowo, Adi and IMANUEL, NGAKAN MADE ANDREW (2018) E-census Implementation: A Case study in Naikoten II, Kupang, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Elsiana, Feny and Juniwati, Anik and Arifin, Lilianny Sigit (2018) Daylight performance of courtyard wall design at low-cost flat in the tropics. [UNSPECIFIED] Eoh, Tonny Stephanus (2018) PERANCANGAN MODEL TDABC DALAM MENGHITUNG UNIT COST PENDIDIKAN. BIPs - JURNAL BISNIS PERSPEKTIF , 10 (1). pp. 17-33. ISSN ISSN 1979-4932 Ezugwu, Absalom E. and Prayogo, Doddy (2018) Symbiotic Organisms Search Algorithm: theory, recent advances and applications. [UNSPECIFIED] Febriani, Rika (2018) Performa Brosur dan Situs Web Program Wisata Museum Sebagai Media Promosi Destinasi Wisata Museum. Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Nirmana, 17 (1). pp. 42-52. ISSN 0215-0905 Febriani, Rika (2018) The Impact of Program Wisata Museum on Museum Empowerment as Tourism Destination in Indonesia: A Case Study. [UNSPECIFIED] Felecia, and Halim, Siana and Tulistyantoro, Lintu and Wulandari, Dian (2018) Library Interior Design for Digital Native Generation. [UNSPECIFIED] Felecia, and Halim, Siana and Tulistyantoro, Lintu and Wulandari, Dian (2018) Library Interior Design for Digital Native Generation. In: International Conference on Logistic and Business Innovation, 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Kuta, Bali - Indonesia. Ferdinando, Hany and Alasaarela, Esko (2018) Enhancement of Emotion Recogniton using Feature Fusion and the Neighborhood Components Analysis. In: The International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 18-01-2018 - 18-01-2018, Funchal - Portugal. Ferdinando, Hany and Seppänen, Tapio and Alasaarela, Esko (2018) Emotion Recognition Using Neighborhood Components Analysis and ECG/HRV-Based Features. [UNSPECIFIED] Floris, Flora Debora and Renandya, Willy (2018) A modern take on an ancient art. Modern English Teacher Journal, 27 (3). pp. 63-66. ISSN 0308-0587 Floris, Flora Debora and Renandya, Willy and Dat, Bao (2018) Mining online L2 learning resources: From SLA Principles to Innovative Task Design. [UNSPECIFIED] GOSAL, MICHAEL AGUSTIO and Linawati, Nanik (2018) Pengaruh Intensitas Penggunaan Layanan Mobile Payment terhadap Spending Behavior. In: Seminar Nasional Manajemen 3 dan Call for Papers 2018, 05-10-2018 - 05-10-2018, Surabaya - Indonesia. Genadiart, Anthony Sutera and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Kabzar, Vladimir (2018) INTRODUCTION OF INTERNET OF THING TECHNOLOGY BASED ON PROTOTYPE. Jurnal Informatika, 14 (1). pp. 47-52. ISSN 1411-0105 Gunadi, Kartika and Liliana, and Tjitrokusmo, Jonathan (2018) Fall Detection Application Using Kinect. [UNSPECIFIED] Gunawan, Samuel (2018) COLLOQUIAL INFORMAL STYLE OF INDONESIAN. In: the 11th Kuala Lumpur International Communication, Education, Language & Social Sciences Conference , 25-11-2018 - 25-11-2018, Bangi-Putrajaya, Selangor - Malaysia. Gunawan, Samuel (2018) Donald Trump s versus Hillary Clinton s Campaign Rhetoric in their Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speeches. In: Language in the Online and Offline World 6 : The Fortitude, 09-05-2018 - 09-05-2018, Surabaya - Indonesia. Gunawan, Samuel (2018) English Training for Mangrove Preservation Employees as a Community Service. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) , Vol-3 (Issue-). pp. 1013-1022. ISSN ISSN: 2456-7620 Hadi, Ido Prijana (2018) Meaning Of Social Media Applications In Interaction With Fellow Users. In: International Conference on Emerging Media, and Social Science December 7-8, 2018 Banyuwangi. , 08-12-2018 - 08-12-2018, Banyuwangi - Indonesia. Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander and Yoanita, Desi and Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2018) Citizen Journalism Practice: Contributor as Spy Agent. In: Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018) , 10-09-2018 - 10-09-2018, Banjarmasin - Indonesia. Halim, Siana and Anggono, Juliana (2018) Enhancing Civic Engagement Through International Service-learning to Impact Village Community. [UNSPECIFIED] Halim, Siana and Intan, Rolly and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2018) Learning Curve as a Knowledge-based Dynamic Fuzzy Set: A Markov Process Model. In: IC4S, 21-10-2018 - 21-10-2018, Bangkok - Thailand. Handojo, Andreas and Lim, Resmana and Octavia, Tanti and Anggita, Jonathan Kurnia (2018) Museum Interactive Information Broadcasting Using Indoor Positioning System and Bluetooth Low Energy: a Pilot Project on Trowulan Museum Indonesia. In: The 3rd Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science International Conference (TIMES-iCO, 14-12-2018 - 14-12-2018, Bangkok - Thailand. Handojo, Andreas and SUTIONO, TIOE, JULIO ADRIAN and Purbowo, Anita Nathania (2018) Elderly Healthcare Assistance Application using Mobile Phone. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2018) The impact of Service Learning at Kebontunggul Village for The Students of Heat Transfer Class. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Hazman, Antonio (2018) Optimization of Wire Drawing Die�s Cooling System. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and SLAMET, ANDRIONO (2018) Experimental analysis on solid desiccant used in an air conditioning. In: e International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering (IC-AMME), 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Badung - Bali - Indonesia. Hardjito, Djwantoro (2018) Indonesia Darurat Mitigasi Gempa. Indonesia Darurat Mitigasi Gempa. Hardjito, Djwantoro (2018) Mitigasi Gempa Upaya Mencegah Jatuhnya Korban. Mitigasi Gempa Upaya Mencegah Jatuhnya Korban. Hari, Yulius and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2018) Forecasting system approach for stock trading with relative strength index and moving average indicator. [UNSPECIFIED] Hari, Yulius and Dewi, Lily Puspa and Santi, Chitra and Sembiring, Murpin Josua (2018) Improving Financial Marketing and Accountability with Technology Penetration for the Bag SMEs Community in Gresik, Jawa Timur. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal , 5 (10). pp. 160-164. ISSN 20550286 Harjanti, Dhyah and Suprapto, Widjojo and SUSANTHY, VIVIAN PRISCILLIA (2018) Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, and Performance among Y Generation (A Study on a Multi-Platform Digital Media Company). In: International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and Law, 06-09-2018 - 06-09-2018, Padang - Indonesia. Harjanti, Dhyah and TODANI, FAIZ AKBAR (2018) BURNOUT AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: THE ROLE OF SOCIAL CAPITAL. In: International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship 2018, 27-07-2018 - 27-07-2018, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Hatane, Saarce Elsye and WIJAYA, AUDREY TANIA and WILLIAM, ANDY and HARYANTO, AMANDA DEVI (2018) Factors Affecting Intellectual Capital Disclosures: A Case of Primary Sectors in Thailand. Journal of Economics and Business, 1 (4). pp. 513-523. ISSN 2615-3726 Hatane, Saarce Elsye and LESMANAPUTRI, EVELIN and WIJAYA, VANNY LISAYANI and FIRMAN, JOAN JESSLYN PRAJNAWATI (2018) THE DESIGN AND USE OF MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM IN DEVELOPING ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING. In: International Conference on Logistic and Business Innovation, 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Bali - Indonesia. Hatane, Saarce Elsye and OCTAVIA, FERINA and FLORENTINA, JEANNETE (2018) The Comparison of Earnings Management Practices in Indonesia�s Islamic Banks and Conventional Banks. In: The 3rd TEAMS (International Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Sc, 25-10-2018 - 25-10-2018, BAli - Indonesia. Hatane, Saarce Elsye and SAPUTRA, VANESA THERESA and ANGELINE, CHRISTINE OLIVIA and WEDYSIAGE, MAYESA (2018) Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Firm Value: Does Jokowi’s Era Matter? In: The 3rd TEAMS (International Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Sc, 25-10-2018 - 25-10-2018, Bali - Indonesia. Hatane, Saarce Elsye and Tarigan, Josua and CHANDRA, NATHALIA (2018) THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON THE ABILITY IN PREVENTING FINANCIAL DISTRESS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA AND MALAYSIA CONSUMER GOODS. In: 24th EBES Conference, 12-01-2018 - 12-01-2018, Bangkok - Thailand. Hatane, Saarce Elsye and WIDJAJANTO, LISA GABRIELLE and ANGELINA, SARAH FEBE (2018) The Levers of Management Control System in Organizational Life Cycle. In: International Conference on Economics, Education, Business and Accounting, 26-10-2018 - 26-10-2018, Bali - Indonesia . Hermawan, Surya and Gunawan, Handy (2018) High Spatial Grid Resolution of Hydrodynamic Numerical Modeling for Sea Current Energy Site Selection in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Hermawan, Surya (2018) The Benefit of Decision Support System as Sustainable Environment Technology to Utilize Coastal Abundant Resources in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Hermawan, Surya and Purnomo, Joko and Tjandra, Daniel (2018) THE SYNOPTIC DATA FOR ADAPTATION CLIMATE CHANGE IN SIDOARJO REGENCY EAST JAVA. [UNSPECIFIED] Hermawan, Surya and Purnomo, Joko and Tjandra, Daniel (2018) THE USE OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (UAV) FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF TOPOGRAPHY AND BATHYMETRY MAPS: CONSIDERATION FOR CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AGAINST COASTAL ADAPTATION DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGING. [UNSPECIFIED] Hermawan, Surya and Purnomo, Joko and Tjandra, Daniel (2018) The Benefit of Wind Distribution Analysis for Coastal Construction Design in East Java Province. In: ESTIC 2018, 29-08-2018 - 29-08-2018, Padang - Indonesia. Hermawan, Surya and Purnomo, Joko and Tjandra, Daniel (2018) The Benefit of Wind Distribution Analysis for Coastal Construction Design in East Java Province. [UNSPECIFIED] Hermawan, Surya and Tjandra, Daniel and Purnomo, Joko (2018) The Benefit of Hydrodynamic Model As an Assessment of the Hydro-Environment Engineering in Decision Support System for the Sustainable Mariculture Development in Indonesia. In: 21st IAHR-APD Congress, 05-09-2018 - 05-09-2018, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Hidayatun, Maria Immaculata (2018) Jatidiri Arsitektur Indonesia, Regionalisme Dalam Konsep Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Arsitektur . K-Media. ISBN 978-602-451-285-9 ILONA, GABRIELA and Anastasia, Njo (2018) Determinan Perilaku Keuangan Sehari-hari Masyarakat Indonesia. In: Seminar Nasional Manajemen 3, 04-10-2018 - 04-10-2018, Surabaya - Indonesia. Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and Willyanto, and Dzieminska, Edyta and Suzuki, Takashi (2018) Experimental Study of Combustion Fluctuation Reduction Using In-Cylinder Pressure Estimation in Gasoline Engine. International Journal of Industrial Research and Applied Engineering, 3 (2). pp. 51-60. ISSN 2407-7259 Indahingwati, Asmara and Sutanto, Eddy Madiono and Purwanto, (2018) MARKETING ON POLITICS AND PUBLIC LEADERSHIP. JURNAL MANAJEMEN & KEWIRAUSAHAAN, 20 (1). 53 - 62. ISSN 1411 - 1438 Intan, Rolly and Halim, Siana and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2018) Fuzzy Granularity in the Knowledge-based Dynamic Fuzzy Sets. [UNSPECIFIED] Intan, Rolly and Halim, Siana and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2018) On the Knowledge-based Dynamic Fuzzy Sets. In: IC4S, 21-10-2018 - 21-10-2018, Bangkok - Thailand. Irawan, Stefanny (2018) The Handmaids Tale - Kisah Sang Handmaid. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. ISBN 9786020619583 Irawan, Stefanny and Meilinda, (2018) Congratulations, You Get the Job. New Play Development PLT . NulisBuku.Com. ISBN 9786026598509 Irawan, Stefanny and Meilinda, (2018) Listen To Me. New Play Development PLT . NulisBuku.Com. ISBN 9786026598462 Irawan, Stefanny and Meilinda, (2018) Mother, How Are You Today? New Play Development PLT . NulisBuku.Com. 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ISSN 2338-7866 Linawati, Nanik and Malelak, Mariana Ing (2018) PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT MEMFASILITASI KEMAMPUAN MAHASISWA UNTUK MENYESUAIKAN DIRI DENGAN MASYARAKAT. In: Seminar Nasional & Call for Paper Kesiapan Indonesia Dalam Menghadapi Financial Technology, 05-05-2018 - 05-05-2018, Surakarta - Indonesia. Linawati, Nanik and Wahyudi, Raymond (2018) PEMANFAATAN PUZZLE HURUF DALAM MENDORONG MINAT MENABUNG SISWA TAMAN KANAK-KANAK. In: Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 26-10-2018 - 26-10-2018, Jogjakarta - Indonesia. Luik, Jandy Edipson and Ng, Jenna and Hook, Jonathan (2018) “More than just Space”: Designing to Support Assemblage in Virtual Creative Hubs. [UNSPECIFIED] M.H., Prof. Dr. Herowati Poesoko, S.H., and Sahetapy, Wilma Laura (2018) Ilmu Hukum dalam Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu. Laksbang. 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ISSN 1979-570X Purnomo, Joko and Tjong, Wong Foek (2018) Displacement and Stress Function-based Linear and Quadratic Triangular Elements for Saint-Venant Torsional Problems. Civil Engineering Dimension, 20 (2). pp. 70-77. ISSN 1410-9530 RENATA, IVAN and Halim, Siana (2018) Solving real problem in plastic industry: A case in trim-loss problems. [UNSPECIFIED] RENATA, IVAN and Halim, Siana (2018) Solving real problem in plastic industry: A case in trim-loss problems. In: International Conference on Logistic and Business Innovation, 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Kuta, Bali - Indonesia. Rahardjo, Benedictus (2018) Waste Reduction on Personality Action System of Daily/Piece-rated Process. International Journal of Industrial Research and Applied Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 19-25. ISSN 2407-7259 Rau, Hsin and BUDIMAN, SYARIF DANIEL and Widyadana, I Gede Agus (2018) Optimization of the multi-objective green cyclical inventory routing problem using discrete multi-swarm PSO method. [UNSPECIFIED] Redyantanu, Bramasta Putra and Poerbantanoe, Benny (2018) Pengembangan Potensi Visual Semenanjung Lawata sebagai Salah Satu Simpul Rangkaian Wisata Tepian Air Kota Bima. Jurnal Humaniora Vol 15 No 2 Des 2018, 2 (15). pp. 73-80. ISSN 1623-8925 Renandya, Willy and Floris, Flora Debora (2018) A conversation about supporting teacher research. [UNSPECIFIED] Risonarta, Victor Yasuardi and Anggono, Juliana and SUHENDRA, YOSIAS MICHAEL and Nugrowibowo, Setyo and Jani, Yahya (2018) Strategy to Improve Recycling Yield of Aluminium Cans. In: The 1st International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering (IC-AMME 2, 28-09-2018 - 28-09-2018, Denpasar - Indonesia. Riyanto, Theophilus Joko (2018) THE REPRESENTATION PERSPECTIVES IN WARKOP DKI REBORN: JANGKRIK BOSS PART 1. In: Language in the Online & Offline World 6: 8-9 Mei 2018, 09-05-2018 - 09-05-2018, Surabaya - Indonesia. 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ISSN 2621-6426 SETIONO, THOMAS and Handojo, Andreas and Intan, Rolly and SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Lim, Resmana (2018) Brain Computer Interface for Controlling RC-Car Using Emotiv Epoc+. [UNSPECIFIED] STEVANI, ELIZABETH PUTRI and Indrani, Hedy Constancia and Tedjokoesoemo, Purnama Esa Dora (2018) Studi Kualitas Udara Dalam Ruang (Indoor Air Quality) Pada Raung Kelas Sekolah Bangunan Cagar Budaya di Surabaya. Dimensi Interior, 14 (2). pp. 65-71. ISSN 1693-3532 SUBAGIO, GLORIA STEFANI and Yulia, and Toly, Agus Arianto (2018) Website Based Student Activities Budgeting and Proposal Information System at Student Affairs and Alumni Administration Bureau of Petra Christian University. International Journal of Culture Technology , 2 (1). pp. 18-27. ISSN 2586-4688 SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Pattiasina, Timothy John and Lim, Resmana (2018) SSVEP-based brain-computer interface for computer control application using SVM classifier. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (4). pp. 2722-2728. ISSN 2319-8613 Sahetapy, Wilma Laura (2018) Identitas, Legalitas Dan Lokasi Usaha dalam E-commerce. DiH Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 14 (27). pp. 41-52. ISSN 0216-6534 Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Alexiadis, Alessio and Adams, Michael J. (2018) Temperature and configurational effects on the Youngs modulus of poly (methyl methacrylate): a molecular dynamics study comparing the DREIDING, AMBER and OPLS force fields. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Alexiadis, Alessio and Adams, Michael J. (2018) Temperature dependence of the Youngs modulus of polymers calculated using a hybrid molecular mechanics-molecular dynamics method. [UNSPECIFIED] San, Gan Shu and Pujawan, I Nyoman and Suparno, and Widodo, Basuki (2018) Pricing decisions for short life-cycle product in a closed-loop supply chain with random yield and random demands. [UNSPECIFIED] San, Gan Shu and Wahjudi, Didik and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf (2018) The Effect of Product Quality on the Pricing of New and Remanufactured Short Life-cycle Product. 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Santoso, Leo Willyanto and Yulia, (2018) The Analysis of Student Performance using Data Mining. In: International Conference on Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences, 21-10-2018 - 21-10-2018, Bangkok - Thailand. Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2018) Incarnational Living Ministry as Service Learning for Social Transformation. In: International Conference on Business Management, Education, Social Science and Computer Science (ICB, 17-08-2018 - 17-08-2018, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia. Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2018) The effective pattern design for children education to raise godly children based on Biblical standard. [UNSPECIFIED] Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2018) The effective pattern design for children education to raise godly children based on Biblical standard (r). [UNSPECIFIED] Santoso, Murtiyanto and SUTJIADI, RAYMOND and Lim, Resmana (2018) Indonesian Stock Prediction using Support Vector Machine (SVM). 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ISBN 978-602-5446-11- Suprapto, Widjojo and TUKIMAN, GRACE (2018) THE INFLUENCE OF BRAND AWARENESS AND BRAND IMAGE OF PETRA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY TO THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS� DECISION TO ENROLL IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. In: 2nd i-CoME International Conference on Management & Entrepreneurship, 28-07-2018 - 28-07-2018, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Suryani, Erma and Hendrawan, Rully Agus and E.A., Philip Faster and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2018) Congestion Mitigation Scenario through Public Transportation Improvement. [UNSPECIFIED] Suryani, Erma and Hendrawan, Rully Agus and Muhandhis, Isnaini and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2018) Dynamic Simulation Model of Crude Palm Oil Supply Chain to Determine Fulfillment Ratio and Manufacturing Efficiency of Cooking Oil Industry. [UNSPECIFIED] Suryani, Erma and Hendrawan, Rully Agus and Taufik, Epi and Muhandhis, Isnaini and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2018) The Development of System Dynamics Model to Increase National Sugar Fulfillment Ratio. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutanto, Eddy Madiono and HERJANTO, HALIMIN and ALI, JATI KASUMA and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Andreani, Fransisca and Suprapto, Widjojo and Haryadi, Bambang and LLEWELYN, RICHARD VON (2018) PROCEEDING 1st i-CoME 2017. LPPM UK PETRA. ISBN 978-602-74163-9-0 Sutanto, Eddy Madiono and Herjanto, Halimin and BANIKEMA, ANNIE STEPHANIE and ALI, JATI KASUMA and KHAN, JASHIM and Mercado, Pável Reyes and Lau, Evan and LLEWELYN, RICHARD VON and Shukla, Hitesh and Dwiatmadja, Christantius and Astuti, Sri Wahyuni and Kusumasondjaja, Sony and Ardyan, Elia and Hapsoro, Dody (2018) PROCEEDING 2nd i-CoME 2018. LPPM UK PETRA. ISBN 978-602-5446-10-8 Sutanto, Eddy Madiono and SCHELLER-SAMPSON, JEAN and MULYONO, FLORENSIA (2018) ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE, WORK ENVIRONMENT, AND MOTIVATION. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutanto, Eddy Madiono and SUDARSONO, DAVID (2018) EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF FIRM RESOURCES IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA: A RESOURCE - BASED VIEW. 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ISSN 2549-1709 Tarigan, Josua and Ferdian, Gabriele Nia and Hatane, Saarce Elsye and Dharmayanti, Diah (2018) Talent Management And Financial Performance: Does Organization Learning Mediate That Relationship? Asia-Pacific Management and Business Application, Vol 7 (No 1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2252-8997 Tarigan, Josua and Hervindra, Christoforus and Hatane, Saarce Elsye (2018) DOES BOARD DIVERSITY INFLUENCE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE? International Research Journal of Business, 11 (3). pp. 193-215. ISSN 2089-6271 Tarigan, Ruth Srininta and Jacqueline, (2018) Millennials Purchase Intention Towards Online Travel Agent in Indonesia. Petra International Journal of Business Studies, 1 (1). pp. 23-34. ISSN 2621-6426 Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2018) The Impact of Organization Commitment to Process and Product Innovation in Improving Operational Performance. 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ISSN 1978385X WAHYUDI, RAYMOND and Linawati, Nanik (2018) PENGEMBANGAN KECERDASAN SOSIAL UNTUK PENINGKATAN KESADARAN SOSIAL MELALUI KEGIATAN MENGAJAR ANAK SEKOLAH TK. In: Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology, 12-09-2018 - 12-09-2018, Malang - Indonesia. Wahjudi, Didik and Kwanda, Timoticin and SULIS, RIANTHI (2018) The Impact of After-sales Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty of Middle-upper Class Landed Housings. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 20 (1). pp. 65-72. ISSN 2087-7439 Wahjudi, Didik and San, Gan Shu and Anggono, Juliana and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf (2018) FACTORS AFFECTING PURCHASE INTENTION OF REMANUFACTURED SHORT LIFE-CYCLE PRODUCTS. [UNSPECIFIED] Wahjudi, Didik and San, Gan Shu and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and WINATA, JERRY (2018) Drivers and Barriers of Consumer Purchase Intention of Remanufactured Mobile Phones: A Study on Indonesian Comsumers. 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