Items where Year is 2020
Number of items: 385.
,, Jenny Mochtar and San, Gan Shu (2020) Challenges in Quality Assurance: A Ten-Year Journey. [UNSPECIFIED] , Halimin Herjanto and Adiwijaya, Michael and WIJAYA, ELIZABETH and Semuel, Hatane (2020) The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement on Instagram Fashion Purchase Intention: The Evidence from Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] , Jenny Mochtar and Suprajitno, Setefanus and Handojo, Priska Febrinia (2020) Chinese Indonesian Wedding. [UNSPECIFIED] AAGUNG, GLORI PUTERI MAHARANI and Wijaya, Serli and Widjaja, Deborah Christine (2020) The Influence of Destination Image on Tourist Satisfaction and Tourist Loyalty: A Case Study of Urban Tourism in Semarang, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] ALIM, JOVAN ADRIEL and TANDEAN, OLIVIA REYNALDA and WIDJAJANTO, DION NATHANAEL and Hermawan, Surya (2020) LINGKUNGAN ADALAH SEORANG GURU (REFLEKSI PEMBERDAYAAN TERHADAP LINGKUNGAN MELALUI PROGRAM SERVICE LEARNING. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (JPM17), 5 (1). pp. 54-58. ISSN 2407-7100 ANGELA, JEANNY and SURYONO, IVAN BUDI and Wijaya, Serli (2020) Profiling Indonesian Medical Tourists: A Motivation-Based Segmentation Study. [UNSPECIFIED] ARIUSSANTO, KENNY ADRIAN PUTRA and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and MM, Dr. (Cand) Rismawati br Sitepu and Singh, Dr Sanju Kumar (2020) Leadership Style, Employee Engagement, and Work Environment to Employee Performance in Manufacturing Companies. [UNSPECIFIED] ATMAJA, HALIM KUSUMA and Wijaya, Serli and Adiwijaya, Michael (2020) Website Quality Analysis as an Interactive Marketing Communication on Indonesia Halal Tourism Destination. In: THE 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOURISM, ECONOMICS, ACCOUNTING, MANAGEMENT, AND SOCIAL SCIENCE, 04-11-2020 - 04-11-2020, Denpasar - Indonesia. ATMAJA, HALIM KUSUMA and Wijaya, Serli and Adiwijaya, Michael (2020) Website Quality Analysis as an Interactive Marketing Communication on Indonesia Halal Tourism Destination. [UNSPECIFIED] Alimin, Roche and Khoswanto, Handry (2020) Perancangan Reaction Wheel Inverted Pendulum Sebagai Alat Peraga Sistem Kontrol Berbasis Sistem Kontrol PID. [UNSPECIFIED] Anastasia, Njo and LESTARITIO, MELLICHA JENI (2020) The Effect of Womens Financial Self-Efficacy on Financial Product Ownership. [UNSPECIFIED] Anastasia, Njo and SANTOSO, SAMIAJI (2020) Effects of Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control, Perceived Risk, and Perceived Usefulness towards Intention to Use Credit Cards in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Anastasia, Njo and SARI, DEWI PRICILIA (2020) THE EFFECT OF BRAND THRUST ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF PROPERTY COMPANIES INDONESIA CAPITAL MARKET. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen dan Bisnis, 6 (2). pp. 429-436. ISSN 2460-7819 Anastasia, Njo (2020) Bukan Fenomena Baru. Bukan Fenomena Baru. Anastasia, Njo and SARI, DEWI PRICILIA (2020) THE EFFECT OF BRAND THRUST ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF PROPERTY COMPANIES INDONESIA CAPITAL MARKET. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen dan Bisnis, 6 (2). pp. 429-436. ISSN 2460-7819 Andi, and Rahardjo, Jani (2020) Importance Performance Analysis of Factors Causing Reworks in the Construction Industry. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada and MM, Dr. (Cand) Rismawati br Sitepu and , Ali Raza (2020) The Correlation between Community Engagement and Capability Building Through Outbound Activities of Karang Taruna Members at Bencireng Kebontunggul, Mojokerto, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and Wijaya, Serli and Setiawan, Rudy and Juniwati, Anik (2020) PEMETAAN POTENSI WISATA DAN PERENCANAAN PENGEMBANGAN DESA JARAK KEC. WONOSALAM, KAB. JOMBANG. [UNSPECIFIED] Andilas, Devi Destiani and Juniwati, Anik and Wijaya, Serli and Setiawan, Rudy (2020) Pelatihan Pembuatan Paket Wisata Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyrarakat Guna Pengembangan Wisata Desa Jarak. [UNSPECIFIED] Andreani, Fransisca and Anastasia, Njo (2020) The impact of travel constraints on travel intention. In: ISOT The 4th International Seminar on Tourism, 04-11-2020 - 04-11-2020, Bandung - Indonesia. Andreani, Fransisca and Anastasia, Njo (2020) The impact of travel constraints on travel intention. In: ISOT The 4th International Seminar on Tourism, 04-11-2020 - 04-11-2020, Bandung - Indonesia. Anggono, Juliana and BUDIARTO, BILY and Sugondo, Suwandi and Purwaningsih, Hariyati and Antoni, (2020) The Strength of Polylactic Acid Composites Reinforced with Sugarcane Bagasse and Rice Husk. [UNSPECIFIED] Antoni, and SHENJAYA, STACIA DWI and LUPITA, MARIA and SANTOSA, SAMUEL and Wiyono, David and Hardjito, Djwantoro (2020) Utilization of Low Sulfur Fly Ash from Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Burner as Geopolymer Binder. [UNSPECIFIED] Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2020) Opini Pemilih Pemula Surabaya Terhadap Iklan Politik Para Kandidat di Pilkada. [UNSPECIFIED] Asthararianty, and Lesmana, Fanny (2020) Studi Hermeneutik: Desain Layout Buku Biografi Merry Riana. [UNSPECIFIED] Azaria, Sally (2020) Berteman dengan Teknologi. [UNSPECIFIED] BBUDIONO, PRISCILLA EVELYN and Harjanti, Dhyah and Stankevica, Karina (2020) The Revival of Indonesian Skin Care Brands. [UNSPECIFIED] Bartos, András and Anggono, Juliana and Farkas, Ágnes Elvira and Kun, David and Soetaredjo, Felycia Edy and Móczó, János and Antoni, and , Hariyati Purwaningsih and Pukánszky, Béla (2020) Alkali treatment of lignocellulosic fibers extracted from sugarcane bagasse: Composition, structure, properties. [UNSPECIFIED] Bartos, András and UTOMO, BENNY PUTRA and Kanyar, Barnabas and Anggono, Juliana and Soetaredjo, Felycia Edy and Móczó, János and Pukánszky, Béla (2020) Reinforcement of polypropylene with alkali-treated sugarcane bagasse fibers: Mechanism and consequences. [UNSPECIFIED] Basana, Sautma Ronni and JULIO, RICKY and SOEHONO, CHRISTINA (2020) Economic Value Added and Profitability on Created Shareholders Value in Manufacturing Sectors. [UNSPECIFIED] Basana, Sautma Ronni and TANDARTO, TIFFANY and SOEHONO, CHRISTINA (2020) Capital Structure Determinants in Property and Real Estate Company in 2013 to 2018. [UNSPECIFIED] Basuki, Ribut and Setiawan, Dwi and Riyanto, Theophilus Joko and Tarigan, Zeplin Jiwa Husada (2020) The Effect of Time Management in Shadow Puppet Performance on the Audience Satisfaction. [UNSPECIFIED] Basuki, Ribut (2020) Penelitian Seni Pertunjukan: Membaca Seni dan Kekuasaan. Rajawali Pers. ISBN 9786232315624 Basuki, Ribut and Meilinda, (2020) The Use of Dramatic Theatre in BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing) Classes: A Case in Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Box, John and Boon, Richard and Kwanda, Timoticin (2020) The role of targets and standards in delivering urban greenspace for people and wildlife, Case 3: Greenspaces in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Budhi, Gregorius Satia and Chiong, Raymond and Dhakal, Sandeep (2020) Multi-level particle swarm optimisation and its parallel version for parameter optimisation of ensemble models: a case of sentiment polarity prediction. [UNSPECIFIED] Bustan, Linda and Husein, Fatimah and Widjaja, Paulus Sugeng (2020) Being Chinese Christian in the Totok Chinese Churches in Surabaya: Continuity and Change of Identities. [UNSPECIFIED] CCAHYONO, NATHANAEL ADI and Wijaya, Serli and Widjaja, Deborah Christine (2020) Is Lombok Really Perceived as Halal Tourism Destination? A Study of Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty. In: the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology 2020, 01-08-2020 - 01-08-2020, Surabaya - Indonesia. CAROLINA, and Wibowo, Mariana (2020) Analisis Antropometri Mahasiswa Untuk Desain Mebel pada Program Studi Desain Interior Universitas �X�diSurabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] CHANDRA, CHRYSANT GLORIA and Thio, Sienny (2020) Destination Personality of Labuan Bajo, Indonesia: Local and Foreign Tourists� Perspectives. In: The 4th International Seminar on Tourism, 04-11-2020 - 04-11-2020, Bandung - Indonesia. CHRISTIAN, and Semuel, Hatane and Wijaya, Serli (2020) Website Quality and the Role of Travel Perceived Risk in Influencing Purchase Intention: A Study on Bali Tourism Board’s Official Website. In: the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology 2020, 01-08-2020 - 01-08-2020, Surabaya - Indonesia. C, KESHIA YOHANA TANU and Kempa, Sesilya and Vincevica-Gaile, Zane (2020) Determinant Factors in Purchasing Korean Skin Care Products. [UNSPECIFIED] Canadarma, Wanda Widigdo and Kristanto, Luciana and Hartono, Samuel and Mintorogo, Danny Santoso (2020) THE INFLUENCE OF VEGETATION TO INDOOR ILLUMINANCE, AIR TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY IN DESIGN STUDIO (Case Study: Architecture Department, Petra Christian University, Surabaya). DIMENSI, Journal of Architecture and Built Environment, 46 (2). pp. 161-168. ISSN 0126-219x (print), 2338-7858 (on line) Chandra, Jimmy and Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda and Antoni, and Wibowo, Hartanto (2020) Analytical modeling of 3D-printed reinforced concrete beams. In: 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER 2020), 23-07-2020 - 23-07-2020, Surabaya - Indonesia. Chandra, Jimmy and Pudjisuryadi, Pamuda and Antoni, and Wibowo, Hartanto (2020) Analytical modeling of 3D-printed reinforced concrete beams. [UNSPECIFIED] Chandra, Jimmy and Teng, Susanto (2020) Four Discussions from the September 2019 ACI Structural Journal. [UNSPECIFIED] Chansanam, Wirapong and Setiawan, Roy and M, Krithika. and Bhakuni, Pooja and Dubey, Anil Kumar and P.Ramesh, and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo (2020) The Impact of Change Management on Employees Performance in Information Management System. [UNSPECIFIED] Christianna, Aniendya (2020) JAVANESE WOMEN HIBRIDITY: POSTCOLONIAL STUDY OF NYONYA MULUK IN DAMAR KURUNG PAINTINGS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL CREATIVE AND ARTS STUDIES, 7 (1). pp. 33-48. ISSN p-ISSN 2339-191X e-ISSN 2406-9760 Christianna, Aniendya (2020) MERDEKA BELAJAR MELALUI BERKESENIAN (RUPA). MERDEKA BELAJAR MELALUI BERKESENIAN (RUPA). Christianna, Aniendya (2020) PANDEMI MENDORONG PERCEPATAN TERWUJUDNYA SOCIETY 5. PANDEMI MENDORONG PERCEPATAN TERWUJUDNYA SOCIETY 5. Christianna, Aniendya and CHRISTIE, MELIA and SUKSMONO, ANISA NADA (2020) THE PRESERVATION OF DAMAR KURUNG THROUGH JEWELRY DESIGN. PRODUCTUM JURNAL DESAIN PRODUK (PENGETAHUAN DAN PERANCANGAN PRODUK), 3 (7). pp. 247-254. ISSN P-ISSN 2477-7900 e-ISSN 2579-7328 Christianna, Aniendya and Wibowo, Mariana and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna (2020) Empowering Women through Batik Training in Dollys Ex-Localization Area. [UNSPECIFIED] Christianna, Aniendya and Wibowo, Mariana and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna (2020) Representation of the Social Dynamics of Ex-Localization Communities in Dolly Batik, Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Christiawan, Yulius Jogi and PRASETYO, SARAH THEOPHILIA and WOENTORO, ARLINA PUTRI (2020) The Effect of Committee Audit Characteristics and Reputation of Audit Firm on the Integrity of Financial Statement with Company Size as Moderating Variable. [UNSPECIFIED] Christiawan, Yulius Jogi and Narsa, I Made (2020) Earnings Management Through Foreign Currency Transactions on Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. [UNSPECIFIED] Christiawan, Yulius Jogi and PRASETYO, SARAH THEOPHILIA and WOENTORO, ARLINA PUTRI (2020) The Effect of Committee Audit Characteristics and Reputation of Audit Firm on the Integrity of Financial Statement with Company Size as Moderating Variable. In: The 5th International Conference on TEAMS 2020, 04-11-2020 - 04-11-2020, Bali - Indonesia. DDARMAWAN, RICKY DWI and Semuel, Hatane and Wijaya, Serli (2020) Country-of-Origin Image and Its Effect on Purchase Intention: A Study on a Chinese Smartphone Brand. In: the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology 2020, 01-08-2020 - 01-08-2020, Surabaya - Indonesia. DEWI, LUH GEDE PERMATA SARI and Oei, Selvie Josowanto and Siagian, Hotlan (2020) The Effect of Brand Ambassador, Brand Image, and Brand Awareness on Purchase Decision of Pantene Shampoo in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Damajanti, Maria Nala (2020) Pengembangan Pola DasarBatik Dolly. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully and Kossak, Florian and Nurdiah, Esti Asih (2020) Spatial reading of kampungs by using Gordon Cullen�s theory: A contemporary perspective. [UNSPECIFIED] Damayanti, Rully and Tampubolon, Angela Christysonia and Kusumo, Camelia (2020) The evaluation of city landmarks through the study of place attachment in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Dewanto, Joni and Soegihardjo, Oegik (2020) Performance of Mechanical Energy Harvesting Unit for Generating Electricity for Portal Gate System. In: International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer and Applied Science (ECBA) 2020, 22-01-2020 - 22-01-2020, Denpasar, Bali - Indonesia. Dewanto, Joni and TANUWIJAYA, FELIX (2020) Sistem Pengaman Sepeda Motor Anti Begal. Jurnal Teknik Mesin , 17 (01). 1=28. ISSN ISSN 1410-9867 print / ISSN 2656-3290 online Dewi, Lily Puspa and Noertjahyana, Agustinus and Palit, Henry Novianus and YEDUTUN, KEZIA (2020) Server Scalability Using Kubernetes. [UNSPECIFIED] EEDWIN, RICHARDUS KLARIS and Harjanti, Dhyah (2020) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Passenger Satisfaction dan Passenger Loyalty Pada Layanan Travel di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, 14 (1). pp. 8-16. ISSN 2597-615X ELSYA, PRISCILLIA and Indriyani, Ratih (2020) The Impact of Product Knowledge and Product Involvement to Repurchase Intention for Tupperware Products among Housewives in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Elsiana, Feny and Ekasiwi, Sri Nastiti Nugrahani and Antaryama, I Gusti Ngurah (2020) THE EFFECT OF OPENING DISTRIBUTION AREA MODIFICATION ON HORIZONTAL LIGHT PIPE DAYLIGHT PERFORMANCE. Dimensi: Journal of Architecture and Built Environment, 47 (1). pp. 19-26. ISSN 2338-7858 Elsiana, Feny and Soehartono, Frans and Kristanto, Luciana (2020) Daylight performance of horizontal light pipe with egg-crate reflector in the tropics. [UNSPECIFIED] FFERNANDES, ERVINA and Semuel, Hatane and Adiwijaya, Michael (2020) The Influence of Social Media Advertising on Purchase Intention Through Utilitarian and Hedonic Shopping Motivation. IJBS, Vol. 3 (No. 1). pp. 23-36. ISSN e-ISSN 2621-6426 FOANTO, EVELYN FELICIA and TUNARSO, EUGIENA BRIGITTA and Kartika, Endo Wijaya (2020) PERAN WORK LIFE BALANCE TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN MELALUI KOMITMEN AFEKTIF SEBAGAI VARIABEL MEDIASI PADA KARYAWAN HOTEL BERBINTANG TIGA DI MAKASSAR, SULAWESI SELATAN. Jurnal Manajemen Perhotelan, 6 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN 2685-9408 FRANCISCA, and Malelak, Mariana Ing (2020) Pengaruh Corporate Governance terhadap Firms Debt pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang dan Konsumsi Periode 2013 - 2018. Internasional Journal of Financial and Investment Studies (IJFIS), 1 (1). pp. 30-41. ISSN 00 Floris, Flora Debora and Renandya, Willy (2020) Inspirational Stories from English Language Classrooms. Teacher Development Series . TEFLIN Publication Division in collaboration with Bintang Sejahtera Press. ISBN 9786021150412 Floris, Flora Debora and Renandya, Willy (2020) Promoting the Value of Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers. [UNSPECIFIED] GGABRIEL, FLORENCIA and Linawati, Nanik (2020) PENGARUH FINANCIAL CAPABILITY, MONEY ATTITUDES, DAN SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS TERHADAP ADVERSE FINANCIAL EVENTS. International Journal of Financial and Invetsment Studies (IJFIS), 1 (1). pp. 15-20. ISSN 00 GERALDO, STEPHEN and Evelyn, (2020) FINANCIAL HELP SEEKING BEHAVIOR PADA MAHASISWA DI SURABAYA. MIX: JURNAL ILMIAH MANAJEMEN, 10 (1). pp. 1-149. ISSN 2088-1231 GOTAMA, GABRIEL JEREMY and Willyanto, and Sutrisno, and Suprianto, Fandi Dwiputra and Jonoadji, Ninuk and ARIFIN, FRANSISKUS XAVERIUS YULIO (2020) Investigation of briquette derived from Pterocarpus indicus leaves and rejected pineapples as inedible sources of renewable energy. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application (iCOMERA), 08-10-2020 - 08-10-2020, Malang - Indonesia. GRACIELLA, CLAUDION and HUTAMA, ERICA DEA and Andreani, Fransisca (2020) ANALISIS FAKTOR BRAND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR PADA HOTEL SHERATON SURABAYA. [UNSPECIFIED] GUNAWAN, JESSICCA ASTRIE and Yong, Sherly De and RAKHMAWATI, ANIEK (2020) KAJIAN SENSORY/PANCA INDRA PADA INTERIOR BANGUNAN HERITAGE KAFE DI SURABAYA. Jurnal Desain Interior, 5 (1 (Jun). pp. 11-22. ISSN 2549-2985 HHALIM, KARINA KUSUMA and Halim, Siana and Felecia, (2020) Business Intelligence for Designing Restaurant Marketing Strategy: A Case Study. [UNSPECIFIED] HARSONO, KENNETH and Prayogo, Doddy and PRASETYO, KELVIN EKO and Tjong, Wong Foek and Tjandra, Daniel (2020) Comparative Study of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms in Solving Size, Topology, and Shape Optimization. [UNSPECIFIED] HENDRIK, SIMON and Linawati, Nanik (2020) TRADISI PERAYAAN KEAGAMAAN “PELA GANDONG” TERHADAP SPENDING BEHAVIOUR. [UNSPECIFIED] Hadi, Ido Prijana (2020) Penelitian Media Kualitatif (Filosofi Filosofi Penelitian, Paradigma, Rentang Teori, Langkah-langkah Penelitian Media: Metode Reception Studies, Etnografi Media/Netnografi, Fenomenologi, Studi Kasus, Analisis Tematik). Teks . PT. RajaGrafindo Persada: Rajawali Pers. ISBN 978-623-231-459-7 Hadi, Ido Prijana (2020) Radio Siaran Interaktif dan Layanan Publik. Teks . CV. Penerbit Qiara Media . ISBN 978-623-7925-35-4 Hadi, Ido Prijana and , Nurudin and Roosinda, Rr. Fitria Widiyanti and Winarno, Sugeng and Surokim, and Suprihatin, (2020) Pandemi Covid 19 dan Tantangan Penelitian Kualitatif. [UNSPECIFIED] Hadi, Ido Prijana and Setiawan, Alexander and Yoanita, Desi and Aritonang, Agusly Irawan (2020) The Meaning of Sharing Information in Citizen Journalism. [UNSPECIFIED] Hadi, Ido Prijana and YUNITA, TIFFANY VALENTINA and SUGIANTO, FELICIA (2020) Culture of Communication in The Space of Co-Working Newsrooom of Online Media. In: International Conference on Social Science and Humanity (ICSSH), 24-09-2020 - 24-09-2020, Malang - Indonesia. Hadi, Ido Prijana and Wahjudianata, Megawati and Indrayani, Inri Inggrit (2020) KOMUNIKASI MASSA. BUKU AJAR . CV. Penerbit Qiara Media . ISBN 978-623-680-746-0 Hadi, Ido Prijana and YUNITA, TIFFANY VALENTINA (2020) Culture of Communication in The Space of Co-Working Newsrooom of Online Media. [UNSPECIFIED] Halim, Siana and Felecia, and Octavia, Tanti (2020) Statistical Learning for Predicting Dengue Fever Rate in Surabaya. Jurnal Teknik Industri , 22 (1). pp. 37-46. ISSN 2087-7439 Halim, Siana and Handojo, Andreas and WIDODO, IVAN ENRICO and Felecia, and Octavia, Tanti (2020) Spatial Multi-Layer Perceptron Model for Predicting Dengue Fever Outbreaks in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Halim, Siana and Intan, Rolly and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2020) Fuzzy Linear Regression for Tuberculosis Case Notification Rate Prediction in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Halim, Siana and Octavia, Tanti and CHRISTIAN, (2020) Designing Facility Layout of an Amusement Arcade using Market Basket Analysis. [UNSPECIFIED] Halim, Siana and Octavia, Tanti and Felecia, and Handojo, Andreas (2020) Dengue Fever Outbreak Prediction in Surabaya using A Geographically Weighted Regression. [UNSPECIFIED] Handojo, Andreas and Octavia, Tanti and Lim, Resmana and ANGGITA, JONATHAN KURNIA (2020) Indoor positioning system using BLE beacon to improve knowledge about museum visitors. [UNSPECIFIED] Handojo, Andreas and Octavia, Tanti and Lim, Resmana and ANGGITA, JONATHAN KURNIA (2020) Museum Visitor Activity Tracker using Indoor Positioning System. [UNSPECIFIED] Handojo, Andreas and Purbowo, Anita Nathania and BUDIONO, FENNY VALENTINE (2020) Chinese Character Translator on Mobile Phone using Optical Character Recognition and Bing Translator API. [UNSPECIFIED] Handoyo, Ekadewi Anggraini and Bisono, Indriati Njoto and M.Sc., Peter Jonathan, S.T., and VALENTIO, DIO (2020) Effect of Fresnel lens as cover in a passive solar water heater with some air gap between cover and absorber plate. [UNSPECIFIED] Hariyanto, (2020) Dengan Mengajar, Saya Belajar. [UNSPECIFIED] Harjanti, Dhyah and NOVIANTO, JEREMIA and Sukatmadiredja, Noneng Rokayah (2020) Which country does it come from? A review of Business-to-Business Purchase Decision Making Process. [UNSPECIFIED] Harjanti, Dhyah and THEODORE, EDBERT KARLISON and Ali, Shahzad (2020) Does Quality Matter? A Study on Customer Expectation in Motorcycle Repair Provider in Surabaya, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Hatane, Saarce Elsye and KUANDA, ELENNE STEFANIE and CORNELIUS, ELIZABETH and Tarigan, Josua (2020) Corporate Governance, Market Share, and Intellectual Capital Disclosure: Evidence from the Indonesian Agriculture and Mining Sectors. JURNAL ILMIAH AKUNTANSI DAN BISNIS, 15 (1). pp. 75-84. ISSN 2303-1018 Hatane, Saarce Elsye and LESMANAPUTRI, EVELIN and FIRMAN, JOAN JESSLYN PRAJNAWATI and WIJAYA, VANNY LISAYANI (2020) The Design and the Use of Management Control System in Developing Organizational Learning. [UNSPECIFIED] Hatane, Saarce Elsye and SETIONO, FELICIA JESSLYN and SETIAWAN, FANNIE FELITA and Semuel, Hatane and Mangoting, Yenni (2020) Learning environment, students attitude and intention to enhance current knowledge in the context of choosing accounting career. [UNSPECIFIED] Hatane, Saarce Elsye and WIYONO, FELICIA and Tarigan, Josua (2020) Capital Structure and Board Characteristics in Firm Performances of Indonesian Lq45 Companies. THE INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 23 (2). pp. 213-240. ISSN 2655-1748 Hermawan, Surya and SANJAYA, ALBERT JANITRA and WIJAYA, BOBBY HARTANTO and GABY, GRETEL (2020) Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kampung Putat Jaya dengan Membangun Kolam Ikan Lele Jurnal. [UNSPECIFIED] Hermawan, Surya (2020) Ilmu Lingkungan. PT. Kanisius. ISBN 978-979-21-6406-0 Hermawan, Surya (2020) Pemanfaatan dan Pengembangan Kelimpahan Sumber Daya Kelautan Indonesia Secara Berkelanjutan. PT. Kanisius. ISBN 978-979-21-6537-1 Hermawan, Surya (2020) Pemanfaatan dan Pengembangan Kelimpahan Sumber Daya Kelautan Indonesia Secara Berkelanjutan. [UNSPECIFIED] Hermawan, Surya and HARSONO, KEVIN and BONG, NIGEL (2020) Sustainable Design for Passage Boat Ports in Remote Areas in Era Construction 4.0 at Sidoarjo East Java Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Hermawan, Surya and HARSONO, KEVIN and BONG, NIGEL (2020) Sustainable design for passage boat ports in remote areas in era construction 4.0 at sidoarjo east java indonesia. In: 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure, 29-04-2020 - 29-04-2020, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Hermawan, Surya and HARSONO, KEVIN and BONG, NIGEL and Gho, Danny Wahyudi (2020) The Utilization of Hydrodinamics Models in Validating the East Java Rip Current in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. In: The 5th Engineering Science and Technology International Conference, 09-09-2020 - 09-09-2020, Padang - Indonesia. Hermawan, Surya and LODOROHI, DEBORAH MARIA GETRUIDE and APRIANDI, (2020) Kepedulian Mahasiswa Terhadap Kesadaran Anak-Anak Akan Lingkungan Sekitar Melalui Program Lomba Menghias Tempat Sampah di Kawasan Kelurahan Putat Jaya. Journal of Community Service Consortium, 1 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN xxxxxxxx Hermawan, Surya and Leman, Susanto (2020) Implementation Photography as a Media and Supports in Construction Era 4.0 at the Civil Engineering for the Construction Design to Face Tidal Floods due to Global Warming. In: 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure , 29-04-2020 - 29-04-2020, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. IINTANI, ANASTASIA TERTIARA DIVA and WAHYUDI, KATHRYN IMMANUEL and Mulyono, Grace (2020) Perancangan Inovasi Display Sepatu Fleksibel untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Bagi Kebutuhan Sentra UKM. [UNSPECIFIED] Indrani, Hedy Constancia and Ekasiwi, Sri Nastiti Nugrahani (2020) Conceptual model of soundscape perception based on working behaviour in open-plan offices. In: The 1st Biennial International Conference on Acoustic and Vibration (ANV) 2020, 24-11-2020 - 24-11-2020, Surabaya - Indonesia. Indriyani, Ratih and DARMAWAN, REGINA CINDY and Gougui, Ayub (2020) Entrepreneurial Spirit Among University Students in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Indriyani, Ratih and HANDJAYA, HENDRO PRAKOSO and Gougui, Ayub (2020) Measuring Employee Performance of Shuttle Cock Industry in Surakarta, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Indriyani, Ratih and SURI, ATITA (2020) Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Melalui Motivasi Konsumen Pada Produk Fast Fashion. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, 14 (1). pp. 25-34. ISSN 1907-235X Intan, Rolly and Halim, Siana and Dewi, Lily Puspa (2020) Approximate Reasoning in the Knowledge-Based Dynamic Fuzzy Sets. Journal of Computers, 15 (2). pp. 59-72. ISSN 1796-203X JJOHAN, IVANNA SYIFA and Indriyani, Ratih (2020) Measuring Repurchase Intention on Fashion Online Shopping. [UNSPECIFIED] Japarianto, Edwin and Adelia, Stephanie (2020) PENGARUH TAMPILAN WEB DAN HARGA TERHADAP MINAT BELI DENGAN KEPERCAYAAN SEBAGAI INTERVENING VARIABLE PADA E-COMMERCE SHOPEE. Jurnal Manajemen pemasaran, 14 (1). pp. 35-42. ISSN 1907-235X Jason, Christ and Fame, Canizio Dranuciacao and Tulistyantoro, Lintu (2020) LAMPU RESIN “KOTAK LAMPU” UNTUK SERVICE LEARNING USAHA KECIL MENENGAH KAYU. Share Journal of Service learning, 6 (2). pp. 81-86. 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ISSN 02166283 KURNIAWAN, JASON YULESSIVA and Malelak, Mariana Ing and Astuti, Dewi (2020) Pengaruh Attitude, subjective Norm, Past Behavior, dan Perceived Control terhadap Budgeting Intention Mahasiswa di Surabaya. International Journal of Financial and Investment Studies (IJFIS), 1 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 00 Kartika, Endo Wijaya and PIENATA, CHINTYA (2020) The Role of Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Hotel Industry. [UNSPECIFIED] Kempa, Sesilya and ERIC, STEPHEN (2020) Creative Performance: Dampak Work Environment dan Creative Self-Efficacy (Studi Kasus di PT. Putra Mojo Maju Jaya Abadi). Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indonesia, 11 (2). pp. 282-299. ISSN 2301-8313 Kempa, Sesilya and GOTAMI, ERIKA (2020) Repurchase Intention pada Korean Skincare Product di Surabaya. Bisnis Perspektif, 11 (2). pp. 91-103. 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Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat(PETRA PRESS). ISBN 978-602-5446-19-1 Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2020) Adaptive Educational Resources Framework for e-Learning using Rule-Based System. In: Information and Communication Technologies for Intelligent System 2020, 16-05-2020 - 16-05-2020, Ahmedabad - India. Santoso, Leo Willyanto (2020) Genetic Programming Approach for Classification Problem using GPU. In: 2020 7th Int. Conf. on Elect. Eng., Comp. Sci. and Informatics (EECSI), 02-10-2020 - 02-10-2020, Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2020) Keluarga Yang Bertumbuh Serupa Kristus. 1 . Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PETRA PRESS). ISBN 978-602-5446-18-4 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2020) Murid Kristus Mengasihi Tuhan Yesus Kristus Untuk Anak 6-7 Tahun. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, PETRA PRESS, Universitas Kristen Petra. ISBN 978-602-5446-37-5 Santoso, Magdalena Pranata (2020) Murid Kristus Mengasihi Tuhan Yesus Kristus Untuk Anak 7-8 Tahun. 1 . Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, PETRA PRESS, Universitas Kristen Petra. ISBN 978-602-5446-39-9 Santoso, Thomas (2020) MEMAHAMI MODAL SOSIAL. CV Saga Jawadwipa. ISBN 978-602-5758-99-7 Sari, Lily Eka (2020) THE CHALLENGES OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD INCLUSION. Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi, 3 (2). pp. 92-101. ISSN 2580-9806 Sari, Sriti Mayang (2020) IMPLEMENTATION OF PERSONALIZATION IN THE INTERIOR OF CUBICLE WORKSPACE. In: International Seminar on Language, Literatur, Culture and Education 2019, 16-05-2020 - 16-05-2020, Kendari - Indonesia. Sari, Sriti Mayang and Yong, Sherly De (2020) Implementation of well-designed interior spaces, with psychological concepts and solutions for private workspaces in Surabaya. [UNSPECIFIED] Semuel, Hatane (2020) ONLINE CONSUMER ANALYSIS OF INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL BATIK PRODUCTS. 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[UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy (2020) An Integrative Reviews: The Role of Transformational Leadership and Personality Leaders Against Followers Performance Through Leader-Member Exchanges and Trustworthiness. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy (2020) DEALING WITH GENERATIONAL CHANGES EMPLOYEES: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF GENERATION Z AND ITS PERCEPTIONS ON OFFICE WORK IN THE HEALTH INDUSTRY CONTEXT. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy (2020) LEADERS PERSPECTIVE ON LEADER MEMBER EXCHANGE: A CONCEPTUAL REVIEW. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy (2020) The Measurements of Follower Performance in aspects of Leadership, Personality, Leader-Member Exchange, and Trustworthiness. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Abu-Rumman, Ayman and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and S.D, P. Ratna Mary, Ch. and Pachala, Vijaya Vani and Khan, Aslam and Sankaran, Deepak (2020) Building Strategies for The Banking Sector During the Economic Crisis. 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Jerusha Angelen (2020) The Effects of Tools and Rewards Provided to White-Collar and Blue-Collar Workers and Impact on Their Motivation and Productivity. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Eliyana, Anis and Suryani, Tatik (2020) AN EXPLORATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL VALUES BASED DEVELOPMENTAL INTERACTION CAPABILITY. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Eliyana, Anis and Suryani, Tatik (2020) GREEN CAMPUS COMPETITIVENESS: IMPLEMENTATION OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Eliyana, Anis and Suryani, Tatik (2020) Measuring Pro-Growth Working Environment: An Exploratory Factor Analysis. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Eliyana, Anis and Suryani, Tatik and CHRISTOPHER, JONATHAN (2020) Creating job satisfaction in a strict organization. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Eliyana, Anis and Suryani, Tatik and HANDOJO, ANGELINA (2020) Maximizing Happiness At Work: The Best Practices Of Transformational Leadership At Food And Beverage Start-Up Business In Indonesia. 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[UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Eliyana, Anis and Suryani, Tatik and SUGIHARTO, ENRICO OKTAVIAN (2020) The Roles of Work Climate and Knowledge Sharing: The Effect of Leader Creative Behavior to Organizational Creativity at Furniture Industries in Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Eliyana, Anis and Suryani, Tatik and WIKARSA, VINCENT PUTRA (2020) SHAPING CREATIVE PERFORMANCE IN THE DISRUPTIVE ERA: STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES PERSPECTIVE. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and G, Suresh and Pushparaj, T. and Santhose, S. Sam and Masood, Gazala and Arslan, Farrukh and Raisal, Ismail (2020) Impact of Empowering Leadership on Organizational Performance. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and HARTANTO, MICHELLE ANIELA NATHANIA (2020) The Roles Of Environmental Strategy And Innovation Performance: The Effects Of Absorptive Capacity To Competitive Advantage. 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[UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Rani, Kanchan and Cavaliere, Luigi Pio Leanardo and Hiep, Ngo Tan and Halder, Sudipta and Raisal, Ismail and Mishra, Ruby and Rajest, S. Suman (2020) References for Shopping Online Versus in Stores What Do Customers Prefer and How Do Offline Retailers Cope with It? [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and Suryani, Tatik and WIRADINATA, GISELA TIRSA and Eliyana, Anis (2020) Boosting innovative work behavior on local branded fashion: The evidence from Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Roy and YOHANES, ARTHUR GREGORIUS (2020) A Study Of Behaviour Management: The Effect Of Transformational Leadership To Employee Innovative Behaviour Through Collaborative Human Resource Management And Adhocracy Organizational Culture. [UNSPECIFIED] Setiawan, Rudy (2020) The Effect of Service Quality and Service Value on Suroboyo Bus Passenger Satisfaction. 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ISBN 978-623-231-586-0 Sitinjak, Ronald Hasudungan Irianto (2020) Apropriasi Rumah Tradisional Batak Toba pada Arsitektur Gereja Katolik Pangururan di Samosir. [UNSPECIFIED] Sitinjak, Ronald Hasudungan Irianto and Wardani, Laksmi Kusuma and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna (2020) The Iconography of Sonaf Nis None Traditional House in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. [UNSPECIFIED] Sitinjak, Ronald Hasudungan Irianto and Wardani, Laksmi Kusuma and Nilasari, Poppy Firtatwentyna (2020) Traditional Balinese Architecture: From Cosmic to Modern. [UNSPECIFIED] Soegondo, Sylviana Putri Sunario (2020) REDESIGNING A NEGATIVE SPACE THROUGH CPTED IN SUSUKINO DISTRICT, SAPPORO, JAPAN. [UNSPECIFIED] Soegondo, Sylviana Putri Sunario and Arifin, Lilianny Sigit (2020) SERVICE-LEARNING DALAM PENDIDIKAN ARSITEKTUR: MOMEN KRITIS DALAM SUATU REFLEKSI. [UNSPECIFIED] Suprajitno, Setefanus (2020) Reconstructing Chineseness: Chinese Media and Chinese Identity in PostReform Indonesia. 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ISSN 0126-219X Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and BUDIMAN, WESLEY and PHILBERT, KRESNA VINCENT (2020) STRENGTH AND DIMENSION ACCURACY IN FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING : A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PARTS MAKING USING ABS AND PLA POLYMERS. Rekayasa Mesin, 11 (1). pp. 69-76. ISSN 2477-6041 Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Wahjudi, Didik and NJO, RICKY KURNIAWAN (2020) Proses Remanufaktur pada Komponen Otomotif. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 17 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 1410-9867 print / 2656-3290 online Tanoto, Yopi Yusuf and Anggono, Juliana and FEFE, (2020) OPTIMIZATION OF FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING PARAMETERS FOR HIPS FLEXURAL STRENGTH WITH TAGUCHI METHOD. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research and Application (iCOMERA), 08-10-2020 - 08-10-2020, Malang - Indonesia. Tanoto, Yusak and Haghdadi, Navid and Bruce, Anna and MacGill, Iain (2020) Clustering based assessment of cost, security and environmental tradeoffs with possible future electricity generation portfolios. 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