Items where Year is 2021
Number of items: 446.
AABET, GARRY NATHANIEL and Adiwijaya, Michael and Subagio, Hartono (2021) The influence of product innovation on customer engagement through customer experience and customer value of OVO users. In: THE INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH ON BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT (ISCRBM 2021),, 18-12-2021 - 18-12-2021, Jakarta - Indonesia. ALOYSIUS, JONATHAN and SUMITO, JUAN ANTONIO and Prayogo, Doddy and Santoso, Hasan (2021) Optimization of concentrically braced steel frame structures based on SNI 1726:2019, SNI 1727:2020, SNI 1729:2020, and AISC 341-16. [UNSPECIFIED] ANGELA, BELLA and Damajanti, Maria Nala and Muljosumarto, Cindy (2021) PERANCANGAN ACTIVEWEAR UNTUK MENDUKUNG KESEHATAN MENTAL DENGAN PENDEKATAN PSIKOLOGI WARNA. In: Seminar Nasional Desain dan Arsitektur (SENADA), 01-04-2021 - 01-04-2021, DENPASAR - INDONESIA. ANGELIA, NADIA and KUMALASARI, DEVIANTY and Christiawan, Yulius Jogi (2021) The Effect of Sales Growth and Independent Commissioner’s Supervision on Financial Performance: The Moderating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility. [UNSPECIFIED] ANSHEILLA, and WIJAYANTI, EVELYN JANE and Prayogo, Doddy and Tjong, Wong Foek (2021) A comparative study of several bio-inspired algorithms in cost optimization of cellular beams. [UNSPECIFIED] Adityaji, Rizki and Kartika, Endo Wijaya and Oktavio, Adrie (2021) I HAVE CHOSEN YOU AMONG THE OTHERS!: THE IMPACT OF LEADER-MEMBER EXCHANGE, PERCEIVED SUPERVISOR SUPPORT AND ORGRANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR IN ENHANCING SUBORDINATES’ PERFORMANCE IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY. [UNSPECIFIED] Adiwijaya, Michael and McGuinness, Erin and Cary, John C and Herjanto, Halimin (2021) The Centrality of Brand Awareness. [UNSPECIFIED] Agustin, Karina and Soewandi, Hanijanto (2021) Does it Pay to be Perfect? A Lesson Learnt from CV XYZ. In: 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 16-09-2021 - 16-09-2021, Surakarta - Indonesia. Albano, Andrea and Guillou, Eve le and Danzé, Antoine and Moulitsas, Irene and Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Rahmat, Amin and Duque-Daza, Carlos Alberto and Shang, Xiaocheng and Ng, Khai Ching and Alexiadis, Alessio (2021) How to Modify LAMMPS: From the Prospective of a Particle Method Researcher. [UNSPECIFIED] Alimin, Roche and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and SAPUTRA, ANDRE (2021) Pemodelan Torque Vectoring Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Stabilitas Pengendalian Mobil Listrik. [UNSPECIFIED] Amelia, and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and HENJAYA, GUNTAR (2021) The Novel Design for Cooling System of Greenhouse. In: 12th International Conference on Thermofluid 2021, 11-11-2021 - 11-11-2021, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Anastasia, Njo (2021) Meraih mimpi dengan investasi. Kedua . Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-35-1 Anastasia, Njo and Andreani, Fransisca (2021) Differences in trust and risk-taking propensity for travelers from Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Anastasia, Njo and Basana, Sautma Ronni (2021) The Effect of Financial Literacy, Financial Risk Tolerance, and Financial Socialization Agents on Stock Investment Decision in the Millennial Generation. [UNSPECIFIED] Anastasia, Njo and CHRESTELLA, THERESIA (2021) The Effect of Geographical Diversification Towards Property Investment Decisions in Indonesia. International Journal of Finance, Insurance and Risk Management, 11 (1). pp. 78-95. ISSN 2047-0916 Anastasia, Njo and THIOSALIM, LIDYA PRISKILA and Malelak, Mariana Ing (2021) Determinants of Intention of Using Mortgage in Financing Home Ownership in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Anastasia, Njo and Wijaya, Serli (2021) Female workers readiness for retirement planning: an evidence from Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Andi, and Sugianto, Kevin and Khoesasih, Arsenius Felix (2021) Actual and expected transactional and transformational leadership behaviors of project managers. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and GUNARDI, ALBERTUS RAYMOND and ELIM, MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER (2021) Pengaruh Service Recovery terhadap Customer Satisfaction Penumpang Maskapai Penerbangan Internasional di Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and Juniwati, Anik and Wijaya, Serli and Setiawan, Rudy (2021) PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN PAKET WISATA SEBAGAI UPAYA PEMBERDAYAAN MASYRARAKAT GUNA PENGEMBANGAN WISATA DESA JARAK. [UNSPECIFIED] Andreani, Fransisca and Anastasia, Njo (2021) The impact of fiavel constraints on travel intention. [UNSPECIFIED] Andreani, Fransisca and Foedjiawati, and Anastasia, Njo (2021) The Relationships of Trust, Risk-taking propensity and Travel Intention of Indonesian Tourists. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH), 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Antoni, and AGRAPUTRA, AUDI and TEOPILUS, DANIEL and SUNARYO, AXELINO HADI and MULYADI, MALVIN MANUEL and Chandra, Jimmy and Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda and Hardjito, Djwantoro (2021) Investigation of the material mixtures and fiber addition for 3D concrete printing. [UNSPECIFIED] Antoni, and HARTONO, FLORENTCIA and TANUWIJAYA, STEVEN and WIJAYA, KEVIN and Hardjito, Djwantoro (2021) Comprehensive Investigation on the Potential of Fly Ash from New Source as Construction Material. [UNSPECIFIED] Aprilia, Adriana and Harianto, Agung (2021) Pengetahuan Patiseri dan Bakeri. 2021.2996 RAJ . PT. Rajagrahafindo Persada. ISBN 978-623-231-783-3 Ardianti, R.R. Retno and Atmadja, Adwin Surja (2021) Nevertheless, she persisted! Entrepreneurial career outcomes of women who switch to self-employment during the crises. In: the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 03-08-2021 - 03-08-2021, New York - USA. Ardianti, R.R. Retno and Atmadja, Adwin Surja (2021) A transition to entrepreneurship from paid employment in the period of economic crisis: Will this lead to positive career outcomes? In: the 2021 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference, 12-02-2021 - 12-02-2021, Goldcoast, QLD - Australia. Asri, Altrerosje (2021) Kampung Ampel: Membaca senarai manifestasi budaya dari elemen tetap dan temporer kawasan. [UNSPECIFIED] Asthararianty, and Damajanti, Maria Nala and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna (2021) Fashion in Pandemic: Innofashion Show & Innofashion Fair 2020. [UNSPECIFIED] BBOEDHY, TANIA PRISCILIA SETYA and REISSA, IVANA and Evelyn, (2021) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Financial Help Seeking Behavior Pada Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa. In: WEBINAR NASIONAL UNIMUS 2021, 25-11-2021 - 25-11-2021, SEMARANG - Indonesia. BUDIANTO, CHRISTIAN and Harjanti, Dhyah and Suprapto, Widjojo (2021) KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL PADA KARYAWAN GENERASI MILENIAL: PERAN NILAI KERJA DAN KEPUASAN KERJA. [UNSPECIFIED] Bagale, Girish Santosh and Vandadi, Venkata Ramana and Singh, Deepmala and Sharma, Dilip Kumar and Garlapati, Durga Venkata Kusuma and Bommisetti, Ravi Kumar and Gupta, Ravi Kumar and Setiawan, Roy and Subramaniyaswamy, V. and Sengan, Sudhakar (2021) Small and medium‑sized enterprises’ contribution in digital technology. [UNSPECIFIED] Bartos, András and Kocs, Judit and Anggono, Juliana and Móczó, János and Pukánszky, Béla (2021) Effect of fiber attrition, particle characteristics and interfacial adhesion on the properties of PP/sugarcane bagasse fiber composites. [UNSPECIFIED] Bartos, András and Nagy, Kristof and Anggono, Juliana and Antoni, and , Hariyati Purwaningsih and Móczó, János and Pukánszky, Béla (2021) Biobased PLA/sugarcane bagasse fiber composites: Effect of fiber characteristics and interfacial adhesion on properties. [UNSPECIFIED] Basana, Sautma Ronni and Andreani, Fransisca and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Suprapto, Widjojo (2021) The effects of internet of things, strategic green purchasing and green operation on green employee behavior: Evidence from hotel industry. [UNSPECIFIED] Basuki, Ribut and Limanta, Liem Satya and Setiawan, Dwi and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) The effects of the roles of actors to audience satisfaction through technology acceptance model (TAM) in social media during pandemic era. [UNSPECIFIED] Basuki, Ribut and Siagian, Hotlan and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) THE INFLUENCE OF ELECTRONIC WORD OF MOUTH ON AUDIENCE SATISFACTION THROUGH AUDIENCE LOYALTY ON MOVIES IN SOCIAL MEDIA. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH) , 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Basuki, Ribut and Siagian, Hotlan and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) THE INFLUENCE OF THE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL USING SOCIAL MEDIA IN INDONESIAN FILM CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH) , 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Basuki, Ribut and Wicandra, Obed Bima and Wahyudi, Anang Tri (2021) Grundelan Daring: Klub Ngopi El-Munar Unlimited. Grundelan Daring: Klub Ngopi El-Munar Unlimited. Basuki, Ribut and Setiawan, Dwi and Lim, Resmana and Rahardjo, Arlinah Imam (2021) Warisan Budaya dan Potensi Wisata Desa Begaganlimo. LPPM UK Petra. ISBN 9786065446382 Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Chiong, Raymond and Pranata, Ilung and Hu, Zhongyi (2021) Using Machine Learning to Predict the Sentiment of Online Reviews: A New Framework for Comparative Analysis. [UNSPECIFIED] Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Chiong, Raymond and Wang, Zuli (2021) Resampling imbalanced data to detect fake reviews using machine learning classifiers and textual-based features. [UNSPECIFIED] Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Chiong, Raymond and Wang, Zuli and Dhakal, Sandeep (2021) Using a hybrid content-based and behaviour-based featuring approach in a parallel environment to detect fake reviews. [UNSPECIFIED] Budhiyanto, Aris and Oktavianus, Adrianto and Tedjokusumo, Belinda and Harsono, Kevin and Yang, I-Tung (2021) Comparison of simulation-based methods and metaheuristic optimization algorithms for optimizing window design by considering daylighting and heat transfer in a tropical region of Indonesia. In: Digital and Empathic Engagement in the New Era for Architecture and Civil Engineering, 21-08-2021 - 21-08-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Budiawan, and Limanta, Liem Satya (2021) Intermedialitas & Politik Identitas di Era Digital. Penerbit Ombak. ISBN 9786022585886 Bustan, Linda and Lesmana, Fanny and Wicandra, Obed Bima and Adiasih, Priskila and Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan and Handinoto, and Damayanti, Rully and Asri, Altrerosje and Arifin, Lilianny Sigit (2021) Setelah Seabad Gereja Tionghoa Pertama di Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Bustan, Linda and Arifin, Lilianny Sigit (2021) Keliling Surabaya: dari budaya, kampung sampai kulinernya. Departemen Matakuliah Umum dan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) UK Petra. ISBN 978-602-5446-78-8, 978-602-5446-80-1 PDF) CCAHYANINGATI, LACTA WIDA RAYU and Yoedo, Yuli Christiana (2021) PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KRISTEN DAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN STAD DI KELAS MATEMATIKA DI SD KRISTEN “X” SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] CAHYONO, NATHANAEL ADI and Wijaya, Serli and Widjaja, Deborah Christine (2021) Is Lombok Really Perceived as Halal Tourism Destination? A Study of Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty. [UNSPECIFIED] CHANDRA, CHRYSANT GLORIA and Thio, Sienny (2021) Destination Personality of Labuan Bajo, Indonesia: Local and Foreign Tourists� Perspectives. [UNSPECIFIED] CHRISTIAN, and Semuel, Hatane and Wijaya, Serli (2021) Website Quality and the Role of Travel Perceived Risk in Influencing Purchase Intention: A Study on Bali Tourism Board’s Official Website. [UNSPECIFIED] CITRANINGSIH, ANGELIA and , Bernadette Dian Arini Mear, SS.N and Natadjaja, Listia (2021) DiBISAlitas: Prestasi Tanpa Batas. 1 . Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-52-8 CLARISSA, JESSELYN and Halim, Siana and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho and Agustin, Karina and Sahputra, Iwan Halim (2021) A Policy Strategy Evaluation for Covid-19 Pandemic in the City of Surabaya Using Vensim Ventana Dynamic System Simulation. In: 2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EICONCIT), 10-04-2021 - 10-04-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. CLARISSA, JESSELYN and Halim, Siana and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho and Agustin, Karina and Sahputra, Iwan Halim (2021) A Policy Strategy Evaluation for Covid-19 Pandemic in the City of Surabaya using Vensim Ventana Dynamic System Simulation. [UNSPECIFIED] Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Nath, Keshav and Wisetsri, Worakamol and Villalba-Condori, Klinge Orlando and Arias-Chavez, Dennis and Setiawan, Roy and Koti, Kartikey and Regin, R. (2021) The Impact of E-Recruitment and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools on HR Effectiveness: The Case of High Schools. [UNSPECIFIED] Chandra, Jimmy and Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda and Antoni, (2021) Modeling and analysis of 3D-printed reinforced and prestressed concrete beams. [UNSPECIFIED] Chandra, Jimmy and Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda and Antoni, (2021) Modeling and analysis of 3D-printed reinforced and prestressed concrete beams. In: Digital and Empathic Engagement in the New Era for Architecture and Civil Engineering 2021, 21-08-2021 - 21-08-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Chiong, Raymond and Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Dhakal, Sandeep (2021) Combining Sentiment Lexicons and Content-Based Features for Depression Detection. [UNSPECIFIED] Chiong, Raymond and Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Dhakal, Sandeep and Chiong, Fabian (2021) A textual-based featuring approach for depression detection using machine learning classifiers and social media texts. [UNSPECIFIED] Christianna, Aniendya and Renaningtyas, Luri (2021) FIGUR PEREMPUAN JAWA DALAM DAMAR KURUNG SEBAGAI INSPIRASI MOTIF BATIK KHAS GRESIK. [UNSPECIFIED] Christianna, Aniendya (2021) SIMBOL SIMBOL NIRSADAR SRI ASIH. SIMBOL SIMBOL NIRSADAR SRI ASIH. Christianna, Aniendya (2021) YANG KUNO PUN (HARUS) BISA KEKINIAN. [UNSPECIFIED] DDARMAWAN, RICKY DWI and Semuel, Hatane and Wijaya, Serli (2021) Country-of-Origin Image and Its Effect on Purchase Intention: A Study on a Chinese Smartphone Brand. [UNSPECIFIED] DEVINA, JESSLYN and Evelyn, (2021) PENGARUH SELF-CONTROL, FINANCIAL LITERACY, DAN ATTITUDE TOWARDS MONEY TERHADAP FINANCIAL WELL-BEING GURU. In: Seminar Nasional Call For Paper Outlook 2022 : Transformasi UMKM di era pasar digital, 20-12-2021 - 20-12-2021, Sukoharjo - Indonesia. DEWI, MELINDA and FOANTO, GABRIELLA NATASYA and Christiawan, Yulius Jogi (2021) Profitability, Liquidity, and Firm Value: Does Financial Distress Have a Mediating Effect? (Study of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia). [UNSPECIFIED] DJAJA, FLORENSIA AGATHA JESSICA and Sutapa, I Nyoman (2021) Design Thinking: Visual Guidance for Quality Inspection Case Study on Cosmetic Packaging Company. In: 2nd International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME2021), 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Damajanti, Maria Nala (2021) From Caring to Daring: judul artikel : Terkarantina. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully and Redyantanu, Bramasta Putra (2021) A study of multi-sensory senses in museum virtual-visits. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 907 (907). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1755-1315 Damayanti, Rully (2021) Keputran Dulu, Kini, dan Nanti. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully (2021) Place Making. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully (2021) Ruang - Arsitektur: sebuah studi filsafat kontemporer. LPPM Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-24-5 Damayanti, Rully (2021) Visionary Design City 2.0. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully and Redyantanu, Bramasta Putra (2021) Tiga Rangkai Ruang - Lefebvre. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully and Wayne, Bram Michael (2021) Architectural Design for Place Making. LPPM Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-28-3 Dewanto, Joni and Soegihardjo, Oegik (2021) Performance of Mechanical Energy Harvesting Unit for Generating Electricity for Portal Gate System. Journal of ICT, Design, Engineering and Technological Science, 4 (1). pp. 6-11. ISSN 2604 - 2673 EEDWARD, and Anastasia, Njo (2021) Prioritas Penghuni Terkait Perawatan Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa di Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] EFFENDY, KEVIN and Octavia, Tanti and Wijaya, Gunawan Budi (2021) Usage of Miniature Houses Built using Construction Materials in Engineering Educational Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs. [UNSPECIFIED] EMANUEL, TIMOTHY and HADRIAN, and Prayogo, Doddy and Tjong, Wong Foek (2021) A comparative study of several nature-inspired algorithms in steel deck floor system cost optimization. [UNSPECIFIED] EVELYN, FELICIA and Natadjaja, Listia and Febriani, Rika (2021) Tteokstudy. [UNSPECIFIED] Elsiana, Feny and Ekasiwi, Sri Nastiti Nugrahani and Antaryama, I Gusti Ngurah (2021) Integration of Horizontal Light Pipe and Shading Systems in Office Building in the Tropics. [UNSPECIFIED] Evelyn, (2021) THE INFLUENCE OF EMERGING ADULTHOOD STATUS AND SENSATION SEEKING ON FINANCIAL BEHAVIOR OF PETRA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. [UNSPECIFIED] FFAKONIKO, KEZIA CHRISTYFANI and , Bernadette Dian Arini Mear, SS.N and Natadjaja, Listia (2021) Bersinergi Menjadi Pahlawan di Tengah Pandemi. 1 . Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-71-9 FANDRAYANI, AMELIA and Tanudjaja, Bing Bedjo and Salamoon, Daniel Kurniawan (2021) Perancangan Model Website Interaktif Untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Kesadaran Terhadap Impostor Syndrome. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL PSIKOLOGI DAN ILMU HUMANIORA (SENAPIH), 24-05-2021 - 24-05-2021, Malang - Indonesia. FOANTO, GABRIELLA NATASYA and DEWI, MELINDA and Christiawan, Yulius Jogi (2021) Corporate Social Responsibility dan Firm Value: Peran Mediasi Profitabilitas (Studi Pada Subsektor Industri Barang Konsumsi). In: Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XXIV, 29-10-2021 - 29-10-2021, Jambi - Indonesia. FOKALIE, CHRISTIAN and Siagian, Hotlan (2021) The Impact Of Lean Manufacturing On Operational Performance Through Vendor-Managed Inventory And Supply Chain Practices. [UNSPECIFIED] Floris, Flora Debora and DEWI, AGNES KATARINA CANDRA and TANOKO, IVANIA and SETIAWATI, KEZIA GLORIA INDAH (2021) Where does VR Fit in the Classroom? Where does VR Fit in the Classroom?. Floris, Flora Debora and NURTANTO, LEVANA VIVIAN and SUYANTO, APRILLIA ADELLA and YOHANA, (2021) Four ways to use the game Among Us in the English classroom. Four ways to use the game Among Us in the English classroom. Floris, Flora Debora and RAWIADJI, CHARAQUA VANIA and PETRA, MERCELLENE and HARLY, NATASHA (2021) AR for EAL: Using Moatboat for teaching EAL. AR for EAL: Using Moatboat for teaching EAL. Floris, Flora Debora and SUSENO, EUNIKE LISTYOYANTI and ANANDA, ELLARA YUSEA and HIA, IRENE JULIANA (2021) Chatting with Andy. Chatting with Andy. Floris, Flora Debora and Listiyani, Evelyn and Kristian, Wina (2021) Getting Started with Fulldive VR and Sites in VR in the Classroom. Getting Started with Fulldive VR and Sites in VR in the Classroom. Foedjiawati, and Andreani, Fransisca and Anastasia, Njo (2021) Travel constraints, Trust, Travel Motivation and Travel Intention: A Case Study in the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanityanitya, 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. GGEMILANG, YUSTINA and Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2021) VIDEO PSIKOEDUKASI SEBAGAI PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID DALAM MENOLONG ANAK KORBAN SEXUAL ABUSE. [UNSPECIFIED] GERALDY, CRISTIANT VIERY and Evelyn, (2021) Financial Well � Being of The Millennial Generation in Samarinda. In: Second International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH) , 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. GOEINAWAN, MICHELLE TEVI and KWANTONO, MICHELINE CLARISSA and Christiawan, Yulius Jogi (2021) The Impact of Audit Committee Characteristics on Real Earnings Management: The Moderating Role of Seniority Level and Education Level of Chief Financial Officer. [UNSPECIFIED] GOTAMA, KEVIN RONALDO and Anastasia, Njo (2021) The Impact of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Indonesia Property Stock Index. [UNSPECIFIED] GUNAWAN, JESSICA PRISCILLIA and Palit, Herri Christian and Aysia, Debora Anne Yang (2021) Tingkat Kualitas Tidur Pelajar Selama Pembelajaran Daring. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik dan Manajemen Industri (SENTEKMI 2021), 11-11-2021 - 11-11-2021, Bandung - Indonesia. GUNAWAN, LEONARDO and HARYONO, SELDEN and Andreani, Fransisca (2021) SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER, BRAND AWARENESS, AND PURCHASE DECISION AMONG GENERATION Z IN SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] Ganiadi, Felicia Livia and Margianto, Bella Jessica and Kristanti, Monika (2021) Pengaruh Big Five Personality Traits terhadap Niat untuk Menginap di Green Hotel di Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Goenawan, Felicia and Monica, Vita (2021) PERILAKU KONSUMEN MASYARAKAT SURABAYA DALAM PEMBELIAN PAKAIAN. [UNSPECIFIED] Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Jonoadji, Ninuk and ARIFIN, FRANSISKUS XAVERIUS YULIO (2021) Investigation of briquette derived from Pterocarpus indicus leaves and rejected pineapples as inedible sources of renewable energy. [UNSPECIFIED] HHAN, KENNETH GENESIUS and Anggono, Juliana and Jonathan, Peter (2021) The Reinforcing Effect of Sugar Palm Fiber on PP. [UNSPECIFIED] HARIWIJAYA, NEVIA PUTRI and HODIANTO, VINCENTIA CELIA and Thio, Sienny (2021) Perceived Luxury Value dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Minat Menginap di Hotel Bintang Lima. [UNSPECIFIED] HARTANTO, FAYOLA ISABELLE and Setiawan, Dwi (2021) Adolf Hitler�s Pathological Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Mein Kampf. [UNSPECIFIED] HERRYANTO, and TANAYA, LEVIN SERGIO and Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda (2021) Alternative approach in Partial Capacity Design (PCD) by using predicted post-elastic story shear distribution. [UNSPECIFIED] HOJEUNG, CHUN and Suprajitno, Setefanus (2021) Semiotic Analysis of Dove’s Femvertising. [UNSPECIFIED] Hadi, Ido Prijana and Yoanita, Desi and Vidyarini, Titi Nur (2021) Communication medium for family planning in realizing quality families in east java. In: The 2nd ICSH 2021, 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Hagijanto, Andrian Dektisa (2021) Implementasi My Church is My Second Home pada Mural di Gereja Kristen Indonesia Jemursari Surabaya. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (SNPM)3, 28-10-2021 - 28-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Hagijanto, Andrian Dektisa (2021) Membaca Ambiguitas pada Ilustrasi Visual Narasi Pembelajaran Sejarah di Media Sosial. In: DXC National Conference , 24-04-2021 - 24-04-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Hagijanto, Andrian Dektisa and Sutanto, Ryan Pratama and Putrihadi, Mega Ekklesia (2021) Implementasi Seni Mural Kreatif Di Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Bagi Jemaat GKJW Sukun Malang. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 28-10-2021 - 28-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Halim, Steffi Thanissa and Kurniawan, Budi (2021) CHINESE FAMILY LANGUAGE POLICY IN THE CONTEXT OF TRILINGUAL SCHOOLS IN SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and MARIANTO, FERY and Tandio, Joshua Hutama (2021) Study and Analysis of an Industrial Compressor Facing Overheat Problem. In: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering, 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Harjanti, Dhyah and NATALIA, GABRIELLA (2021) The profile of millennial generation employee: We do have loyalty. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Hatane, Saarce Elsye and EMERSON, BERNARD and SOESANTO, OLIEVIA and GUNAWAN, RUTH ARUM and Semuel, Hatane (2021) Accounting students� perceptions of work�life balance, accounting career image and intention to pursue accounting careers. [UNSPECIFIED] Hatane, Saarce Elsye and DIANDRA, JEFFERSON CLARENZO and Tarigan, Josua and Jie, Ferry (2021) Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Earnings Forecast in Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle’s Pharmaceuticals Sector. [UNSPECIFIED] Hatane, Saarce Elsye and NATHANIA, FELICIA and LAMUEL, JOCELYN and K., FENNY DARUSMAN and Devie, (2021) Intellectual Capital Disclosures and Corporate Governance in Gaining the Firms� Non-Discretionary Profits and Market Value in ASEAN-5. [UNSPECIFIED] Hatane, Saarce Elsye and PRANOTO, AMADEA NATHANIA and Tarigan, Josua and SUSILO, JOSEPHINE ALEXANDRA and CHRISTIANTO, ANG, JONATHAN (2021) The CSR Performance and Earning Management Practice on the Market Value of Conventional Banks in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Hatane, Saarce Elsye and SUGIANTO, ERIC OKTAVIANUS and Tarigan, Josua and Jie, Ferry (2021) New Trends in Intellectual Capital Disclosures of Higher Degree Institutions in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Hatane, Saarce Elsye and Tarigan, Josua and KUANDA, ELENNE STEFANIE and CORNELIUS, ELIZABETH (2021) The contributing factors of intellectual capital disclosures in agriculture and mining sectors of Indonesia and Thailand. [UNSPECIFIED] Hermawan, Surya and ARIESTO, FRANKLYN and CHANDRA, MICHAEL (2021) Dedikasi Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil Pada Masa Era Pandemi Covid-19 di Sekolah Dasar Margorukun I Bubutan Surabaya. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat-3, 28-10-2021 - 28-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Hermawan, Surya and ASTANTO, KIAN and RUHULESSIN, HEIDDY IMANUELA and LATUIHAMALLO, LOUIS LUIGI (2021) PENINGKATAN KREATIVITAS BAGI ANAK USIA DINI DAN PELATIHAN EKONOMI DASAR BAGI WARGA TEGALSARI, KECAMATAN JABON, SIDOARJO. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat-3, 28-10-2021 - 28-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Hermawan, Surya and HUSADA, VANESSA NATHANIA and PUTRI, AGNES YULIANA and WIJAYA, CHRISTICIA JEAN PUTRI (2021) PEMBARUAN FASILITAS PANTI ASUHAN ELPIDOS MOJOARUM SURABAYA. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat-3, 28-10-2021 - 28-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Hermawan, Surya and Tjahyana, Angela Jasmine Tanya (2021) Brackish Water Treatment With Sustainable Local Materials. In: International Conference of the Applications of Technology and Engineering (TICATE) 2023, 05-08-2021 - 05-08-2021, Jakarta - Indonesia. Husada, Willy and Prayogo, Doddy and THAMRIN, CHRISTOFFEL FELIO and HERDJIJONO, RONALD (2021) Optimasi Desain Penampang Struktur Rangka Batang Baja Berbasis Reliabilitas Menggunakan Symbiotic Organisms Search dan Artificial Neural Network. [UNSPECIFIED] IIndriyani, Ratih (2021) Increasing Employee Loyalty through Supportive Leadership and Employee Satisfaction. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH), 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Indriyani, Ratih (2021) Self Efficacy, Market Orientation, and Batik SME Performance in Indonesia. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH), 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Indriyani, Ratih (2021) The Influence of Entrepreneurial Motivation and Family Support on Entrepreneurial Intention among the Millenials. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH), 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Indriyani, Ratih and FELICIA, MICHELLE (2021) The Influence of Market Orientation on Competitive Advantage through Innovation in Fashion Sector. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH), 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Indriyani, Ratih and IMAN, AKSEL IMANUEL (2021) Pengaruh Work Environment Terhadap Job Satisfaction Dengan Work Relationship Sebagai Variabel Mediasi. Majalah Ekonomi, 26 (2). pp. 7-22. ISSN 776-2165 Indriyani, Ratih and SUTANTO, MONICA BELLINDA (2021) Peranan Person Organization FitDan Person Job FitDalam Meningkatkan Job SatisfactionDenganWork EngagementSebagai Mediasi. Majalah Ekonomi: Telaah Manajemen, Akuntansi dan Bisnis, 26 (1). pp. 8-28. ISSN 2776-2165 Iskandar, Vido and Kartika, Endo Wijaya and Kristianto, David (2021) Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Era Kebiasaan Baru Pada Hotel Berbintang Lima Di Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] JJECONIAH, RIZON and Anastasia, Njo and Evelyn, (2021) THE INFLUENCE OF DEMOGRAPHY, SOCIAL MEDIA, RISK ATTITUDE, AND OVERCONFIDENCE ON THE FINANCIAL LITERACY OF USERS SOCIAL MEDIA IN SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] JESSICA, ELIZABETH and DJAJA, VANIA NANDA and Christiawan, Yulius Jogi (2021) The Effect of CEO Compensation on Earnings Management: Is It Affected by Leverage Condition? Proving the Prospect Theory. [UNSPECIFIED] JESSICA, ELIZABETH and DJAJA, VANIA NANDA and Christiawan, Yulius Jogi (2021) Hubungan Kompensasi CEO terhadap Manajemen Laba: Apakah kondisi Pandemi Covid-19 ikut mempengaruhi? [UNSPECIFIED] JIPUTRA, JUAN ALEXANDER and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Siagian, Hotlan (2021) The Effect of Information Technology on Retailer Satisfaction Through Supply Chain Management Practices and Retailer-Distributor Relationship in Modern Retailer Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] JOELLA, and Yulia, and Handojo, Andreas (2021) Business Process Simulation Game as a Business Process Learning Tool for Retail Companies. [UNSPECIFIED] JULIANDINO, LUCKY and Setiawan, Dwi (2021) Open Heart: Entering the Dynamic of Polyamorous Relationship. [UNSPECIFIED] JULITA, RAHEL and ASALI, ANASTASYA SILVANA and Wijaya, Serli (2021) Succession in Family Restaurant Business: An Intergenerational Perspective. [UNSPECIFIED] Japarianto, Edwin and Muliadi, Michaela Louisa (2021) ANALISA PENGARUH PERCEIVED EASE OF USE TERHADAP BEHAVIOR INTENTION MELALUI PERCEIVED USEFULNESS SEBAGAI MEDIA INTERVENING PADA DIGITAL PAYMENT OVO. [UNSPECIFIED] Jokom, Regina and Iskandar, Vido (2021) Analisa Pengaruh Kompleksitas Visual Pada Foto Makanan di Instagram Terhadap Minat Beli Melalui Respon Emosional. [UNSPECIFIED] Jonoadji, Ninuk and Sutrisno, and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Simanjuntak, Melvin Emil and Sitorus, Melvin Bismark Hamongan and SURYAJAYA, MICHAEL (2021) Dimensional optimization of clutch disc with simulation of stress analysis. [UNSPECIFIED] Julistiono, Eunike Kristi and Arifin, Lilianny Sigit and Maer, Bisatya Widadya (2021) LIGHTWEIGHT AND MULTI-PURPOSE PARTITION FOR VERTICAL HOUSING. [UNSPECIFIED] Juniarti, and Toly, Agus Arianto (2021) DOES THE MARKET REACT TO THE REPUTATION OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE? [UNSPECIFIED] Juniarti, and Toly, Agus Arianto (2021) RESPONSE INVESTOR TO THE SPECIFIC CAPITAL EXPENDITURE: CASE STUDIES IN THE BANKING SECTOR. In: Eurasia Business and Economics Society , 08-10-2021 - 08-10-2021, Berlin - Germany. Juniarti, and Beoang, Camelia Florensia and Prayogo, Meliani Fitri Salim and Samosir, Parulian Adinata (2021) Business Strategy and Environmental Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Juniwati, Anik and Mintorogo, Danny Santoso and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini (2021) Experimental study on ventilation using earth-to-air heat exchanger in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] KKARINA, CINDY and Suprajitno, Setefanus (2021) The Journey of Becoming a Hero in the Avatar: The Last Airbender Animated Series. [UNSPECIFIED] KEN, and Anastasia, Njo (2021) KELUHAN PENGHUNI TERKAIT KERUSAKAN BANGUNAN TERHADAP RESPONSIVITAS PENGELOLA RUMAH SUSUN SEDERHANA SEWA DI SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] KRISDIANTI, BETHARIA and Yoedo, Yuli Christiana (2021) PENERAPAN DISIPLIN POSITIF OLEH GURU DENGAN INTEGRASI IMAN KRISTEN PADA KELAS I-A DI SEKOLAH DASAR X SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] KURNIAWAN, YOHANES CHANDRA and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Siagian, Hotlan (2021) The Effect Of Supply Chain Risk Management On Supply Chain Performance Through Supply Chain Integration And Information Quality In Paper Manufacturer. [UNSPECIFIED] KURNIAWAN, LICIA and Limanta, Liem Satya (2021) Unwritten Scars: Gaslighting in Relationships. [UNSPECIFIED] KWANTONO, MICHELINE CLARISSA and GOEINAWAN, MICHELLE TEVI and Christiawan, Yulius Jogi (2021) HUBUNGAN KARAKTERISTIK GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP MANAJEMEN LABA RIIL : PERAN MODERASI TINGKAT PENDIDIKAN CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER. [UNSPECIFIED] Kartika, Endo Wijaya and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Oktavio, Adrie (2021) Examining the Relationship Between PsyCap and Readiness for Change: Implementation of E-learning Among Lecturers During Covid-19. [UNSPECIFIED] Kristanti, Monika and Thio, Sienny and Kartika, Endo Wijaya and Iskandar, Vido (2021) Peningkatan kualitas operasional rumah penginapan Griya Kusuma Indah Pacet. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 28-10-2021 - 28-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Kristanto, Luciana and Canadarma, Wanda Widigdo and Wijaya, Elvina Shanggrama (2021) Comparison of Shibataea kumasasa and Equisetum hyemale as vertical greenery system for thermal and light shade in students architectural design studio in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Kurniawan, Budi (2021) Rap Sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran Sastra Tiongkok. [UNSPECIFIED] Kusumarini, Yusita and Yong, Sherly De (2021) Family Co-Design: A Strategic Learning Model of Residential Interior Design and Styling During Pandemic. In: International Journal of Art and Design Education (iJade) Conference 2021: Hybrid Spaces, 28-03-2021 - 28-03-2021, Glasgow - United Kingdom (UK) | Inggris. Kusumastuti, Cilcia and GODE, DICKY and KURNIANTO, YOBELLA FEBE and Syaranamual, Frederik Jones (2021) Climate Change Impact in Flores Island, a Dry Region in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Kwistianus, Hendri and Hatane, Saarce Elsye (2021) Accountants’ IT Competencies and IT Responsibilities in Supporting IT Sustainability Practice: The Variations of Students’ Perspective. [UNSPECIFIED] LLENNIAWATI, MERLIN and Anastasia, Njo (2021) The influence of cashless payment usage and protection against financial inclusion in micro and small enterprises in Kediri. [UNSPECIFIED] LIE, TASYA and Evelyn, (2021) PENGARUH FINANCIAL LITERACY, SELF-CONTROL,SELF-EFFICACYTERHADAP OTORITAS PENGAMBIL KEPUTUSAN KEUANGAN RUMAH TANGGA. In: Seminar Nasional Call For Paper Outlook 2022 : Transformasi UMKM di era pasar digital, 20-12-2021 - 20-12-2021, Sukoharjo - Indonesia. Leng, Pwee and Muliatie, Yurillah Endah and Ekowati, Dian and Rahmawati, Dwi (2021) The Principal Leadership in Developing Inclusive Education for Diverse Students. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education, Vol 3 (No 1). pp. 8-24. ISSN 2685-4074 Lesmana, Fanny (2021) Cangkrukan: Dari Masa Kuno ke Masa Kini. [UNSPECIFIED] Lesmana, Fanny and Azaria, Sally (2021) Kabar Baik Bagi Bangsa Sebuah Kontemplasi Aplikatif untuk INDONESIA BERSATU. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-5446-88-7 Lesmana, Fanny and Asthararianty, (2021) Craft and Cook. Petra Press. ISBN 9-786025-446498 Lesmana, Fanny and Asthararianty, (2021) Kisah Senyap Inyo. Technical Report. Qiara Media Publishing. Lesmana, Fanny and Asthararianty, and Rusdianto, Monica (2021) PENINGKATAN KETRAMPILAN KOMUNIKASI DENGAN PEMBUATAN NAWALA UNTUK TENAGA PENDIDIKAN DI SIDOARJO. [UNSPECIFIED] Lesmana, Fanny and Yoanita, Desi (2021) Strategi Dialektika Relasional Pasangan Suami Isteri di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. [UNSPECIFIED] Limanta, Liem Satya (2021) Perempuan dan Nasionalisme dalam film-film perbatasan Indonesia. Rajawali Press. ISBN 9786232318946 Limanta, Liem Satya (2021) The Paradoxical World of Psycho-Pass Anime Series. [UNSPECIFIED] Linawati, Nanik (2021) EDUKASI HIDUP HEMAT KEPADA SISWA TAMAN KANAKKANAK MELALUI PROGRAM PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT EDUKASI HIDUP HEMAT KEPADA SISWA TAMAN KANAKKANAK MELALUI PROGRAM PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT. [UNSPECIFIED] Linawati, Nanik (2021) PERAN ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEM SEBAGAI MEDIATOR FINANCIAL ADVICE SEEKING, FINANCIAL ANXIETY DAN FINANCIAL CAPABILITY TERHADAP FINANCIAL SATISFACTION. In: Seminar Nasional Call for Paper Peningkatan hasil penelitian dan pengabdian kpd masyarakat di era 4, 24-08-2021 - 24-08-2021, Semarang - Indonesia. Linawati, Nanik and Jie, Lilyanni (2021) Determining Emergency Fund Ownership among the Millennial during the Era of Industry 4.0. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Luik, Jandy Edipson (2021) Startup Accelerator dan Industri Media: Fungsi, Struktur, dan Representasi. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. ISBN 978-602-06-5168-2 Luik, Jandy Edipson and Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2021) Freelancers Media dalam Era Digital. KENCANA. ISBN 978-623-384-073-6 Luik, Jandy Edipson and Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2021) Informality of Media Freelancers in Indonesia: Motives and Prospects. [UNSPECIFIED] Luik, Jandy Edipson and Hook, Jonathan and Ng, Jenna (2021) Framing the startup accelerator through assemblage theory: A case study of an intensive hub in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] MMARILLAC, LOUISE DE and Lesmana, Fanny and Wahjudianata, Megawati (2021) Representation of Family Dysfunction in Melanie Martinez�s �Dollhouse� Music Video. In: Symposium Literature, Culture and Communication SYLECTION 2021, 02-08-2021 - 02-08-2021, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. MICHELLE, and Atmadja, Adwin Surja (2021) Foreign Capital Growth and Economic Growth: A Case Study of ASEAN Countries. In: PIKSI International Conference on Knowledge and Science (PICKS), 18-12-2021 - 18-12-2021, Bandung - Indonesia. MINARTO, AMELIA HELEN and FELITA, EUGENIA and Thio, Sienny (2021) KEPERCAYAAN DAN SIKAP KONSUMEN TERHADAP MINAT PEMESANAN HOTEL DI TRAVELOKA. [UNSPECIFIED] MOEKOE, GABRIELA LIKA INGA and Setiawan, Dwi (2021) Hamilton: An American Founding Father�or an Other? [UNSPECIFIED] MUSADJAJA, CATHERINE and Yusuf, Vanessa (2021) PERANCANGAN BOARD GAME MATEMATIKA BAGI ANAK KURANG MAMPU BEKERJA SAMA DENGAN KOMUNITAS PECINTA ANAK JALANAN MAKASSAR. In: SENADA - Seminar Nasional Desain dan Arsitektur 2021, 01-04-2021 - 01-04-2021, Bali - Indonesia. Malelak, Mariana Ing (2021) The Influence of Female Director on the Probability of Companies Experiencing Financial Distress. [UNSPECIFIED] Mangoting, Yenni and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and EFFENDY, JESSLYN and HARIONO, LOVENA and LIANS, VIENNIE MELINDA (2021) The Effect of Tax Risk on Tax Avoidance. [UNSPECIFIED] Mangoting, Yenni and JUNFANDI, JESSICA and VANIA, (2021) Relationship between Taxpayers and Authorities against Tax Compliance during the Covid’19 Pandemic. [UNSPECIFIED] Mangoting, Yenni and PANGESTU, CHATERINE APRILIA and TJAN, FEBBY MELLIANI and EVANGELINA, JENNIFER GRACE (2021) TAX FRAUD INTENTIONS WITH AN INTEGRATIVE MODEL APPROACH. [UNSPECIFIED] Marchyta, Nony Kezia and Anastasia, Njo (2021) Peran Intellectual Capital dalam Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap Financial Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Marchyta, Nony Kezia and Santoso, Thomas (2021) Mediating effect of creative self-efficacy on the influence of knowledge sharing towards innovative work behavior among millennial knowledge workers. [UNSPECIFIED] Maurya, Sooraj Kumar and Jain, Vipin and Setiawan, Roy and Ashraf, Alliyarov and Koti, Kartikey and Niranjan, K. and Hashim,, Nik Alif Amri Nik and Rajest, S. Suman (2021) The Conditional Analysis of Principals Bullying Teachers Reasons in The Surroundings of The City. [UNSPECIFIED] Meilinda, (2021) Understanding Domestic Violence in Indonesia Through a Play-with-music: A Story of Wounds. [UNSPECIFIED] Meilinda, (2021) Kisah Senyap Inyo. 1 . Qiara Media. ISBN 9786236109946 Mintorogo, Danny Santoso and Budhiyanto, Aris and Elsiana, Feny and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Sutrisno, (2021) Harvesting Renewable Energies through Innovative Kinetic Honeycomb Architectural Facades: The Mathematical & CFD Modeling for Wind Turbine Design Optimization. [UNSPECIFIED] Mintorogo, Danny Santoso and Damayanti, Rully (2021) RECESSED BALCONY HEAT RE-ENTRY EFFECT ON FAÇADE WITH CONDENSER UNITS. [UNSPECIFIED] Mintorogo, Danny Santoso and Damayanti, Rully and Wayne, Bram Michael (2021) Architectural Design for Renewable Energy. LPPM Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-25-9 Mulyono, Grace and Antoni, and Thamrin, Diana (2021) Modular outdoor furniture product for new normal public space. In: International Conference on Applied Science, Technology, and Engineering (ICASTE) 2021, 18-03-2021 - 18-03-2021, Jakarta - Indonesia. NNOVA, FELISIA and Salamoon, Daniel Kurniawan (2021) PERANCANGAN VISUAL BRANDING HAMPER DAN GIFT WANDERLAND. [UNSPECIFIED] NURTANTO, LEVANA VIVIAN and Limanta, Liem Satya (2021) Simultatem Chronicles: The Fear of Imagination and Discrimination and Their Impacts on Preteenagers. [UNSPECIFIED] Natadjaja, Listia (2021) Kolaborasi dalam Ruang Multi Disiplin Ilmu DKV. In: SEMINARNASIONALDESAINKOMUNIKASI VISUAL Multi Peran Desain Komunikasi Visual Dalam Perkembangan Disip, 20-09-2021 - 20-09-2021, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Natadjaja, Listia and Febriani, Rika (2021) Jus Cold-Pressed Cairan Kebaikan. Andi. ISBN 978-623-01-1390-1 Natadjaja, Listia and Setyawan, Paulus Benny (2021) REFLEKSI KULTURAL DALAM IKLAN INDOMIE SPESIAL RAMADHAN 2020. [UNSPECIFIED] Natadjaja, Listia and Waluyanto, Heru Dwi and Suhartono, Ani Wijayanti (2021) TRAINING ON MAKING ECO-PRINT MOTIFS FOR COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT IN BLITAR REGENCY. [UNSPECIFIED] Petra Christian University (2021) Kamasan Mangkuk. . Nazari, Nabi and Shabbir, Muhammad Salman and Setiawan, Roy (2021) Application of Artificial Intelligence powered digital writing assistant inhigher education: randomized controlled trial. [UNSPECIFIED] Neffati, Omnia Saidani and Sangan, Sudhakar and Thangavelu, Kalavathi Devi and Kumar, Sharma Dilip and Setiawan, Roy and Elangovan, Mohanraj and Mani, Devi and Velayutham, Priya (2021) Migrating from traditional grid to smart grid in smart cities promoted in developing country. [UNSPECIFIED] Neffati, Omnia Saidani and Setiawan, Roy and Jayanthi, P and , S Vanithamani and , D K Sharma and Regin, R. and Sangan, Sudhakar (2021) An educational tool for enhanced mobile e-Learning for technical higher education using mobile devices for augmented reality. [UNSPECIFIED] Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna and Sari, Sriti Mayang and Tedjokoesoemo, Purnama Esa Dora (2021) Implementation of Service Learning Method Approach in Commercial Space Interior Design Case Study: UMKM Tiara Handicraft in Surabaya, Indonesia. In: 12th Global Conference on Business and Social Science Series, 09-10-2021 - 09-10-2021, Penang - Kuala Lumpur. Noerchoidah, and Harjanti, Dhyah and Suprapto, Widjojo (2021) KNOWLEDGE SHARING DAN JOB PERFORMANCE : PERAN MEDIASI INNOVATIVE WORK BEHAVIOR. [UNSPECIFIED] OOktavio, Adrie and Kartika, Endo Wijaya and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Kaihatu, Thomas Stefanus (2021) Covid-19 Pandemic And The Adversity Of Hotel Industry: Relationship Between Service Guarantees On Service Quality Perception And Consumer Perceived Risk. [UNSPECIFIED] Olivia, (2021) Ringkasan Umum Kebudayaan Masyarakat Tionghoa di Indonesia. PT KANISIUS. ISBN 978-979-21-6787-0 Olivia, and HATI, GRACE PERMATA (2021) Proses akulturasi dalam iklan elektronik chinese new year 2018 matahari department store. [UNSPECIFIED] Ongkowijoyo, Citra S. and Gurmu, Argaw and Andi, (2021) Investigating risk of bridge construction project: exploring Suramadu strait-crossing cable-stayed bridge in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] PPAOKI, ADELHEID GRACELIA FIERO and YUSHA, JESICA DELYA and KALE, STEVEN EMANUEL and Mangoting, Yenni (2021) THE EFFECT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND PERCEIVED RISK IN ANTICIPATING TAX EVASION. [UNSPECIFIED] PRAMANA, JONATHAN and , DENY TRI ARDIANTO and Erandaru, (2021) Aplikasi Teknologi Augmented Reality dalam Meningkatkan Kuantitas Konten Caption display Koleksi Artefak Etnografi Museum Panji. In: DXC National Conference 2021 - Creativity, Digital Media, and the Transformative Experience, 24-04-2021 - 24-04-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. PRANOTO, AMANDA ADELIA and Tedjokoesoemo, Purnama Esa Dora and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna and Sari, Sriti Mayang (2021) Partisipatory Design To Develop Montessori Modular Furniture For Pre-Posperous Community Learning Center. In: ICON ARCCADE 2021, 30-09-2021 - 30-09-2021, Bandung - Indonesia. PRASETYA, LIDYA FELICIA and JAYA, MARCELLA CAROLINE and Thio, Sienny (2021) The Role of Social Media Instagram in the Travel Process: Evidence from Young People in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] PRIANTO, VANESSA JOANNA and Sari, Sriti Mayang (2021) Perancangan Pet Furniture dengan implementasi teknik makrame. [UNSPECIFIED] PRIBADI, LAURA ANTONIETTA and , Bernadette Dian Arini Mear, SS.N and Natadjaja, Listia (2021) Semangat Kaum Muda Pati Peduli Alat Musik Gamelan. 1 . Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-64-1 PURWANTO, GLENN RYAN and Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Siagian, Hotlan (2021) The Effect of Information Technology Implementation on Supply Chain Performance through Information Sharing and Supply Chain Collaboration (PID 228). In: The International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST), 02-04-2021 - 02-04-2021, Bangkok - Thailand. PUTRA, ARDIONO and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Siagian, Hotlan (2021) Influence of Information Quality on Retailer Satisfaction through Supply Chain Flexibility and Supplier Relationship Management in the Retail Industry. [UNSPECIFIED] Palit, Herri Christian and Aysia, Debora Anne Yang and Octavia, Tanti (2021) Profil UMKM Desa Kesamben Kulon. LPPM UK Petra. ISBN 9786025446467 Palumian, Yonathan and GUNAWAN, KRISTIAN ALVIN and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Umbara, Aang Noviana (2021) The Role of Knowledge Sharing and Learning Orientation in Improving Innovative Work Behavior among Millennials in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Palumian, Yonathan and JAYANTI, SABRINA CALLISTA KURNIA and Indriyani, Ratih and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) Technology acceptance model for online cinema ticketing among moviegoers in Java island Indonesia: an empirical study on TixID application. [UNSPECIFIED] Panjaitan, Togar Wiliater Soaloon and Dargusch, Paul and Wadley, David and Aziz, Ammar abdul (2021) Meeting international standards of cleaner production in developing countries: Challenges and financial realities facing the Indonesian cement industry. [UNSPECIFIED] Pertiwi, Dewi and Kusumawardhani, Adhityawati and Basana, Sautma Ronni (2021) INVESTOR SENTIMENT AND STOCK RETURNS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDONESIA. [UNSPECIFIED] Pierezan, Juliano and Coelho, Leandro dos Santos and Mariani, Viviana Cocco and Segundo, Emerson Hochsteiner de Vasconcelos and Prayogo, Doddy (2021) Chaotic coyote algorithm applied to truss optimization problems. [UNSPECIFIED] Pranayama, Aristarchus (2021) Art toy as a tool for engaging the global public on the city of Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Pranayama, Aristarchus and Erandaru, and GUNAWAN, TOMMY and CAHYA, CHRISTIAN HENSEN (2021) Potensi Penggunaan Kinect sebagai Alat Motion Capture untuk Animasi Karakter Digital. In: Konferensi Nasional DXC 2021, 24-04-2021 - 24-04-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Prayogo, Doddy and HARSONO, KENNETH and PRASETYO, KELVIN EKO and Tjong, Wong Foek and Tjandra, Daniel (2021) Size, Topology, and Shape Optimization of Truss Structures using Symbiotic Organisms Search. [UNSPECIFIED] Prayogo, Doddy and HADRIAN, and Tjong, Wong Foek (2021) A comparative study of several nature-inspired algorithms in steel deck floor system cost optimization. In: the International Conference on Digital & Empathic Architecture & Civil Engineering (DEACE 2021) , 21-08-2021 - 21-08-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Prayogo, Doddy and WIJAYANTI, EVELYN JANE and Tjong, Wong Foek (2021) A comparative study of several bio-inspired algorithms in cost optimization of cellular beams. In: the International Conference on Digital & Empathic Architecture & Civil Engineering (DEACE 2021) , 21-08-2021 - 21-08-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Priyowidodo, Gatut (2021) E-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE, POLICY COMMUNICATION AND DIGITALIZATION OF LAND OWNERSHIP IDENTITY (NETNOGRAPHIC STUDY ON THE ISSUANCE OF ELECTRONIC LAND CERTIFICATES). [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut (2021) Leadership Based on Path-Goal Theory in Organization Communication: A Perspective of Listening to the Labors� Voices. [UNSPECIFIED] Priyowidodo, Gatut and Wijayanti, Chory Angela and Vidyarini, Titi Nur (2021) THE COMMUNICATION STRATEGY OF DIGITAL-BASED MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS. [UNSPECIFIED] Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda and Lumantarna, Benjamin (2021) Performance of Six- and Ten-story Reinforced Concrete Buildings Designed by using Modified Partial Capacity Design (M-PCD) Method with 70% Shear Force Ratio. [UNSPECIFIED] Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda and Lumantarna, Benjamin (2021) Seismic Performance of a Three-Story Reinforced Concrete Building with Masonry Infill Walls and Friction Base Support. [UNSPECIFIED] Putro, Iwan Handoyo and Santoso, Petrus and Subekti, Iman (2021) PEMANFAATAN APLIKASI EDMODO DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS DARING DI SMP 57 SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] RRAWIADJI, CHARAQUA VANIA and Limanta, Liem Satya (2021) Childrens Picture Book Series on Exploring Childrens Development of a Balanced Identity. [UNSPECIFIED] Rahardjo, Jani (2021) The role of internal audit of integrated system ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 in improving employee performance. In: 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMOTIVE, MANUFACTURING, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (IC-AMME 2021), 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Redyantanu, Bramasta Putra (2021) Going minimal: An exploration of reduction as a design method. [UNSPECIFIED] Redyantanu, Bramasta Putra (2021) IDENTIFIKASI UNSUR LOKALITAS DALAM PENDEKATAN ARSITEKTUR METAFORA PADA DESAIN MASJID APUNG AMAHAMI DI BIMA. [UNSPECIFIED] Redyantanu, Bramasta Putra and Asri, Altrerosje (2021) IMPACT OF SIMPLE VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION IN ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION. [UNSPECIFIED] Redyantanu, Bramasta Putra and Damayanti, Rully (2021) STUDI SENSASI RUANG PADA MEDIA TUR VIRTUAL MUSEUM PENDIDIKAN SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] Redyantanu, Bramasta Putra (2021) A STUDY OF MULTI SENSORY SENSES IN MUSEUM VIRTUAL VISITS. In: DEACE - International Conference, 21-08-2021 - 21-08-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Redyantanu, Bramasta Putra and Soegondo, Sylviana Putri Sunario (2021) ARSITEKTUR SISTEM - MERANCANG 5 2019-2020. Buku 60 tahun UK PETRA . PETRA PRESS. ISBN 978-602-5446-30-6 Reinaldo, Gregorio and Andi, and Ong, Vincent (2021) Intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence of project manager. [UNSPECIFIED] Renandya, Willy and Tangkiengsirisin, Supong and Floris, Flora Debora (2021) Bridging the reading-writing gap in second language learning. [UNSPECIFIED] Renaningtyas, Luri and Damajanti, Maria Nala and Febriani, Rika (2021) PENGEMBANGAN PRODUK FESYEN UNTUK UKM NALENI KAIN DI SIWALANKERTO SURABAYA. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 28-10-2021 - 28-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Renaningtyas, Luri and Erandaru, (2021) MetaWalk Spring Summer 2021. BINUS. Renaningtyas, Luri and Febriani, Rika and Damajanti, Maria Nala (2021) The Exuberant Way of Thinking. Universitas Kristen Maranatha. Ricky, (2021) Factors Influencing The Financial Independence of Young Adults, an Evidence from Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Ricky, (2021) Academic Servant Leadership during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A reflection from Indonesia. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, 29 (1). pp. 51-54. ISSN UA-21469080-8 Rini, Julia Eka (2021) Bunga Lili Untuk Bunda Maria. Bunga Lili Untuk Bunda Maria. Risonarta, Victor Yasuardi and Anggono, Juliana and Nugrowibowo, Setyo and KRISTOFORUS, ALEXANDER (2021) The influence of flux type and scrap size on recycling yield of Al drink cans. [UNSPECIFIED] Risonarta, Victor Yasuardi and Anggono, Juliana and Nugrowibowo, Setyo and WIBOWO, ALBERT and FENDY, UTOMO, (2021) Modified down sprue and sprue well to improve die casting quality of Sn-Pb alloy. [UNSPECIFIED] Riyanto, Theophilus Joko and Limanta, Liem Satya and Gunawan, Samuel (2021) Rhetoric of Political communication in Indonesian 2019 Presidential Debate. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH 2021) 29-30 Juli 2021 , 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Rostianingsih, Silvia and Setiawan, Alexander (2021) Business Intelligence of Automotive Parts. In: International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology, 24-10-2021 - 24-10-2021, Chicago - USA. SSANTOSO, GRACE IVONE CHRISTY and Yusuf, Vanessa (2021) Perancangan Kelas Daring Gratis bagi Anak Muda Bersama dengan Komunitas Benang Merah. In: DXC National Conference 2021, 24-04-2021 - 24-04-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. SANTOSO, TIMOTIUS KEVIN RONALD and Amelia, (2021) Design and Analysis of a Double Lead Screw Household Trash Compactor Using a Static Simulation. In: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering and The 4t, 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. SARUMAHA, YONATAN KRISTIAN ADECHANDRA and Amelia, (2021) Optimasi Penempatan Exhaust Fan dalam Rumah dengan CFD. [UNSPECIFIED] SETIABUDI, KEZIA JADE and Siagian, Hotlan and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Firm Performance through ERP Systems and Supply Chain Integration in the Food and Beverage Industry. [UNSPECIFIED] SETIAWAN, JOHAN and Tjitrakusuma, Nani Indrajani (2021) Reading Strategies Used in Reading Academic Texts by Students of High and Intermediate Reading Proficiency Levels. [UNSPECIFIED] SOEPRIYANTO, HANSEN JAN and CHRISTIANA, MICHELLE and Harianto, Agung (2021) PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN FISIK TERHADAP IMPRESI KONSUMEN PADA KEDAI KOPI KEKINIAN DI SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] SOERYOHADI, ANDREW and Adiwijaya, Michael and Subagio, Hartono and Herjanto, Halimin (2021) THE EFFECT OF BRAND REPUTATION, BRAND RELATIONSHIP QUALITY AND SWITCHING COST TO BRAND LOYALTY. In: The 4th International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship (i-CoME), 25-07-2021 - 25-07-2021, Sarawak - malaysia. SUMINAR, ELIZABETH DEWI and Agustin, Karina and Sutapa, I Nyoman (2021) Effect of Family Business Support, Academic Support, and Entrepreneurship Education on Student Entrepreneurial Intentions. In: IC AMME & LSCM 2021, 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. SUSANTO, REINER DITYA and TJANDINEGARA, RAYNALD and Iskandar, Vido and Kartika, Endo Wijaya (2021) TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM) ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF OVO APPLICATION IN F&B SERVICE INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA. [UNSPECIFIED] SUSANTO, SOFIAN ARIF and Antoni, and Hardjito, Djwantoro (2021) Review of autonomous self-healing cementitious material. [UNSPECIFIED] SUTADJI, TANIA GUNAWAN and Yoedo, Yuli Christiana (2021) Ketika Gita Terpuruk. [UNSPECIFIED] SUTADJI, TANIA GUNAWAN and Yoedo, Yuli Christiana (2021) PERAN GURU KRISTEN UNTUK MENOLONG MURID SD KORBAN PERUNDUNGAN MELALUI CERITA VIDEO ANIMASI. [UNSPECIFIED] SUTANTO, STEPHANIE and Tedjaatmadja, Herwindy Maria (2021) Increasing Brand Awareness of Sunshine Children Centre by Highlighting its Unique Selling Points in a Promotional Video. [UNSPECIFIED] Sadjiarto, R. Arja Angka Asa Aras Adji and THENDEAN, JAMES and GUNAWAN, FLORENCIA MANUELLA and TJAHJADI, TERESIA DEVITA (2021) Generational Difference in Perceptions of Tax Fairness and Attitudes Towards Compliance During Pandemic COVID-19. In: THE 7TH PADANG INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION, ECONOMICS, BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING (THE 7TH PI, 29-05-2021 - 29-05-2021, Padang - Indonesia. Sahetapy, Wilma Laura (2021) Force Majeure for E-commerce Transaction during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities, Vol 4 ( https). pp. 10582-10592. ISSN 26151715 Sahetapy, Wilma Laura (2021) Perlindungan Data Pribadi Anak Dalam E-commerce di Masa Pandemi Covid 19. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim (2021) Temperature and indenter radius effects on mechanical properties of copper during nanoindentation: a molecular dynamic simulation study. [UNSPECIFIED] Sahputra, Iwan Halim and Echtermeyer, Andreas T. (2021) The effects of the van der Waals potential energy on the Young’s modulus of a polymer: comparison between molecular dynamics simulation and experiment. [UNSPECIFIED] Salamoon, Daniel Kurniawan (2021) Anime Sebagai Media Edukasi Digital (Analisis Karakter AE 3803 Pada Anime Hataraku Saibou). In: DXC 2021, 24-04-2021 - 24-04-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Salamoon, Daniel Kurniawan (2021) Anime Sebagai Media Edukasi Digital Mengenai Fungsi Sel Darah Merah (Analisis Visualisasi Karakter AE 3803 Pada Anime Hataraku Saibou). [UNSPECIFIED] Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2021) Murid Kristus Meneladan Kasih Tuhan Yesus Penebus (untuk anak usia 37-42 bulan). 1 . Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat PETRA PRESS Universitas Kristen Petra. ISBN 978-602-5446-79-5 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2021) Murid Kristus Mengalami Kasih Allah Yang Benar dan Baik untuk anak usia 10- 12 tahun. 1 . Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat PETRA PRESS Universitas Kristen Petra. ISBN 978-602-5446-40-5 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2021) Murid Kristus Mengalami Kasih Tuhan Yesus Juruselamat (Untuk Anak Usia 30-36 Bulan). 1 . Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat PETRA PRESS Universitas Kristen Petra. ISBN 978-602-5446-75-7 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2021) Murid Kristus Mengasihi Tuhan Yesus Kristus Untuk Anak 8-10 Tahun. 978-602-5446-41-2. ISBN 104 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2021) Murid Kristus Menjadi �Domba� yang Mengikut Yesus Kristus, Gembala yang Baik. 1 . Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat PETRA PRESS Universitas Kristen Petra. ISBN 978-6025-446-92-4 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2021) Murid Kristus Menjadi Sahabat Tuhan Yesus Kristus. 1 . Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat PETRA PRESS Universitas Kristen Petra. ISBN 978-602-5446-81-8 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata and SARANGA, AGNIKE and TEFA, DARVIS ARTHUR and CLAUDIUS, JHOTNES ANTORA and LATTU, JOSE IMANUEL and KANAF, KATRIN AGUSTINA and MINDARINTIA, LENY and ZEGA, PANENTA and PURNAMASARI, WULAN AYU and GAUNGU, YUNITA RAMBU MINA (2021) Menjawab Tradisi Leluhur dalam Paradigma Kristen. 1 . PBMR ANDI. ISBN 978-623-314-090-4 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata and Susanto, Agus and Moulds, Judith Grace (2021) Strategi Kurikulum Pendidikan Kristen: Perspektif Biblikal yang Berpusat kepada Kristus. 1 . Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat PETRA PRESS Universitas Kristen Petra. ISBN 978-602-5446-48-1 Santoso, Thomas (2021) Pasang Surut Nasionalisme. Pustaka Saga. ISBN 978-623-7692-30-0 Santoso, Thomas (2021) Political-Religious Violence in Indonesia. Pustaka Saga. ISBN 978-623-7692-33-1 Santoso, Thomas (2021) Virtual Capital. Pustaka Saga. ISBN 978-623-7692-26-3 Sari, Sriti Mayang and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna and Tedjokoesoemo, Purnama Esa Dora (2021) Space as a Medium for Interior Branding in Commercial and Retail Spaces, Case Study: Tiara Handycraft Shop in Surabaya, Indonesia. In: 12 th Global Conference on Business and Social Science Series, 09-10-2021 - 09-10-2021, Penang - Malaysia. Sari, Lily Eka (2021) MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN TAKTIL IPA BERBASIS ALKITAB UNTUK SISWA TUNANETRA KELAS 5 SD. [UNSPECIFIED] Semuel, Hatane and Wijaya, Serli (2021) PENGARUH USABILITY, INFORMATION QUALITY, DAN INTERACTION QUALITY TERHADAP WEB REVISIT INTENTION DAN PURCHASE INTENTION WEBSITE BALI TOURISM BOARD. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy (2021) A Literature Review: The Effect of Transformational Leadership to Followers Creative Performance Thorugh Pro-growth Working Environment, Value-Oriented Developmental Interaction Capability, and Readiness to Change. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy (2021) Mathematical Model Developed Using Meta-Initiative Optimization Algorithm for Production and Labor Planning. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy (2021) Order Allocation and Purchasing Transportation Planning in the Garment Supply Chain: A Goal-Flexible Planning Approach. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Chowdhury, Arup Roy and Koti, Kartikey and Mittal, Praveen and Subramaniam, Tamil Selvan and Rajest, S. Suman and Regin, R. and Singh, Sonia (2021) The Impact of Motivation on Employees Productivity in The Retail Sector: The Mediating Effect of Compensation Benefits. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Daneshfar, Reza and Rezvanjou, Omid and Ashoor, Siavash and Naseri, Maryam (2021) Surface tension of binary mixtures containing environmentally friendly ionic liquids: Insights from artifcial intelligence. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Andereas Pandu (2021) APARTEMEN BERGAYA JEPANG. 1 . PETRA PRESS. ISBN 978602544832 Setiawan, Andereas Pandu (2021) DESAIN MINIMALIS MULTIFUNGSI. 1 . PETRA PRESS. ISBN 9786025446825 Setiawan, Andereas Pandu (2021) Entitas Rumah Ekologi Masyarakat Kampung Pitu. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Andereas Pandu (2021) GEDUNG KAVALLERIE ARTILLERIE PURA MANGKUNAGARAN. 1 . PETRA PRESS. ISBN 9786025446849 Setiawan, Andereas Pandu (2021) Tingalan, A Tradition of Kampung Pitu, Patuk, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. In: SEMINAR INTERNASIONAL ICADECS 2021, 29-08-2021 - 29-08-2021, Malang - Indonesia. Setiawan, Roy and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Anam, Mamoona and Villalba-Condori, Klinge Orlando and Vera-Vasquez, Cesar Gonzalo and Wisetsri, Worakamol and Koti, Kartikey and Rajan, Regin (2021) Services on Multinationals Operating in Different Countries in Automation and Performance in Organizations as A New Way of Increasing Profit and Cutting Costs. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Halder, Sudipta and Koti, Kartikey and Sarsengaliy, Bayjanov and K.Ashok, and Pallathadka, Harikumar and Rajan, Regin (2021) The Concept of the Cryptocurrency and the Downfall of the Banking Sector in Reflecting on the Financial Market. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Hussaini, Tajwar and Villalba-Condori, Klinge Orlando and Arias-Chavez, Dennis and Gupta, Manisha and Untari, Dhian Tyas and Regin, R. (2021) The Impact of Educational Marketing on Universities Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Koti, Kartikey and Ogunmola, Gabriel Ayodeji and Jalil, Nasir Abdul and Chakravarthi, M. Kalyan and Rajest, S. Suman and Regin, R. and Singh, Sonia (2021) The Artificial Intelligence and Inventory Effect on Banking Industrial Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Navarro, Enaidy Reynosa and Wisetsri, Worakamol and Jirayus, Puttithorn and Chauhan, Sapna and Tabuena, Almighty C. and Rajan, Regin (2021) The Impact of Leadership Styles on Employees Productivity in Organizations: A Comparative Study Among Leadership Styles. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Varma, Urvashi and Khan, Muhammad Adnan and Shastri, Manjula and Koti, Kartikey and Haleem, Athambawa and Christabel, G. Jerusha Angelen (2021) Budgeting Your Company into A Corner How Budgets Shackles A Company. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Eliyana, Anis and Suryani, Tatik and PRATAMA, ADIMAS (2021) THE EFFECT OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ON ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION THROUGH EMPLOYEE CREATIVITY AND INTERNAL SOCIAL CAPITAL IN THE PANDEMIC TIME OF COVID-19. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Ganga, Ramakoteswara Rao and Velayutham, Priya and Thangavel, Kumaravel and Sharma, Dilip Kumar and Rajan, Regin and Krishnamoorthy, Sujatha and Sangan, Sudhakar (2021) Encrypted Network Traffic Classification and Resource Allocation with Deep Learning in Software Defined Network. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Kumar, V. Ramesh and Chakravarthi, M. Kalyan and Villalba-Condori, Klinge Orlando and Vera-Vasquez, Cesar Gonzalo and Subramaniam, Tamil Selvan and Koti, Kartikey and Rajest, S. Suman and Rajan, Regin (2021) The Empirical Results of Conditional Analysis of Principals Reasons in Bullying Teachers. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Le, Dac Nhuong and Rajan, Regin and Subramani, Thirukumaran and Sharma, Dilip Kumar and Ponnam, Vidya Sagar and Kumar, Kailash and Batcha, Syed Musthafa Akbar and Dadheech, Pankaj and Sengan, Sudhakar (2021) Utilizing Index‑Based Periodic High Utility Mining to Study Frequent Itemsets. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Mohammadinia, Samira (2021) Toward estimating standard enthalpy of combustion of pure chemical compounds: extreme learning machine approach. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Nath, Keshav and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Villalba-Condori, Klinge Orlando and Arias-Chavez, Dennis and Koti, Kartikey and Bagale, Girish and Rajest, S. Suman (2021) The Impact of Teaching Innovative Strategy on Academic Performance in High Schools. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Ponnam, Vidya Sagar and Sengan, Sudhakar and Anam, Mamoona and Subbiah, Chidambaram and Phasinam, Khongdet and Vairaven, Manikandan and Ponnusamy, Selvakumar (2021) Certain Investigation of Fake News Detection from Facebook and Twitter Using Artificial Intelligence Approach. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Salman, Rabia and Khairov, Bari Galimovich and Karpov, Valeriy Vasilyevich and Danshina, Svetlana Dmitrievna and Vasyutkina, Lidia Vladimirovna and Prodanova, Natalia Alekseevna and Zhenzhebir, Viacheslav (2021) Sustainable Closed-Loop Mask Supply Chain Network Design Using Mathematical Modeling and a Fuzzy Multi-Objective Approach. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Wisetsri, Worakamol and Abdullah, Fadhilahanim Aryani and S.D, P. Ratna Mary, Ch. and Pachala, Vijaya Vani and Kurniullah, Ardhariksa Zukhruf and Hashim,, Nik Alif Amri Nik and Christabel, G. Jerusha Angelen (2021) Making a difference through Internal Audit Leadership and Enterprise Risk Management. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Rudy (2021) Transportasi Publik Masa Depan. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Rudy and DAMMARA, ARCELINA SAPUTRI and CAHYADI, BILLY and Widarno, Bryan and NJOKO, FILLBERT HANSELLY and NOVIANI, MARIA (2021) Changes in drivers viewing frequency, maneuver duration, and degree of difficulty during back-in parking maneuver with different conditions of parking spaces. In: Digital & Emphatic Engagement in the New Era for Architecture & Civil Engineering, 21-08-2021 - 21-08-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Siagian, Hotlan and SETIABUDI, KEZIA JADE and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) The role of affective leadership in improving firm performance through the integrated internal system and external integration FMCG Industry. [UNSPECIFIED] Siagian, Hotlan and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) The Impact of Top Management Commitment, Green Purchasing, and Supply Chain Management Practices on Operational Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Siagian, Hotlan and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) The central role of IT capability to improve firm performance through lean production and supply chain practices in the COVID-19 era. [UNSPECIFIED] Siagian, Hotlan and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Jie, Ferry (2021) Supply Chain Integration Enables Resilience, Flexibility, and Innovation to Improve Business Performance in COVID-19 Era. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and PHILBERT, KRESNA VINCENT and Sutrisno, and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2021) Pemanfaatan Sensor Suara sebagai Fitur On/Off Switch pada Engine Starter dan Power Tailgate Kendaraan. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Soegihardjo, Oegik (2021) Sustainability design of press machine for waste plastic bottle with electric motor. [UNSPECIFIED] Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and WIBOWO, ANDREAS SASTRO (2021) PEMANFAATAN KICK FOOT SENSOR UNTUK MEKANISME BUKA TUTUP BAGASI KENDARAAN. [UNSPECIFIED] Simanjuntak, Augustinus (2021) Ironi Manajemen Resiko Pertamina. Ironi Manajemen Resiko Pertamina. Simanjuntak, Augustinus (2021) J.E Sahetapy, sang Kriminolog Korporasi. J.E Sahetapy, sang Kriminolog Korporasi. Simanjuntak, Augustinus (2021) Krisis Garuda dan Peluang Bisnis Yang Hilang. Krisis Garuda dan Peluang Bisnis Yang Hilang. Simanjuntak, Augustinus (2021) OTT KPK Memperkuat Moralitas Ekonomi. OTT KPK Memperkuat Moralitas Ekonomi. Simanjuntak, Augustinus (2021) Sarah Gilbert dan Nilai Kemanusiaan Vaksin. Sarah Gilbert dan Nilai Kemanusiaan Vaksin. Simanjuntak, Augustinus (2021) Sumpah Pemuda di Era Bisnis Digital. Sumpah Pemuda di Era Bisnis Digital. Simanjuntak, Augustinus (2021) Wasbang KPK Harusnya Menindak Koruptor. Wasbang KPK Harusnya Menindak Koruptor. Soetanto, Tessa Vanina and Proboyo, Adelina (2021) The Indirect Effect of Computer Self-Efficacy of E-Commerce Users on Intention to Use. [UNSPECIFIED] Sugihermanto, and Yunarto, Atung and , Tutus Setiawan and Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan and Indhiraswari, Saraswati Ayu and Wulandari, Dian (2021) The Advocacy of Disability Service Unit in the Education Sector in the City of Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Sunaryo, Rony Gunawan and Damayanti, Rully and Wayne, Bram Michael (2021) Visionary Design City 2.0. LPPM Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-25-2 Suprajitno, Setefanus (2021) Citra dan Pesona: Intermedialitas di Era Digital. [UNSPECIFIED] Suprapto, Widjojo and Indriyani, Ratih and SANTOSA, MELYVIA (2021) SHOPPING ORIENTATION, STATUS CONSUMPTION AND IMPULSE BUYING OF GENERATION X AND Y IN PURCHASING FAST FASHION PRODUCTS. [UNSPECIFIED] Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Amelia, and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Siahaan, Ian Hardianto and Hernando, Ivan Christian (2021) MEKANISASI KERETA DORONG PENGUSUNG PETI JENAZAH DI TPU KEPUTIH. In: SNPM3, 28-10-2021 - 28-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Sutanto, Eddy Madiono (2021) ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP DALAM ORGANISASI. SAGA. ISBN 978-623-7692-26-3 Sutanto, Eddy Madiono (2021) ENTREPRENEURIAL PERFORMANCE: Studi Empirik di Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia. SAGA. ISBN 978-623-7692-31-7 Sutanto, Eddy Madiono (2021) HR Business Partner. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutanto, Eddy Madiono and AVELINE, VILENSYA (2021) WOMEN LEADERSHIP AND ITS ASSOCIATION TO INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS, SOCIAL SUPPORT, AND DIVERSITY OF WORK ENVIRONMENT. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutanto, Eddy Madiono and HERJANTO, HALIMIN and KHAN, JASHIM and ALI, JATI KASUMA and Lau, Evan and BANIKEMA, ANNIE STEPHANIE and DIAZ, JOHN FRANCIS (2021) PROCEEDINGS THE 4TH i-CoME 2021. Institute for Research and Community Outreach PETRA PRESS Petra Christian University. ISBN 978-602-5446-87-0 Sutanto, Eddy Madiono and Lau, Evan and EZRA, ANDREAS (2021) Entrepreneurial Mindset, Orientation, and Performance of University Students in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutanto, Ryan Pratama and Pranayama, Aristarchus (2021) Strategi Perancangan Digital Comic sebagai Media Edukasi Cerita Rakyat Jawa Timur bagi Remaja Usia 12-18 Tahun. In: DXC National Conference 2021, 24-04-2021 - 24-04-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Sutapa, I Nyoman and Edi, Isanti Anna Ismu and Soeharijadi, (2021) Employee Engagement Index: A Case Study of Academic Support Staff of Higher Education. In: The 4th International Conference on Educational Development and Quality Assurance (ICED-QA 2021), 10-11-2021 - 10-11-2021, Padang, Sumatera Barat - Indonesia. Sutapa, I Nyoman and Edi, Isanti Anna Ismu and Soeharijadi, (2021) The Impact of COVID‐19 Pandemic on Commitment and Performance of Academic Support Staff. In: International Conference of Learning on Advance Education (ICOLAE) 2021, 21-12-2021 - 21-12-2021, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah - Indonesia. Petra Christian University (2021) Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Perguruan Tinggi Timbal Balik Berbasis Balanced Scorecard. . Sutrisno, and FALITO, MUHAMMAD ROBBY and Willyanto, and Simanjuntak, Melvin Emil (2021) Bioethanol Limbah Kulit Jeruk Manis (Citrus Sinensis L. Osbeck) Sebagai Peningkatan Nilai Oktan. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutrisno, and Willyanto, and LAY, KURNIAWAN and Simanjuntak, Melvin Emil (2021) OPTIMASI PARAMETER PROSES PEMBUATAN BIOETANOL SORGUM DAN PENGARUH TERHADAPUNJUK KERJA MOTOR BENSIN. [UNSPECIFIED] Sutter, Ben and Chiong, Raymond and Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Dhakal, Sandeep (2021) Predicting Psychological Distress from Ecological Factors: A Machine Learning Approach. In: IEA/AIE 2021, 29-07-2021 - 29-07-2021, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia. TTANAKA, HANS KRISTIAN and Muljosumarto, Cindy and Damajanti, Maria Nala (2021) PERANCANGAN APLIKASI ANIMASI 3D SEBAGAI SARANA PENJUALAN PRODUK FESYEN. In: Konferensi Nasional DXC 2021, 24-04-2021 - 24-04-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. TANAYA, LEVIN SERGIO and HERRYANTO, and Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda (2021) Modified Partial Capacity Design (M-PCD): achieving partial sidesway mechanism by using two steps design approach. [UNSPECIFIED] TANJUNG, SEAN YONATHAN and Yahya, Kresnayana and Halim, Siana (2021) Predicting the Readiness of Indonesia Manufacturing Companies toward Industry 4.0: A Machine Learning Approach. [UNSPECIFIED] TANUGRAHA, HARTONO and , Bernadette Dian Arini Mear, SS.N and Natadjaja, Listia (2021) Plastik Cantik: Karya Kreatif Mengatasi Problem Klasik. 1 . Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-61 TAN, WILSON SUTANTO and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Jonoadji, Ninuk and Christian, Albertus Andrie (2021) The Effect of Cooling and Temperature in 3D Printing Process with Fused Deposition Modelling Technology on the Mechanical Properties with Polylactic Acid Recycled Material. [UNSPECIFIED] TERTIYUS, TESALONIKA DYKA and Damajanti, Maria Nala and Muljosumarto, Cindy (2021) PERANCANGAN FASHION HASIL UPCYCLE SISA KAIN PRODUKSI MASSAL. In: Seminar Nasional Desain dan Arsitektur (SENADA), 01-04-2021 - 01-04-2021, DENPASAR - INDONESIA. THUNG, MARGARETHA FELICIA and TJAHJOWIDODO, BERNADETTE THALIA and Wijaya, Serli (2021) ANALISIS KEPUASAN KONSUMEN HOTEL BINTANG 2 DAN BINTANG 5 DI SURABAYA: PENERAPAN PROSES TEXT-MINING ATAS ULASAN DARING KONSUMEN. [UNSPECIFIED] Tandijaya, Trixie Nova Bella and Semuel, Hatane (2021) VIRAL MARKETING MESSAGE, CONSUMERS� ATTITUDE TOWARDS VIRAL MARKETING, COMPETITIVENESS ABILITY, AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE. [UNSPECIFIED] Tandijaya, Trixie Nova Bella and Semuel, Hatane (2021) VIRAL MARKETING MESSAGE, CONSUMERS� ATTITUDE TOWARDS VIRAL MARKETING, COMPETITIVENESS ABILITY, AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE. [UNSPECIFIED] Tandijaya, Trixie Nova Bella and Semuel, Hatane (2021) VIRAL MARKETING MESSAGE, CONSUMERS� ATTITUDE TOWARDS VIRAL MARKETING, COMPETITIVENESS ABILITY, AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and FEFE, (2021) Optimization of fused deposition modeling parameters for hips flexural strength with Taguchi method. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yusak and Haghdadi, Navid and Bruce, Anna and MacGill, Iain (2021) Reliability-cost trade-offs for electricity industry planning with high variable renewable energy penetrations in emerging economies: A case study of Indonesia�s Java-Bali grid. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and Yohanes, and Rahardjo, Cedric and Jonoadji, Ninuk (2021) THE EFFECTS OF PRINTING ORIENTATION ON THE FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING PROCESS OF THE ROBOT GRIPPER OBJECT-MOVING FORCE. In: nternational Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering (IC-AMME), 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Tanoto, Yusak and MacGill, Iain and Bruce, Anna and Haghdadi, Navid (2021) Impact of high solar and wind penetrations and different reliability targets on dynamic operating reserves in electricity generation expansion planning. [UNSPECIFIED] Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan (2021) Experiencing Disability As Starting Point Of Becoming Empathetic Architect. In: THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMPATHIC ARCHITECTURE (ICEA), 26-02-2021 - 26-02-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan and Adiasih, Priskila and , Robby Yussac Tallar and Hediyanto, Alvin Try and Oktamadya, M Ichsan and Suhardi, Dwi Natalia and Halawa, Heuristik and Davin, Gerarldo and Taniono, Michael and Razafimahefa, Rina Hariniaina (2021) Reflection of Low Vision Students on Pedestrian Paths Accessibility in Indonesia and Australia for People with Disabilities: Case study of Surabaya, Bandung and Brisbane. In: Indonesia Council Open Conference (ICOC 2021), 16-07-2021 - 16-07-2021, Brisbane - Australia. Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan and Hayati, Arina and Loanoto, Stephen Yona and Indhiraswari, Saraswati Ayu and Rohman, Ahmad Fauzi and Ardiani, Nadia Maya and Ongkowijoyo, Samantha Isabela (2021) Hidup dan Belajar yang Bermartabat - Desain Rumah, Apartemen dan Sekolah (Living and Learning in Dignity - Home, Apartment and School Design). Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5446-45-0 Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2021) The effect of essential information and disposition effect on shifting decision investment. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and , Jenny Mochtar and Basana, Sautma Ronni and Siagian, Hotlan (2021) The effect of competency management on organizational performance through supply chain integration and quality. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Andreani, Fransisca and Basana, Sautma Ronni (2021) The effect of supply chain integration on hotel performance through green supply chain management. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and DAGMAR, AGIN VIAKRI (2021) The application of the Six Sigma method in reducing the defects of welding on the steel material. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Djati, Prof. Dr. Sundring Pantja and Rini, Wahju A. (2021) The Influence of Management Commitment on the Achievement of Lecturers through Work Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and JIPUTRA, JUAN ALEXANDER and Siagian, Hotlan (2021) The effect of supply chain practices on retailer performance with information technology as moderating variable. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Sebayang, Firmanta (2021) The Effect of Purchasing Strategy Creativity and Supply Chain Practices on Business Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Sebayang, Firmanta and Basana, Sautma Ronni (2021) The effect of ERP on firm performance through information quality and supply chain integration in Covid-19 era. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Sebayang, Firmanta and Panjaitan, Togar Wiliater Soaloon (2021) ERP compatibility on business performance through the inventory system and internal integration. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Siagian, Hotlan (2021) The effects of strategic planning, purchasing strategy and strategic partnership on operational performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Siagian, Hotlan and Jie, Ferry (2021) Impact of Enhanced Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on Firm Performance through Green Supply Chain Management. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Siagian, Hotlan and Jie, Ferry (2021) Impact of Internal Integration, Supply Chain Partnership, Supply Chain Agility, and Supply Chain Resilience on Sustainable Advantage. [UNSPECIFIED] Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and Suprapto, Widjojo and Harjanti, Dhyah and Malelak, Mariana Ing and Basana, Sautma Ronni (2021) Key user ERP capability maintaining ERP sustainability through effective design of business process and integration data management Key user ERP capability maintaining ERP sustainability through effective design of business process and integration data management. [UNSPECIFIED] Tedjokoesoemo, Purnama Esa Dora and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna and Sari, Sriti Mayang (2021) Rethinking Interior Design Approach for Shop House Food and Beverage Retails to Embrace New Normal Protocol. In: The 12th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences 2021, 09-10-2021 - 09-10-2021, Penang - Malaysia. Tedjokoesoemo, Purnama Esa Dora and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna and Sari, Sriti Mayang (2021) Addressing The Independent Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar) as a Form of Positive Disruption to Empower the Community. In: International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences (ICE-HUMS) 2021, 02-07-2021 - 02-07-2021, Bandung - Indonesia. Thio, Sienny and Kartika, Endo Wijaya and Iskandar, Vido (2021) Consumers� Perceived Risk and Dining-out Intention during COVID-19 Pandemic. In: The3rd International Conference on Tourism, Gastronomy, and Tourist Destination 2021, 02-12-2021 - 02-12-2021, Jakarta - Indonesia. Ting, Yung and Amelia, and Yu, Chih-Hsuan and Yang, Yun-Jui and Lee, Yen-Lung (2021) Effect and Evaluation of an Ultrasonic Atomizer With Large Vibration Amplitude. [UNSPECIFIED] Tjahyana, Lady Joanne (2021) Brand Monitoring for Dogecoin Cryptocurrency on Twitter. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSH), 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Tjahyana, Lady Joanne (2021) Studi Netnografi Pola Komunikasi Jaringan Komunitas CryptocurrencyDogecoin diTwitter. Komunikatif - Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi, 10 (1). pp. 16-37. ISSN P-ISSN 2301-6558 E-ISSN 2597-6699 Tjahyana, Lady Joanne and Luhukay, Marsefio Sevyone (2021) Web Analytic Untuk Pengukuran Dampak Social Media Campaign Blog Jurnal Ilmiah Scriptura, 4 (1). pp. 17-28. ISSN 1978-385X Tjandra, Daniel and Sugiharto, Handoko and Buntoro, Januar and Wulandari, Paravita Sri (2021) Potential damage to residential building due to adjacent surcharge fill loading-case studies in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Tjiek, Liauw Toong and Maer, Maria Natalia Damayanti (2021) From Daring to Caring: Pandemic Best Practices in Higher Education. LEMBAGA PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN PETRA. ISBN 978-602-5446-43-6 (PDF) Tjong, Wong Foek (2021) Pengantar Metode Elemen HIngga untuk Analisis Struktur- Teori, Perumusan, Implementasi Komputer, dan Aplikasi. Rajawali Pers, PT RajaGrafindo Persada. ISBN 978-623-231-958-5 Toly, Agus Arianto and GUNAWAN, IVENA AURELLIA and MARCHELLA, JESSELYN and OLIVIA, NATASYA (2021) BAGAIMANA KONDISI DEMOGRAFI MENJADI PENENTU MORAL PAJAK SAAT COVID-19? [UNSPECIFIED] Tulistyantoro, Lintu (2021) Batik Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Tulistyantoro, Lintu (2021) PENDAMPINGANIBU-IBUPENENUNTERDAMPAKPANDEMIDIPENGGARON, MOJOWARNO JOMBANG. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SEMDIMAS) 2021, 09-08-2021 - 09-08-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Tulistyantoro, Lintu and Sitinjak, Ronald Hasudungan Irianto and Setiawan, Andereas Pandu (2021) The Spatial Core of Nusantara Dwellings: Women, Fire and Pawon. In: ISVS 10 CONFERENCE , 14-02-2021 - 14-02-2021, BHOPAL - INDIA. Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2021) Mitigation of supply voltage disturbances with a load voltage-controlled inverter. [UNSPECIFIED] Tumbelaka, Hanny Hosiana (2021) A Simple Sinusoidal Buck Converter Working as A Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter. [UNSPECIFIED] UUpadhyaya, Makarand and Setiawan, Roy (2021) LEADERSHIP ROLES IN DEALING WITH THE COVID-19 TO MAINTAIN BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY. [UNSPECIFIED] VVardai, Robert and Lummerstorfer, Thomas and Pretschuh, Claudia and Jerabek, Michael and Gahleitner, Markus and Bartos, Andras and Moczo, Janos and Anggono, Juliana and Pukanszky, Bela (2021) Improvement of the impact resistance of natural fiber–reinforced polypropylene composites through hybridization. [UNSPECIFIED] Vidyarini, Titi Nur and Hadi, Ido Prijana and Yoanita, Desi (2021) The Source and Message Appeal in Perceiving Family Planning Topics. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social and Humanities, 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. WWIDJANARKO, ELLENA and Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine and Yusuf, Vanessa (2021) Ilustrasi Digital dalam Perancangan Collectible Card Games untuk Mengedukasi COVID-19 Bagi Pra-remaja. In: Konferensi Nasional DXC 2021, 24-04-2021 - 24-04-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. WIJAYA, JEREMIAH PURNA and ONGKOSUWITO, NATASYA YEMIMA and Jokom, Regina (2021) PENGARUH INTERAKSI VIRTUAL DAN EKUITAS MEREK NEX CARLOS TERHADAP MINAT BELI PENGIKUT DI INSTAGRAM. [UNSPECIFIED] WILLYANTO, JESSICA and WIJAYA, GRACE VANNESA and Evelyn, (2021) Pengaruh Bias Terhadap Keputusan Investasi Saham pada Investor Muda di Surabaya. In: Seminar Nasional Call For Paper Outlook 2022 : Transformasi UMKM di era pasar digital, 20-12-2021 - 20-12-2021, Sukoharjo - Indonesia. WINOTO, DESI and Widyadana, I Gede Agus (2021) Rolling forecast as an alternative tool for short term production planning: A case study of bicycle manufacturer. In: IC-AMME & LSCM 2021, 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. WONGSO, BILLY INDRAWAN and Agustin, Karina and Sutapa, I Nyoman (2021) Employee Retention: Effect of Compensation, Work Stress, and Job Satisfaction. A Case Study in an Edible Bird�s Nest Company. In: IC AMME & LSCM 2021, 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Wahjudi, Didik and Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Anggono, Juliana and Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf (2021) Dari Dunia Kampus ke Penjuru Dunia - Kiprah 60 Alumni Teknik Mesin dan Otomotif. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Kristen Petra. ISBN 978-602-5446- Wahyudi, Raymond and Linawati, Nanik (2021) Penggunaan Alat Permainan Edukasi Keuangan bagi Anak Usia Dini. [UNSPECIFIED] Waluyanto, Heru Dwi and Natadjaja, Listia and Suhartono, Ani Wijayanti (2021) EXPLORATION OF ECO-PRINT PRODUCTS THROUGH PARTICIPATORY RURAL APPRAISAL AND SERVICE-LEARNING METHOD IN BLITAR REGENCY. [UNSPECIFIED] Waluyanto, Heru Dwi and Natadjaja, Listia and Suhartono, Ani Wijayanti (2021) Karya Rekaman Video: Pembuatan Produk Ecoprint Celemek Hijab. [UNSPECIFIED] Waluyanto, Heru Dwi and Natadjaja, Listia and Suhartono, Ani Wijayanti (2021) Karya Rekaman Video: Pembuatan Produk Ecoprint Dompet Kabel Telepon Genggam. [UNSPECIFIED] Wibowo, Mariana and Santoso, Michael (2021) Marketplace Based Application System to Improve Customer Satisfaction on Laundry Business. In: IC AMME & LSCM 2021The 2nd International Conference on Automotive, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Eng, 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Wibowo, Mariana and APRILIA, ARIESTA (2021) RE-DESAIN INTERIOR GRIYA KUSUMA INDAH UNTUK MENDUKUNG PELAKSANAAN RETREAT DI PACET. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT (SNPM 3), 26-10-2021 - 26-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Petra Christian University (2021) GANTUNGAN METAL. . Wicaksono, Handy and Alimin, Roche and Khoswanto, Handry and Wijaya, Jonathan Aditya and Wibisono, Wendy (2021) Industrial Internet of Things for Condition-based Maintenance of an Induction Motor. In: International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development -4th ICET4SD 2021, 13-12-2021 - 13-12-2021, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Wicandra, Obed Bima (2021) Seabad Henk Ngantung: Sketsa dan Tugu. Seabad Henk Ngantung: Sketsa dan Tugu. Wicandra, Obed Bima (2021) Seni Jalanan di Jalan Ranciere. Seni Jalanan di Jalan Ranciere. Widiawan, Kriswanto and LULYANTO, FANNY (2021) ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION OF STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, PETRA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. In: The 4th International Conference of Management and Entrepreneurship (i-CoME), 24-07-2021 - 24-07-2021, Kuching - Malaysia. Widuri, Retnaningtyas and Abel, Jason Jan (2021) RISIKO PAJAK SEBAGAI PEMODERATOR PENGARUH CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TERHADAP PENGHINDARAN PAJA. [UNSPECIFIED] Widuri, Retnaningtyas and Mangoting, Yenni and Tjondro, Elisa and Toly, Agus Arianto and Sadjiarto, R. Arja Angka Asa Aras Adji (2021) PELATIHAN PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN DAN SISTEM AKUNTANSI LEMBAGA PEMERINTAHAN DESA BAGI GURU SMK AKUNTANSI SIDOARJO. [UNSPECIFIED] Widuri, Retnaningtyas (2021) Moderation Effect of Audit and Risk Management Committee Between Creditor Power and CSR Disclosure. [UNSPECIFIED] Widyadana, I Gede Agus and Wahyudi, Krisna and Sutapa, I Nyoman (2021) AN INVENTORY ROUTING PROBLEM FOR DETERIORATING ITEMS WITH DYNAMIC DEMAND AND SPOILAGE RATE. [UNSPECIFIED] Widyadana, I Gede Agus and Octavia, Tanti and Handojo, Andreas and HENDRIANTA, EDUARDO (2021) Inventory models for multi items stock-dependent demand and stock-dependent holding rate with capacity constraint. In: IC-AMME & LSCM 2021, 02-10-2021 - 02-10-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Wijaya, Elvina Shanggrama (2021) Natural Ventilation Optimization Study in Mechanically Ventilated Studio Apartment Room in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Wijaya, Serli (2021) PENGARUH AUTENTISITAS MEREK TERHADAP KOMITMEN MEREK DENGAN KEPRIBADIAN MEREK DAN KEPERCAYAAN PELANGGAN PADA PRODUK APPLE SEBAGAI VARIABEL MEDIASI. [UNSPECIFIED] Wijaya, Elvina Shanggrama and Damayanti, Rully and Wayne, Bram Michael (2021) Architectural Design for Visionary Structure. LPPM Petra Press. ISBN 978-602-5445-27-6 Wijaya, Henny Putri Saking (2021) Online EPT dan Pernak Perniknya. [UNSPECIFIED] Wijaya, Henny Putri Saking (2021) Teachers’ Attitudes in Pandemics Reflected on Their Writing Tones. In: The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, 30-07-2021 - 30-07-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Wijaya, Serli and Semuel, Hatane (2021) Backpackers� travel decision across generations and countries of origin: An empirical study in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and saito, Reina and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and CORNELIUS, CHRIS and PERKASA, RYERA KRESHNA INGGARDHANA and Suzuki, Takashi (2021) Airflow Characteristics Investigation of a Diesel Engine for Different Helical Port Openings and Engine Speeds. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and STANLEY, SOEN, PETER and RONALDO, FERDINAND and Gotama, Gabriel J and Guo, Bin and Yilmaz, E. and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa and Suzuki, Takashi (2021) Engine Performances of Lean Iso-Octane Mixtures in a Glow Plug Heated Sub-Chamber SI Engine. [UNSPECIFIED] Willyanto, and saito, Reina and Sawamura, Y and Ndizeye, G and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and Suzuki, Takashi (2021) EFFECTS OF INTAKE FLOW ON IN-CYLINDER SWIRL FLOW UNDER MOTORING AND FIRING CONDITIONS FOR CI ENGINES USING PIV MEASUREMENTS. [UNSPECIFIED] Wonoseputro, Christine and Basuki, Ribut and Lim, Resmana and Thio, Sienny (2021) Begaganlimo : Sebuah Potensi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Baru di JawaTimur. - . PETRA PRESS. ISBN 9-786025-446344 Wulandari, Paravita Sri and Tjandra, Daniel (2021) The effect of crumb rubber in dense graded and open graded cold mixture asphalt. [UNSPECIFIED] Wulandari, Paravita Sri and LESTYANA, HANSEN RICHARDO and JOHNSON, and TRANGGONO, JASON FRAN (2021) Sustainable road-kill mitigation in Gladak Perak Bridge at Lumajang, Indonesia. In: Digital & Empathic Architecture & Civil Engineering (DEACE 2021), 12-11-2021 - 12-11-2021, Surabaya - Indonesia. Wulandari, Paravita Sri and LESTYANA, HANSEN RICHARDO and JOHNSON, and TRANGGONO, JASON FRAN (2021) Sustainable road-kill mitigation in Gladak Perak Bridge at Lumajang, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] YYUSUF, ANGELINE SUGIARTO and Mangoting, Yenni and HOETOMO, MELLY IRNA NATASYA and Hatane, Saarce Elsye and Semuel, Hatane (2021) The Mediating Effect of Students Perception and Satisfaction on the Relationship of Learning Environment and Accounting Career. [UNSPECIFIED] Yilmaz, E. and Suzuki, Takashi and Ito, Kenji and Gotama, Gabriel Jeremy and Willyanto, and Ichiyanagi, Mitsuhisa (2021) Analysis of the Spray Characteristics of Water and Water/Glycerin Mixtures using an Interferometric Laser Imaging for Droplet Sizing Technique. [UNSPECIFIED] Yong, Sherly De and Rachmawati, Murni and Defiana, Ima (2021) Rethinking territoriality concept on public space after pandemic COVID-19. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 10 (4). pp. 856-864. ISSN 2252-8806 Yong, Sherly De and Kusumarini, Yusita (2021) First-year Interior Design Students’ Perception: Usability of Digital and Collaborative Sketch Software for Brainstorming Idea. In: Hybrid Spaces: Re-imagining pedagogy, practice and research, 28-03-2021 - 28-03-2021, Inggris - UK. Yong, Sherly De and Mulyono, Hendy (2021) KAJIAN WELL-DESIGNED SPACE PADA STUDIO HYBRID LEARNING. [UNSPECIFIED] Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Purwanto, Glenn Ryan and Siagian, Hotlan (2021) The Effect of Information Technology Implementation on Supply Chain Performance through Information Sharing and Supply Chain Collaboration. [UNSPECIFIED] Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Chittayasothorn, Suphamit (2021) Transformation from Web Pages to Optimal Normal Form Database Schema Using a Conceptual Schema Approach. [UNSPECIFIED] Yuliana, Oviliani Yenty and Chittayasothorn, Suphamit (2021) Transformation from Web Pages to Optimal Normal Form Database Schema Using a Conceptual Schema Approach (PID127). In: The International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST), 01-04-2021 - 01-04-2021, Bangkok - Thailand. 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